what are some movies that you think every person needs to watch at least once, or like just some of your favorites. I need a good ass movie to watch.
Last night I watched trainspotting for the first time, that was pretty good. Give me some similar tier movies to that.
First dubs is the movie I watch tonight, only can be overridden by trips
What are some movies that you think every person needs to watch at least once, or like just some of your favorites...
Other urls found in this thread:
bad boy bubby
also should I watch train spotting two? I noticed they came out with a second one in 2017, is it any good?
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Extended Edition for all of the real lads out there .
The Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra. Good movie and makes you think twice about politicians.
Those movies were unwatchable after the first time through. It’s the same thing over and over and over and over. Gets real boring.
Donnie Darko
Trainspotting 1 & 2 are awesome. Really makes you think about aging process too since you see the actors young and old.
Amateur filmmaking with terrible acting. A few laughs aren't worth it.
Spun, A Scanner Darkly and Naked Lunch
Children Of Men
>what are some movies that you think every person needs to watch at least once, or like just some of your favorites. I need a good ass movie to watch.
>Last night I watched trainspotting for the first time, that was pretty good. Give me some similar tier movies to that.
>First dubs is the movie I watch tonight, only can be overridden by trips
2001: A Space Odyssey, The Fountain, Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, The Blair Witch Project, Groundhog Day, Predator, Rope, The Shining, Aliens, Spaceballs, First Blood, Eyes Wide Shut
house that jack built
Hospital Handjob
Idiocracy, if you want to understand what is happening in the US right now.
I thought the shining was sort of meh in the horror department. More of a psychological thriller
blade runner 2049
if you don't like it you're a brainlet with short attention span
The Great Beauty by Paolo Sorrentino
I'm okay with slow movies as long as there is a necessary point to it
My choice is a movie called 'The Commitments' ... Funny, Classic, good Music (Soul), big egos...
Movie About a small band, and the jurney through the industries ups and Downs...
trainspotting 2 is horrible
Overrated. Dumb and the voices are annoying as fuck.
mulholland drive
Best in show or a mighty wind
best movie so far of the 21st century, everything else has been pretty shitty.
damn good choice right here
Harakiri 1962
Leaving Las Vegas
Once upon a time in the west
Dead mans shoes
A nightmare on elm street
Chungking express
Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
The cook, the theif, his wife, and her lover
3 iron
Rita, Sue and Bob Too
Yeah, they did a fantastic job with the sequel. Also, watch this
A Scanner Darkly
Odd movies that definitely make your brain churn, but quality imo.
I didn't like Trainspotting 2. But a buddy of mine, who'd read both books, Trainspotting and Porn (the sequel novel) love it.
He said it was like catching up with old friends.
Shawshank Redemption
If you liked Trainspotting, you like Requiem for a Dream. Jennifer Connelly goes ass to ass in that movie
The Fly - 1986 Version
That felt like a TV show pilot to me.
It's OK. Mid Tier at best.
I like the 2004 version, but the original really gets you thinking about the modern political atmosphere in general. ahead of its time
It ain't trips, but that 4747
what do you mean "ass to ass"?
Fucking Ran.
That movie inspired Shogun Total War. They even used clips of it in the intro.
Fantastic movie.
the king's speech
Did the mods disable dubs and trips again?
That movie is dirty. It's not bad, but there are no redeeming qualities in it at all.
You'd be better for having never seen it.
Terminator 2 being 4th on that list make the whole fucking thing irrelevant.
>That movie is dirty.
her and another girl share the same dildo in the ass while dudes shower them with money
You should watch Requiem for a Dream if you liked Trainspotting. Climax is also a good choice; and speaking of Gaspar my recommendation is Seul Contre Tous (or I Stand Alone), a fantastic film.
Requiem for a dream
Think it’s Kurosawas best to be honest.
go take it up with Yea Forums, i just saved the image for threads like these
The greatest movie ever made.
dark knight rises #1? is this a joke?
I laughed out loud once but forgot everything
That's a helluva call.
I'm not gonna disagree with you, but it's a helluva call.
watch John Waters' Pink Flamingos
Requiem is a bit too on the nose and black and white for me. I mean the end of Trainspotting literally has the main character back on drugs happy as a clam
No it doesn't.
>Romper Stomper
Oh that's right he's off going on about the "normal" he's telling himself stuff he'll do. As the camera blurs. Telling us that it's all a lie
The fisher king is good
Nina Simone stole my virginity and other tales
>First time watching Trainspotting
Meh, it's alright if you like watching Scottish people shoot heroin and swear a lot.
>Second time
Hey, this movie's actually pretty well made, creative but believable.
>Third time
Oh my god this is one of the best movies ever!
The fountain.
That film is garbage stop recommending it unironically
Good movies man
Throw yourself into a volcano like that stupid ring you worship.
Any more suggestions
Interstellar was a pretty good movie.
ending ruined it
Angst (or Schizophrenia)
Graveyard of honor (1976ish)
Post WW2 japan yakuza story
There’s heroin, rape, suicide, gambling with heroin, eating charred human remains, murder, and plenty of gang fights.
