Trump/Putin/Netanyahoo Hate Edition

Attached: Trump McCain.jpg (960x786, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that 99% of racist or hate-filled posts on Yea Forums are by Russian shills

Attached: Trump banana.gif (373x324, 1.47M)

Shills stoke tension regarding LGBT, guns, abortion, fear mongering, racism, misogyny, xenophobia.

These are America's weaknesses, because we haven't dealt with them adequately

Attached: putin candy.jpg (728x508, 87K)

Shills can SOMETIMES be identified by lack of English proficiency

Attached: Russian troll.png (583x586, 472K)

The religious right hate jews but love Israel. Fuck Netanyahu

Attached: israeli soldiers.png (588x372, 392K)

Jews are alright. Some suck, just like anyone. And yeah, many are in banking, hollywood, doctors, lawyers, etc.

That's why we need more diversity and an equal education for all

Attached: trump bernie.webm (640x360, 1.17M)

Who feels the Bern?


"We like Bernie" -Russian GRU discussing strategy

Attached: Berniewouldhavewon.jpg (480x741, 32K)

>MFW private corporations run US elections and they've been proven to have been hacked by Russia
>Meanwhile, lame duck POTUS awaiting impeachment and prosecution neglects to take action

Attached: Russia indictment.png (681x532, 196K)

>MFW Yea Forums rules say that racism can only be posted on Yea Forums, then Moot bails when he sees the shithole he's created

Attached: trump call of duty.jpg (640x711, 91K)

Attached: trump dance.webm (720x576, 1.96M)

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>MFW POTUS is laughed at by the entire world at the United Nations

>"I could hear them smiling" -Trump (actual quote)

Attached: trump dick measure.jpg (960x956, 110K)

The actual stupidest fucking person on Earth
>Threatens to sue college board, HS, and college if they release his grades or scores
>"Very stable genius"


Attached: trump fbi director.jpg (460x581, 41K)

Trump & Clinton
>Best friends

Attached: trumpoline.webm (300x300, 1.99M)

Attached: trump floyd.jpg (693x686, 48K)

>Extremely disturbing relationship with his daughter

Attached: trump fucking daughter.jpg (1600x900, 207K)

They really are


Attached: trump marlboro.jpg (600x814, 485K)

How about some Putin hate?
>Attacks US democracy
>Globe's #1 shitposter

Attached: Putin dog.jpg (1863x1857, 742K)

Attached: putin notes.jpg (536x800, 70K)

Incompetency borders on Trump's own

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Attached: putin thumbs up.jpg (690x769, 103K)

Assblasted librulls itt lmao
keep crying bitch, 5 more years to go
>orange man bad
>muh "accelerate" goy, you can't win amyway *sips on his 20th soylent*
>they thought we would be dumb enough to not vote trump

>His wife hates him, and hates being first lady
>Trump didn't even want to be president
>"This campaign is gonna be The biggest political infomercial of all time"

Attached: trump melania innauguration.webm (640x360, 1016K)

learn better English Comrade

Attached: trump valentine's.jpg (720x709, 54K)

>Trump 4 Prison

Attached: trump prison.jpg (1024x617, 81K)

Attached: trump pods.jpg (944x500, 161K)

Attached: trump sandwich.jpg (2048x1536, 434K)

Yeah, you first, faggot ass nigger dick chugging retard
>waaah waaaah REEEEEEEEEE


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MFW racists will never win because they alienate every group
there goes half the population lmao

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Attached: trump tweets.jpg (2144x3896, 1.76M)

>Trump/Putin/Netanyahoo Hate Edition

Hating Americans, Russians, and Jews. Hitler would be proud

Attached: Dumbasses.jpg (744x558, 70K)

all 100% real
>"I have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke."
>"You're going to drop dead from that" -Trump, talking to his friend about exercising

Attached: putin thumbs up.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

This is great McCain was a commie cunt.

