Well fags, tonight is the night I finally kill myself...

Well fags, tonight is the night I finally kill myself. Thank you anons for giving me a chance to laugh and not feel completely alone over the past few years. I’m gonna do it in about an hour. So until then AMA

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Stream it?

If you wanna talk to someone all you have to do is ask. Either on voice or direct message.

have you considered going on a rampage before doing it

Rope or gun?

Debating it tbh. I feel like a gun would hurt less, but I don’t want my family to find me like that.

>Stream it?

Well OP?

Dude, come on. Dont do it.

Dont do it dude. Please please please dont. Call someone and get some help please please please. I lnow im just some user on the internet but life is worth living to its fullest m. Suicide is cowardly. Please, anything you are stuggling with right now will pass.

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50 minutes left.

You setting up a stream or what faggot?

there are other ways user.

maybe you should go get a tantric massage?

Please call the suicide hotline because its so so not worth it. Whether you know it or not god has a plan for you. You will be okay

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So what was the breaking point?

why question is why tho?

I’m not gonna stream it. One of you fags will screen cap the video. I don’t want any chance of my parents seeing it. Sorry

I was at this point a couple weeks ago. My roommates found me and saved me. Please call someone and ask for me. I spent a week in an Affective Disorders Unit at a hospital and it was the best thing I could have done.

What was the breaking point?

Sorry I mean ask for help

No specific breaking point, just got tired of living life the way that I’m living it

If you were really at your wits end you wouldn't give a fuck about anything including your parents feelings.

You're just a attention seeking pussy.

Don't waste our time faggot.

I do t believe in god, I think that when we die it’s just nothing, black. That’s much more comforting to me than this life will ever be


How old are you?

If that’s what you think I really don’t give a shit. I don’t care for myself but I still care for my parents and brother


Dude, dont do it.

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Don't so it man if you kill your self you wake up in hell its not the end, life is short compared to eternity stick it out and go to hevan at the end

All of you faggots begging him not to, what are you going to do to make it worth staying for? The only thing that stops most people from doing it is disappointing/hurting someone else. I would have years ago if not for my SO, and even then I still think about it sometimes, especially when they lose their temper.

If you really can't find an excuse to stick around, even to see how shit goes down in your lifetime, godspeed user. Come back and haunt Moot if you do. Or at least spook the shitposters who spend all day thinking up copy/pasta and wojak edits to spam every board with.

fuck heaven. Think of it like this, even if it's all just emptyness at the end and all black, why not just make this life super amazing and then go to that dark place at the end anyway? You'll have had a way better time now. Try some DMT at least first and see how that makes you feel.

Either way your parents find you it’s going to be devastating and leave trauma, they’ll never get over it. But if you won’t change your mind, jump off a bridge, they won’t find you that way.

look at you the fucking voice of reason, real big person over here. shut the fuck up.

That makes no sense. How will his parents not find him if he jumps off a bridge?? Won't that make news and they will eventually find him?

Hey man I've struggled with suicidal thoughts and shit but ignore all the fags telling you to do it. Your better than that and you deserve to live.

either way your family finds you would be equally distressing.
except alive

what's the difference between you killing yourself without streaming and a streaming and a screencap to your parents? your parents will (probably) be sad either way.

you say suicide is cowardly, but do you know how much bravery it takes to pull the trigger?

Shut up and do it faggot

>Boo hoo - why can't I just die in my sleep so my parents can approve?

kek they wont find you? yeah you just disapear never to be seen again fucking dick

Do some coke and go fuck a hooker , serious it feels great and don't have to do all of the getting to know them jargon

Don’t believe in hell

Thanks for understanding

Well unless they are looking for him, they won’t see the mangled body, but if he hangs himself or shoots himself, his family will see him with the wound

That’s smart, thanks user

35 minutes left faggot.

Get that stream going.

How old is your brother?

I can’t make life amazing, that’s why I’m ending it

If im going to be honest. Dont do it. Your parents will be fucked when they find you dead

Dude holy shit dont do it

did you lose your Ipod?

^^^where's the like button, or the double click to show how much I agree with this comment liek a Facebookfag


But isnt that enough??? Suicide is the most selfish thing someone could do because it ruins the lives of everyone around them

What about your life made you tired of living it OP?

