I really hate black people. No joke...

I really hate black people. No joke. I cannot stand them and I don't know what is wrong with liberals how they can like them. You guys are all cucks and black dick sucking fags. Niggers do nothing for white people.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Blame the white man for bringing them there to start off with.

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I blame the Union for setting them free. They were fine as slaves.

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And you'd rather have a dipshit like this?

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Jews owned the slave ships and auction houses. They had this planned all along.

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But your mom seems to like them

don't give me that bullshit. according to DNA tests done on blacks the European DNA in them is mostly from Anglo men

Fuck you incel. Niggers suck my dick not the other way around. If you can't deal with it strap yourself to rocket and fuck off. Cuz, they ain't leaving anytime soon

then why am I white? so is my half brother

so do you apparently

Good timing bro

sure faggot. your ass is stretched to shit from all the black dick you take in it, libcuck

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All blacks are gay

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Oh yeah one picture of a twisted commie cuck boy. I bet you look at that all the time just to mitigate your fear of and subconscious acknowledgement that leftist and niggers are going to stomp you in. And when we do I will laugh

you like black dick in your ass. you are gay

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shut up you wigger faggot. every wigger i have ever seen was a scrawny bitch. I took on 5 different guys at once after i called a black dude a nigger downtown and none of them did shit. I put two nigs on the ground and I called the white guy who came to his aid a faggot and a cuck and he didn't do shit but get mad.

No seriously I live in St Louis MO you know how hard I have to try to not get a blowjob. Just today. One chick and two guys offered to suck me off three separate occasions. It's actually weird. Tbh

>one chick and TWO guys

Yeah you real big and tough. Until you get stabbed then you ain't doing shit. I might be a scrawny wigger but if I got my hands on you will bleed out.



So what I'm a faggot just cuz a guy hit on me. Man you crazy.


i would kill you in one punch you weak little Eminem looking faggot

you're a faggot for bragging about it

why do you fight for niggers when they can't stand you and would love to see you dead?

I really hate racist people. No joke. I cannot stand them and I don't know what is wrong with KKK members how they can like them. You guys are all cucks and racist dick sucking fags. Racist do nothing for anybody.


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>leftist and niggers are going to stomp you
LOL, one far-right guy can kill thousands of these subhumans, EASILY

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I'm not really a fan either op. politics aside it's just natural to dislike nigs...

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dude thinks niggers will be nice to him because of that tee, unaware that they can't read and even the ones that can will chimp on him anyway for being white....

Hahahaha what's it like being white and having a tiny penis? Ya mad bro? Hahaha pimple faced basement dweller pussy who would never insult a black man to his face, which is why you're airing your frustrations on an anonymous forum. Hahahaha white pussies!

Why do leftists always, without fail, talk about dicks? It's fucking weird.

bullshit bitch i have beaten up 6 niggers

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this is what happens when a real nazi gets in your face bitch nigger. you get your teeth kicked in

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"muh dick"

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That's in your mind man. There will always be some people that don't like you. Negros have done a lot more for me than these retarded Trump loving honkies here is St Louis. The reason they treat me well is because I'm not a super privileged white guy anymore. I lost everything. I'm down here with them. Except for my family every hand on my comeback has been black. Just wait till you have nothing and they're the only ones listening. Then you will learn.

i tower over almost every nigger i see you fucking slave bitch

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no you are fucking retarded. niggers are all loyal to their race. you have the protection of the government now. if the government were to collapse they would gang up on you, kill you in a second and take everything you own

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ok retard

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I hate it when pol leaks into the other boards.

No you are fucking retarded. The police are not stopping them from doing something. If people wanted me dead I'd be dead. When I had nowhere to go they took my chump change and called it rent. When I was starving they broke me off. When I walk around the worst neighborhood in the city with a black woman nobody says shit. Your polls lie. Those stats might be true but they don't mean every black person or even most black people are prejudiced. Give them a chance.

racists are more afraid of the police than of niggers

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Don't attempt to reason with people like OP; they hate for the sake of hating because they are generally angry at the world and thus are constantly searching for outlets to direct that anger through.

