Name one thing, not dependent on muscular function, that men can do better than women.
Name one thing, not dependent on muscular function, that men can do better than women
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men can apparently be better women than women
Pee Standing up
if that's a female in OP's pic i would fuck her eyes straight
We're better at being men then woman are at being men
Being a man
Anything and everything
Apparently fags suck dick better than females
Idk cause I've never gotten good dick suck from either female or an effeminized faggot
Tits or gtfo
Shut the fuck up
Wouldn't it be a lot easier to name one thing women can do better?
All humans are fucking garbage inherently. Sex is never worth it, neither are friends, or your family. We all just gotta wait to die, nature will get us. Also, all of us a worthless retarded fags for being on Yea Forums. I fucking hate everything and everyone, nothing is better. Fucking A.
raise children
>Running governments
>Enforcing law
Everything. Even being women since that fag Jenner won women of the year
Everyone sucks
You probably suck
Everyone is just worthless broooo
Pee on a camp fire
Every human alive is pretty fucking incompetent at anything
having a dick
We're better at fucking women.
I hope you kill yourself, faggot
Not worth it, all flesh rots retard
You are stupid and worthless, just like me, faggoronirooni!
muh dick
Sure, however you see it genius! Why do you talk to people here again?
Jenner is a flaming faggot that should be crucifried
in the five traits that make good managers, women are superior to men in four of them
also do your fucking homework
Shill the goyim?
>think more rationally without emotion
>better business management
>less personal maintenance
>generally more responsible because they are less effected by emotional and physical ailments
I'd shell your goyim, you, and anything I could afford to, because fuck anything living
Make weapons and slaughter people.
Adding. Generally less likely to make things personal or hold grudges in the workplace and in life.
You're a lying cockmuncher. Men are absolute pussies in the US, every single last one of them. Fucking monkeys who cant even be monkeys. Video games ate for faggots
Every woman a man cant have sex with makes him form a grudge against her, you lying shitfuckbitchass
So femanon or cuck detected?
Not have periods
>without emotion
i once had a guy threaten to kill me after i broke up with him. id say that's a pretty emotional response wouldn't you? he then went on to threaten to kill himself. literally overcome with emotions.
>better business management
do you even own your own business? like I do?
>less personal maintenance
refusing to shower isn't "less maintenance". its just you being disgusting, and everyone around you agrees with me. because they can fucking smell it. even your boss. which is wildly unprofessional, by the way.
>more responsible
this is just fucking laughable. ive still never met my father in my entire life, and im 29 years old. no phone calls, no emails. nothing. hows THAT for fucking "responsible"?
now kindly go kill yourself.
If women suddenly controlled all aspects of the US, we would be dominated by Russia or China. In fact, I personally don’t have an issue with a female president but many foreign countries respect a male more so. Makes you wonder if there “was more” as to why Hillary lost.
You’re turning me on sweapea
Men tend to be better with spacial reasoning while women tend to be better at emotional reasoning.
Cool. Take care of us while we stay home and “raise the kids”.
Neither, a human who hates other humans for their lack of being a slut. You all disappoint the fuck out of me every fucking day. I'm so fucking happy for you that you wish to be divided from other humans. I love that you see yourself as different, it means you suffer more. The more we isolate each other, the maximization of misery, motherfucker, let us see those suicide numbers go UP UP UP! Stay divided and please sate my miserable, hateful, bitter ass. I love a fool, they doom the rest of species to nothing. I love nothing and the idea of all life dying. Go ahead and categorize to avoid people, please be my guest. I love tears and pain.
Thank you so much dude, the aroma of fat, sweaty cock and rotten cum was filling this thread
Yup, men make way better food - probably because they’re better decision makers over all
You need to get laid.
>not dependent on muscle function
Okay retard
Just about everything besides running your mouth.
I don't want it, sorry. Too much time has passed. I would rather focus on what is real, science and math, while watching you fools chase drug highs from sex you could've gotten with drugs by themselves. Dumb bastard faggots. You think I don't know my body wants sex? I DONT WANT SEX, AND I HATE THOSE THAT ENJOY IT.