Oh there’s heroin junkie naked Japanese whores too, nearly forgot
Aaaaand checkum
scenic route, infinity chamber or coherence
you 2 are the biggest soyfags ever...that film is the best whore flick ever!!!!!!!!
now neck you fat bastards!
Until baby driver, the best cinematic driving stunts
>really makes you think
No. It forces the audience to take on faith that the established rules of time travel are being followed in the last act of the film. Pseud trash for pseud trash.
American history x or romper stomper. (Russell Crowe one)
Fear and loathing in las vegas
Leaving las vegas
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Harry brown
Double feature:
Videodrome and They Live
The timelines can all be traced until the very end, then Primer turns to shit. Pretty good until then tho
Old lady in the bathtub will forever fuck with me. I can't look at anyone over 60 anymore.
Is that Asian Terry Richardson?
i'm not sure what the exact quote is, but it's like "if you kill me, you'll never forgive yourself." that's the signature of someone posting wisdom to those that they know don't want to hear it.
grab the blue ray of this
snakes outta compton
yeah looks like he's gonna casually rape that bitch too
im so glad someone on Yea Forums shares the attention span argument with me, thought i was alone on that
make love not rape
why so jelly of nobuyoshi araki
3d version of this
who? I'm not jelly of anyone, just pointing out facts if he's the asian version of terry
>Along with the gods the two worlds
most feels any movie has ever given me
>Cash back
>Before I disappear
More feels
nice trips!
Lost In Translation
The Rules of Attraction
OP here, just finished watching Trainspotting two. I wouldn't say it was horrible, but it was definitely too dramatic.
I've already watched sling blade, weird movie but it was extremely entertaining
Alright, watch pic related then
this movie is like being reincarnated as an anal worm in alabama.
aight ill give that a go
any Herzog film
the first 3 flicks from this dude!
yeah, the time Yea Forums got invaded by Yea Forums
seriously, this list is bait
That movie looks like pure win
tf is this?
Fuck yeah. If you like this one watch Layer Cake
I agree but it’s still a crazy experience. Super suspenseful and unnerving. Great movie.
Scott pilgrim vs the world
In Time with Justin Timberlake. He's a meh actor but this movie has a great story and message.
"Trash Humpers"
Repo Man
Killer Klowns (from outer space)
Return of the Living Dead
From Beyond
A Clockwork Orange
Living in oblivion (steve buscemi flick that is mad underrated)
The adventures of Ford Fairlane (dice clay movie)
The big Lebowski
Cannibal Holocaust
watch a movie and a jew takes a crap on your soul
good list
watch this hairy ass trap flex his legs
blue velvet
shitty list
This list.
In the Mood for Love
The Ref
Through a Scanner, Darkly
Dr. Strangelove
Tokyo Story
My Neighbor Totoro(get high first)
Dead Again
Blade Runner
Dead Man
Old Boy
Vampire's Kiss
In Bruges
Fight Club
Wild At Heart
Big Trouble in Little China
The Limits of Control
Being John Malkovitch
Grosse Pointe Blank
And pic related. They Live.
gay movie
The Thing, Withnail & I, Bladerunner, The Elephant Man, Alien, (all masterpieces) THX1138, Solaris (I like their Soderberg version), Cloud Atlas (Flawed but a brave effort), The Terminator (still amazing and raw while the T2 is painfully dated), Never Let Me Go, Rear Window, American Werewolf in London, The WickerMan (Original obviously).
gay user
Oh and Arrival.
Not everyone's favourite but I loved it. The book is also great.
I watched Green Street Hooligans a few days ago. It was pretty decent.
It has Frodo and the guy who play Jax from Sons of Anarchy.
fake fuk
Backdoor Sluts 9.
Back door sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2!
Lost boys is the good shit man, good shit
9, a movie that was for the longest time a blur in my memory, but one that after redescovering it changed the way I create my own art. Beautiful animated film, eerie and feels like a fever dream.
can someone please shop the vodka bottle out and replace it with a bottle of hidden valley ranch please
I just started watching requim for a dream for the first time in years 30 minutes before finding this thread.
The score makes this movie
Just watch this.
also please do this
>A Clockwork Orange
This x10000
Been watching this movie at least once a month since the 90s
Return of the Living Dead is one of my favorite movies. I can put it on any time and I won't get bored of watching it no matter how many times I've seen it.
Overrated. It's only eye-opening if you're bluepilled or retarded.
Fuuuuuuuck you all
A scanner darkly
August underground mordum is strange
Fight club
Ilsa the she Wolf of the SS
Yeah, just kind of strange it's know as one of the greatest horror films of all time. I heard Kubrik wanted to do a hot open, where we know nothing about Jack or who he is. I think that may have been better
What's eye opening about it then genius? I saw nothing that was, I just like the story and the deeper layers. The surface stuff is probably the stuff you're talking about.