With that atitude

Literally been where you are. I ended up on emergency room. 10 years later and with therapy and anti depressants I’m actually happy. I made it out of the pit. It can get better. All I can say is treat yourself like you’d treat a good friend, you deserve that much self respect. Good luck.

It doesn't matter if you believe or not bro you will literally drop through the floor as soon as you die and you will keep falling its what happens I saw it on haunting of hill house straight up

My dad found my brother after he hung himself. I still remember him crying and wailing that day. Judging by him I'm gonna take a guess that you'll be lucky to find anyone who will discuss it, and even mentioning my brother to my dad makes him clam up, without going into details, its pretty much the ONLY thing that shuts my dad up. (this may sound harsh but my dad is a raging narcissist, but despite our differences i still have no idea how he sleeps after finding my brother)

None no bravery only selfishness

Doesn't matter if it's selfish, we live life for our own benefit and do what makes us content, let him live and end his life the way he wants

before you off yourself kill some people, you dont want to get lonely in hell right?

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As someone who suffers from chronic depression and was suicidal a year ago, I can say that at the point you are ready to do it, you are sick of always thinking of others.

Suicidal people aren't selfish, they just have nothing more to give.

I'm not saying op should do it, I'm just saying I understand completely.

Why not die In battle?

Life is a game, you are tested. This is a test and if you fail you will go back, you will have to restart. If you get through this test it gets more fun.

My brother has been raping me since I was 8.

I'm so afraid my parents will find out & make him stop.

“Join the army today”

Not having any money and constantly being alone

The devi with rape your as if you kill your self.

like a true Klingon

This guy isn’t op

So fuck everybody right? because being selfish has gotten user sooooooo far

Don't do it, no matter what you think of this world and its mannerisms somebody will grieve over you, someone will truly have loved you and miss you.

Nothing is more heart breaking than seeing a parent hold the corpse of their child

Then change it. You don’t have to keep doing the same thing. The courage to change takes just as much courage as biting that bullet. Just try to make some changes instead of the ultimate decision.

Why not go live with your parents or brother you seem to care for them and vice versa

Am I too late?

Not yet

Well being selfish is gonna get him where he wants to be

My brother was close to suicide a few years back and the only reason he didn’t is because midway before the pills took effect, he realized he wanted to live. After that, he came and lived with my sister for half a year, got back on track, and is doing well now. Don’t do it user

It's not blackness. It's not an end of consciousness. It's hell. Don't risk it.

I’m currently living with my brother. My parents kicked me out and he took me in. But he doesn’t deserve a parasite like me leeching off of him

Also please give us something so that we know if you did it or not

Look into Dani Johnson. She was suicidal for years, changed her life around

If I did it how am I supposed to let you know?

I can 100% guarantee he would rather have you as a parasite than as a fucking corpse hanging by a rope, it’ll fucking scar him

This guy isn't user.

I deserve to be in hell if it’s real. I’ve stolen from those who have cared for me countless times

I'm sure he enjoys your company and doesn't consider you a parasite in the slightest, you're bros. Stop looking at yourself through the eyes of your parents

Can you do it on cam pls?

>a parasite like me leeching off of him

So you HAVE been sucking him off.

I’m a leech on him financially and I’ve taken money from him. I am a parasite no matter how you look at it

Already said no

people think that and say that until they get there. You don't get to escape from your life's problems and get transported to a magical land of brimstone and fire.
Your problems get amplified. And every time you kill yourself they only get worse

Don’t do it by hanging or gunshot, do it in a way so family won’t find you first.

The current plan is to jump off of a bridge

A canary

Then change the behavior, live on, and make amends to those people. That will make them happy, and it will give life meaning again. Delivering them a corpse is not an amends. What hobbies do you have, OP?

You're just in a time of need man. He's family, they provide for each other

What's it like knowing that existence beat you OP?

nothing better than identifying the bloated remains of a loved one. fun times. I suggest a bonfire.

Your pathetic go kill yourselves

And you think he's not gonna be happy that you're not stealing from him anymore?

He'll probably dance a jig when he finds you dead.

Are you dead yet faggot?

Your pathetic go kill yourselves Your still alive dumb ass

the fuck happened to this site?
yall being pussy ass faggot

15 minutes left faggot.

Let's get that stream rolling.