Oh sure one righteous soldier can level the untermensh. If that were true why is every white nation overrun? If that's true what happened to Hitler's Germany? Did it not get stomped by the red army. Oh wait it did. Suck my dick your Nazi fag

i will never believe your bullshit.
>if they wanted you dead you'd be dead
but then the police would be on their ass and put them away
>took your chump change
something is better than nothing
>worst neighborhood with a black woman
police are around the block
>polls lie

Germans killed twice as many Russians as vice versa, bitch.

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>If that were true why is every white nation overrun
>Did it not get stomped by the red army
Nope, Russian winter stomped Hitler

I've had a rough week I couldn't help myself. Besides maybe they will hopefully. Someday op will be broke and homeless in St Louis and he will find out black people aren't so bad. Then again he'll probably just sperg out and get shot so he should just stay in his little white scum pond wherever it be at

And they still lost. Hilarious

Yes, actually. That "dipshit" is very unlikely to rape or murder you, unlike a nigger, who is statistically much more likely to do both.

Of course, a female nigger will just give you diseases like pic related.

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white Americans lost worse

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can't wait until a nigger shoots you and you die feeling like a fucking retard

You won't believe because your sick. Corrupt narrative and media has twisted you into believing that black America is truly awful and it just isn't.

what did they lose? more Russians died and Russia is way poorer than Germany still. did Germany lose having to take in more shitskins? OY VEY THAT'S RACIST!

No matter how much you defend them, the niggers will always hate you. They will use you against your own people, but they wont accept you as one of theirs. Pull up your pants and come home.

lol the neighborhood you live in most likely looks like a literal fucking garbage dump

Five people got shot in a drive-by last week and the police can't find their dicks with both hand. The system is broken here man. Sure there will always be a person here and there that wants trouble. But most black people treat me like family. Not hating. Being good to people does more to protect me than anything else could.

Because you have a tiny dick? Hahahahaha

Hispanics are of any race my fucking dick. We are a blend of European and Asian. The native peoples were largely descendants of the mongol who arrived through Canada and Pacific Islanders who sailed to South America before indoor plumbing was a thing in Europe.

Goddamn right we are different than niggers who haven’t done shit in 3000 years.

who shot them? NIGGERS

I am home you fucking idiot

And OP does nothing for black people sooooooo

okay I'd agree with that.

Off-season crisis actor.

white people pay niggers welfare and give them affirmative action. what do niggers give back?

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YaY y'all found the 11 videos of a white person actually beating up a black person. I bet the ratio is 2000:1 blacks pounding whites. Speaking of, how mad do y'all get when you see a black dude railing a hot ass white chick, or just walking down the street with a white 10 knowing ya'll couldn't pull a 3? Hahahahahahahahahahah


Most underrepresented race in universities and most over represented race in jails. Yeah the hood really sounds like utopia.

You're make having a black gf extra fun. All I gotta do is be happy and you lose your shit. Bonus points for the fact that she was a virgin when we met, and she loves to cook

just racist whitebois

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Everyone who pays taxes pays for welfare and it's practically nothing. Sorry you're poor. If your income tax was 15 dollars less every month you'd be able to afford hd Netflix.

I have personally beaten up 6 niggers. You are full of shit you fucking nigger. You've never fought a white guy in your life. Fucking slave loser. You'd never get a girl without the Jews shilling for you.

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Well duh. Goes to another point they way more interested in hurting each other than me. But also nothing is protecting except for my empathy. They never expect to be treated right. Be good to people and it's highly unlikely you will get hurt


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Bawwwwww what about me

whites pay for it and black take from it

lmao while whitey doing that, tyrone is taking your women

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Nah, there are a lot more prison beat downs from cops beating niggs to a pulp. Because you stupid niggers think you can win any fight until you get your shit pushed in. And go to jail. And then literally get your shit pushed in.

Oh wow tell us all your street fight stories I bet you're actually really tough! I can't imagine a tough guy would post about how tough he is on the internet for all of us to read!

