Faces of Yea Forums + rate thread

Faces of Yea Forums + rate thread

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7/10 uwu

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you have a centre-tooth like that one famous dude.

>8/10 if that was you which its not :/

face rate threads have been the most interesting threads for the past three nights so here you are

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shave and smile and you'd look a lot better.

Get a sharp hair cut
Grow out your beard, if you cant then just shave it
Completely change your style, sweaters over plad shirts arent doing you any favours
smile more

youd go from a 6.4 to a 7 maybe 8

I shaved today I can post one if you want I think I look alot worse when I shave

go ahead

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So how did the dick convo even start w/ your mom?

Do your worst

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god I hate taking selfies

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probably when my dad told me that story she continued it by telling us that we were just laughing

.05 bitcoin for name of employer

Handsome bros, all around!

how did your dad tell you?

fuck anons I hate my smile

You look like brown eyed me what the fuck


idk tbh but it wasn't really awkward I can have conversations with my parents about that shit without cringing just wouldn't talk about anything sexual because obviously

hA it is me but when i was a smol child but whatever i still have the same pants

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what did your dad say?

post a pic let me see my twin (or my triplet I already have a twin)

7/10 maybe 8 depending on the rest of your body and package, which id like to see ;)


Eggman! welcome back

Not even gonna try

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oh right I remember we were talking about when we were born so I asked why they circumcised us and he told us that story where him and his brother (my uncle) had an infection and they had to get it in their teens and he didn't want us to have a chance to go through that

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go to
you fucking faggots

You’d be super hot if you cut your hair, no homo.
Like just have it a couple inches long so chicks got something to grab onto.

What are you doing on b/10

Not even gonna try

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Hi jay Z

Hmu on kik if ya want some pointers, pats808

Laffing at rayciss whyte boiz

Eat my ass I dont need to try. I love you by the way

Dude your fine just cut your hair short and straight never let it get long agian.

Mild downsyndrome but if your funny I could see a 5/10 with massive insecurities letting you smash

whites are superior

I can tell just from the way you stand that you have absolutely no confidence in yourself. Yes, you're an autistic sperg, and you know it. You take some kind of weird masochistic pleasure from being bullied, probably because it's the only thing u know. U look a little down syndrome, so 5/10, you're not that bad, but you're a cuck and a little bit retarded.

I look fuckin 12 stfu

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Hey me and this guy had the same idea

Im such a insecure dude that i shall post my airportrait

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Is this actually you or are u memeing? 6/10 face

my girlfriend likes it long so rn I got nothing to worry about but I'll keep it in mind if things don't work out

Thank you, iPhone, for rotating the image

you look older than me when I shave I literally look like I should be in like grade 7

Seriously, cut it short. Likes bangs someone around eyebrow level or cut it even shorter and do like a messy look.
You’d legit look like a celeb/male model.
tho i think we need a shirtless pic to really judge.

Wow, other than the DS part, accurate. Lmao good job

what kinda haircut do you recommend I've never really gotten it done professionally

Google ben Mitchell

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You look ten years older when you have the beard tbh, and I still look like a child

your jaw is too long and manly 5/10 but with your makeup it's a 6

like if I cover your mouth it's like an 8

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Everyone knows your using the girl snapchat filter you dirty fag

stfu we look the same you're roasting me now nah but fr you look fine maybe I'm just narcissistic but you're an attractive Yea Forumsro

Try going to a beauty school, like Paul Mitchell’s or something, its way cheaper than getting it done “professionally” and usually just as good.
Just do not get the trendy buzzed sides with tuff of hair at the top. You’d probably still look good with it, but its hit or miss a lot of the time.

Better babe?

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Here's another if y'all wanna come at me some more. XD

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i bet you play a druid

yes actually you're way more attractive as a guy then a girl stay away from the filter, would rather fuck you without the filter


Get rid of the facial hair it doesnt suit you
The hair is fine but looks dry
Otherwise ur really cute 7.5/10

You're making your insecurities by making it seem like you dont care. Real advice get fit and make sure you keep your face clean at all times and maybe a new hairstyle.

yea no I hate that look, thanks for the tips


Dude I'm not, and you look nice without the beard so I recommend not having it but you do look nice no homo

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Loose weight, wash twice a day, make an effort to smell nice, maybe get a skin fade around your head and shave your beard

Try this. I have a few others but dont wanna post each one, if ya pm me on kik pats808, i cant send the others.

