Hes not racist

Hes not racist

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Pedo though

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U have autism

4 Pete's sake, he grabbed me by the pussy.

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Attorney General gets to say whatever he wants about the Mueller Report, and then the DOJ says Mueller is only allowed to speak within the boundaries of the report and nothing more, even though they don't actually have any say on what he says. It's arrogant, but more importantly why is the shit the president and his crony DOJ do seem like plot material from an 80's police procedural?

And that's a problem.

He's objectively super fucking racist lol

Catch my vomit.

Agreed. Democunts only know how to gaslight and play muh identity politics. Stupid cunts!

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>He just doesn't like brown people

Is that why minority unemployment numbers are at record lows, gayboi?

Manchurian Candidate.
Mitch McConnell has the run of the country for the next 50 years now that he’s stuffed every branch of the gov with far right extremists and obliterated the nomination, hearing, and election processes to cement minority rule permanently. He knows the only way forward remaining for the US is violent revolution, and he knows only the right will go that far. The US can proceed to going back to being the primitive, backward, irrelevant third world shithole it was pre WWI.

He's racist as shit, doesn't matter what you cultists believe. He's proved it over and over.


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Yeah just say everything’s a record, like your dipshit mascot, you fucktard.

Have a look at how many of those government created jobs you love so much are minimum wage jobs.

Why is he rasict? Explain

If you need it explained to you, then you aren't going to understand. It's that simple.

We know.

Enjoy your stale bread, vodka, and cocks Ivan.

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story pls

Fucking explain it retard I want to hear why you think hes racist

Because his parents were racist and he’s as ignorant as they were, probably, it’s not my fucking job to explain why he’s fucked in the head, you’re his voluntary asshole-licker, why don’t you explain all his mental problems instead? See if it makes anyone love the fat stupid jackass.

I don't blame him

What part of this are you missing. HE IS RACIST. He's shown it, doesn't matter what you think or believe.


What does a good economy have to do with hating brown people?
I will tell you what does
>"Shithole countries"
>Countless court losses over discrimination on his properties

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>all emotion no reason

where is Clinton .... oh give me a brake ... if you want to link Trump to Epstein you will need to thrush Clinton too ...Is it worth it ????

Of course hes racist
Nothing will convince his worshippers though, they think the only "proof" would be a video of him straight up saying nigger
And I'm sure they'll find a way of defending for that

lol, sure kid.

Examples of documented racism: vault.fbi.gov/trump-management-company



oh FUCK yourself ... you do not care about brown people .... only what you care is power ....


I kind of wonder if they're still using the obama-era method of counting only those receiving unemployment as the total unemployment rate, because I could totally see how doing that along with cutting said benifits wpuld.really.male it look like unemployment is at record lows

What part of this are you missing.

Brilliant argument

what about this ???

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Fake news

Ok Ivan.

>be white Europeans
>build America
>greatest country in the world
>browns invade it and ruin it because of thier low IQ behavior
People defend brown's how. Its fucking logic, they ruin everything they touch

I don't need to prove shit. You worship a racist, ignorant draft dodger, no matter of proof will satisfy you anyway. If you gave a fuck you'd already know anyway.

My name is juanita Jones. Trump raped me, then he took my food stamps, crack, and Gov housing. Finally, he called me a crackwhore.

what a vaste of 5555

I dont like Hillary
But I love that you're bringing up irrelevant shit

FBI documents, court records, and audio recording lol

Hilary "White Power" Clinton


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Irrelevant ??? Show me a politician in DC that is not racist ???? Any party ... you are idiot if you think they are anything but for themselves

And court cases. Don't forget about his court cases, most of which he lost.

