Trap Thread
Trap Thread
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ginger is a fucking goddess
still not sure, got a few more.
.. to make a final decision that is
Bumping for where is Evie
Sheet, looks like mi Ex
fuck, dat tummy
bro wtf???????????
this shit is FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
guy in last thread looking for this "girl" her name on twitter is @potdefleurss
fuck forgot photo
Cute Amy feet shots?
Kik: LilyRae5049
Give me those pretty toes
Foot fags leave
big nUt
>not liking feet
Leave the foot fanatics alone Bob :V
God damn. Any way to see more?
based shiri
No love yet?
I wanna marry abigail
I cant screenshot it but anyone know the shemales in the mobile ad for ashemaletube. 2 of them spying on one with a sleeve tattoo jerkin it and then they fuck. Dying to watch that one.
I know how gay this sounds.
Yeah, I know which girls you're talking about. I'm not telling you, though.
Be cool, man.
Why do they have 2 holes?
dp ready
it's called a sacral dimple
This shit gets my cock twitching.
gonna need sauce on that
all the same person? Is "ginger" the name? what would i search to find more?
more of her?
nice, got one that shows off that outfit.
Lurk more often and you'll see her
need more kitty lynn
yeah she only posts on 4ch threads
I think she said she made a twitter though
And posts on Reddit apparently
its @gingersnapuu i acc convinced her to make it day before yesterday
This is me, let me know what you think of my sissy ass
Moore piks?
sorry, that's the only one i got on this pc
The fuck even is that outfit? That looks so comical, like someone just threw on the first "girly" clothes they found in their mind closet
Nice dubs you deserve it
There's nothing on it though damn
Holy shit he's really going all out with smoothing out his face.
And face shaping
Too Bad you dont have the new samsung galaxy note 1+s smart tablet/step counter
yeah unfortunately coz she only just made it hopefully she acc uses it and posts in future
A lot of work is put into making him look good for cucks
Don't get me wrong, I'd still fuck him but it looks so creepy.
or, good lighting vs bad lighting. you'd be amazed how much difference just proper lighting makes in photography, especially with people
You is gay nigga have some standards my guy
No to that extent like holy shit it's an entirely different shape
>implying you wouldn't want a piece of this
This is not just a trap thing, it's a girl thing
I wanna blow my load in his ass, not marry him.
the shit ones are almost guaranteed taken with cell phones, which have very unflattering wide-angle lenses, vs longer portrait lenses. good lighting and lenses make a world of difference
I refer back to I see this mother fucker irl no way I'm sticking my dick in him
Femenine buttholes
I suppose the footage from lol tournaments also have unflattering cameras and lighting? Oh and I'll bet his streams also have the same with the webcam
So why oh why then do those look closer to this than this
That's even gayer at least commit man come on
Who's a fan of Jess Springs?
That can't be her real hair, can it?
that's her name.
finally can rename all files from "###-legs"
hopefully gingersnaps is lurking
You're right, dude, least I could do is to get down on one knee when he's been down on two.
looks fried enough to have gone through that much dying
She does have nice legs
Just make sure to blow him while you're down there gotta show you can be a bitch too when the time comes
Yeah but with the camera quality I can't tell if it's a shitty wig or not.
Woah, I ain't no faggot though.
sup b?
Hey there, beautiful.
Bruh you gotta commit! You already wanna fuck him just ride that degeneracy train for all its worth
Live a little
I am now
Being on hormones and still standing/posing like a man. Why
This is some quality shit.
My sisters bf would approve and my dad definitely wouldnt be ashamed of me for liking this
*tips penis*
evening miss
Id fuck you so much
Mother would be so upset though.
ahh yes, the greeting of our people~
But father would be so erect
That dress is perfect for public sex
I really wish my boyfriend would sometimes :s
You live in vegas?
back end
More plz baby
take it off take it off take it off
Jesus christ that's getting me worked up
We need more juicy asses stat
i have squish
God damn baby all the cake
this is a hairy ass chick with her leg flexing
Aw youre taken? Id do it for sure
I wanna eat that fat ass so bad baby
Mother is gone now she can't hold you back anymore
I wanna see those sexy feet
I guess. lol
OR. lul.
Hey baby
I wanna tongue fuck it for hours
I like that. Do you have an Instagram or something
I wanna see that gorgeous butt baby maybe some feet plz
more please
Not you again
I like that hoodie. Seems like a great place to sneak my hands under.