Attached: MP.png (636x493, 209K)

Look up Georgian retard. it's related to russian


Attached: israeli double standards.jpg (498x356, 171K)

It wasn't until recently that people took the 2nd ammendment to mean you could own any gun, several court cases before 2008 for centuries cemented the interpretation that if it had no practical defense purpose it was illegal

Fuck McCain, but don't insult Commies by lumping him in with us

Attached: capitalism.jpg (650x618, 74K)

DC V. Heller I think
>M I L I T I A

Attached: a salt rifle.jpg (714x728, 33K)

Attached: waiting-for-proof-of-russia-trump-collusion-still-.png (500x382, 109K)

You could just write disabled tbh, still
>half of the pop
Top kek
Your autistic screeching is nothing more than a tiny squeaky fart that you inflate proudly and yell "WHOOOSH, THAT WAS A BIG ONE"

>This is real in America
Take this country back from the terrorist NRA
>1200 kids dead per year from guns

Attached: gun share program.jpg (1100x619, 229K)


Attached: CwrmTA_W8AAZRbg.jpg (622x491, 85K)

I'm not waiting. I read the Mueller report that came out a couple months ago.

I guess you didn't? Hahahahahahahahahahahahah

>"We could not exonerate the president"
>"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you can find those 30k emails" followed by a Russian attack 5 hours later

Attached: russian security.jpg (598x343, 45K)

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>this is what euro's actually believe

Angry soros troll you are

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Attached: al qaeda.png (611x436, 361K)

Hillary is old news, get new material loser

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Attached: Hillary donald duck.gif (352x265, 2M)

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news flash, just because I correctly call Trump a traitor to the USA and an enemy to democracy doesn't mean I support Hillary
>2016 is over, your space is safe now

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>Trump appointee hates internet users and loves making Comcast rich

Attached: ajit.png (460x297, 86K)

this is the most effective raid i've ever seen on Yea Forums

>Le hillary hillary hillary

Buzz Shillington, it isn't gonna work. You're going to have to defend Traitor Trumps record. He's not running against Hillary anymore.

>He's running against the clock, on impeachment

Attached: barak HUSSEIN Obama.jpg (350x574, 83K)

>I don't know what United states v Miller is

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Attached: HillaryTroll.jpg (2248x1434, 501K)

me neither, enlighten us

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I'm NOT with her lmao never was

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In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument. Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense. Aymette v. State, 2 Humphreys (Tenn.) 154, 158. The signification attributed to the term Militia appears from the debates in the Convention, the history and legislation of Colonies and States, and the writings of approved commentators. These show plainly enough that the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. 'A body of citizens enrolled for military discipline.' And further, that ordinarily when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.

Death to Oligarchs Clinton, Trump, Putin, Kilimnik, Bezos, etc

Attached: clinton meme2.png (1600x1053, 977K)

>its the shills

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>Who feels the Bern?
I was feelin' the Bern last election, and I'll be feeling it again this election

tl;dr for me? It's late at night where I am and I can't give the words the attention they deserve for full understanding

>SCOTUS: one of the sickest and most unjust institutions on the Earth

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>There are shills online! Just look at JIDF, Correct the Record, Soros ...
>There are no shills online! Russia? What do you mean all these mass shooting gun nuts posts are meant to provoke terrorist attacks? And it's working?

He has talked about literally every item on this list, Idiot.

>MFW Backwards Russia will lose geopolitical strategic significance after the green energy revolution and labels global heating emergency "out of touch" and a "lie"
Good clue to disregard this shill moron

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My first reply to the misleading meme is the tl dr

Hello russia, how's the weather in Moscow?

If you aren’t in the army or militia your guns can be legally taken away

Do you think Russia stokes this one?
>Why wouldn't they?

Attached: area 51.jpg (640x607, 59K)

Lotta nonarguments in this thread.

That's not what it says


2016 is over. Quit crying

Attached: drone meme.jpg (640x624, 35K)

Jeb is a mess. Jeb is a Joke.

Attached: 1547371626232.jpg (1024x986, 93K)

college and medical care should be free tho, it is almost barbaric that it isn't free, like, dudes, grow the fuck up its almost 20s

it's called YLYL
It means "YOU post a meme you LIKE or else YOU LEAVE"

Attached: conservative tears.jpg (720x690, 54K)


Attached: CIA Facebook.jpg (1242x784, 52K)

Attached: conservative hypocrisy.jpg (640x917, 100K)

what a fucking mad lad. He was calling people stupid asses right before the election. love it and im not even a trumpfag

Conservatism: The delusional belief proved wrong 100% of the time that everything is perfectly fine they way it is

Attached: ancap taxes.png (500x563, 128K)

You can’t be an evil genius and a buffoon at the same time, yet the left accuses Trump and Putin of being both.

it's hilarious, but also brings disgrace on the US

Attached: racist trolls.jpg (672x499, 89K)

why can't you?

