Jordyn Jones comfy fap thread. 18+
don’t post Faith Schroeder you faggot
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Is she 18 now? I sure hope we get a pic of her turd-cutter soon
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Girls like this make me cum harder than porn
Immensely fuckable girl. How old is she?
>doesn’t know JJ
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>and doesn’t know how to google
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I like to think she's an awesome chick, but being that hot, I think it's pretty unlikely
She's not nearly as bad as she could be
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This. She’s a bit dumb rich blonde but she’s still cute and nice seeming. Doesn’t have that dead eyed whore look yet.
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She's not super rich iirc. Not like the other thots are at least.
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Dude she has 6mil followers and lives in LA. She’s super rich. She’s never going to work a day in her life.
left or right?
i pick left so I can be with her longer
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Compare her to Kaylyn Slevin or the Kardashian whore girls.
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now do one where she lands on my face
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She has taste and a decent brain, but she’s definitely rich.
so left or right?
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She would make a great wife and mother
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one of her better songs lol
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You already know. Everyone would if nobody would know.
>would you want A and then B later? or just B?
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Young JJ and then older JJ. Seeing as how she would age, you know
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Fapping to jj at night is what gets me through the day in all honesty
We all do what we must
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Still not sure what you mean but obviously left is the first choice just out of sheer curiosity
It's implied that you would marry her and stay with her forever :3
So why not start younger?
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JJ makes me "happy"
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I love how much cum she makes me shoot
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Thread has passed 30 pics. Either everyone has cum and it will die or some new anons will save it