Blacks also pay for it and whites also take from it you fucking retard.

you have a tiny Asian penis, Tenda

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Will you please call your family instead of posting nigger on Yea Forums? Nobody cares and nobody is triggered except you.

Call your dad. If you know who he is.

i choked out a Hebrew Israelite faggot while calling him a nigger at Buffalo City Mission. the first time i choked him out i beat his ass in 5 seconds. he wanted to go again so the second time i called him a slave and a nigger and said if he wanted to fuck white women i'd make him my bitch instead. i choked out another fat nigger in front of McDonald's in the hood after he said he'd whoop my ass. I called a black girl a nigger and then a black dude came up to fight me so I grabbed him by the collar and he had to pretend to have a gun to get me off him. My black roommate sucker punched then I came back on him and the pussy had to bite me to get me to stop. Another nigger sucker punched me and I put him in a figure 4 and made him quit.

Ok I can do that. Will you do my thing now?

look at the chart dumbass. blacks mainly take and whites mainly give

I’ve slit people’s throats for Uncle Sam, junior. Street fights are for niggers, frat boys, and pussies. I’m a prison guard and I’m the baddest cat in the jungle. New inmates try to pretend until they catch a beat down.

fuck off bitch you aren't me. kill yourself

Tldr I flew an airplane into the wtc and have over 300 confirmed kills in Afghanistan. Wow you're really tough! I bet you have big muscles and aren't fat and old huh? Can we see what you look like Captain Nochin

Anyone know why you never see a white supremacist by himself? No?

Could it be bcz they only feel like they are tough or worth a shit if they have 20 other white supremacist faggots with them.

Same reason they wear that stupid dunce cap with a mask... they are too pussy to show themselves in public bcz they know they'd get their ass beat. Lol!

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>mooom! Bullies are posting niggers on Yea Forums

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Eugh cringe

let's see what you look like nigger. you'll just pretend like you know whether i can fight from a picture so it's fucking irrelevant

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You missed this little gem.


literally nothing to do with welfare or affirmative action

Nigger nigger nigger. nobody cares. It has zero effect. At least say something funny or novel. It's so played out and boring when that's all you do.

Pussy. Have fun in your moms basement. Say hi to the guy that fucks her for me.

Please post your hulking frame because you are the ultimate badass, correct? Don't forget the timestamp!


you can't see my frame nor tell my height from a picture dumbfuck.

How big is your knife collection? You ever lick the blades? I bet that would be badass.

black men are so tough. just look at this black alpha

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i got a picture of you, nigger

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OP must have seen the girl he liked with a black guy and thought “fuck niggers”. Lmao you fucking cuck

I can tell you're a fat old bitch with no chin who can barely move though. It's fine don't worry about it tho. It's not like anyone actually believes you're a badass. You're an internet tough guy. :*

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you will just say that I'm ugly with no actual proof of whether i can fight or not so what's fucking point?

Nobody said anything about black men. We're talking about what a weak and fat ugly bitch YOU see when you look in the mirror. Show us that beautiful Aryan physique fam. Let's see how tough you are.

you will just doubt my claims. even though they're all fucking facts. that i've beaten up 6 niggers

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I am the world's biggest badass. I will assault people in the street over nothing. I will beat the fuck out of anyone. You step to me and I cave your head in. No I will not post my picture on an anonymous image board because that's too scary. Cognitive dissonance and delusion.

yeah exactly bitch "herp derp you're ugly" ive still beat up 6 niggers you fucking black manlet

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OMG black dudes are so tough

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You're fat. You aren't tough. You pretend to be tough online because you are not tough irl. We've all seen this a billion times. You are a wannabe pussy. Keep it up nobody has any idea you're completely full of shit.

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meet me somewhere bitch nigger. you have nothing but internet Jew porn lying and saying you are special. i tower over most niggers in real life. I am 6 foot. the average American nigger is 5 9


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>just racist whitebois
no, I'm not white and I also don't like blacks at all


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You just mad cause they get to fuck the women you don't get to you subhuman piece of shit. How about you stop blaming others for your sad worthless ass life. You need to get rid of that Hall of Fame School Shooter badge & grow the fuck up pussy.

you fucking nigger. you live vicariously through Jew porn. what proof do you have that you're tough or in any place to be talking shit? you people were our slaves

I'm 196, manlet. Also I'm whiter than you.