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Now you're using the guy filter
Still not what he looks like

Closeted Homosexuality: The Thread

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Loose weight, be funny and confident, shave your beard.

you from nyc?

half homo cause I'm bi but you really are and you got nice ass hair, everyone on Yea Forums tells me that I look better shaved but my gf likes the beard I sent her a pic today after I shaved and she said "ew" she's really the only one I'm trying to look good for so that's why I keep it lmao

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fuck how was I fooled twice I feel retarded


were you circumcised in albany?


unsure if gay or str8

I got room in my closet for you too user

style your hair to look like cal scruby

You related?


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Fuck yeah

Post your fat ass!

are you glad for it? and were you left with a thin brown/tan ring?

I'll try to be gentle

Yeah how you know

It is common. Then why was it done?

Am I at least decent?

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Honestly not sure what other hairstyle I could do. Had this one for years.

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I'm not on that gay shit so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but maybe your gf just likes the scruffy look but you definitely look more attractive to the average person without the beard and the "just got off the street after a month" look but yeah you look good

Honestly I've been thinking about cutting it but my crush likes it long so I dunno, I honestly think it's been limiting my chances and/or absolutely anyone finding me attractive so we'll have to see how that pans out

I'm gonna post a photo of me shaved and not shaved with basically the same angle within days, hopefully thread doesn't die trying to keep it alive

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this even you?

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I know, Ive got the teeth of a british dog, but a lot of (female) friends will point out when chicks and checking me out and ive overheard girls complimenting me, but still pretty insecure.
Whats Bs take? Smash, pass or trash?

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Maybe . Whats your ethnicity

Really you?

you're a Chad girls probably fawn over you 8/10

ohhhh tommy tommy, tommy tommy tommys sonsonson

Nah, I look really bad without a beard. I feel it trims my face a little bit.

I’m a kike

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I wouldn’t leave you alone in my house with my fish

The fuck is this, /soc/?
Take this shit over there.

You’re all nigger/10

I’m gonna put another lump in your forehead

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Cute as fuck


kek how

If you keep the long hair, definitely beard, but i bet you’d look more attractive clean shaven with short hair.

white, why?

Reverse image search says fake and gay

Kinda doubt you are really the albany guy...

I think I know you

Once you get /fit/ just shave that bitch

my height prevents me from being chad which is sad
what did he mean by this

sounds similar to my situation, my gf was my "crush" I kinda just thought she was really cute, told her I was gonna cut it but she told me she thought it was cute. Now we've been dating for almost 3 months most girls tell me they love it in my experience girls fucking love long hair

Assuming you're the middle one. You need to dress less autismo. Hard to say with the hat, but likely need a better haircut.

Me at wedding r8

What Albany guy


awesome what's my name I actually wouldn't mind having a friend who lurks Yea Forums people seem to think it's a shit show but people are actually pretty cool here


idk how to fix sideflipped pics.

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Hello again you handsome devil.

Oh wow you took a new one today. That smile is golden.

You are handsome brother.

This is how I imagine you looking when I run my fingers through your hair.

Forgot pic

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If thats really you, 9/10.
I bet you’d look 10/10 with the minimal make up look and like a ponytail and sweatshirt/hoodie.

First name Alex yeah?

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Noted, thanks dude

The shirts ironic and it was at a comic con, but yeah i can dig it. This is me with shorter hair.

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no :(

Lol. Is this also you: ?

There are so many fine young men in this thread.

Nigga :/ what kinds of white? You irish?


9/10 got that whole cute handsome look going, chicks eat that up.
10/10 if you got a solid body to go with it.

your lips remind me of toby McGuire, you're attractive your hair suits you


And that's why i don't post my pics on Yea Forums, lol.

nm, guess I got it. heres an older one.

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Post feets

>all these faggots taking pics of themselves

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bad smile. is that how you usually smile?

Ok. Then were you cut at a bris, or in a hospital?

Because you aren't attractive young or male?

Go easy

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Can't really see much in this. You tall? Or just really skinny?

>being jealous that people can take photos of themselves without feeling bad

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Lol feetfags would love my feet. Doctors literally remarked saying i have the highest arches they’ve ever seen, said i was a born dancer. Tell that to my sense of balance.

You look like the druggie aus from last night wtf.

