Shadilay s4s, why are you guys so nice. This it the friendliest board but why?
Shadilay s4s, why are you guys so nice. This it the friendliest board but why?
It's just 10% luck
20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason to lower the age of consent for women
sopa de macaco uma delicia
Its all in the hips
Should I play the original GC Shantae or skip to risky's revenge immediately?
it's a long story
Someone was nice as a joke once, but the joke caught on, and then new people joined not realizing the ironic aspect, so they tried to fit in by actually being nice. Some of the original ironic niceposters even forgot this history and so they are unironically nice as well.
being nice is the ultimate redpill
ironic memes redpill normies
it's just another way for you to troll people
instead of acting like an insufferable asshole you act like an insufferable asshole that's "nice"
that's all it fucking is for you faggots, just a novel way to troll people
you give away how new you are by clinging to it so desperately.
nobody here is actually "nice." it'd be a lot more accurate to say that they are all lonely autistic nobodies that are so completely deprived of human interaction, they become completely attached to this board when some complete stranger here tells them to have a nice day. it's a completely empty gesture, of course, but they instantly want to try and fit in with the "nice" culture because they so desperately want to feel like they belong somewhere. sadly, deep down, they're still a bunch of lonely autistic nobodies, and they'll turn from pretending to be nice innocent souls to a bunch of bitter vile cunts in an instant.
all day every day.
woah bros
haha chill out
dubs nice
take a sip of life, filled with strife, i have a gripe
i did not forget you.
get off this board and get a life haha
kind of proving my point dipshits
why do you come on this board just to complain about it?
why does anyone come here to post anything at all
because they enjoy its content, unlike you.
(dubs! wooh!)
ur liek dis eberyday....
dis is a reminser dat beign nice isnt hard... ann beign r*de wont maek u happye
tto hab fun wid eachudder!
I come here to drink toilet water mostly
Just slurp it on down
doremiposter's got it down, see? this is where nice people congregate to share our appreciation for one another. if you dislike it, you're free to leave anytime. ;)
>"enjoying" s4s's "content"
nigger do you have brain AIDS
you accidentally multiplied the 7s instead of concatenating them
you were so close to getting dubs...
better luck next time!
that kind of doesn't matter since this conversation was originally about pointing out that you are only pretending to be nice and you have pretty much admitted to it, so theres no more point to talking with you. have fun with your trolls, kiddo
dubs! wooh!
but who r u quotey?
humor is subjective, nobody cares what you find funny or not funny.
ids.... rly obious
you know what i find funny
drinking toilet water
because it's exactly what you do on this board all day
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
let it all out fren
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
pepee poopoo
you smell like a dog shoe
i know you may feel empty and sad, but we're still here for you user :)
Joke explained on board with blond boy, fren
5th post best post
unchecked dube!
u funny br o pls namefig so i can follow u
A H**HA H*A *H(H(*A H(*A (H*H*(A H*(A H*(A H*(H*(A H*(A H*(A *H(A*(H H(*A H*(A
did you fail life?,,, we can drink toilet water together!!!
i've been waiting for this moment all my life
drink up pals
Hydration is important!