So if I vote for Democrats, what will they give me?

So if I vote for Democrats, what will they give me?

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Other urls found in this thread: States&country2=Australia

They give you healthcare that you paid for with your tax dollars, assuming you even pay tax

Lazy bait

15 % PA maximum interest on loans?

healthcare, college, $15 minimum wage, no war with iran

it depends on which democrat, because Joe"nothing will fundamentally change" Biden wont give you much

now everyone's gonna call me a commie cause ive actually taken the time to follow your stupid burgerstani politics

Explain your math with a 22 trillion dollar debt. Explain exactly how that is paid for

fucking libtards


Nothing will change with any democratic candidate, mostly because the Senate will continue to block any meaningful legislation, because people don't vote in midterms. Biden is at least electable, unlike most of the others

A family of muslims and Mexicans that will move into your house, and you have to pay for everything they need.

Higher taxes so you pay triple for healthcare
Higher taxes to send idiots tostudy underwater lesbian massage therapy
Higher taxes because fuck you
And unemployment for the young because 15 an hour is retarded
Oh, and more taxes.

Hopefully an education. You seriously need one.

Definitely AIDS.

That, and a heaping debt. Piles, and piles of national debt.

Biden is a wet noodle that Trump will year to shreds. Dems are going to need someone with a little grit to them if they want any chance of being "electable"

If you're white or even a legal citizen, higher taxes.

>fucking libtards


Both Parties suck.

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>If you're white or even a legal citizen

you know, basic human rights
clean air and water
an education
access to heathcare
hope in your life

Trump's incarceration.

A job that wont give you black lung disease

not in my country you don't nigger

more taxes for things that do not benefit you

And 20% sales tax (VAT) that no one likes to mention. Do you have any idea how costly everything would be with a 20% sales tax? That's how other countries pay for their "free" healthcare.

Hate to burst your bubble but we have that now. The economy is absolutely killer in case you hadn't noticed.

A bigger dick than faggyboi Donald.

google it you halfwit

im not here to spoonfeed you explanations

I dunno, what did they give you the last time?

If you want free shit vote Republican

They aren’t giving you anything. They are taking your money and spending it to gain votes.

>Higher taxes so you pay triple for healthcare

no, even a koch funded study found that its gonna cost less

instead of having to pay a corporation, yes you will pay more in tax, this is true, buts an oversimplification (wonder why all you simpletons latch onto it?)

everyone will be covered, and it will overall cost less

>Higher taxes to send idiots tostudy underwater lesbian massage therapy

cant form a coherent argument? just make up a stupid strawman

>And unemployment for the young because 15 an hour is retarded

so... how is it every other industrialized country does a living wage? 15 isnt even that much, im in Australia and its lik $18.50 (depends on industry and its too complex for a Yea Forums post, but again YOU CAN GOOGLE IT YOU HALFWIT)

Killer if you're wealthy.

Can't say it any better than that. Touché.

> I don't have a good answer so i will tell you to google it and do your own research in which you will waste your time and come to the conclusion you already know which is there is no way to fix this debt and turn the country socialist, but please waste your time looking so i can try to look smart for 5 seconds.

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Nothing if you aren't a minority.

electable how?

are you just uncritically looking at the polls? are you looking at the same polls that told you Hillary would win and then thinking, yeah that seems legit

one of those polls they only asked people over 40 or something, so that they could get the outcome they wanted, when you look at polls that dont ring people on landlines (young people generally dont have landlines) then you get a different outcome,

stop drinking the cool-aide, Biden the kiddie fiddler is just boy Hillary, he has no chance, cant even keep a promise not to touch up any kids for a month

Even if you raise taxes you wont be able to pay for the healthcare in this country, atleast not if you want to keep the quality we are used to.

hurr duur.

compare the Australian dollar to the US dollar again and tell me what the difference of their value is worth? at 15 an hour i can tell you the us dollar will be digging it self into a hole of worthlessness, that or higher unemployment.

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so buttmad

>Even if you raise taxes you wont be able to pay for the healthcare in this country,
source: Fox News

nah, ido have an answer, but i dont feel like writing an essay on Yea Forums

you can google these things if you are even mildly interested instead of asking people on Yea Forums to spoon-feed you an answer

>mistakes high stock market as high index of living for general population.

Fucking kek

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tinfoil detected

why, my peanus weenus of course :)


my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

So if I vote for Democrats, what will they give me? - the answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D



do you have any idea with the number of people in this country and the quality we are used to how high we would have to raise the taxes? "tax the rich" why would the rich stay here then and now take their money somewhere else?

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Socialism works.

Do you have any idea how cringey that meme is? Are you 12?

>why would the rich stay here then and now take their money somewhere else?
They don't shithead. They make shit-tons of money here and enjoy this stable democracy, even when they're taxed. You have no allegiance to the rich, user, they make money off you. You have no business defending them.

>more Fox News talking points


The Dems want votes so they will do everything possible to finally secure them selves as the only party able to win elections and then they will become a fucking oligarchy, why dont you look up the history of the democrats and how "tolerant" they have been throughout the past 150 years

I don't even watch fox news or any main stream media, get your head out your ass.

Checkout girls at grocery stores earn iver $20 an hour in Aus, what do they earn for that job in the US?
The exchange rate between us and au dollars isn't even double, so you prove yourself wrong

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cuz it wasn't socialism? redditors don't like lying dirt-bag pieces of shit?

ie: people who lived under socialism.

you may not watch it, but you certainly regurgitate it


>and the quality we are used to

is that "high quality" healthcare why rand paul went to go to get healthcare from a socialized system?

no i suspect its not

If they get super taxed they are taking what money they have here and leaving elsewhere, they are already moving jobs to china, most of their money is over sea's as it is, if anything you are the dumb ass who thinks i'm defending them, i know how this works, you are the one who thinks they are gonna be nice and just stay.