I don't mind it atleast I'm getting compliments for once lmao

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Albany Med

im 29 :D I think I love you, desu.

yr fine fag. Dress better. Are you hiding a dad bod under the layers or something.
good smile. with yr bad clothes I'd say 7/10.

So let’s see ‘em!

Thats be from behind.
Yeah very tall, very thin. Trying to bulk up but literally eating disorder so practically impossible.

And if you have brothers, were they cut too?

No, cuz i'd rather avoid faggots if i can.

29 is still young. Most people don't start thinking of you as 'not young' until you're 30. Even then, if you look younger you'll still be called afine young man. Heck, men in their 30s get called young men by men in their 50s. so on and so forth.

I love you too, brother.

You Bi?

I don’t know

And yet you keep posting.

Ignore this poster:
He just asks increasingly weird questions about your circumcision then asks for pictures of your brothers penises.

9/10. Very handsome, tho hairs just a touch overgrown, lose half an inch or an inch of hair

Canadian and I dont even smoke the satans shrub. I do drink a fair ammount though.

>posting your face on Yea Forums = being comfortable with yourself
holy moley I kek. keep sucking these summerfags' dicks, faggot hahaha

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are they older or younger than you?

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tbh u look great, just if u had a more complete beard wouldve been better,
if u have good teeth prolly smile next time.

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hello Yea Forums. I do not smile.

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>posting your face on Yea Forums = being comfortable with yourself
that wasn't what you said or whta I said. Only an ugly man would come in here and bitch and moan about attractive people having photos of themselves.


that was a blurry image i am sorry

Be nice, uggo is terminal.

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drink some more worthless

why no smiles, homie?

I dont think j want my feet floating around /b

So, yes.

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thank fucking god im not the only one jeez

my teeth are fucked. I suppose i could smile if you ever so desire.

how do you know the hospital, you were a baby!!

When I picture Yea Forums users u come to mind yet I have never seen you before in my life.

As if anyone knows they’re yours. What a pussy

Again with this handsome mother fucker. It's just not fair. Hope all is well, homie.

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Why do I enjoy men with long hair as of late?

Get better haircut (ditch the bangs?) and trim eyebrows. cute/10.

post face.

Are all the dudes here gay?

I kinda look shitty

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I don't know about others. I'm bisexual, but I certainly lean more towards men as of late.

You look bretty gud m8. I'm a borderline ginger, sup

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Yes, i do keep posting.
But you'll not see me posting pics of my face for faggots like to comment or rate, i'm just here for amusement, you see?

How is everyone tonight.

Has anyone here watched "Bee and Puppycat" ?

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If they were there’s be a lot more semi and full on nudes

id be in for a smile, my teeth are fucky too D:

You sound like a 14 year old guy who got held back a year and thinks death note is about him.

Not gay. (Haven't posted face.) Mostly just here to honestly asses anons who post on Yea Forums.

Bi here

sick noes ring, dude! look like a badass mofo bit fun to go to the bar with.

probably because you look like this you hideous slug

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You seems like a discount 7/10 if that makes sense.
And bee and puppycat? Its all about that cleavage bro

you look like fucking Eddie Vedder wtf

Fuck man I thought i'd be the best lookin dude on Yea Forums

all u guys are attractive as hell lmao

you have pretty eyes nigga, full homo

hard to tell, bad photo. The beard might be working against you by making your soft face even softer, along with the long hair.
I would definitely go for a more structured clean beard. You might also try a shorter more masculine haircut so strengthen your baby face. (baby face isn't a problem, its actually helpful in a lot of ways, just gotta work with it.)

>reverse image search: 0 results
Cute! Unless dude then no homo

>You seems like a discount 7/10 if that makes sense.

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No one ever says anything about my picture and it’s honestly pleasantly surprising to be overlooked in a place like this.

pew pew

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Strong jaw line/cheek bones

your above attractive

Little trade secret, friend? Never post face pics of yourself on an anonymous board and expect things to end well for you. Typically, they don't.

Not a dude. Thank you!

You look like you give really nice hugs.

You look like you'd be a king with shorter hair and no nose ring.

You have a smol mouth.

you were here last night.

Cute, but this time, without the duck face.

can i fuck your mouth

You're v cute! Please hug me!

>trade secret
Are you new here? People post faces of Yea Forums threads daily for years... I've been having my face and even nudes posted in here since 2012. No problems. It usually does end well for the large majority of people. We've only doxed like 5 people ever and they're never in faces of Yea Forums threads.