>Supreme Gentleman 2
handling shit like a man and not being some little bitch about it
Have I done that ONCE this entire fucking thread?!?! Do you regards not have eyes that fucking read? I am a batshit human with a cock, THAT DOES NOT want to fucking calm down. I hope you kill yourself so fucking hard.
RETARDS, not regards. None of you fucking even deserve that. Fucking fleshy hungry faggots bitching about differences you made up based on SINGLE individuals. SO FUCKING DUMB
Seriously tho, FUCK YOU BUDDY! I'm probs the most batty of a cunt here, I just hate all of you. You arent going to hunt me down a rape me, you're pathetic. None of you want to even try, so why fucking care like you pretend to?
Men are better at navigation and with shape recognition, while females are better at color recognition
> coocoo
Roastie wannabe emcel
You a faggoroni, who needs to go kill yourself. You a fagggggggggg, kill yosufffffff
Prove it, shittycockgarggler
Write and perform comedy.
Even if this is proven science, it must be censored. Men and women must be equals. I will fucking find a way to make you all kill yourselves, you shittyassfucks.
No one is fucking funny, life is something to cherish and take seriously you fuckwit. Life is fucking serious and you should care about the lives of future generations. Fucking hate how retarded my species is, get educated and do something right. Don't you want your species to actually live?
why must they be equals at everything? why cant men be better than women at some things, and women better than men at others?
No I think our species is a plague on this planet.
Because it fucking sickens me. I dont want to exist unless I am equal. I would murder until i was killed for equality. I want humans to actually interract and fucking care that reality is REAL, and if we don't want to go EXTINCT we fucking better. I want our species to start colonizing other fucking planets, IM SICK OF EARTH, I NEED ADVENTURE. I fucking hate how boring being a chemical engineer is. I want humans to fucking stop being retard ape people and embrace the science and math we have discovered, and be the gods we were destined to be.
We dont have to be, we can work hard and all be engineers.
Bearing children
oh, so its all about you.. well guess what, the universe doesnt give a shit about you and your selfish ideals.
Teach me how you pee without muscles
I dint give a FUCK HOW YOU THINK, you better grow up you pussy ass faggot shit bitch. YOUR LIFE ISNT ABOUT YOU, IT IS ABOUT YOUR DESCENDENTS YOU APEFAG.
You a cockmunch
lolol... you are funny when you are mad... do it some more!
I'm always mad you dingus. ALWAYYYSSSSSSSSSSS, THIS WORLD CRUSHES MY BAWLS, I HATE EVERYBODY AND IM PROUD OF IT. I've fully accepted dying alone, it sounds cool. I'm just here trying to piss you off thoughhhhhh, u not supposed to like it. Buttpoop, ya giggle dingus.
>still never met my father in my entire life
that sucks, sorry to hear about your dad
Basically think about every major ideologic stream
Produce gametes
Men can impregnate women better than a woman can. Fact. And yes, humanity needs both of us together do that.
men detect and track movement better, men have better spatial reasoning which often makes them better geometers and better drivers
men's hormone levels don't fluctuate as wildly as (still-fertile) women's do, so their moods are generally more reliable and they are less emotional
>Don't you want your species to actually live?
uh...FUCK NO. fuck my species. every single one of them..
DIE as fast as possible
>stop fucking breathing
forever. (Everyone)
If the world were filled with homos today, the human race would cease to exist. No reproduction. Go figure.
So, it's a matter of selecting not good choices. Still got to make one, being a lonely fuck is no fun either.
get an erect penis?
Oh, so it's about the US now then?
I knew I smelled a big fat commie rat.
Is everything one thing?
Thumbs UP
But when u lonely, skin can't cause anymore pain. Skin badddddd
And being a black-pilled fag is better? Kys you dumb nigger.
Wutever faggot, I don't give a fuck about governments, they're all full of retards who don't care about anything. It is up to people who decide to care to further our species. You don't have to love anything to help learn about our shit universe.