Trump has some genius tendencies in his character. I'll tell you which if you post a meme, or post "Death to oligarchy"

Attached: Guns.jpg (1024x768, 219K)

You must be new.

Attached: covfefe.jpg (768x768, 99K)

Not arguments.


it wasn't always Russians, but they started in 2015 and accelerated the campaign ever since

Attached: Border patrol doggo.webm (960x540, 1.6M)

Never forgive never forget.

Attached: 1553454108943.jpg (480x360, 31K)

Not an argument.

it's called a meme dumbass

>"Not an argument, Kid"
This is a favorite of shills because it doesn't take much mastery of English, and doesn't require any thoughtful of engagement

Attached: checkmate capitalists.png (500x469, 102K)

>iss shills
>Shills errywhere

Attached: 315C8582-CC7C-4F6F-9F15-B80AA99E9DB9.png (684x529, 119K)

I won't forget, but I'll forgive them when the Dems begin to fight for the working class again.

They haven't in 50 years, but that changes this year

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Fuck this thread

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>Implying shills aren't on Yea Forums
Wow, I wonder who would argue against such an obvious point?

Attached: cis stitch.png (500x647, 139K)

It's because Israel is part of the end times in their holy book.

Christians are a death cult.

Attached: Distributive Property.png (484x526, 72K)

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I agree with your take.

Some Christians are alright but American Christianity is super culty

Attached: christian consent.jpg (500x464, 66K)

Attached: christ.gif (350x440, 445K)

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Not arguments.

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no wonder be can’t tell the difference: he’s a nigger
At least we agree on something across the political divide


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Don't get me started on Brett "I like Beer and raping girls" Kavanaugh

Attached: Facebook Protections Quiz.png (685x458, 626K)

Attached: fear&loathinginthewhitehouse.jpg (1200x873, 134K)

Attached: hillary's emails.gif (438x255, 1.78M)

It’s NSA you certinous imbecile. CIA is not allowed to operate internally

Attached: race housing.jpg (1314x860, 395K)

Not arguments.

I'm liberal as fuck and I've never had soy in my life.

Come up with a new insult or kill yourself.

> Pic related is next, I'm sure.

Attached: 1551646139103.png (1010x855, 542K)

>CIA is not allowed to operate internally
and yet, they have and probably still are

Attached: fosters home for imaginary friends.jpg (541x412, 58K)

Go ahead and get started, shill. You will lose.

Slow down buddy, us nerds hate niggers too.

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Attached: fuckingliar.jpg (750x500, 77K)

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You've probably had soy, it's in countless products

Attached: krusty krab is unfair.jpg (1205x1224, 275K)

Not arguments.


Damn. he admitted to fucking with her then tried again in the late 2000's.

Then she went on to support Trump! hahahah


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CIA is foreign intelligence dumb shit.

Not arguments.

Yeah I know but I have to dumb it down for the chuds who can barely read as it is.

But look at that guys face,

Attached: 36718EC9-F31C-4130-B207-BFD5DA9C3C58.jpg (396x382, 6K)

what does your comment even mean?

nvm idrc

Attached: frankenstein.jpg (1024x768, 209K)

Not arguments.

Attached: friendship ended.png (695x540, 524K)

Not seeing any from you either, shit head.

Attached: shitforbrains.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Attached: racial realist.png (593x552, 50K)

Trump is a fucking retard that needs to be locked up in a mental facility for the rest of his life.

First time I lost to a banana. Dunno why, I've seen that one before


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Attached: rascism is bad.webm (640x360, 1.13M)

Not arguments.

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Not an argument.

Attached: abobo.jpg (600x450, 35K)

Attached: feminem.jpg (960x940, 125K)

What a way to spend your time.

You’re going places, kid.

Attached: 1550463844433.jpg (563x749, 93K)

Attached: Bumper-Sticker-Ithaca-Tuck-Frump-e1455597653621.jpg (600x371, 59K)

Not arguments.

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Wtf is wrong with niggas eyes in that shit he looks like he got maced

Not an argument.

Attached: 0B1EB03B-09FB-4C23-BCFA-F1FF20E12B65.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Take your meds mental illness doesn't suit you.

whats the original

Lol Faggot, 4 Chan is nothing but a big waste of time.

Attached: 0B9D62F1-792C-4A26-B69E-FE28DD3E17C4.jpg (516x526, 24K)

Attached: 8FF24FFB-3533-4D95-9996-C5A4ADE5FE0E.jpg (800x600, 90K)

Not arguments.

