If this gets 300 replies I'll post face

If this gets 300 replies I'll post face

Attached: 1557386744668.gif (656x368, 1.31M)

The fuck is that?

nah. no thanks, faggot freak

Do you only use worms? Have you even sounded with the worms or cum on them?

A grown man with worms on his weenie.

Pm me. Kik pats808

Lol thats fucked


Attached: mr-clean-meme-1.jpg (750x1000, 75K)

This thread has potential

If your name turns out to be Zach
And I know you, I'm going to scream.

Wtf is sounding with worms

OP you have a nice cock


Attached: 1561360068303.jpg (304x308, 25K)

Sounding is putting shit down your dick. In this case worms down your dick. Tried sounding one, hurt like hell, especially pissing afterwards, but wiggly worms might add some extra feels.



We've already seen your face you pewdiepie looking motherfucker.

How autismo does he look?

Looks normal really.

Assuming this gets to 300 replies
