This is the inaugural issue of the new [s4s] drama alert paper

this is the inaugural issue of the new [s4s] drama alert paper

Attached: dramaalert.png (1302x1503, 858K)

Other urls found in this thread:

interesting interesting

breaking drama alert: im going to nuke norway

how much for the issue?

this is a good idea, keep at it

i'd love to see an s4s namefag get their fingers sawed off by a mexican drug cartel

I like the article that I'm in

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ebin, I shall bumpe

Which one?

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any and all
subhuman retards

good thing im not name fig :] but still talked about in paper :))) as if i was :)))))) special exception binshe

its FAAAAAAAAAKE some WEIRDO on Yea Forums "SENORITA WOOPS WOBLE" posted a bunch of pics of this random fuckin mysterious black kid "EDDY", probably CHILD GROOMING VICTIM, and WINDSOR would occasionally repost them while imitating my mannerisms. calling bunk and putting my foot down on this one. classic windsor trick

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so like i was saying

so em wat prugramme u use to drews?

dubs! wooh!
dond b a drama llama
watch doremi ann hug ur mama

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

CLIP! STUDIO! PAINT!!!!111 (ex)

Attached: wiggle.webm (640x480, 298K)

Only talks about attention whore namfigs? Zzzzzzzzzzz not interested ill pass keep on walkin buddy

so anyway like i was saying

u ggo girle!!! leds b abobe da influence

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 162K)

oohh nooo, why it costse money ?! XD!~!

2damntru . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. ... . .. . .

gay ass fukking nigger shit fuk u (and ur grandad)

ids bury worf id.... in my imo!
u cud getttttttttt id thru udder memes... if u catch my memeing.... WINK!!!!!
or u cud wait ffor a sale

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第02話「ハナちゃん6年生になる!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 170K)

watch ur lamguage yung ladye...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第02話「ハナちゃん6年生になる!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 187K)

YEAH? YEAH........

squeaky clean boarde ffor famlelys ann kidse!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第02話「ハナちゃん6年生になる!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 134K)

just what we DON'T need. take a hike with your paper! boo hss


Attached: Our butts won't get stuck.webm (960x720, 1.03M)

sory i am bab at winke xD HOWE! XD!!!! pls helpe I hava brain brokbelm

hate u and the paper u came in on , belong in trash bin


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belong with waste in waste bin paper

thank you all for your kind words and harsh criticisms your opinions will help shape the future of this paper
i will be setting up an email addy soon for scoop submissions and hot tips and whoever sends in the most scandalous story will receive a modest amazon gift card as their prize
hope to see you all in future threads which will likely be either weekly or a monthly depending on the amount of drama that goes on

stop sperging out sparkles it's just an image

i love you

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/bant/ tier paper- also no Yuji Sakai

I only made it into the news a few times before. Thanks reporter user.
I haven't had a name before this one and I have yet to talk to catfish, but I think carpel tunnel is cool because he keeps posting my wife

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I'd like to mention that this month we did not only have doremi's thread pinned, but we also had a thread where we all confessed our love and appreciation to doremi
I think this should be in there too.

well isn't this a thing

i read this paper
nice dubs

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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

i–––––– alrite i was joken bro ur paper is funny fren :]

borin' ol legendarily-mediocre past-prime namefig doesn't "GET IT" color me unsurprised

That's what you get namefigs

stupid little dangly foots thinkging they are so cute next to cute pine apples , dangly foot bitch thinks shes the shit, foot so obviously dainty dangly foot bitch fuck y OO OO O OO O Ou

borin' ol legendarily-mediocre past-prime sparkles thinks there's something to "GET" about his autistic ramblings color me unsurprised

eugh.., copy MY descriptor but then add the TIRED AH-HAH-HASS ~cru starts laffen @ this pt~ fuckin "AUTISTIC RAMBLINGS" accusation. cheex full flush, 4u, bro. 'tshow facepalmed i am. in the wake of ur post. swandivin in2 yikezoidz

lol umad

no bro dookcru's on decc laffen aatchu wat dont u understand

y bro y umad

jokes on all yalls's bro im leaning into the subplot here with utmost efficiency & u are just the interchangeable FILLER i need to CHEST BEAT at MOUNTAINTOPPE ~catches shuttle-golf-cart –––––– c ya suckaaaaaaaz


ur seething bro :/

hello, catfish
a pleasure to finally meet you.

