Why do people even get cats?
They are useless and disgusting.
They only eat, shit and spread toxoplasmosis.
Cats are disgusting.
Why do people even get cats?
It is nice to have some company when you are alone and they are a lot less work then dogs and some apartments will not allow dogs but will allow cats, as for the diseases owners build up a immunity over time
some people aren't autistic fucks and they understand animal companionship.
Cats are like having a miniature tiger in your home, if it were any bigger it could kill you
Dogs eat literal shit, a cat usually has a naturally strict protein diet and won’t eat most garbage dogs and humans would
Kek, seething catfags
I like cattos
This is a cat thread now
Yeah no
And catfags laugh on birdfags and their leaky birds...
Good cats
Birdfags are the most sadistic owners, Birds are not meant to spend their lives being watched while in a cage
Does the same idiot make this thread every day out of boredom? Wtf.
Why are people talking like dogs don’t shit even more than cats do, cats have a designated place where they shit, which also is a way to find their way back home. Have fun picking up dogshit with a thin napkin
I have only one question, how can you get shitted if bird in cage?
>pro-tip: it is nearly impossible
Shhh stupid goyim.
Yes, birdfags seethe
How about you stop creating the same thread like 100 times?
Less work than dogs and idk about you but my cat is very clean and only goes out for shitting.
Implying you’ll never take it out of the cage proves my point about birdtards being the most sadistic owner, I’m sure in another life that bird will tear you to pieces
But most bird owners get shitted once in a while, which means that birds actually spend good amount of time outside of cage.
> I’m sure in another life that bird will tear you to pieces
That is not exactly fair. Fair thing would be being pet bird in hands of owner like you were.
The cat shitting on the girl is a kitten you dumbfuck, cats train themselves to use their litter box, unlike dogs you need humans to train them, and birds who humans can’t train at all. That’s why you’re a birdcuck just watching it
>I’m sure in another life that bird will tear you to pieces
Thanks for new fetish, faggot
No surprise birdfags and vorefags are the same degenerate shits
>cats train themselves to use their litter box
More like humans found a way to treat their buggy firmware to make them shit in designated place, and sometimes it doesn't work, which can be confirmed by "MY CAD SHIT/PISS IN BATHTUB/CARPET SEND HELP" posts literally everywhere.
>unlike dogs you need humans to train them
This means that dog have more processing power to realize that shitting in not designated place it bad.
>birds who humans can’t train at all
It is not training problem, but physical limitation.
>That’s why you’re a birdcuck just watching it
Washing machine will take care of it.
Birdfags is seething
Implying a female author is credible? Kys cuck
you’d be able to take care of a cat easily if you weren’t retarded
Whatever dude.
Dealing with birds is so much easier than with anything else, really.
No. Not every vorefag is birdfag.
Birdfags are weird really, check /an/, whey will tell story how they lick assholes of their birds. Yikes.
Smart people don't get cats/pets at all
>as for the diseases owners build up a immunity over time
Toxodrone, kek
My dog has a designated place to shit. It's called the backyard. Are you fucking retarded? Kill yourself you ignorant pleb
Lmao, shitting in backyard.
There is only one thing that is worse than that. Birdcucks.
Really. I'm listening cunt, continue.
You are literally a shistain on society, go get raped by niggers
Imagine stepping in shit every time you get in backyard
I dont use it aside from mowing it. I do all my dog training somewhere else, however when mowing I wear boots so idgaf if I step in shit
Imagine the smell.
It's called a hose. Jesus, what do you think this is, 1920?
Imagine stench you have in backyard nigga.
You sound like someone who doesn't have a backyard, or a hose. Does mommy and daddy have one you can use Tommy?
Well, at least ur dog doesnt shit on others lawn
Ok waffle stomper