Msg me on Kik for this north NJ slut’s Instagram

Msg me on Kik for this north NJ slut’s Instagram
Kik: zendivha

Attached: D9D50F81-0193-48F2-88A6-B4A5DF1FB64B.jpg (750x571, 374K)

Post nudes

Attached: 158FB66D-2B97-4441-88A4-4F8C8C980BE6.jpg (750x566, 356K)



How did you get it

found through her pics

Why is just giving out her IG supposed to be a big deal?

Which one

the pics that you've been posting

How though just curious
You have Kik?

no kik, just did a bunch of digging, not that hard but not gonna tell you

If anyone wants to msg her or post a comment from my account my teamviewer is open so you can control my screen.

id: 1 377 227 986
pass: dsq415

proof that you're the op and not some randomfag trying to take control of our computer

You watch the big bang theory OP?

Attached: Screenshot_20190723-233229_TeamViewer.jpg (1080x2220, 424K)

you may be the dumbest person alive

you just gave Yea Forums access to your actual pc

find anything interesting?

he switches back if you change the screen for too long. Got his email tho. If you go to the "passwords" section on Google chrome (and are quick with it), you can click the button and see all of them lmao

Attached: Screenshot_20190723-233531_TeamViewer.jpg (1080x2220, 154K)

also his Instagram account is jamestandress

and she went private

where is it?

Why did she go private

no idea