Turf detected

fucking top kek user lmao

>implying Trump knows how to use a PC

you tried bud, maybe reddit will like it better

Not an argument.

Nice troll.

Attached: 39B741F1-DEDC-4110-B03B-4EA6737A8FB8.jpg (400x285, 33K)

thanks trump bot 1000

Attached: 1563245834645.jpg (1024x685, 114K)

The left can’t meme

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Attached: D06B3A65-B3AD-4ADB-8357-43B4C5FDDC15.jpg (1025x1025, 180K)

Not an argument.

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Me, I am finishing up my masters in applied math looking to go into some form of AI field and hoping that he wins big time. 20$ minimum wage is gonna boost the living shit out of the automation industry in the west which should be pretty good for me career wise.

losing against a paid russian shill? nah.

Not an argument.

we admit kikes have higher IQ but there are fewer kikes in the world therefore far fewer intelligent ones. it's also different because Jews leech off of whites not the other way around

Not an argument.

And one has actual science behind it, fetuses are not people

Attached: EDAE6FAC-E222-4B47-87BA-9FE868998484.jpg (960x586, 150K)

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Top was 1000 years ago, bottom was 1000 years ago and also today. But we are all the exact same :)

And? Europe is on fire, the middle east is a smouldering crater, africa is still stuck in the stone age. These countries are laughing at the US when they should really be sorting their shit out at home instead.

Like anyone on this shitty site is doing anything productive

Yes it is, it refutes the comparison

Not an argument.

Immediately release the fetus from its shackles and let it survive on it's own, separated from it's oppressor, then. Same goes for slaves in bondage. Great point.


Attached: 1561405313997.jpg (426x785, 36K)

Not an argument.

Attached: 8B043574-89CC-48D4-A41B-74661B6BB536.jpg (1242x2208, 201K)

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Not arguments.

Rusky bot, be gone.

What is the binomial nomenclature then?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Buddy, come on. That's not what an argument is. What don't you understand about that?

Attached: 996F033C-55F9-4D2C-97CE-CA3CB3012C64.jpg (464x259, 36K)

I'm not making an argument, I'm simply stating that at this point in time with respect to the economy and technology a 20$ minimum wage benefits me as a data scientist more than it benefits the dude working the cashier at walmart.

Not an argument.

>I'm not making an argument.
That's what I said.

Its predominantly black mothers getting abortions. If anyone cared about black people they would help them raise their children not throw money pills drugs and fetus murder at them.

Attached: 1558251073992.png (500x522, 120K)

A discussion of differing views

So what you want is photoshopped pics to make Trump look bad because you don't have anything on him? Yikes

Attached: 434B659F-7606-426C-8CA8-45D7431F286F.jpg (640x530, 153K)

Attached: 1563077838062.jpg (720x315, 18K)

Trump does a fantastic job of making himself look bad. You don't have to use photoshop to help.

If you're an unskilled redneck it probably is the fault of immigrants your life is fucked tbh. Why am I gonna pay some white dude 50$ to take care of my yard when I could pay one of the illegals hanging around outside home depot 15 to do the same job. If whitey wants to work he better be competitive with his pricing.

1) nice globalpost shift
2) for people getting abortions, it's almost always their choice because it's what's best for them
3) abortion is not murder, as a fetus is not a person


Almost like "Trump's not my president" "Russian collusion" and "America is so awful now because Trump is president"

This trash has been going on since before he was elected. Fucking thread is old news.

Attached: 1F8E71D8-F5D8-4A2F-9D1A-91C09237ABA6.jpg (960x960, 169K)

Not arguments.

This is a real problem that needs addressed now.

Attached: 1554492028364.jpg (960x528, 68K)

Not an argument.

Yes it is, I pointed out how the points user made were fallacious and made life worse for some

Stop it. That's not what an argument is. Not an argument.

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As if they have been dealt with properly in Russia!!!

Attached: Vladimir-Putin-Gay-Clown.jpg (480x269, 24K)

Yes it is, I proved that my views were valid, but anons views have factual issues

Not an argument.

Not an argument. I don't know what else to tell you.

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pretty sure it was, though

Taking as premise that a view with actual science behind it is superior, and that the view of fetuses as "not people" has actual science behind it, we can conclude that it is a superior view.