I wanna see them feet
God I wanna lick those gorgeous legs
More plz anybody
Sit on my face please
Let’s see some butt baby
Looks like a young hazel tucker
That butt looks like it need a kiss and some hard dick
Cute now some daddy some ass
DAmn it's been awhile
Can you fuck off and get reborn proper
Everything about this has my cock hard
Hello baby
That hairy chest though
Love those lips.
oh, i'm the OP pic. my plans tonight got ruined and now I'm drunk avoiding sleep!!!
Pink is very much your color. Also, checked.
Kik ryanderrickk
post more:
Cute faces w/ tongue out
10/10 buttholez
Glad you decided to spend your time with us.
What were your plans for the night?
Send me something on Kik @Dude.what2
moar qts
Well I had some drinks and watched a few Tarantino movies. I was gonna watch a twitch stream but the person I was watching dc'd so. . here I am !!
Feel like getting spammed with dick pics instead?
Pathetic dude
This oc? I'm down to burn one about now.
waited for this thread
Can't really say I do, no. just looking for potential daddies
That sounds like a fun night. Can't really go wrong with drinks and Tarantino.
Nice to see you join us instead of finding another stream, you're adorable as hell.
Now that's a trap
Qt like you should have one by now.
Dear God yes
like her?
It is OC yes lol
Post penis.
What's the point of posting women in a trap thread?
ponys for life
not a trap?
what do you think?
post traps with big tits
cont plz
because it is a trap lol
it is, look at the bulge, she just hides it well
nah no fucking way dude. if she is shes the best trap to ever exist id marry that
you got more?
Oh fuck thats nice. Please have more?
>just looking for potential daddies
Where does one apply?
Add me on snap grimlight13
fishnet traps, anyone got pics?
sure do, you can notice it a bit in some pics though, but pretty much 100% passable
Depends. Are you a handsome older man in the southeast US?
hahah, thnkxx
dump the best ones please coz god damn man shes crazy
Post her dick then
No man, they got long hair and shit, it’s cool.
I'm unfortunately not from the US.
Cute tits.
and this closer one, that is pretty clearly the bulge on the other pic, same size, same appearance and all
forgot pic kek
fishnets are the best
Bummer. Im in the midwest U.S.
full vid where?
thanks, will probably put fake tits soon though
Any requests?
Any requests?
Small tits are cute, though.
Fuck me, you're gorgeous.
armpits? butt spread?
dat tongue
I'm sorry... Would consider relocating for the right man though.
Stop please for the love of god stop
I remember that thread, fucking epic. I forgot to save her bikini pic though
I'm sure there are plenty of guys close to you that would love to spoil and fuck you.
That so? Well hows about getting to know eachother a bit? I keep a kik handy.
pee pee
>Dat ass
The part in the video version where the Dude is fucking her and she says “is it better than a woman? You’re never going back to girls after I’m finished with you” is so fucking hot I jizz every time
Fuckin tasty!
Name? Or does she have some ad somewhere or something
do you got source?
Handsome older man from the southeast here. Atlanta to be specific. How you doing, sexy?
Nah, just pops up now and again on ashemaletube or the better side of pornhub. She’s a substitute teacher in the vid, I think. Try that
what? no, just a trap i met on tinder. Eduarda is her name
like it?
bump for oc
Yup, fucking beautiful. Would love to eat it out.
post close up of love hole
got any ass on soles?
would love to be eaten out haha
dont have, sry
Cute hole.
whats this from
lucky you.. you met with her live, right?
Hey baby nice ass
I’m in love gorgeous
How I bury my face in that beautiful ass and cum on those gorgeous soles
So fucking sexy
I wanna see those feet baby
I wanna see those feet baby
Damn that’s a juicy ass I’d love to pull those panties off with my teeth
How I’d love to pull out the gem on your to replace with something better ;3
Pull them off baby and show me what you got ;3
My trap bussy is open
I’d love to eat that sexy asshole of yours
I cant stop from drooling at this gorgeous ass of your baby
I would love to leave you dripping and begging for more
I wanna live in that beautiful asshole
I wanna see feet
Maybe someone can come and leave me panting~
I’d kiss and lick the beautiful eat before I fuck you hard biting your neck tell you that your gonna squeeze every drop out of this raging cock with that beautiful asshole of yours
I want you to sit on my face for hours baby
I wanna see those feet baby
I bet that ass could bounce me back baby
Did you save thumbnails? The fuck?
More plz
sure can, where you at?
I loved your big cock please post more
Somebody say fishnet? :)
Thanks ;)
but I would rather you fuck me really hard and make me scream.
I want to be a cumdump slut
Where are all the traps :,(
Hello nurse
I’d love to rip that fishnet with my dick forcing it into you baby
dead or trying to be
Feet please
I wanna kiss that tummy and lick those legs