Noooopppp, science and math are priorities and u r immature for not acknowledging that.
Cool story, man. Off yourself.
Write stories
Pretty much, everything is basically the same, it is our innate reactions with which we distinguish shit.
Cool story, bro. Kill yourself.
Never, nature will claim me once my studies reach an end point.
Cool story. Get fucked or kys, choice is yours, dyke.
If only I thought men were any more useful than women, u all dumb monkeys driven by the same retarded shit. The fact that u think I give a shit about any social cause concerns me. I want everyone to be a learner, not a fap dungeon tool. Be something motherfuckers.
Damn; you a bitch
Cool story bro. Kill yourself.
Lolololol, not gonna kill myself, you should go get a technical degree! That is what I do, science must be furthered. Humans are shit, science is not.
Cool story. Get laid.
Pffffff, my brain understands fucking chemistry, I'm probably more valuable than you are to science, but you can still get a degree.
FUUUUUCCCCKKKK YOOOUUUUUUUUU. Or come find me and fuck, I have zero motivation. None of you ever once tried to bang me, so now u get the bitch. You want there to be difference between genders, but only so it serves your manipulative platform for fucking. GO GET DEGREES YOUR WORMS
In what, gender studies? Get laid, soyjack.
>My brain understands fucking chemistry
chemical engineering fagort. I study the biochemical mechanisms behind life constantly. You are a fucking meat computer bro, your personality gets in the way of research you could be devoting yourself to. Literally just a machine, sorry if dont know how to pilot meat. Practice and grow!
Explain an enzyme turd, ALL OF THE WAYS THEY WORK. Or I'm sorry, what problems are your brain normally solving?
Male and female bladders aren't different than one another and the male penis doesn't contain any muscles.
Avoid getting raped, for starters
Be the best at chess
Reach the top of a doorframe. No muscles required.
cook. the worlds top chefs are mostly men.
Not being a black-pilled little bitch, for starters. Get laid.
Fuck youuuuuu. Come find me and deliver sex bitch, I'm not asking anyone and risking sexual harassment lawsuits.
Man, OP is the most buttmassively buttdestroyed faggot I've seen in ages
I will rape you, but only you. Because you're fucking right. Now go kill yourself or get a technical degree, you fucking burden
This is too funny. Get laid, nigger.
Suck dick
Women are way better at being bitches
Female chess grand masters - ZERO
>all this projection
I kind of hate that shit man, I've been denied too much. So I don't want it back. Better to die alone and not abused than to live with anyone else. Go get a technical degree or kill yourself
Christ you're thick, what do think fucking people in science do? Avoid reading data? My God my species thinks it is brilliant, but God you are all so disappointing. Get motivated about life, dingus
Peeing. Because women have the muscles for it, but they sit down. Men have an organ and can do it standing up. So without the muscle, men are better at peeing than women.
In b4 much feminine dick. Traps are always gay.
>Get motivated about life
>Browsing Yea Forums
Fuck off and die already. Nihilist bitch-boy nigger faggot.
Sell drugs
Well, clearly they can't fucking type English properly, if you're claiming to be one or claiming to be better than any other faggot on Yea Forums.
*sigh* Okay I got one, female reporting in, men can read maps and navigate way better than women.
Compose music. Especially symphonies. Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Chopin, etc.
This in no way means that women cannot be good at higher mathematics but, statistically, advanced mathematical reasoning is skewed heavily male.
You can disagree if you like and bring up outliers all you want but that will just demonstrate that you suck at math and are, therefore, statistically more likely to be female.
And some of those cunts are deaf!
Nope, you kill yourself, I'm getting a fucking degree, you probs aren't and are a worthless piece of shit. I bet you cant even raise children without beating them like a retard monkey. Fucking try to be less of a dumb, sex obsessed ape faggot
You think I fucking care if I type rite or in propah sentences? I just want you to go learn. EVERY HUMAN IS TRASH UNTIL TRAINED
Build civilizations
Establish religions
Advance the sciences
Tell jokes, focus on one task, and cope with emotional stress.