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>quality you are used to
The US has the 27th best health care in the world and is surpassed by many """"socialist""""" countries

Whats the GDP between the countries? whats the number of people living in the countries? whats the dollar exchange rate? whats the number of wealthy people living between the countries? why don't you fucking consider more than 1 aspect of this before you start trying to sound smart.

And already pay more than the "socialist" countries do.

this ^

1USD does not equal 1AUD. Not to mention the higher cost of living in Australia.

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ITT: people who suck at the teet of stupid media outlets, fringe pathological political groups, and Facebook groups all trying to convince one another they have the answer.

Most of you know don’t what you’re talking about. Now fuck off.

top kek, Hernia repair is such a big fucking deal compared to cancer survival rate and other major life threatening things

Look at those numbers again, those numbers are on very specific topics, not overall survival rating for major things.

asks a simple question, gets a simple answer

nex minit, why dont you look at all the complexities

go jump m8

Based and stalin-pilled

If you vote for that Harris lady you get legalized marijuana federally

as i suspected you know nothing about economics just like AOC, you listen to these failed professors who are teaching you about politics and economics out of your fucking english class or other liberal arts subjects, read some books that arn't approves by the leftist brain washed oligarchy and do some history research.

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says increasingly nervous guy for the 7th time.jpg


orange man bad
baby trump blimp

Healthcare on the level of the VA, college on the level of a crappy public high school, and a combination of higher taxes and higher prices when rich business owners don't want to be on the losing side.

Mad Cuz Bad, picked losing side and reeeeing about it.

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A brand new lamborgini

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very specific topics like, Healthcare

>as i suspected

so you've decided in your own head whats happening with 0 proof of it, congratulations, this is why talking to you burgerstani fucks isn't worth my time

tax returns in the form of fringe benefits

Yes because white supremacy is totally a possible thing and will in no way backfire horribly like the last race that thought they were superior to everyone else

this guy doesn't stand a chance. he's kamala harris with a penis

Fuck off fukong fagggot you think you funny but you fucking STUPID

The debt means jack shit when giving billionaires tax breaks, but means the world when someone mentions free healthcare

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He's the guy who was elected the class president and told the kids "no homework" "recess for all" ! :^)

don't tease the children. its not time to tell them santa claus is not real yet

they won't give you anything for everything comes with a price. Unless you're an old fart, anything you do get comes at the price of your future finances...the future is being mortgaged to pay for the present.
Sadly this applies to both parties.

Well sometimes they actually are retarded

true States&country2=Australia

Consumer Prices Including Rent in Australia are 1.47% lower than in United States

>22 trillion in debt
>still says gimme
>actual liberal logic

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How about overall life expectancy and happiness? Cause they're beating us in both .

We subsidize healthcare for all in Israel you know, it's good enough for them but not good enough for Americans huh rabbi

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And 1.47 percent less rights

"modern monetary theory" says public debt don't matter....

If I invent a new monetary theory that says my credit card debt doesn't matter, does that mean I can buy anything I want?

Listening to what you have said has made me decide you know nothing i was giving you a chance to clear that but you failed to do so.

>muh dick
Found the nigger.

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how many PhD's do you have?

Ya because giving shit for free to people who did nothing to earn it builds the character needed to become productive members of society.
Ask any canadian about the native payout.

For the last fucking time what is with this white supremacy shit, are you so fucking indoctrinated that you think all republicans and Trump are all white supremacists, like explain to me what is the proper way to act? let everyone fuck us in the ass based on the color of their skin? i judge people by deeds not skin color which is something the left should start doing but no the left makes every choice based on the color of someones skin, that sounds racist to me.


Yes, things on average cost 1.47% less in Australia. While things don't cost the same, as shown by the source, the different costs average to similar costs.

22 trillion in debt

got money for wall

got money for defense spending increases

got money to give tax cuts to corporations and billions in tax returns

free healthcare, HoW u GoNnA pAy 4 DaT

You don't need any to realize that you, as a citizen, can escape many forms of debt. Bankruptcy, hell even going on the run for a few years.

Just because a citizen can do it doesn't mean a government should. Ask Zimbabwe how things worked out a couple of years ago.

He said the character needed to become productive

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>giving shit for free to people who did nothing to earn it builds the character

Donald Trump is a character and he got his daddys fortune for free.

But it doesn't need to escape the can just print all the money it needs to pay the debt.
I mean look how well that turned out for the Wiemar Republic...

look at the health problems we have in america to begin with, we are the most diverse country and have the highest obesity rating, you are going to sit and tell me its the fault that we don't have universal healthcare? we get treatment faster and better then any other country but, when you have a country full of fat diabetics and people with all sorts of different genetic backrounds which means more things to have to look for and treat and more people in general cant treat everyone and have them not die from a heart attack at 36 cuz they ate 50 pounds of bacon 365 days of the year for 36 years i don't expect us to have as high of an overall life expectancy rating, sounds like you wanna ban the food comrade.

don't have money for wall

we are literally the worlds military at this point and are stationed everywhere ontop of the fact of R&D

the idea of tax cuts is to make them hire more people and spend more money.

it might be because we let you die if you don't have health care. It might be because people dont get health care, they get emergency care.

