Ask an experimental physicist anything

Ask an experimental physicist anything

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is that light bondage equipment?

In a sense yes. It binds light within it and forces it to move in particular ways

Why can't I get dubs?

kind of ρ aren't you

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I was elaborating in case other people read it, also i'm tired as hell and sometimes can't separate the bait and the actual retardation


nice quads. checked.



If ftl travel is feasible, does that mean we can defeat causality?

This is a somewhat common misconception. conventional FTL is physically impossible, but that's strictly because the speed of light is the speed of causality. There are no theoretical mechanisms that could get around this, as pretty much every self consistent theory needs to be casual.

can't handle the theory?

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What about warping spacetime with negative energy tho?

Isn’t that science fiction?

Eh, I thought I wanted a job in industry so I went the experimental route. Turns out industry is kind of ass and i'm tempted to go back into academia.
My personal interest in theory is with restricted topological systems, mainly non-abelian anyon brading statistics.
Maybe, but negative energy theories are out of my expertise. That's more for the HET guys and I'm a CME guy.

Do you think that the energy produced by our thoughts affects the world in any meaningful way?

Are there any physical laws that laed you to think God exists?

What is the most interesting thing about physics in your opinion?

Could someone microwave a burrito so hot that it rips our universe a new anus?

I like how physics works to develop models of the world around us, and how these models can grow and "elegantly" expand without having to do much digging. It's like one big domino effect

I don't think there's enough stored energy in the burrito to impact the universe as a whole, but it could tear our solar system a new anus for sure.

If the "time" before the universe was a singularly, does that mean that time was infinite yet also nothing before inflation? Therefore meaning that time can only exist if mater exists

How do you feel about gay marriage?

I didn't study much GR, but I remember learning that if you trace the path of all geodesics back to the big bang, they converge at one point. It's not that time was both infinite and nothing, there just was no time before the big bang, There's a lot of different theories focusing on what happened before the big bang, but i'm no expert in them

I don't think marriage should be a legal thing at all honestly. I think any consenting adults should be allowed a civil union with the tax benefits and such, and marriage should be left for religious ceremonies.

Two questions. Do you think crystals should go in the butt? How does work with magnets also in the butt and also up the peepee?

What’s the central mass of your mom’s black hole

Crystals shouldn't go in the butt,
if you put magnets in the butt and up the peepee they'll get stuck and damage them.

A diverging quantity the closer you get to it

Ok but what if I put them in a tube inside a tube And then use a laser, will it make a big wet?

Can I use strobe to pregnate light?

What made you want to be an experimental physicist? Did you consider any other types of physicists before choosing experimental?

whats the deal with SMBH's dictating the size of galaxy's, i thought u fella's said they didn't have the gravitational energy to affect such a large area.

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How do magnets work?

It will make a very big wet, but probably not the wet you want
I thought about doing theory but when I first started physics I thought I wanted to do instrumental work and liked building things, but didn't like the lack of novelty that's in engineering
There's actually a lot of cool connections between SMBH's and galaxy growth, but I can't explain them very well since my field isn't cosmology
Alignment of electron spin in a material

>It binds light within it
No it doesn't. It's C-band waveguide.

What’s something you learned during your studies that stuck with you out of bizarreness or interest

You do realize that light doesn't have to be in the optical domain right? Just because they're in the GHz range doesn't mean they aren't photons

>optical domain
That's literally what light is retard. Not all EMF=light.

Is there a way to connect two holes into one hole that makes double fast for time? Checkmate.

I think one of the bigger ones to me is something called the aharonov bohm effect. Basically it shows that mathematical quantities known as potentials, something that's generally free to be changed at will in order to make a problem easier, have actual physical impact on the world.

That's a pretty gay answer.

Newton or Einstein?

Because infrared and ultraviolet aren't light? Sure I should have said electromagnetic waves to be more specific, but at the end of the day, a photon is a quanta of light be it visible or not. I should have been more clear, but it's all the same.

Is that because you value foundation over innovation, or do you have some other reason?

Non-Newtonian physics; How do you feel about it?

transformer steel = M 400-50 A
Diameter = 22 mm, L = 120 mm
Electromagnetic coil:
Diameter1 = 23 mm, Diameter2 = 30 mm, L =100 mm, Magnet wire = CuL-1,25 mm, coil windings 320;

I = 22 A

holding force f0 = ?
holding forcef+15mm = ?

Attached: electromagnet2.gif (580x317, 73K)

I just said Newton because in terms of overall leaps in physics he did way more. What Einstein and the others worked on was groundbreaking and very impressive, but Newton was able to lay out the first principles that we based everything else on.
I don't "feel" any way about it. Newton was wrong about a lot of things and we've advanced past it. Non-Newtonian physics is just as physical as newtonian physics

Ask an engineer, or just plug it into COMSOL

What's the thinking on tearing a hole into a different dimension. Any speculative thinking on this. I know it's science fantasy at this stage?

If i poop sideways and it make a thicc poop, but if longways is it still same poop. How do one butt poop two kinds of poops? How come? Hmm.

One day it might be possible once String theory guys set good upper and lower bounds on the required energy to observe hidden dimensions, but it's pretty far beyond our reach

>Ask an experimental physicist anything
>Ask an experimental physicist anything
>Ask an experimental physicist anything
>Ask an experimental physicist anything

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You're free to ask whatever you want, and I gave the answer I wanted to give. I didn't say I would solve every problem

>You're free to ask whatever you want

transformer steel = M 400-50 A
Diameter = 22 mm, L = 120 mm
Electromagnetic coil:
Diameter1 = 23 mm, Diameter2 = 30 mm, L =100 mm, Magnet wire = CuL-1,25 mm, coil windings 320;

I = 22 A

holding force f0 = ?
holding forcef+15mm = ?

Attached: 62500.jpg (597x410, 81K)

What are you defining as the holding force? And what do you mean holding force + a unit of length?

Forget it, you experimental physicist;

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correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've come to understand, trying to view "space" and "time" in physics as separate entities is incorrect because anything with mass (space) has to travel forward through time. therefore the only things that can avoid the effects of time are things without mass which would mean for something to be part of space, it MUST also be part of time. which also theoretically means if you were to find a way to make yourself have no mass, you should be able to travel through time. I'm not any kind of scientist I just love science so thanks for the input!

If mirror do not reflect light, and absorb light. It just is opposite of real life. So in mirror land if I wear sunglasses, does I not reflect darkness?

What is the best protection from rust, on iron based sheet metal?

Thread ded lol