You're a nigger kike beaner boy banger

Clinton raped more women and kids than anyone ... you are idiot

>be lazy white Europeans
>kidnap niggers to do work
>be surprised when the nigs don't blend into society once you've stolen their families, labor, and identities.
Stoopid nigs

Fake and gay

Don't even get me started on Alex "BARRON IS TOO OLD" Jones

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That never happened

Its irrelevant because that's not the discussion at hand
Yes, politicians are racist but we're talking about trump

Keep telling yourself that snowflake

He invests a lot of his energy on problems that aren't the most pressing in the country but do disproportionately involve brown people.
He's demonized mexico left and right, but they only account for a moderate portion of illegal immigration.
He attempted a unilateral muslim ban, enough though US muslims assimilate very well with low crime rates.
Then there's idiosyncrasies that make little sense but which he's refused to budge from.
He claimed a judge should have recused himself from his Trump U case because he was mexican, even though there was no legal avenue to do so, and said the same of a muslim Judge overseeing a different case, both because his proposed policies would have affected those demographics.
He to this day refuses to recognize the Central Park 5's innocence even after DNA exoneration, which he at the time of their conviction purchased billboards saying New York should have brought back the death penalty.
Then there's the Charlottesville rally, which should have been the easiest political slam dunk in the world, but Trump made a very bland and noncommittal repuke of "racism" while claiming "GOOD PEOPLE" on both sides. He faced backlash from that, including people insider his own administration.
However much racist Trump actually is as a person, his platform and rhetoric promote a trajectory that is very favorable to white nationalists and the like. It's very hard for me to believe that a man as keen a marketer as he is isn't at least somewhat aware of that.

Toppest of keks

He's divisive and not very smart.

He won by influencing votes through a concerted smear campaign conducted by a foreign government through social media.

Show me on the doll where clinton touched you

Tell that to him, you bastard

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You got herpes from a mohel

Nigger indeed

You don't have a dick to circumcise

Good for him, white power


God are the MAGAFAGS eating gay paint chips again?

That could be true seeing as you don't know what gender I am


Well fuck yea, make America great again. Dems 2020-2050!
>> you fucking kike cunt!

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They why did he and his dad get sued for discriminatory renting practices?

He's not, and never was. The fake news and dems are trying to paint him as one though. Not working out so well.


Mueller asked DOJ about talking points etc himself, not the other way around.
You are fake news.

Racism is the Democrats new "Russia"

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Not working out for trump.

Better a minimum wage job that welfare faggot. Minimum wage still pays better than welfare.

No, you and you ilk are racist. You bought the black man, you worked the black man, and it was all supported by the Democrat Party of America.
And that's why you are a racist nigger. Faggot.

Racism is a peaking order nothing wrong with it

I'm not a democrat, faggot

Barrack Heussien Obama was far more divisive.
I was a little kid in the 70's. This kinda shit was not going on back then.

No, you're a leftist.

Go have a look at the polls.Faggot.

Trump Won, Sees Record High Approval Even AFTER Offensive Tweets About Far Left Democrats

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What about the 1973 case against him by the DOJ that the trump org had to settle out of court to not risk being found guilty of being racist?

Fuck the draft real heros attack their government

>Sees Record High Approval
While still not breaking 50%
He wants to claim the best economy ever, yet can't get the love for it.

Oh fuck, you've been burned you cock smoking faggot.
What you got up your ass now?

Dont lump me in your grade school club wars

Yes, he is. He is also a bigot, a misogynist, an adulterer, a conman, a tax cheat, a poor golfer, and a traitor. It's a lot of hats to wear over his bald head.

Also he is your fucking president or if you don't live in the US he can wipe out your entire country in one day

>Totally monopolized the racist vote for being racist.
>Is not racist anytime people who still unironically support this 15 year old girl Twitter account user gets into a debate

Yeah. Ok man.

"He racist because he won"

Ok retard

If you're now parroting his Afghanistan comments, let me remind you we are not and were not at war with Afghanistan.
I understand. You edgy kids don't have memories from when that conflict started because you're too young.
But read a history book or at least an article about what that occupation is about.

Not actually at all what I said. Good strawman.

You cant even tell anyone how he's racist, retard

Calm down hitler

you're objectively super fucking retarded lol