No he borrowed money he paid back from his father and cheated the system by buying houses under a corperate name and going bankrupt and selling houses, he cheated the system to make money.

yes, they get emergency care as in if you are threatned you will be treated, if you eat your self into 600 pounds of bacon grease that isnt our fucking problem and we shouldn't have to pay for it, if you are truely disabled we have programs to pay for that shit, if you are able bodied and want free shit go fuck your self.

what color are you?
they want you to give and suffer because you are a racist and oppress the poor brown people

Okay rabbi we give $3 Billion a year to Israel and they're good enough for healthcare for all but Americans aren't.

A healthy populace doesn't happen overnight

I seriously wish it was legal to hunt rednecks


Explain the math with a 22 trillion dollar debt

You're such a fucking retard. No one gets free healthcare because one fat guy might get it. It's a cheaper system to stop paying companies to tell you no

>explain your math
You can't even explain yours. They're REALLOCATING FUNDS that are already being taken from your checks, before you even get them. And if they didn't spend it on healthcare, it'd keep funding this bullshit war with Iran or these raises for fat cat CEOs.

You're fucking retarded if you think any politician you vote for is actually going to spend your money on what you want it spent on. Grow the fuck up.

Explain why the deficit only matters when healthcare is brought up but not military spending or billionaires getting tax breaks

And a white minority plus globohomo degeneracy.

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You have 0 grasp of even basic economics. How about you sit this one out kiddo?

You get the immense pleasure of seeing Trump go to prison and get his butt rammed every night by BBC.

Yes, i am the retard who actually sits and takes a wide array of statics into account over, my feelings and 1 generalized statistic, cool story bro.

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Cash incentives to participate in the country's most productive economies (food, education, healthcare, and energy) instead of just being poor and committing violence to survive.

They probably won't do anything though. They will lose congress in the first term again, and everything that gets passed will be defended into oblivion, and the conservatives will laugh in smugness at such a shitty economy.

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do have money for wall , maybe not enough to do all it, but lets not pretend you aren't spending frivolously on that stupid wall

>we are literally the worlds military at this point

nobody's asking you to be, in fact we all want you to stop being the world police

>the idea of tax cuts is to make them hire more people and spend more money.

trickle down economics doesn't work, we know that, theyre just going to spend more money on automation like amazon has

Only white men may use "muh dick" argument. That's the rule

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I agree with Wall i don't entirely agree with using federal spending on it.

you say that but the truth is as America is world police other countries are able to spend less on military because they know we have it covered, how about you pay your share into Nato or infact i agree, lets have America pull out of everywhere, disband nato and we will go back into isolationism, you guys have fun with Russia and China and the Middle east.

Trickle down Economics does work actually if you do it properly and deregulate things properly, also Amazon is cancer its a fucking monopoly and i don't buy from it because it's breaking capitalism.

Unemployment, hyperinflation, nationalized healthcare collapse, war, and general chaos...

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>how about you pay your share into Nato

we do

how about you pay us back for following you into iraq, vietnam, korea etc etc etc

eventually they will give you your first Dictator

They will gib you dats.

>Trickle down Economics does work actually if you do it properly and deregulate things properly,

>Amazon is cancer its a fucking monopoly and i don't buy from it because it's breaking capitalism.

kek it works, but amazon is breaking it (cause it doesn't work and its rife with monopolies who pay to have it deregulated in ways that favor them)

i think you just made my point

you guys dont pay your share into nato you mooch, you came into iraq for the oil same us, Vietnam was a fucking french colony that we had to step in and go to war over because they were going to turn communist, Korea would be full communist now aswell if not for us, you were all democratic countries once upon a time, lets disband nato and let you deal with your own shit.

This is the Muppet who campaigned in Mexico, then escorted deportees back for another try...

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>Trickle down Economics does work actually if you do it properly and deregulate things properly

you're not that far from "communism works if its done properly" logic

Free? wtf do you think taxes are for? Election campaigns?

no Monopolies pay to regulate things so no other businesses can compete against them thats why so many big business are going democrat and the dems regulate everything, only oil tycoons are republicans, amazon, microsoft, apple, google, all left wing

sure, ill agree communism works....if you kill everyone who isnt a communist and you indoctrinate everyone into the system and take over the entire world under 1 communistic global order, ofcourse it would work, i mean you would exterminate over half the human population achieving it.

im not arguing for communism you silly burger

im saying the leaps of logic are stunningly similar

"oh its works if... but its never ACTUALLY worked in a free system because human greed"

it worked for a long time if you go back 30+ years, the problem is it has changed because of all the new regulations and systems in play.

>He's Kamala Harris with a vagina.
Fixed that for you.

Actually, on nearly every scale (and certainly on average) we are more 'free' than America..

$15 minimum wage is pants on head retarded since the cost of living is not the same across the country. The minimum wage should be determined by states and cities.

>it worked for a long time if you go back 30+ years

you mean while corporations were still paying reasonable amounts in taxes?

>So if I vote for Democrats, what will they give me?
Higher taxes, more debt for you children, more illegal aliens, more abortions, more homeless, more druggies, more welfare, more crime, worse schools, worse healthcare, worse roads and fewer good paying jobs. Check out Cuba and Venezuela.

Oh, you will be called a racist, homophobic, xenophobic and pay your fair share!!!

What are they giving you? It’s all about buying votes with other people’s money. Nothing can be given unless it’s taken from someone else.

Higher taxes, after you pay for all of the illegals healthcare.

Lol. Idiot.

This. Turning the whole country into a fusion of Mexico and San Francisco.