Im sure that this is just shock value for attention seeing as it was posted twice

Then kill yourselves fags

Not gonna stop you because I could care less but watch this before you go. Itll get you psyched.

It sounds like you have some choices to make:
A) Learn from the mistakes and make things right
B) keep doing what you are doing
B) kill yourself

Since you don't want to keep doing what you are doing and you realize you want change you are picking between death and changing your life.

You can choose death at anytime. This is your chance to do something different to change your life.

Obviously I’m a beta fag, so dick and child molestations on my mind 24/7 I’m just sick of being alive

Kill yourself with pills/overdose. That way if you suddenly have a *I want to live moment* you good and your brother won’t find a disgusting ass corpse

Don’t fucking do it user, at least rob a bank before you go. That would be pretty damn cool. If you get caught, ask parents to pay bail than kill yourself

So in hell at least you would have cool stories to tell

He could have chosen to change his life at anytime before too and didn't.

Now is the time for death.

Man up OP.

Oh and watch the vid with subtitles.
Also, why not humor me and tell me the happiest memory you have?

Just smoke some weed and chill out no need to be so serious about life as long a you are here is all that matters

It’s not fucking worth it my dude. I was in the same boat. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, but you most definitely will if you stick around for a little longer. Don’t fucking do it.

you are the 14 yo girl right???

This. You start to feel like a doormat after awhile and that that's the only REAL reason these people care, or because they "have to" because family. Or like the begging faggots earlier, they get to feel good that they stopped a suicide...while the depressed person in question continues to suffer. We put our pets down when they're too far gone and just suffering, but telling people at the same point of suffering, even medically if not just emotionally, is a huge deal somehow.

Dude, shut up. We only puts down pets when we cannot end their suffering another way. Depression is absolutely treatable.

OP here.

I've made up my mind to go out by committing spermicide.
One load at a time.

Not op

Dude's crashing on his brother's couch and dumped by his parents. How the fuck is he going to afford treatment? Medical bills are an easy path to bankruptcy and putting him right back where he is. Someone's gotta foot the bill and it only causes more depression since he's not in a good spot.

Actual op here. I didn’t do it. My brother heard me crying and came into my room. I broke down and told him. He’s not letting me leave. I can’t beleive that I couldn’t do it. This was supposed to be the one thing I could do

Is op still here? Have you made up your mind yet?


Not user.

This was probably a pivotal point in your life. You need help. Let him take you to a hospital. Spend some time there and get away from it all. You will collect bills but its not as bad as it seems. It never is. Good luck OP

Oh no he's poor, guess he should kill himself. /sarcasm
How about getting insurance and working to pay for it? I lived in a home where guys would come in with nothing, be at the lowest of the low, and seriously turned their lives all the way around. I was one of them, so dont tell me it's not possible.

Thank god, I regretted giving you the jumping off a bridge idea but I guess it worked out since now you cant leave

It will not seem like it right now, but you will be grateful you didnt go through with it. It was two weeks ago that I was at this point. I made a suicide video, and was building up to killing myself when my roommates found me and took me to the hospital after seeing my injuries.

It will greatly benefit you to go to a hospital to get away and stabilized. If you do not have insurance, they will help you. Remember, your brother loves you. You are worthy of love.

Bitch please, you took that to an extreme, he shouldn't do it because he's poor, he just doesn't have a ton of options.
It's not impossible, but it's not something easy or that many can do. I didn't have insurance for years because it was too damn expensive in burgerland, still is and eats a chunk of my check now but I have it, for what little good it does me thanks to deductibles. Had plenty of job trouble myself which was, and still is, part of why insurance is a bitch.

Either way it seems like his brother's shown up so he'll either get some kinda help or end up in a mental ward or hospital on watch, if not on watch at home. I hope his bro can do something, but I'm a realist and can accept that sometimes, shit just happens. My bigger argument is against those who just say "oh no don't do it dude" then flip back over to their porn tabs or vidya or facebook and giggle a minute later at a cat video. That shit does nothing, like criticism without explaining how to fix something constructively.

Listen user, I know talking about religious stuff will be wasted on you but consider this, if you dont want your parents to grieve over you showing you kill yourself then why would you let them grieve over your death in the first place. Dont let these Anons telling you to do it get to you. They are either just super edgy shit posters or have their heart in the wrong place.
Give yourself a second chance at life.
Dont do it user.

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