Welcome anyway, newfriend.


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This was when I was on the anger, sadness, coffee, cigarette, and Vicodin diet.

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no :(
yes :D

I got overlooked too

It doesn't apply to whores.


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Tbh if you post tits here you'll get overlooked, so how about post another one with you just looking cozy and we can look past your transgression

Seriously though you're cute please post cute photos

Love you too

What? No one is having things end bad because they posted in a faces of Yea Forums thread dude.

get healthy user.

nice! thanks!

Please come to my house and smile all day! You're absolutely adorable!

obviously not a very good diet when a stomach like that

Also, whenever a female posts a clothed photo here, all of the responses are tits or gtfo.

ok :D i should post more pics some time

I like your perdy eyes. gay? :D

A better looking (chaddier?) Charlie Puth.

No shit? Ill fucking take it! thanks user.

Ik im eating shit for this

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I’m not a cozy dresser.

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Ooooooh please do!



Face/body/overall rating please

Got an eating disorder so i have trouble gaining weight/muscle.

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Bi too?

Me too. You’re cute as fuck


Looks like we are all just bisexual.

Eh yr fine. I would trim up the beard a bit. You look a bit church of satan. I would go for something a little friendlier. With a good smile you could be 8/10.
Honestly it'll be yr personality that makes or breaks it.

yeah 6'3 and thin as fuck, my dicks fatter than the rest of me

Show feet’s please

You look absolutely dashing in this case :)

add me on kik


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Sorry. Don’t kik

yr personality screams Yea Forums and board games.


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There’s a reason im not smiling, got the teeth/fangs on a british bulldog.
The satanist bit made me laugh, im probably the most anti-satanist tinfoil hat in the thread.

Thanks. I’m an art hoe so I can be pretty flashy.

until you grow out of your metal phase 6/10.
You can be into a genre without it defining you.

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darn lol

Cute :)

I’m not that good looking anyway. You’d likely be disappointed.

Fuck it why not

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You look like ESAM

i hate my appearance

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Ugh. You ruined it.

you want me to show my feet ? lol

you were here last night viking guy.

dawww look at that cute button noese.

bad angle. retry.

Pretty handsome dude. Smile is 10/10.

a bit goofy look, idk if its the glasses making your head look too big, or if you got a big head and the glasses and crowspeak emphasizing it.

But besides that, you do got a pretty handsome face. If you look good shirtless, shouldnt be a problem.

Yes please!

Ignore. he spams.

How was your day, handsome viking boy?

Trying again

heres my crusty working man feet freak

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I'm always impressed how many gay men are on Yea Forums.


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fuck you cunt

That is the best kind. You make me want to cook you dinner, grab you a beer, and then massage your feet.

Those are actually hot. Thanks for posting

Are you trying to ask to see me shirtless?

The anonymity attracts gay people. We can be gay where it feels relevant to mention it, but that doesn't have to define us in every single thread. Whereas on any other forum if you mention you're gay ever it just gets dragged in where it isn't relevant everywhere (much like in real life).

It's nice because you can be gay without being defined by it here

very much, yes.

Yr old. You need to grow out your hair into something that isn't "i've given up" shaved. Also t-shirts look bad on men your age, try something a bit nicer. Older men can pull off professional casual way better than most young men. I'm guessing your dad bod is a lost cause at this point, but you can still try.

It's true. How many years have you been bitching and moaning abotu how ugly you are? You could have gotten swole in that time, you're just as lazy as you are ugly.

No homo if you're trap/dude

Are you an Aussie trady? Wild guess.

well now im kind of jealous, I didn't post my feet.

Try 2

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Interesting. I actually like it. I'm not really gay but I like finding out Yea Forums is more diverse than it seems.

girls like you turn my pee pee on

>not yours?

It is never too late.

It can't really seem diverse as a whole because it is just random comments about random subjects.

Appreciate the feedback. Thanks!

solid 6/10 could be improved if you shorted your beard length and hair. Looks like you might be a little on the cubby side, if you get a little swoll beefiness going on, I bet all the holes would be after you.

I'm fine with the beard. But the long hair isn't helping you. If you must have long hair, maybe but something in it so it isn't so thin. But I think you'd be well served by a more masculine or professional haircut. This is the best photo you've posted out of the 3 (?).

Theyre mine.

No problem user


Far from it, but so much thanks user.^^

Would love to worship them!