>$15 minimum wage is pants on head retarded since the cost of living is not the same across the country. The minimum wage should be determined by states and cities.

cost of living also is different in states and cities here in Australia

but we still have a federal minimum wage, and then if states want to bargain more you can

its not pants on head retarded, what IS pants on head retarded is the most wealthy country in the history of the world having conned its people into thinking the same stuff the rest of the world has been doing for decades is out of reach and ready to vote against their own interests becuase they've decimated the schooling system to a point where yall will just believe anything that's said on faux news by people earning tens of thousands of dollars a day

the funny part is you think when the taxes were high they were actually paying them, it wasn't till later they started to crack down on that shit and by that time lowered taxes.

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Latina puss*

ever consider why we are the most wealthy country? cuz we didn't follow that stupid shit.

I love how you had to edit that pic to make absolutely no sense.
Whites built ropes for the blacks to raised up with...
I'll see myself out

sure there were loopholes, but if you start off with a higher tax rate and then subtract using those loopholes youre still paying mroe than if you start lower and then use the same loopholes

your logic sucks

also, it might be nice is you add a citation instead of just pulling things out fo your arse, i mean isnt the right meant to be the "facts over feels" people? sure seems like theres a lot of things youre saying that you arent backing up here

sounds great. please circle the where those dollars are...

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We'll give you some sport, Snowflake.

Projecting much?

Free sex with illegal immigrants


Not really a useful chart as most of the Obama debt was created as a result of the fake "collapse" that Bush and company engineered. Don't get me wrong, Obama sucked dead goat balls, but just not for that particular reason.

>fake "collapse"

chase any ufo's recently?

>>fake "collapse"
>chase any ufo's recently?

user is right on that point. Bailing out failed banks seemed like the right thing to do at the time... but it's becoming apparent that nothing was "saved" and nothing was "solved"...

we can't BORROW and SPEND our way to prosperity

it only SEEMS like we have done the right thing in the short term... nothing was "saved" and nothing was "solved"... we just kicked the can further down the road. yes we postponed a crisis and what surely would have followed - a large correction and recession. but we added a massive amount of long-term debt to bail out failing banks, all in a misguided effort to avoid short-term pain.

we should have never done that...

rather than trying to prevent recessions, the government needs to allow companies to fail and allow recession to happen (part of the natural economic cycle). stop quantitative easing (money printing), stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.

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>Bailing out failed banks seemed like the right thing to do at the time... but it's becoming apparent that nothing was "saved" and nothing was "solved"...

so its "fake" it didn't happen at all

> still no answer

this is why Trump won, fuckwit.

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they don't give it to you, you pay for it with your taxes

you stupid fucker

still haven't googled it

as i said, im not here to spoon-feed you, go look into it yourself

You are a fucking dumbass. Cost of living differences means a high universal minimum wage is going to cause more unemployment in low cost of living areas. What do you think would happen if you increased the minimum wage to $30 in some bumfuck town in South Dakota?

>You are a fucking dumbass. Cost of living differences means a high universal minimum wage is going to cause more unemployment in low cost of living areas

love it, i say something, people ask where i graduated from with my economics major, so where did you get yours?

>What do you think would happen if you increased the minimum wage to $30 in some bumfuck town in South Dakota?

straw-man detected, who's asking for a $30 min wage? cant even argue honestly, so fuck it why should i give you any sort of reasonable answer? why should i even try when you arent going to debatein good faith and all youre going to do is strawman

this is why im not going to sit here and explain things to >805401042 yall, cause at the end of the day you're just gonna live in your own bubble and believe what you want to anyway, or youe going to "argue" with strawmans and gotcha's

if yall want it explained and spoonfed to you, go ask ELI5 on plebbit, this is Yea Forums

>love it, i say something, people ask where i graduated from with my economics major, so where did you get yours?
I don't give a shit about your credentials, only your arguments.
>straw-man detected, who's asking for a $30 min wage? cant even argue honestly, so fuck it why should i give you any sort of reasonable answer? why should i even try when you arent going to debatein good faith and all youre going to do is strawman
The question was to illustrate that the minimum wage must cause unemployment if you raise it high enough. Now, a high cost of living area like San Francisco is going to be able to better absorb a higher minimum wage because the average wage level is higher in that area. However, the same cannot be said for a small town in the Midwest where the cost of living and average wage level is much lower. Do you understand that people in the same exact occupation can make a different wage based on their location in the country?

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>So if I vote for Democrats, what will they give me?
The illusion that they'll let you into the millionaire's club.
Oh sorry, that's Republicans.

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Yup "free healthcare, college, 15$ min wage"

Which decreases the dollars buying power, which increases the cost if goods sold, which then creates a recession.

What good is a 15$ min wage job if nobody is hiring?

affordable health care

>The question was to illustrate that the minimum wage must cause unemployment if you raise it high enough.


then why didnt you say $50, or $100 or some other zany number nobody's talking about?

>>The question was to illustrate

no it was obviously to strawman,nobody's arguing for a $30 min wage, you're not debating in good faith, theyre asking for a $15 min wage, had you asked that same question without the ridiculous strawman i might be bothered to answer, but seeing as you're evidently not interested in ANY answer i give there's little point trying is there?

if you look at the ppost above 1 USD is 1.43 AUD, so our min wage at AU $18.50,t and your min wage of US 15 (au $21.45) arent that far away from each other

do you think there arent country towns in Australia?

we also pay for socialized housing, unemployment benefit, socialized medicine etc etc etc, so all you burgers saying "how u gonna pay for dat!??!!?" the answer is, the same way everyone else in the industrialized world does

>no it was obviously to strawman,nobody's arguing for a $30 min wage, you're not debating in good faith, theyre asking for a $15 min wage, had you asked that same question without the ridiculous strawman i might be bothered to answer, but seeing as you're evidently not interested in ANY answer i give there's little point trying is there?
Do you acknowledge that the minimum wage causes unemployment if you raise it high enough? Do you acknowledge that the cost of living and average wage levels are not the same everywhere in a given country?
>do you think there aren't country towns in Australia?
Post unemployment rates by region and city in Australia. Otherwise, debate the argument and quit fucking whining like a bitch.

cause maccas only exists in america, in Australia NZ UK etc, nobody knows what maccas is because they've decided paying a minimum wage makes them unprofitable

this is a non argument, this is faux news talking point, stop chugging the coolaide you mook

That is racist faget.. what about the millions of poor blacks who cant work to pay taxes.

