Soon... I will have the power. Then all which I desire will be MINE

Soon... I will have the power. Then all which I desire will be MINE.

Attached: F4B61819-A3CD-4463-B157-BC461E673259.jpg (2307x2307, 1.19M)

good thing you went on Yea Forums to announce that

wut dat neggr? ugly fingers.

so soon you can have unlimited traps and anime girls? how nice for you

Fucking astrology or symbol worship bs

What's taking you so long OP?

ur a stinky nigger

Lesser Key of Solomon, huh? This may take a while.

Whatever you paid for this was too much.

Hail our all mighty Queen Lilith

That simply translates to "OP is a Fagot"

please tell me you atleast know what kabbalah is?

are you aware of da'at?
that would be super important for magick...

Also the lignum aloes part is a lie
lignum aloes is not oud
it's litterally the woody part of suculents that grow in israel. This is important because the incense is what gets you high enough to escape assiah and atleast make it to yetzirah where you could see a spirit.

(ノT_T)ノ ^━ is it the secret to no fap

A goetian and a wiccan got into a fight. The witch got bored and left while the goet had somebody else pick the hair out of his teeth.

You do realize a at the start of the key to king solomons temple it mentions NOT to talk about it

This thread look far more interesting when I thought those were vacuum tube designs.

dont summon the devil
dont call in a priest
if you should need the strength
then Conjuring!

Masturbation actually can be quite effective with Chaos Sex Magick

I’m not trying to summon deamons. Primarily trying to unlock certain potentials within me.

summoning and conjuring are not one and the same

Can you elaborate?

Yep found that out when I started visualizing/imagining while I masturbate

Watch out, u will birth a chaos spawn!

Watch out with that chaos magik, u don’t want the space marines stomping on your face

watch out, watch out, watch out!

The emperor is sending his inquisitors. They will eradicate the chaos scourge by the god emperors might.

U obviously do not know what you are doing, and if by miracle u manage to actually do something chances are big ull just frie ur brain and end up in a mental institution complaining about the voices in your head and being fed pills to keep you docile.. if you cant ride a bicicle you dont jump on a motorcycle

But I wanna feel the throbbing engine between muh legs

Checked and kek'd

Red Pill LvL 2/10

keep trying user you can do it !

yea good luck with that

Can't tell if summerfag or level 2 mage...

Yea bro with magic practices you will change a lot, but not outside ur mind.

In college I jerked off on a sigil wihle on mushrooms to try to get a girl to love me.
Didn't work and I'm still obsessed with her

>Has real power
>Posts here
Pick one.