I'm mad because Jews pimp our women to niggers you mean? Niggers are fucking worthless, dumb, ugly, weak in reality, lie about the size of their cocks, were our slaves.

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This is me.

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you hate niggers but your mom and sisters LOVE NIGGER COCK and trust me all the females in you life have sucked nigger dick at some point

I used to beat up my 6 7 wrestling partner and as a worthless fucking Eurofag you don't know shit about how niggers are actually like so you had ought to keep you faggot mouth shut.

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Jew nigger Jew
Nigger Jew


I have fucked black women and not a single woman in my entire family has a baby by a nigger.


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look at this faggot doing some ahegao shit. post your real pic homo.

Hahahahaha you're a basement dwelling incel, Tom. Besides, everyone (including my white ass) knows prison guards and policemen are only "tough" bcz they have a badge and a gun. Otherwise they are the same white trash that you are.

honk honk thk Kek born White Anglo-Saxon

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still you cannot debunk the fact that niggers are worthless and white people would be 10 times better without them and that freeing them was a huge mistake

post your pic pussy nigger

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I'm an american. You're projecting really hard. I don't need to tell you I could fuck you up because I'm not s'insecure

you are a cuck who takes black dick up your ass, race traitor

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Nasty nagger

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This is me. You post yours first faggot.

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sure you could you big for nothing pussy. i would deck your lanklet ass. Chimpanzees are short as fuck but could kill almost any human. Lanklets are highly overrated.

Hey OP is this you? Xd

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that's right.. no balls

You Incels are a bunch of whinny ass stoopid idiots. It smells like bitch in here.


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Lololol does anyone hear a mouse squeaking?

shut up nigger

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You want to see my balls?

weak pussy nigger you would never get laid without internet Jew porn

Attached: Tall+guy+fights+short+guy+another+case+of+trying+to_a9d8e4_6862036.gif (300x240, 1020K)

White supremacy is real, that is why (((they))) fear White pride so much

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Who’s the girl? Looks like Billie eillish and I dig it


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Historic fact - Whites are the greatest race to ever grace the face of the earth. We raised the bar.

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Welp guys turns out he's a manlet. Huge surprise there. Hey short stuff please keep fantasizing about how big and powerful you are on the internet ok? Don't try to do anything in real life and accidentally trip over an acorn.

For the faggot that was begging to see my balls here you go.

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Non White countries are shit holes ( East Asian excluded )

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Eat a dick bitch, I'm free so, that word holds no power on me. Come up with a better slur you remedial child. Stop eating
your mom's chicken tendies you basement dweller & take maybe 75 or 100 dollars out of your mom's purse & get laid you sad sack of shit.

i'm 6 foot. i've beaten up 6 niggers and i've beaten worthless lanklets like you up. name a single championship held by a lanklet right now

I hate them so much I can't stand the mere sight of one. Just modded my Stardew Valley game to make Demetrius and Maru white.

The sight of a nigger is so repulsive. It's like staring at a giant uncaged hairless gorilla.

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shut up you worthless nigger. you'd never get laid without Jew porn

i found a picture of you you big for nothing dicklet

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Nah, you just butthurt bitch. Get that trap dick outta your mouth & get some pussy lol.

the funniest thing ever is starving niggers

I lol so much. won't it be great when they all starve to death in the near distant future when the gibs dry up?

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I interrupt this program to pose a serious question:

Do white guys hate black guys because they feel inferior to them? Physically and sexually at least?

Uh all of them. You aren't 6 foot. You're a manlet.

Riding her BBC - black boy carriage

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I posted my balls for you. Do you like them faggot?