They arent allowed to work in the US how can they fill out a W2?

You college summerfags are the worst


are u white? then guilt if not then u get everything you could ever dream of at whiteys expense

Fag liberal and pronoums
>Garantee keks

>Do you acknowledge that the minimum wage causes unemployment if you raise it high enough?

sure if you raised it to a point where it becomes unprofitable to run in an extremely short time, yes, but you as a buisiness pass those costs onto the consumer, the consumer still needs to buy things, like food, therefore the money goes around the economy and stimulates it, and after a short while.. boom suddenly people can afford it again

thats why your $30 suggestion was stupid

look at what Australia did during the GFC, prime minister gave everyone on cenno 800 bucks, people spent that shit on new tv's etc, money went around, and it meant we didnt get hit nearley as hard as ... say America where they were foreclosing on peoples homes

> Do you acknowledge that the cost of living and average wage levels are not the same everywhere in a given country?

yes, but again, money flowing around the economy will fix that, and you do that by taking it out of jeff besos's bank accounts and into the hands of workers, who spend it and stimulate the economy

>Post unemployment rates by region and city in Australia. Otherwise, debate the argument and quit fucking whining like a bitch.

1 you can google it

2 yes it is 2 % higher than the US

3 we pay for unemployment benefits so people aren't forced to work on starvation wages, just looking at that number doesn't show you the living standard for example, and having that unemployment benefit means people aren't forced to go work for economic vampires like besos

4:higher quality of life

5: socialism (housing, medicare, college etc) plays a part in why we have a higher living standard than you burgers

Wow, you can see the future!

That chart is bullshit. It's projections down even make sense. They don't continue the current trend, they don't take an average of trends and apply those to the projection, the invent a non existent WORSE trend and project that.

Get some real data nigger. Anyway, is almost like you're saying that being a minority in America puts you at a disadvantage when you'd still be the largest group...

Hes got nothing to say to either of our replies

Is this bait?
>muh rich CEO's
>muh war
>"it's called reallocating u bigot"

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And we live longer because of it.

It fucking works you turdbrain.

Free health care will only result to shit healthcare

so... uhh... when randy mc-paul got knocked the fuck out by his neighbor for being a bitch, and he wanted the best hernia clinic in the world... pray tell where did he go you filthy burger?

1. Minimum wage and basic income are completely different policies.
2. I want the unemployment rate by province, city, and town.

The rich didn't leave when the top tax was like 90%, why would they leave now you halfwit?

Our own history proves you stupid.


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Why is single-payer better than a German, Norwegian, or Swiss system?

I just wish Yang wasn't such a faggot on immigration and social issues.

1: no shit

1A: nobody's talking about basic income, i mentioned unemployment benefit and other social policies

1B: basic income and unemployment benefit are different policies you silly burger, we dont have a basic income

2: so google it

His main priority is UBI so you dont even have to take those into account.

So if Obamas debt was really Bushes fault (i did not know we were still blaming things on him but whatever) this means Trumps debt is really Obamas right?

And we will not see what trump really did until he finishes out his second term.

No you're right. Telll me how well the healthcare treats your population as a whole?

How is your life expectancy compared to nations with universal healthcare?

I'll wait.

who was arguing it was? you've missed the point completely, they all have universal healthcare, IDGAF which model you choose

do you actually speak English over there in burgerstan? cause there seems to be a lot of confusion when im talking some simple fucking English, or are you all just retarded?

I do.

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Funny thing about bussinesses like that. When taxes and wages go up they dont just stop making money. if they are mandated by law to pay a living wage as they need to be doing any ways then they will hike the price of goods as much as the market will bare then start to slash the pants on head retarded 10,000,000 CEO pay.

The end result is something like the nordic countries have. If it works there it can work here too.

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No need to get so upset, muhammad. I'm fine with universal healthcare as long as it's not single-payer.

>We get treatment faster and better
Here in Kent, UK, we had public funded and run healthcare until about 2010. Before 2010 the average distance to an emergency room in Kent was 3 miles, average wait in A&E just under 2 hours on a Friday (which was and will always be the worst day, the yardstick for emergency response).

In 2010 the government signed over management of most of Kent's hospitals to the Kent NHS Foundation Trust. A for profit organisation with shareholders and the whole capitalist schtick. They closed a third of emergency rooms, and today the average wait on a Friday night is 5 hours and the average distance to your nearest A&E is 7 miles, more than doubling response times for ambulances.

Capitalism is killing our healthcare, slowly but surely, in measurable ways.

That means you have to earn a $1.50 AUS before you have $1.00 in real money. That means your money is worth a lot less overall.

>basic income and unemployment benefit are different policies you silly burger, we dont have a basic income
Unemployment benefits are just targeted basic income for the most part. The point is that they are much different policies from minimum wage.
>so google it
You made the assertion that a universal minimum wage causes the same amount of umeployment (if any at all) in all different provinces, cities, and towns of Australia. The burden of proof is on you. I say it's logically impossible due to the laws of economics.

sorry you're right, its not fair to get angry at the mentally impaired, its not your fault you've got an iq hovering around room temperature (in degrees by the way)

(that probably only works in countries without wacky backwards units of measurement)

Try playing warhammer in AUS...