>meanwhile, can't construct a proper sentence
higher math
spacial transformation
taking initiative
>ive still never met my father in my entire life
Yeah that explains this whole rambling post lmao
I dont wanna now that u bring it up niggercock but apparently you, love broken english. Faggot shit you, ass my eat. Kill yourself if you cant extrapolate that message, twit.
A male brain is better at problem solving, along with other things due to its increased size and general better frontal cortex
And a male can track more things at once, which is a leftover from our hunter-gather past.
For more evidence of why men are far more superior than da wamen, why has the world been ruled by men for ages, and why has there ever been no female uprising that wasnt in some way supported by a man
Why are you so angry though?
Have higher IQs
Truly, you are the zenith of all the years of buttblasted idiots on Yea Forums. Millions of years of evolutionary progress led to you, the most coloncramped person alive, who can't live up to their own standards, let alone imagine there are others who do. Beautiful
Because my species doesn't give a fuck about furthering itself. And I dont want to fuck anyone until you all shape up, ALL OF YOU.
Men arent that good at being passive-aggressive cunts i guess
How u know I got IBS? U a witch? We burn those
ur mom l0l
Handle emotions better KEK
(Sigh....alright, it’s whatever)
Also general intelligence, an immense majority of prolific thinkers throughout time have been men
>Albert Einstein
>Plato, Socrates, Fredrick Neichze, Aristotle, and all the other great philosophers were men (women have a few “philosophers” if modern sjw bullshit counts)
>Charles Darwin
>Issac Newton
The only legitimate scientist that can even come close to discovering gravity, realitivity, evolution, or pondering the thoughts of the human condition is maybe that Jane Goodall thot who observed that monkeys have similar social groups to humans. Not gonna count Marie Currie because her husband did all the work for her LOL
Called the fuck out lmao
“Everything sucks and there’s nothing you can do to change it”
Lmao cuck
I smell daddy issues lmao
Good for you homo
If you can get some dick, the kids you make are going to be genetic regressions of the homo species that will have a slugs strength and the thinking capabilities of our long dead drooling simian ancestors, and just for that i will never shape up, to save the human race from more autistic fucktards like yourself
Suck cock cook and clean. And behave and not bitch.
Kill many people
Creating societies
Ha im gay and not asian so that insult doesnt work here, also really couldve surprised me youre not having any ovulation, you know tho there are less manly men with little to no testosterone, that could be why you come off cuntish
No thats just onions and stale muff sweat
You have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums
Having an opinion
Also OP, since you are clearly suffering from some form of mental illness, here's a video you probably need to watch
If you look at the bell curve of intelligence between male and females you'll find that women tend to stay in the middle. While men tend to either be exeptionaly smart or stupid. So yeah we got smarter people on average. Factor that with our ability to lock focus on one item at a time and you got a mean machine.
Go get a degree in something that matters troglodyke
>Name one thing, not dependent on muscular function, that men can do better than women.
Nothing because we'd all be dead from suffocation, you dumb vagina
produce sperm
Die at work
Die in combat to preserve a system in which a woman can buy 100 pairs of shoes and no one sees an issue
>Is given an actual answer
>Proceeds to only insult random bullshit
>I once had a gf threatened me with suicide after I said I wasn't sure if this was a healthy relationship
Two can play that game user. Add statistics to the things men do better than women. Because you are drawing gender wide conclusions based on your singular, personal experience.
>You had one messed up bf
>You had a deadbeat no-show dad
>You own your own business
Lack of hygiene is not less maintenance. It's what you need to be content and how much bullshit you can put up with.
>all these dumb incel niggers saying things that require muscular function
>ctrl + f
>not a single reply saying "inventing" or "inventions"
Jesus Christ this site is filled with dumb 15 yr old niggers.
being a film director
>becoming president of the USA
>Jesus Christ this site is filled with dumb 15 yr old niggers.