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no. we hate them cause the Jews promote them in media and claim they are superior when they really aren't

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I can beat up anyone on the planet because I am white and short.

yes i am faggot and i would beat your lanklet ass. like i said i used to beat the shit out of this 6 7 big for nothing on my wrestling team

>I'm free so
not for long, lol. You'll be just like your subhumans ancestors and be useful for something when slavery comes back

Leftist science denial

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says the big for nothing who has never been in a fight

This. Those niggers on Sentinel island have 1 inch dicks. They are nothing but chained kongs for the kikes to control.

Where would you niggers be without your magic kikes? You're always sucking their dicks. lol

BTFO? Better 13digitfilename.jpg!

You wrestle with other men because you are gay.

Picture related, the average nigger sucking off his jewish master in Hollywood. lol


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you have never been in a fight cause you are weak, big for nothing


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I am the size of a child but trust me, I can beat up anyone. I have done it a lot actually but you'll have to take my word for it. ;)

>Do white guys hate black guys because they feel inferior to them? Physically and sexually at least?
No you imbecile, I hate blacks because they are literally worthless and I'm half black myself

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sure you can big for nothing lanklet bitch


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My feelings supposed to be hurt? Go on posting dicks while I look at pussy you cuck

I bullied the short kids in school. I regularly threw them in trash cans with my teammates. I have a broken nose and have been in countless fights. Won and lost. You have not. Child.

You Incels can't roast anyone to save ya worthless ass lives. Y'all just butthurt because y'all have no juice or sauce. Just bland, flavorless, & dull.

ITT the chimps are feral lol

Attached: chimp out.gif (224x255, 90K)

you mean every time you look in a mirror?

>won and lost
i would beat your ass weak lanklet

How does it feel to be a nigger that repeats jewish mantras?

The kikes taught you niggers everything you have as a defense. lol

muh dik

muh incelz

we wuz kangs

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>I can beat up anyone on the planet because I am white and short.
Go to an MMA gym and step into the cage.

you are literally mentally retarded you dumbass nigger and you would have nothing without fucking Jews

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is a proven fact that women fantasize about taking a huge black dick

you just made my case stronger. if it's only about dick size niggers happen to be well packed. stop being so insecure about your dick size

true. can't argue with that

As a strong dwarf I can attest hat although it's difficult to reach your opponents testicles, if you keep running your mouth and repeating yourself, they usually get bored and go away before they tell you to go back to your mushroom.

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Humans are not wolves

he's a baiting lanklet

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>this thread

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I am white and short and have beaten everyone on the planet to death because I am extremely tough you see big for someone tallchad

u white bois gonna pay i got my lightsaber

u scared yet whitey?

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because Jews brainwash them

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I am the size of a child and I am not triggered about it at all.

wrong bbc is a fucking hoax

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fuck you racist

Shut ya dumbass up lol, none of that bullshit is happening. Slavery? Coming back? We have a better chance at Jebus coming back. You are a slave, to your retarded ass mind Charlie Manson.

Did you like my balls?

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fuck you, nigger

bullshit bitch. slavery is coming back and you can't do shit to stop it

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ima own dem white crackas on Yea Forums lol

bix nood white boi

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black man so manly

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Hello I would like to admit I've been lying. I am not actually 196. I'm 182. I can beat the fuck out of you lanklet. Because as we know the smaller person wins in fights

Even better, every time I look at this thread.

muh giant dick white boi

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look at nigger women. lol

they are such ugly beast

even nigger men do not want them

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i would beat your ass faggot no matter what height, nigger lover

I see you like gay porn, I don't so... to each their own Incel. #EatADick #YouPrayEveryNiteForADickInYourMouth

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i see you're a poor, small penis nigger with nothing going for him

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this is basic biology it happens in every living organism. when a species is in danger of vanishing they try to multiply to increase the chance of that species survival

stop faggot. calling black women ugly does nothing for white men

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Nah I'm shorter than you. I would win. Please look at the gifs you posted for proof.

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>white supremacist
>time to dump my small dick black fellow collection


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There are no ugly white people as you know.

oh he mad

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nigger males are the enemy. nigger women are irrelevant

ITT: angry niggers lel

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What about the niggers who aren't on a desolate primitive island who have 10" dicks and are stealing your white women?