Laissez-faire capitalism has never once NOT resulted in monopolistic trade practices. History does not agree with you. Regulation is 100% essential else you get exploitation on a much grander scale than we already have. Of course you will ALWAYS have exploitation, because exploitation is the cornerstone of capital based economies.

Haha, Muhammad fucks pigs in hell, faggot.

All my posts go ignored because they cannot be refuted :)

>Unemployment benefits are just targeted basic income for the most part.

so... not a basic income which is by its definition, not targeted

>The point is that they are much different policies from minimum wage

well done, you get a gold star

>You made the assertion that a universal minimum wage causes the same amount of umeployment

no i didn't, again, do you speak English over there in burgerstan cause it almost seems like you do, and then its like you just make shit up in your head that you thought i said and run with it, so idont know, its almost like its a different language you're speaking and somethings getting lost in translation

i said that there are still rural towns in Australia despite there being a minimum wage, people didn't starve to death, people didn't disappear, i never made the assertion you're claiming i made

you yanks need to stop making shit up in your head

but you earn more of it....

its like you burgers are only just now learning that other countries exist


if you're going to try insult me with made up shit at least do the research necessary

>so... not a basic income which is by its definition, not targeted
The benefits you described are the same. That's why I referred to it.
>well done, you get a gold star
Too difficult for you to comprehend.
>no i didn't, again..
You did. That's what we are arguing about, you stupid nigger.

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Sorry, are you the chink...I mean Australian?

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>The benefits you described are the same. That's why I referred to it.

except they aren't, and i mentioned them, i didn't describe them

again, do you speak English over there?

>Too difficult for you to comprehend

how so, yes minimum wage is different to unemployment benefits thats pretty simple

if you've not worded your argument properly you can try again

i said

>do you think there arent country towns in Australia?

how did you extrapolate from that, that i was talking about minimum wages having no impact?

again, do you speak English?

*slow claps*

yes you fucking burger shitstain

Freedom op.. freedom

ITT: debating alt-right losers who hate socialism but who have everything paid for by their successful parents.

Someone, please tell me all Australians aren't this retarded.

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Do you mean socialism where a given segment of the economy is controlled by a government monopoly or the traditional definition?

fuck off yank, you cant even understand simple English and then youre calling me retarded?

im almost happy that youre all voting against your own interests, hopefully you'll die out soon and the countries who aren't mentally deficient can rebuild (provided you dont wipe us all out in a nuclear apocalypse with iran and or russia first)

>Do you mean
Yeah, like I'm going to wade into this juvenile jerk fest

You literally don't even know what you are and aren't arguing for. If you think that a high universal minimum wage will effect an area of country with a high average wage level differently than another area of the country with a low average wage level, then we are in complete agreement. Remember, this is what the debate was about before you started talking about random welfare policies that differ from the minimum wage.

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More ugly people. Your beloved AOC is ugly even for a Latina.

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>You literally don't even know what you are and aren't arguing for.

yeah, i do, its you who doesnt know what im arguing for, because you lack a simple grasp of English

> If you think that a high universal minimum wage will effect an area of country with a high average wage level differently than another area of the country with a low average wage level, then we are in complete agreement

but thats not what i said, i very simply said that Australia still has rural towns, are they affected differently, yes, did they disappear, no, did people starve to death, no, was there an outbreak of the black plague, no, did the 4 horsemen come, no, they still exist, people still live in small towns, it all still works and Australia hasn't sunk to the bottom of the ocean over it

you decided i inferred things that i didn't, which is why im questioning you grasp of English, and you latched onto those imaginary things you imagined that i said

>but thats not what i said, i very simply said that Australia still has rural towns, are they affected differently, yes, did they disappear, no, did people starve to death, no, was there an outbreak of the black plague, no, did the 4 horsemen come, no, they still exist, people still live in small towns, it all still works and Australia hasn't sunk to the bottom of the ocean over it
Strawman. A higher unemployment rate doesn't (necessarily) equate to those things. Looks like you agree with me after all.

That's because everyone else you posted is white. AOC is a mutt.

thats not a straw-man, if you remember we were comparing buttfuck north Dakota to rural towns in Australia, i don't know every town in America and im sure you dont know every town in Australia, hence why we are comparing how a minumum wage (remember what the original debate was about)

now IF Australia rural towns haven't exploded or fallen into hell, then its maybe possible that passing a $15 min wage over there (which is similar to our min wage) maybe wouldn't cause the tectonic plates to collapse thereby engulfing the mid-west in seawater

okay... you still with me?

its a comparison yes? still following mister burger?

now IF you pass a minimum wage of $15 USD per hr (approx 21.45 AUD, ~$3.05 AUD higher than our min wage, exchange rates change) then yes, perhaps it will impact some small businesses in rural towns TEMPORARILY, but as the money flows around the economy this will level out over time as the economy is stimulated

are you still with me?

this is the bit we aren't yet up to, so bear with me mister simpleburger

if you then add yearly increases to that min wage, (like Australia does) then the system wont experience this potential shock again, this shock is necessary because a living wage is necessary, and its the fault of your stupid Republican burgerstani politicians who have blocked wage increases for decades that this shock is even a thing

so from all the way over here, its a bit of a shock to see you repeat the same talking points that the republicans do, which are intended to have you vote against your own interests, which you seem to be doing

It's going to cost less retard but of course you wouldnt know that you just listen to whatever pa says when he bitches in his Ford pickup on the way to go muddin eh cletus?

The stock market isnt the economy you fucking moron. God why do you regards never do any research?

