What was your go-to fapping material as a kid?

What was your go-to fapping material as a kid?

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wwe's website. divas.

What is she up to today?

Cum fiesta, pee dot com, and tons of bbc on tiny white bitches

The Jenny Jones Show. busty girls on there all the time.

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Many many loads to her

Jordan Carver

Had a kid after getting married, divorced I think and also having breast reduction surgery.
Also started doing full frontal nudity...well after her prime.

Definitely "Italian Hottie Home Naked", but only I after I spent 4 days waiting for it to download on Kazaa on my parents HP desktop with a 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 3 processor and AOL dial-up internet connection.



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Such a shame. She was an awful dancer. Heather from ideepthroat tho

Brooke skye.
Then she fucked a dick and called it quits for some reaso .

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Her and all the Lightspeed girls.

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Fun fact: her step father and mother took alk her videos and pictures.

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Milena velba, lorna morgan, katrina hartlova etc I loved big ass titties back then, and I still do now

kid face on an adult body..weird

every photo of prime Lil Kim in the 2003 issue of King magazine.

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That damn dance
Back in the day I would have given up so much just to tit fuck her

I’ve blown so many loads to her doing that dance and watching her big ass titties
I remember the 1st video I saw her actual tits pop out and I think that load is in my top 3 biggest loads blown
I get the urge sometimes and go back to my video archives and bust a few nuts to her tits