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Interesting to note that when confronted with any position of social acceptance that the reaction of the devout apologist (presumably leftist) counterloint is to blame Trump. OP never mentioned Trump, never cited any political stance that Trump puts forward, in fact cannot site a single Trump policy relating to the matter, yet the first argument made is that the problem must somehow relate to Trump.
It is pathetic and predictable at this point and every time I see it I am pushed harder towards my resolve to vote for Trump in 2020. And I didn't even vote for him the first time.

no such thing. bbc is a Jewish hoax

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Incel, your words mean nothing to me as I'm not one of you. Keep thinking you can make me feel any type of way. Again, I ain't gay so, if you like sick in your mouth & butt then more power to you. I just love to make racist people feel bad about themselves, I'm the Django of Yea Forums lol.


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you aren't me

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again cuck. black women are irrelevant

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all I do is laugh at pictures like this one lol

you grow racism like magic crystals. keep it up

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This makes sense except for the fact that it doesn’t take hundreds of thousands of years to make a dog breed.

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LIAR! Your thee imposter!
- Django "Unchained & Free."

selective breeding increases the speed of evolution

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she's married to a white guy

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Is that Bob Marley?

>Franchesca Ramsay
>Marries a white dude to produce half white kids
Isn't it funny that pretty much every successful black tries to racemix?

even when niggers are white they look like retarded orcs LOL

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black women love white cock and licking white men's assholes

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The were our slaves and now cry bitch and moan about everything. They lost the race joke war cause it always boils down to: “well you used to be our slaves and we fucked your women for hundreds of years, but ohhhh you really got me when you said I couldn’t dance, touché.”

Blecks do nothing for humanity bro.. They arent funny anymore

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im here to lol at and hate niggers. don't care if they are male or female i will never listen to you

just post pics so i can laugh at monkeys while you all get mad

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Holy fuck this thread is pathetic. OP you sound like a faggot who hates that his skin is white. What a fucking shame. You deserve nothing but death

Laugh all you want, you have free will Incel, that means you can also hang yourself with a moose & jump off a roof. Monkey insults also have no effect. Better slurs is what you need if you want to be an effective racist lol.

shut up nigger. what i hate is niggers

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Why are you retarded? lol

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you can do that shit too you fucking cuckold nigger lover

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Noose is what I meant my auto correct is spazzing out. Again, better slurs is what you need.

The only effective racism is hating them with no compromise whatsoever.

No kike can convince me nigger women are more than an ape, okay fag?

Go hang yourself with a moose. lol

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shut up nigger

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See this person gets it, someone get this guy a drink on the house.

low test. i hate niggers but i love their women and so did slave owners

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I’m white you dumb fuck and I have a bigger dick than you. You just sound salty. I really feel sorry for you, kill yourself already faggot

says the projecting libtard cuckold

sure you do nigger loving cuckold faggot. i highly fucking doubt it but I'm sure you love black dick up your cuckold faggot ass, traitor

nice nigger slang you pathetic wannabe wigger faggot loser

The guys on the bills are masonic scum oil drillers. lol

Live your life dedicated to them but I won't. I hate inferior beast for what they are and you can't change that ever.

You know, they might as well replace them with the pictures of the niggers.

Did you even read you dumb fucking porch monkey?

oil drillers are the true master race you cuck

oh okay i thought you were saying why ought not to be racist

Only a dirty kike would say that. The end result of such pairings is still a nigger, and a good percentage of them male. Go get your head examined Shlomo, your propaganda is so poorly scripted you couldn't convince a single person here otherwise.

Sorry let me speak to you in lay man terms, you sorry pathetic waste of air. You know what’s worse than a homeless black man. A homeless white man.