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Attached: 94667EA3-0E17-42B2-A11D-A8A1E4A38182.jpg (960x758, 98K)

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

wasting dubs to show such summerfaggotry

Not an argument. How many times do I have to say that?

but it is

if the premise is that what is definable as an "argument" has a premise and a conclusion that refers to the premise, that user's argument was an argument, and this argument is an argument explaining it

I don't care if you're memeing I went to school for this and I'm gonna use it

I literally have a master's in debate. What you posted is NOT an argument.

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Worst ylyl ever

user pls

I never understood the notion of the "hard working mexican". I've worked in food and construction. Mexicans are the laziest pieces of shit who half ass everything and only move quickly when it means they get to go home after they finish.

Not an argument.
No. I took an oath to pull all nonarguments out from the dark and into the light that all men may see them for the villains they truly are and I intend to see it through.

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation


Anecdotal evidence is not empirical evidence

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Not arguments.

Amazing how the smallest organism is enough to classify to science and scientists as life on Mars but a fetus with a developing heart and brain is just garbage.

Attached: b0999b866123fb7232ead1c.jpg (612x612, 61K)

user some of those are arguments
you have to stop

1. Things that are awful have to be stopped
2. You are awful
/.: You have to be stopped

That image didn't have any arguments either. Why are you assuming anyone are making arguments?

Not an argument.

>Have worked with hundreds of different Mexicans
>the vast majority are totally useless bug brained subhumans with no work ethic and drug addictions
>Someone claims Mexicans are good hard working peoples based on literally no experience or statistics.
One gets taken as fact, the other "anecdotal evidence". Anyone in blue collar would never hire a spic to do anything.

No one's saying it's not life, but it still isn't human

Not an argument.

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Not an argument.

>The left can’t meme

Attached: 1539412789086.jpg (125x76, 2K)


it is, by Modus Ponens 1-2, not only an argument but a valid one and also a true one and that makes it a sound one

I will see them as average humans until someone shows me empirical evidence that they are either hard working or lazy

Ashkenazi have higher IQ's on average in specific areas of IQ testing.
When you switch to G factor the gap is smaller.
But Sephardic Jews have average IQ's in the 80's. And the properly Semitic sand nigger Jews have average IQ's in the 90's.

Alright, I've honestly never faced anyone this stubborn before. I'm not sure what to do other than ignore you.
Not arguments.

But the left wants higher minimum wage

fully mature organism =/= developing heart and brain

>Everyone I don't like is ________________.

Soros troll
Storm front

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Not arguments.

If you let yourself believe that it is you who are not human.

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Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

user they're all arguments they're just not all sound arguments. You can have an argument with incorrect premises and as long as it has a conclusion it is still an argument, just unsound

Can you explain how a fetus is a human?

Not arguments, I guarantee it.

Not an argument.

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation

Yes it is, it proves your point wrong with a valid explanation


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Not an argument.

fuck Palestine, Abbas and Arafat.

Attached: 6518B8EC-9205-4EEE-B9AB-D79CE33AD56C.jpg (750x872, 112K)

Im sorry your father molested you

Not an argument.

Oh, he did a lot of things but that wasn't one of them. Even if he did molest me, that's no argument.

If you have sex = make a baby
Its not a tape worm or a cancerous growth its a child you made your actions brought it into existence.

The human brain doesn't fully develop until the early 20's by your retarded logic any parent should be able to kill their child anytime before their 20s

You made the decision if you kill it there should be consequences.

And there will be life long altering consequences.

wow they tried I guess that means they succeeded and I also guess this had nothing also to do with Obama and they've never once tried this before and also the US doesn't do this to other countries either yes you definitely have a point what a smoking gun.

I can guarantee you China was trying as well. As well as many other countries. There is zero proof thy succeeded in doing a single thing and actually quite a lot of proof they didn't. Get the FUCK over it, it's been goddamn years now.

>Not an argument.

Attached: memeretardedfaggot.png (416x435, 123K)


Jesus Christ if you still think the UN is anything other than a steaming cesspool of AIDS-ridden diarrhea garbage you are a fuckin mong

To be fair, some don't need constant healthcare.
There's nothing wrong with "pay as you go" model.

wow sure is a lot of mossad cancer in here.....

Attached: obvb8.png (1440x1440, 203K)

what dreamworld are you living in... a shit-ton of the vote against Hillary (or the people who stayed home) were in protest OF Obama. You really think he set the goddamn table?