Homosexuality is involuntary and incurable just like pedosexuality

homosexuality is involuntary and incurable just like pedosexuality
I'm so sick of this denial culture. Society is literally in denial and it's why we can't have a dialogue about this.

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Fuck off gay baby

because you might hurt someones feelings, or worse, not agree with their opinions!

>can't have dialogue
probably because you keep coming to the wrong fucking place to start a "dialogue" champ.

kys faggot

Shut up libtard


great bait faggot

Your post proves the OPs point because you aren't even willing to fucking talk about it

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Get over it. There are many problem s we refuse to confront or even view rationally.

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you lost me at pedosexuality
i'm gay af and all for lgbt but get that pedo shit outta my board op

nah it's a choice

Fuck you and burn in hell. I shouldn't be hated just because I was fucking born

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die freak

You're hated because you want to fuck kids not because you were born retard

It's the irrational things we do that make us human. If we were purely rational robots we'd be very different. We expect people to act that way though. Which is fine if everyone's being taken care of well by the rest of their society. But otherwise we need to accommodate, accept, and talk about human quirks, failings, irrationalities, and such.

What if it's not a choice? What if you found out that, say, your own son or daughter was a pedophile but not by choice? If you can just entertain those scenarios for a second, and imagine yourself in their shoes even, I'm curious as to what kinds of things that makes you realize or think about.

Well my son or daughter would be a child themselves. Get help or kill yourself.

If I found out my kids or any one I know had an urge to have sex with underage children that are unable to consent I would probably gtfo and cut them out of my life. And to imagine myself in their shoes is harder said then done because I have no idea why you would want to bone a 9 year old kid and would not like to know. But for the sake of "having a dialogue" explain it to me Rodney Alcala

Nobody cares you are a faggot , shut the fuck up and go suck some dick . You have all the rights you need to do whatever the fuck you want we don't need to talk about you getting it in the ass all day long just so you can feel more included

I'm saying, how would you treat someone if you knew they were born that way and had no choice over it? And you also knew that they wished they weren't that way?

Are you trolling or retarded? Kids grow up...

>how would you treat someone if you knew they were born that way and had no choice over it?
Still feel disgusted by them having urges to fuck kids
HoW wOuLd yOu fEeL iF someone WaS jUsT naturally bOrN rAcIsT

The problem comes from the fact that Children cease to be children at some point
Even Gays strive to be with that one person they'll fuck and live with for the rest of their lives.

Let's imagine pedophilia is legal.
imagine a 13 year old girl
i'm assuming you are a man.
you fuck her, you get her pregnant, she has a child of your own before she turns 18, your lust and fetishism wouldn't even allow you to use a condom, maybe she'll have two of your children
A part of me tells me you will just cease to be attracted to her, op, and look for your next prey to impregnate, leaving her alone with the offspring you will most likely want to fuck too.

Worse if it's with a young boy, because anal sex takes time to get used to and to an unprepared individual will certainly leave with a mental trauma that they'll kill themselves from.

This thought process and theoric chain of events is why most people, including myself, find pedophiles to be such sick fucks

If it depended on me i would not allow you faggots to latch onto the LGBT movement by exploiting these retarded SJWs who'll just buy about anything you say so long as you call it a gender or a sexuality.

I rest my case

Just get a fucking therapist op.

I see how you’re coming to this conclusion op, but the problem is having sex with any kind of minor, (more times then not) effects them negativity. Children aren’t developed enough mentally and physically to handle sexual relations with an adult. You can’t compare the two because one has consequences are far different from the other. When two consenting adults (weither they are homosexuals or not) have sex there is an understanding and metal fortitude that comes along with the situation. Everyone knows that they are getting into, so they are less apt to walk away from the experience with some kind mentally crippling illness’, regrets, complex’s, etc. The bottom line is pedophilia will always have negative consequences and that’s why it’s (and should always be) illegal.

Racism is generally taught and can be unlearned. I'm sure some are more prone to biases than others.

Anyway, sure, you'd feel disgusted. But would you feel bad for them, or compassion?


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If racism can be taught and unlearnt why can't pedophilia be also

What if you ignore the moral implications and focus on the human being who is having these uncontrollable feelings that are part of their identity? What is that person supposed to do? Do you care about or feel compassionate towards then at all? Not that they should be allowed to have sex with kids, but they need help, otherwise they bottle it up and it'll eventually come out in bad ways.

now you'll say "why can't homosexuality be unlearned also?"

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If racism can be unlearnt so can homosexuality

dang i was close


Ok then we kill all the faggs simple as that

sounds like a crime not a sexuality