>perhaps it will impact some small businesses in rural towns TEMPORARILY,
Not what happens in reality. I guarantee you that rural and small towns in Australia have higher unemployment rates due to the minimum wage, and it has persisted.

>I guarantee you that rural and small towns in Australia have higher unemployment rates

yes they do

>due to the minimum wage

i don't think that's the sole reason though, it might be that... i dunno...its a rural town and that's just generally a bad place for business?

>I pointed out facts that went ignored because they 100% cannot be refuted.
>Corporate welfare apologists continued to argue about living wages in spite of evidence it improves money flow in the economy
>Big pharma apologists kept arguing against universal healthcare inspire of capitalism's proven negative effect on healthcare


Thats because there are far more people than jobs. This is true for all rural areas in every country

the same shit republicans give you, the key difference is that one side will convey why you are receiving it the way you are and why you deserve to have that then make a response like this

"Oh that makes sense"

even if you dont fully agree

>minimum wage dindu nuffin.

also because not many people come through the towns

economy relies on money flow

small towns generally down have as much money flowing around them, and they dont get money flowing into them without people going through them

thanks for not being like the silly burger im debating, you're restoring a little faith

>trickle down economics doesn't work, we know that

"Trickle down economics" is a liberal meme that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States. At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.

Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Why do you think Apple and Facebook and Amazon and all these faggot Silicon Valley companies support the Democrats so much? Because they actually give a shit about black people and tranny bathroom rights? Try pulling your head out of your ass and getting your information from somewhere besides John Oliver's Twitter feed, you useful idiot.

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Let's break things down in regard to this argument.

1. Person A says "the US is the most successful country in the world"
2. Person A says "The US does things differently than my country, which is generally much less successful than the US" The US shoiuld do things like my country.

Dusting off a classic here.
Anyway the US has about 53% of its population already supporting the rest. That's the problem with raising the minimum wage. The same 53% will just be paying more.

The US currently pays almost as much as the entire GDP of Australia in welfare alone.

Raising the minimum wage has already shown to result in job and wage losses. Which places more people on welfare. Bernie sanders is a huge proponent of $15, was just shamed into acually paying his employees that amount, immediately cut hours and jobs. So those that still have jobs make more per hour, make less per person.

The current democrat drum beating that anyone from anywhere in the world can come to the us, get free healthcare and guaranteed welfare and guaranteed high paying job just means the 53% will be taxed more and have to spend more.

The same democats who voted to fine every taxpayer who didn't carry health insurance are now offering to give it for free, to literally the population of the entire planet. Paid for by 53% of the us population.

The problem the US has is a spending problem. And the only thing being offered, is more spending.

Not an argument.

Got ‘em

>without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers

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It is an argument.
It says you're just spouting Fox News talking points. We might as well just listen to Sean Hannity all day.
You're a non-entity, parroting words that make you feel better about your own life failures.
You're a non-entity parroting the

>that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works


>excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States

yep, all the manufacturing jobs in Australia dissapeared because of the taxation /s

holden (kangaroo GM) and ford Australia just decided to close up shop because of the tax hike, oh wait... there was no tax hike and infact we paid out a huge payment and years of govt contracts to them to try keep them here, and they took out tax dollars, and fucked off anyway


its amazing you in one breath say "the left knows nothing about how it all works" and in the next say something so easily proved wrong, why do i even bother?

for decades we purchased ford falcons and Holden commodores as police cars, now that they've left we have BMW's are the domestically prodused burger cars better than BMW's? no, it was a fat contract in order to try this trickle down bullshit

and they took the money and left when it became slightly less profitable than they wanted, and in doing so also forced out Toyota Australia, because without the 2 burger brands toyota would have to support all the other 3rd part manufacturers that produced things for all 3 by itself (companies that make mag wheels for instance)

trickle down economics doesn't work

>So if I vote for Democrats, what will they give me?

higher taxes
more crime
less jobs

>The problem the US has is a spending problem. And the only thing being offered, is more spending.

Exactly right. The US doesn't have a tax problem, we have a spending problem, big time. The United States is drunk. Our liquor is debt. Debt is our #1 export to the rest of the world. Soon, the rest of the world will begin to realize that we have no choice but to default on our massive national debt. Already, other countries are openly discussing plans to ditch the inflating US dollar as a reserve currency. Once this begins, it's game over.

Pouring the drunk another drink is not the solution. Massive amounts of deficit-financed spending does not "make" a strong economy. Continuous rounds of quantitative easing (money printing) by the Federal Reserve is causing massive asset inflation and does not "create" wealth. A rising stock and real estate market are the result of a large asset-inflation bubble, not any type of economic recovery as the government would have you believe.

The government does not have a solution for this. As time passes the distortions created by a centrally planned economy become more apparent, as assets continuously inflate and the country becomes mired in debt, it also becomes less and less competitive with the rest of the world. Additionally, the increased risk from our massively increased national debt calls into question the overall solvency of the currency, and we are already seeing other countries (our lenders) begin to move away from the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Once the crisis of confidence peaks, and the dollar loses its reserve currency status... it's game over.

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I don't watch Fox or listen to Sean Hannity.

>>excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States
>yep, all the manufacturing jobs in Australia dissapeared because of the taxation

US =/= AUS

its economics

its specifically American companies im talking about, its the same economic vampirism

do you really think it works that differently?

>US =/= AUS

you get a gold star captain obvious

>its economics
Yes, same economic principles, but two different *economies*.

Fuck that.

Can you imagine having your taxes wasted on keeping some land-whale sperg lord alive?

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>It won't work in our economy
>Source: clairvoyancy

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Wait until the actual baby boomers die off, then chase the health care dream.
That generation is a giant burden to the system

So you are a land whale sperg lord?