It's 2019
This site is actually filled with dumb 15 yr old white niggers
Well then, what the fuck u want?
Get back into the kitchen
Piss out a camp fire
Navigation. Spacial sound tracking. Drowning out noise to listen for predators. Telling apart camouflaged animals from detritus or greenery
Basic navigation
I thought the Tumblr vs Yea Forums war was over
Play chess and go.
work longer.
Men's tendencies to be more interested in things vs women (who are typically more interested in people), coupled with their more dominant, competitive makeup leads them to work many more hours than women.
Make money?
>Let the piss come out
They dont make up stupid "gotcha" restrictions.
Build glass ceilings.
Run the government.
Choose who gets rights.
Fuck two bitches.
Leave behind a bunch of mixed babies with an indigenous population.
all these people saying cook have never watched beat bobby flay
Funny thing is we won’t ever colonize another planet and eventually the world will be destroyed and every trace of the human race will be gone. You’re a fucking cuck and your existence won’t even be remembered.
how many top chefs in the world are women?
women can cook but men are still better
I'll do it, as a faggot
Women are better at programming. The women at Microsoft Research have been totally outcompeting the men lately. They just brought on three new female PhD students.
lol oh yeah cause microsoft just hired 3 women they're better at programming?
statistically, men are better at tasks that require an aggressive mindset.
you're so fucking far up your own ass, I don't even think a person this deluded exists
not being a useless piece of flesh whose only reason not to be killed right at birth is a hole between its legs.
my keks
Not a joke answer: the average man can visualize 3D objects better than the average woman.
Special awareness, critical thinking, leadership, multitasking, controlling emotions. So many
Spacial * there is seriously a ton. Even on the physical side we have increased lung capacity and bone density. I mean there is just sooo much that our pc fag culture won’t let you in on,
Troubleshoot problems.
Engineer things.
Make logical decision.
Remain calm.
Spatial reasoning
You guys know it ran away as soon as the facts started piling up right?
Use logic instead of emotions to make decisions
>anecdotal evidence
>Ignores statistical and empirical facts
Women, amirite?
Name one thing women can do better than men, that doesn't involve pregnancy or menstruation.
not stereotyping an ENTlRE sex and being racist towards white peopIe
Pretty much
Their brains are better suited to hand-eye coordination. And the testosterone means they are, on average, more compatible with STEM fields. Male variance also ensures that the best of the best will be, far more likely than not, male. Granted the worst is also male (largely black males).
It's never over
Or tasks that require any basic level of focus, motor skills, or any measure of intelligence.
Not a single real argument in the entire thread so far. We're just jerking eachother off at this point.
my mouth is watering at this pic
Read a map
They are decidedly better. In my graduating class, all of the top students were women. It makes sense because women are also better at math in high school. The natural progression from being a math nerd to founding a lucrative career lies in software.
Engineering, math, science, getting shit done, building civilizations.
Trips of truth
Every verb aside from thinking involves a muscular function.
Use logic and reason
>Anecdotal evidence
stop existing
I can swing my dick around
Winning democratic elections
Produce sperm.
Igual gringo
arrange the packing of a car or moving truck more efficiently. (this was proven in a scientific study)
isn't it past your bed time?
Sorryyyyyyyyyy, but not really. You brownies are terrible at school shootings
its ok kid youll grow out of it trust me
I guess. My sports team is science you crackpipe slurper
invent everything
Naw, at least I hope not. If I turn into one of you normie fags, I might just do nothing and be dumb living a stupid monkey life.
Build a successful nation.
Create all of history.
video games
having a libido
writing songs that don't involve love
Fantasise about anime tiddies
Lets be real, it sucks for women. Given a level playing field and fair rules a man is just better. As in yes their can be smart strong girls than can beat weak, less intelligent men. But Men of the same caliber? Nope They lose every time.
Hunt. Fish.
Name only one thing when asked to only name one thing
I would beat the pussy up.
This! And also this.
You cuss like a 12 year old.
get along with each other.