ITT: We tells stories of dumbest way that we almost die

ITT: We tells stories of dumbest way that we almost die.
> 21, swimless fag
> friend invites me to the public pool
> tells him I can't swim
> he tells me that there will 9/10 QTs there and he will teach
> LIES on both.
> Decide to at least sit down at 9 ft and immerse my legs in the water
> His autistic brother comes behind me without warning and pushes me into the pool
> take deep breath before hitting the water
> sink nearly 3/4 to the floor
> immediately start trying to swim up
> have no experience swimming and starting finding ways to rise up faster
> settle on a sweeping motion
> feeling the sensation of letting go of my breathe half way up
> knows that the only thing keeping me up is the air in my lungs
> Every stroke of my arms and legs builds the sensation of breathing in.
> Breath in a little of water.
> Only thing motivating me is my will to live.
> quarter way up and I see someone legs and face
> I gesture to him that I need help.
> He pulls me up and I grab the ledge
> coughing up water on surface
> friend comes to me and tells why it took me so long to come up
> tell him I was drowning and I couldn't swim
> He tells me that he thought I was playing around.

Attached: WhatIfThisHappens_Drowning-Danger.jpg (1600x900, 713K)

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Thank you

I can swim, but nearly drowned in a well known river that kids and old people swim in every fucking day. I managed to get out when I realised I was out of my depth (literally), looking back I did a pretty good job of just getting out casually and kept walking along, but fuck me I was scared

>cant swim
>21 year olds are know to do shit like push people in the water.
>goes to pool anyway
retard rule 1 of not knowing how to swim is avoid pools

I can imagine. The fight to keep my breath was the most difficult part for me.

I was pressured to go by friend at time with promise of learning how to swim. I was in the kiddy pool for short period but felt like pedo and quickly got out. Looking back it, it was dumb though.

>be me, 24. the night before my first day at new job
>there was a blackout so no power
>felt like 90 degrees in house
>we have a few gas generators so I use one so I can have fans and shit going in my room
>it was pitch black outside so I didn't see where the exhaust from the generator was going
>me lying in my bed for around ten minutes or so, then felt my face starting to get numb
>turns out the exhaust from the gas generator was going up and through my window into my room
>quickly shut that shit off then spent the entire night boiling alive in my house
>first day of work was at 10am, am boiling alive until I finally manage to get some sleep at 8am
>wake up just over an hour later to go to work
>easily worst night of my life

My head never went under, i just walked into the river thinking I'd be fine, 20 seconds later I realised I was going too fast and starting to loose my cool so I fought a bit to get to the edge and got out. I was dumb enough to get in, but smart enough to get out as soon as I didn't like it.
Just dont go in rivers they're dangerous

>got shot at by a farmer when picking shrooms in his cow field
>played 1 solo round of russian roulette to impress people at a party
>played chicken (drove my car in the oncoming lane and just prayed the other car would swerve away in time)
>gun pulled on me by 12 year old mexican girl
>guns pulled on me by drug dealers
>got drunk and almost fell off a water tower, but a friend was able to pull me up while i was hanging on the edge

These were all when I was pretty young, so since arriving at adulthood, my moral compass is pointing in a more responsible direction.

Attached: UtAAsWq.jpg (212x200, 7K)

>be me
>7th grade
>creepy ass kid who randomly follows girls and is constantly scowling
>grabbed me by the shoulders one time
>alone in corridor
> he's behind me
>he takes out a fucking balisong and runs after me
>stand there like a fucking idiot
>two teachers restrain him
>still standing in shock
>run in opposite direction
and that's how my dumb ass almost got me stabbed

If you're going to bullshit at least make it convincing

I'm not here to convince you. I came and answered honestly.

I got one. It's not a long one but it still scared the shit out of me.
>be me
>9 or 10 at the time
>playing outside, throwing rocks and stuff
>it's fun because i'm an easily amused little shit
>there's this crappy trailer next to my house i was told to not go near
>one day i hear some commotion coming from the trailer and the door is open
>we had a creepy, thug-looking guy that lived down the road. lets call him ted
>ted has a son, didn't know him that well but i recognized the sound of his voice amidst the burglary-like clatter
>suddenly i'm a fucking superhero and decide that i'm going to try and save ted's son
>yell "I'LL SAVE YOU!"
>ted comes out
>looks pissed, didn't understand that i just caught him doing something seriously illegal
>walks toward me slowly and i walk backwards slowly as i start to realize my situation
>he fucking charges me
>next thing i know i'm trying to not get kidnapped
>make it back to my house, he stopped chasing me
>tell my dad
>next morning as i'm playing outside i see ted getting arrested

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People regularly underestimate rivers. That water is fucking powerful and if it takes you, you won't necessarily be in charge of what happens next.

Fucking hell take a swimming lesson. Imagine how retarded you'd feel drowning in the middle of a bunch of people because they can't even imagine you can't do something any three year old can do.

>about 10yo
>enjoy smell of nail polish remover (

Keep trying, user

First post was my only "try" lol. Sorry that this upsets you.

>Finish finals with not much sleep
>Drive 1 hr to pick up Perfect Dark preorder that just came out as reward
>Driving back on dim road
>No cd player, only thing on radio is light jazz on npr
>start having long blinking
>end up with tree in passenger seat

I know it was dumb, but I still like to blame the light jazz

Does jazz give you flashbacks now?

It does. I hear it and I'm like 'stop trying to literally bore me to death'.

Important life lesson: once you get the heavy eyes pull the fuck over.

My grandad died from leaving his car running in his garage. He was in his office and the fumes came in through the ventilation. My grandma almost died after she found him and called the police. The paramedics found her passed out.

tldr: don't cheap out on smoke detectors, get one that does carbon monoxide too.

There are plenty of shitheads like this, (no offense). I believe him.

>Decide to at least sit down at 9 ft
>pushes me into the pool
>take deep breath
>sink nearly 3/4 to the floor

And this is how I know this is bullshit. If you're sitting and get pushed, there is no way in hell you'll make it past 3 inches from the top with your lungs filled with air.

Considering that the human body naturally floats it's even more stupid.

I mean you're not wrong, but the initial reaction for people who don't know how to swim isn't to just lay back and fill your core with air.

It's like when people ride dirtbikes for the first time. Every time I teach someone and it goes wrong, it's because their first instinct when they want to stop is to panic and rev the throttle, which always ends in disaster.

For swimming, if you don't know what you're doing, the first reaction is to just close your eyes and paddle in a direction, and being in water is like being out in space. There are 3 directions that are not UP, so you have a 3/4 chance to blindly start going towards NOT OXYGEN.

>summer camp lifeguard
>can swim miles like taking a walk
>don't understand how people can't swim
>Inner city black kids join camp
>after 8 weeks, 2hrs everyday lessons, they still can't swim in a forward direction while wearing life jackets.
>They sink to the bottom like rocks unless they are holding a kickboard

To be fair, it is hard to recognize when someone is drowning. They don't splash and they don't call for help

See if you can

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