Because you will be paying to keep YOU alive.

Universal healthcare countries almost all beat USA for life expectancy, care quality ratings.

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I'm sure.

Absolutely fucking NOTHING!

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This fag believes the protocols of the elders of zion is real.

lol, thats basically it

HE also has charts with projections powered by imagination.

Liberalism is cancer


You are cancer.

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Nuh uh!
You're a poopy head!

No, they're all Latinas, moron. AOC is a fucking mulatto thing, and you guys keep confusing one and the other.

This guy gets it.

Found the retard

i agree with you but i think there are politicians who want what you want it just doesn't last long in a system like congress or the senate where you HAVE to sell out your idealism for political power to stay in your seat.

No u

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Found the moron repeating memelord bullshit.

Get your own opinion.

So ITT now:
>Me and Ausfag made perfectly valid points about healthcare and living wages.
>Trickle-down apologists finally gave up when their repetitive talking points and attempts to predict the future with no basis ran dry.
>Pharma/Insurance exploitation apologists gave up about an hour ago when they couldn't refute the evidence that healthcare INVARIABLY gets worse when privatised from universal.
I think we won. The only people left are just repeating meme bullshit like "liberalism is cancer" and such without any substance.

lol, wow

>explanations?! what are those?!

Isnitnany better to have it wasted on shooting Arabs?
Maybe it's better to have your tax dollars funding Israelis education and healthcare?

Just post AOC porn, thats all these threads amount to anyway

Good boy points.

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Cheers guys.
Gave me a laugh every time I took a smoke break during work today.
Surprised the thread lasted so long
Burgers can't into economics, they just repeat what the tv tells them, and that's why they stay poor while thinking they are rich

its what happens when you suck at typing and you're working on a old as fuck keyboard

have you never seen a typo before?

What typo?

i typed "expl[a]nation, not exp[l]Ination


"oh guys look a typo, everything he says is invalid" - some burger

Henry Ford did.

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the ausfag here

did it have any substance to begin with? :P

>voting for a system that undermines your time, health and very existence via physical labour so that lazier, more sociopathically inclined "businesspeople" can exploit consumers (which also includes you) to create a wealth divide in which they win literally every metaphorical battle

Why shouldn't the minimum wage be $20/hr instead of $15?

dunno, why should we just pull another random number out of our asses and make it that

twenty-fif-tillion dollars i say good sir

because thats what the policy we're debating is

Haha, brainlet confirmed.

So I heard there were photoshopped images of her violent rape going around some Facebook group.
Pics or it didn't happen

"hur dur dur, i have no argument so im just going to use insults" - filthy ameriburger


I've found plenty of niggers but an entitled nigger is the worst thing. They're worth nothing when you ask me

there was nothing there to argue against, it was just a straight insult, so no...

go away you silly burger, you've lost

The crazy eyes, permanently. With no refunds. Dumbass. They might fuck you up the ass too while chanting satanic verses all while lubing up your bellybutton. Don't do it bro.

You couldn't even answer a simple question, downie.

i did answer it i said

>because thats what the policy we're debating is

nobody's got a policy for a $20 min wage, so its irrelevant isn't it

do you speak English over there in bugerstan? or are you mentally deficient?

a stable country, a fixed economy, possibly cheaper health care, and very possibly an end to the Mueller investigation.

Consumption tax in Denmark 25%
Consumption tax in USA 7%

But you got it right the first time
Explination is not a word

lol wow, debating these damn burgers has made me a bit stupider

your leaving out the trend continuing under trump

Holy shit, you are so stupid it hurts. Why shouldn't it be $20 instead of $15 when it is completely in our power?

I can understand that.
Make the same thread tomorrow and you'll get the exact same responses.
They just regurgitate propaganda
Its funny, but sad

You think the government gives raises to CEOs? Who is the fucking retard now.

Because yoyr wages have not increased to keep up with growth and inflation for decades, and if it had as it should have, 15 is where it would be

Why is 20 too high but 15 isn't?

then why have any raise at all

this is your (lack of) logic

go away, you've already lost

Pathetic display.

oh look, a sinlge forbes (totaly not biaded there, no vested interest at all) article

guess that means you win /s

shoo burger, you've lost already

Still can't read?

Inflation is why. Let me explain in your language.

If you set the wages at $15 you would still be able to buy the same number of burgers per hour as you would have 50 years ago. With the minimum wage stagnant you cannot buy as many burgers as you could per hour 50 years ago. If it were $20 you would be able to buy more burgers per hour than 50 years ago which would put the wage ahead of inflation which would constitute giving people something for nothing, which I know you hate because it makes you think of communism and you have a hard on every time you hate on communism and I know that's uncomfortable for you.

I already destroyed you earlier when you conceded that the average wage level isn't uniform across a country. This article makes the argument for a single state, let alone an entire country. Sit down, bitch. Australia should be ashamed.

Your argument got wrecked earlier when he had a real life example of it working and you had nothing but 'I bet it won't work though believe me bro'.

Pure delusion. You admitted I was right. Or are you going to claim that the average wage level is uniform across a country now?

In which state? Which city?

>I already destroyed you


this is the same kinda language on ben the jewcuck shapiro's videos

you been watching ben again? you been watching prager u you silly burger? you realize its not a real university right? you realize that ben's arguments kinda suck right? you realize just because you say "i destroyed you" doesn't make it so right?

shhhh, its okay silly burger, its okay, i know nobody like to be wrong, but you are, shhh its okay little burger, next time dear little burger, try to listen a bit more, maybe you'll learn something, maybe you'll learn some critical thought

its okay little burger, go to sleep