Y'all having a field day because of auto correct lol. Bet that's been the highlight of y'all day Incels. Cause y'all definitely not fucking.

so you literally think niggers are better than white people cause you're such a self hating cuckold

Wow, white people are very delusional... White culture (aka western culture) is the most defining thing in any white, normal person's life. Whites often use the term "modest" as a means of showing how little race or culture means to them (obviously inorder to seem redpilled) and I think it's disgusting. High-tech, medicine, biometrics, and almost every aspect of modern Life (and tech development the past 500 years) are thanks to the thing whites don't identify with: white culture

towering over by an entire inch, retarded

mutts are not the same as niggers and when the father is white the son has the white man's y chromosome and is superior

you fuck fat ugly bitches you dicklet nigger

You just come off to me as a retard. If you aren't a nigger, on an intelligence level there is no difference.

"y'all" getting all of this?

bullshit. i literally tower of them. 6 foot vs 5 9 is 3 inches you dumbass Eurofaggot

Are you even beginning to understand how stupid you sound?

All niggers in America are mutts, proven fact. Look it up.

I don't see them behaving like anything other than dumb apes.

They have white percentages . lol

I have fucked black women dumb nigger. All you have is a lie about your cock size fucking weak downlow baby dick nigger.

im 6'3 dont make me tower over you

they're 20% nigger and only 35% of the men have white Y chromosomes
50% white + 100% white Y chromosome would be much different

i'd knock you out like the weak ass lanklet you are

At this point you niggers got pwnt in this thread. Babble on, retarded monkeys.

Keep telling yourself that. You convinced nobody. Gnight mutt.

oil driller master race. stay mad you fucking cuckold

I never said blacks were better than whites. You just can’t seem to process simple fucking information and it’s quite ridiculous actually. You just sound like a little bitch who got bullied in school. I respect black folk because they have treated me with nothing but respect, with me also treating them with respect. Of course ive dealt with my share of shitty blacks when going out to the clubs but that’s on them. I understand that one person does not define a race. Are there things in black culture that I don’t agree with? Of course! But I’m an engineer, it’s literally not worth my time to hate on someone’s race or skin color, or worry so much about their life that I make a sub reddit posting faggot ass shit with both blacks and white and Cock. Grow up and actually communicate with a female.

bit like how those 5'9 blacks would knock you out really

Fucking a brown dirty ape is the definition of cuckold if you were white. But you're not a master race, you're a dumb fat amerimutt quadroon.

What you say doesn't matter. You are part of the problem. Remember that.

Is this about niggers?

you said a homeless white man is worse than a homeless black man you fucking cuckold

you take a lot of black dick up your ass i can tell, faggot

i've beaten up 6 niggers and never lost against once. try again fucking nigger loving cuckold race traitor black dick sucking faggot

nope. getting fucked by them is cuckold
fucking them is based and superior

you beat up some pussy who pretended he had a gun and someone who bit you, hardly the toughest competition

By your standard, blacks are expected to be homeless. Whats a white mans excuse to be homeless. Don’t you see, you’re just fucking dumb. Can’t even comprehend a simple fucking comparison. Sad! It’s voters like you that make Trump look bad.

It's been real, you racist Incels but, Django has to go. Had good fun trolling you stoopid idiots. I love how some of you really still have that Nazi/KKK vibe in 2019 lol. Do us all a favor & either get some ass or off yourselves because no one give a fuck how y'all feel. All you do is whine, most of you I bet are over the age of 21, you have no one to blame but yourself for your dry ass dick & worthless ass life. Man the fuck up & be the best version of yourself. Blacks don't fully die, we multiply lol & slavery isn't coming back you sad fuck. Nighty night, & keep your butthole tight because if you don't, you are gonna wake up & your anus is going to really hurt.

i beat up 6 different niggers and they were all pussies

you're fucking stupid. niggers get affirmative action while whites get fucked over. you are a cuckold nigger dick slurping soyboy faggot

You wish I took nig dick. The truth is that the black women love me. And I bet you’re probably a little jealous about that. Honestly though, you’d get fucked up irl. By anyone. Fuck, you get your ass kicked by fucking wee man. You sir are the real Cuck. When’s the last time you’ve even seen a pussy. Last time I checked you’re posting white cocks and black cocks.
Hol up, something ain’t right. Fag

slavery is coming back, nigger

pussies because you pick your fights