Anyone found any drugs that help their autism? prescription drugs Ive had do absolutely nothing for me

Anyone found any drugs that help their autism? prescription drugs Ive had do absolutely nothing for me

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shoot the person in the head, the bullet will reset the brain

Tried clonadine. Didn't help
Risperidone is ok. Atomoxitine (however spelt) is okish.

Unironically marijuana

Smoking half a bowl before any social situation helps me immensely be less sef conscious

Try a benzo. Most autistic shit I pull are due to being anxious in the moment and seeing some grandiose solution and ending up standing there staring at the ground kicking sand. Pulling controverzial topics out of my ass in front of strangers like abortion rape, guns etc was normal until my anxiety went down. also you can never buy street Xanax it's always pressed with other shit that will fuck you up

Marijuana raises heart rate and general anxiety if you have a disorder. I'd rather take a few shots in before a stressful social situation then weed. And I'm prescribed anxiety meds and have a med card cause you can't buy cbd without one here.

>Pulling controverzial topics out of my ass in front of strangers like abortion rape, guns etc was normal until my anxiety went down

I laughed hard

Zyklon B might work
give it a shot

massive steroid abuse kinda pushed a lever in my head and made me a more confident and social person, I stopped to take the stuff years ago and it changed my life

>trying to fix absolutley everything with weed



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Drugs are diff for lots of ppl. Weed totally helps me sleep and it makes me chill out and stop over thinking every tiny thing. But pills usually have a neg effect on me. Uppers and downers don’t help me they actually exacerbate all my problems such as anxiety

u need therapy, nod weed, dipshit

I've sound cutting out caffeine helps a bit. It would send my heart rate sky high making my anxiety worse

Cyanide can fix it.

>I've sound

Benzos but you'll get addicted