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ok ye i rly wanted to explore the idea here glad u are keeping with it–––– so like, 4 me, 4 ultimate goal, 2 b like, "hell yea bro i ended the convo with insinu8ns of anger how can he recover", absolute classic, but eh. not in2 it. i'd rather wave my FREAK FLAG HIGH, HIGH, WUAOUGHE ~qitar solo~ and go out a-swinging and a-topsy-turvy NUTBAR than simple "thread guardian" type role dude-at-end-of-bar telling-u-2-scram. and yet there is a element of humour that remains with posts of INCREASING length & INCREASING detail being met with same simple "heh angery" so i mean if thats really YUJI2019 then so be it but i jus feel like the namefigure's above that 2 be honest and ur kinda sharting on it bro

wow that a really post... looks like umad

meant to say really LONG post... LOLE!!!

would UMAD posters admit there is even an ounce of frustration in their insistence on the UMAD subplot ????? doubt it. and yet, of course, right? is that really what YUJI is about? well, no, he is perturbed, he has been insulted, and must defend his honor, with some starter-pacc bull sh•t, meanwhile here i am havin a GRAND OL TIME cause i ENJOY the conflict, he doesnt GET that i ENJOY the conflict, and so he adopts strategy of a fuckin ROLEY POLEY bug totally shutting down just riding that little SHRED of NOTHING into the sunset, fucking SU UU UU UU U UU UU UCKS fuck YO OO OO O OO O U , thanks for the feedback bro theres ur anger bro happy dude FUCK Y OO O O OA OOUA OUA OUOUA OUOU H

I admit I honestly think your raging rn

'know how OFTEN i TYPESCREAM in to this COMMENTBOX u think i am afriad of your FUCKING accusation ? NOOOOOOOOPE fuck OO O O O OO O O F FF FF F F FF.

there is no need 2 b upset

'fthat's YUJI2020 BRO, i mean, i hate to see it come to that but, 'ey. 'is wuddit is.

the poster you are talking to is not me. it's some reddit troll who has been posting similar boring posts here for at least a few weeks now. just ignore those posts because he clearly thinks he's epic and funny (in other words he's probably a teenager)


ah...... yeh. cant say i havent dabbled in namefig defacement m'self, h'heh heh . . . :beer:

don't get me wrong, i don't care about "defacement". it's just i wanted to say he's the one who posts all these frogs and wojaks under anonymous and several different namefigs. he probably thinks he's an epic troll mastermind manipulator. you know, the kind of behavior from someone who just discovered Yea Forums / the internet

the kind of MEASURED, FOCUSED reply i remember getting from TRU YUJI in previous deep convos..... word up .. . .. . .. . . .. .

oh no now there's 2 ppl mad @ me :(

(rare dubs! wooh!)
bullyign is wrogn

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第19話「お父さんは素直になれない!?」( (640x480, 157K)

shut up cis scum

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i dond thing anythink i say is d*mb.
i thing id maeks alot ob cents tto nod b upsetti spaghetti ann wanna fite eberyday

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ur stupid

this is very good thank you user

He's right, you know
The fight starts before the first shot is fired
Pick your battles, fight the one's that matter.

cat is small lion is bigger
fuck doremi ITS A NIGGER

not so bad paper take back outta trash dust off paper

good paper i read it!

peepee poopoo :)

hahahahahahaha hah ahhaha ahhahahahaha hah ahahahahahahah ah ha haha dubs hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaaha hah hahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahaahahahhaha hah ahaha hah hah ah h hahahhahahah hahha hhahahaha ha hah

I genuionely do not like black people

drama llama

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[s4s] has basically turned into 2016 era youtube with all the drama loving teens anyway so yeah why not


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: Pink.jpg (1080x1583, 363K)

Good riddance.
Now only Yuji Sakai needs to commit suicide.

when are other issues coming out i wanna make sure not to miss any

which one of the 5

also seuss and dormifag and the schizo

That Yuji whom he got constantly into arguments. The edgy one

But didn't Pink say he loved doremi?
Wasn't there a whole thread but he probably just shot up some heroin while posting it. Kek

that was obviously dormifag impostering him and trying to make himself look good, as usual
why do you think the only people that "like" him are notorious namefigs

this paper is biased against doremiposters since there’s no mention of the sticky

I remember the thread and his was phone posting/ used Pink Floyd lyrics and replaced them with doremi. He also posted the same gifs. But can't be sure if it was really him i'm gonna try to find the thread and link it.

fuck you nigger

Can't find it but found some where he was constantly arguing with people kek

ask yourself why a person like that would advocate for dormishitter

Found it lole

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Lyrics are from: Pink Floyd The Wall - Vera

dont rly wanna make it tough
i just wanna tell u that i had enough

also here I think his mind completely broke just look at that greentext.
Kys over 200$ must be the most retarded thing ever, this guy had more issues than some small debt.
The Heroin needle felling out of his arm made me kek hard though


we're all getting into arguments constantly lol

yuji sakai is one mind

We don't know for sure he did it, he might have just run out of internet on his phone ..

Your'e right
I'm not happy with drama lamma forgetting about our dear fren
it's not very nice.

Yuji Sakai is on my mind



And here.
That Death Note part, laughed so hecking hard and then the reply from Yujis Sakai's Mother I couldn't stop loving. God I miss him he was honestly one of the funniest posters this last week.
I hope he did survive and keeps posting again otherwise I hope he found peace wherever he may have ended up heaven, hell or nothingness but we will see

Forgot link

don’t be rude eat nice food

golby thred........

'the fuck up

bullyign doesnd maek u happy
id neber wlell
dubs! wooh!

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 17 - In'nen no Rival!! Harukaze to Tamaki [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][0D (960x720, 421K)

times i was the monkey man...

the very first time i was the monkey man . . .