Reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country in the entire history of mankind. Not once

Reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country in the entire history of mankind. Not once.

(For the intellectually stunted) Firefighters, roads and schools aren't socialism :)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the English nhs

>not socialist

You don't even know what socialism is, do you?


Sweden and norway are not socialist.


The are capitalist countries with large wealth redistribution schemes. And even then they’re pulling back on those because the birth rate has plummeted and companies are moving out.


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And all the technology produced in the space race, and all the companies that made the American economy what it is by marketing and selling it back to your asses whose taxes paid for it in the first place.

lol Americans can’t retard the,selves back to the 1600s fast enough. Idgaf, I live in a socialist country, currently bootstomping yours in every metric.

that's why i'm happy we're losing

we don't deserve modernity. We have a 1st century jew to appease

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I'm voting for four moar years of 2020

Thanks for the reminder I almost forgot

Having a National Health Service isn't socialism. Having a Living Wage isn't socialism.
Having workers rights and health and safety isn't socialism.
Having equality isn't socialism.

>england socialist

since when was jeremy corbyn in power....ya dumb fuck

stale old copypasta from a pathetic boomer bitch

Socialism is when the working people control the means of production

only people who would be against this are people who don't work

Wrong little fag.

>>wealth redistribution schemes

The net worth of the average 18- to 35-year-old has plummeted 34 percent since 1996, according to new study from accounting group Deloitte.

dont bother man, this thread has been done countless times and this boomer cant learn anything, no matter wat you say he will always be retarded

her vagina has teeth

You are right technically those things are not socialism (equity might be socialism, depends on how you define it). Still doesn't mean any of them are a good idea.
Wrong, employee owned companies are not socialistic it's just a different kind of corporate structure. Unless what you mean by 'the working people' is actually the government then it's socialist, but also then the 'working people' is just a bullshit term which really means the same power elites who are running the government today. They'll just change the lapel flag to something else and come back and take over again only this time we as citizens will have even less control.

It succeeded in one nation but most of the rest of the world teamed up to stop it

but you arent living in one

Could this be because a generation of lazy fuck offs who want other working citizens to pay off their debt and supplement their income because they feel morally and intellectually superior?

>Firefighters, roads and schools aren't socialism :)
depends on how republican you are

No its because wealth isn't properly given to the people who largely generate it

You and Putin.

They already have it, they don't have to be "given" it back. They are paying their fair share for what society has provided them in order to amass wealth.

>muh russia
>implying Russia wouldn't support socialism in the us
>actual liberal logic

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>(For the intellectually stunted) Firefighters, roads and schools aren't socialism :)

Only they are. just like water services, electrical power grids, highways, police, nationalised healthcare, social security, etc etc....

Oh I love this argument; We almost had it but it failed because we couldn't trade (engage in international capitalism) with X, Y or Z.
So what you're saying is that socialism/communism/Marxism need capitalism to survive. Because it's ok if countries do it, just not people.

That's only correct if it's still the 50s but wages haven't properly reflected the workers worth for quiet awhile. And worth shouldn't be based solely on something like physical labor(just getting that now since it's typically where that conversation goes).

> currently bootstomping yours in every metric.

BuT mEtriC is A syStem oF SOciaLiSt TyraNny! FOX NewS Told mE So.

putin wanted hillary.. but okay

two of those countries don't even have minimum wages.

>schools aren't socialism
Bull. Fuckin. Shit.
Public goods are those things to which everyone has access to regardless of social or economic station. Firefighting, law enforcement, city parks, public highways.....everyone gets to use them equally.


if u think schools are socialist u are a fucking retard who doesn't understand what socialism even means

What a worker gets paid is a reflection of the value of his/her work. Wages do not have a direct relationship to the product being made. IT professionals make more than factory workers even though the factory worker is more directly involved in making the product and the IT professional is more of a support position.

If you think you should be taxed $4500 a year for something you'll never use, just because you own a house in a general location, you're a fucking idiot.

>Reminder: This shit gets posted EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY

god damned triggered snowflakes

how would you know? you've never been anywhere near a vagina.

kek, no

Social democracies are all around

The say thing is socialism = communism lite

It will never work, the left have peddled this in europe due to the fact that they have been duped by big business to follow this model as it only really benefits them europe is 100% socialist with the aim to bring in TONS of cheap labour to create growth in fact it created the opposite, the people that they brought in have another agenda and that's to outbreed us, zoomers dont want to believe this because they have been fully indoctrinated by the lefty education system, its sad they have good intentions but have literally cucked themselves...just look at sweden and germany...

im from the uk ..just about every advert has a black husband with a white wife etc or vise versa...due to project soros/blair/merkle where they told advertising companies to PUSH interracial marriage etc, its making people racist really is, cant wait for us to leave the eu ...all hail got emperor boris!


This is known as the No True Scotsman argument. Carefully define socialism so nobody is falls within the definition. Then say any country anybody brings up is not socialist. Mostly boring.

>everyone gets to use them equally
Too bad that's not how it works, look up how average response times differ

>What a worker gets paid is a reflection of the value of his/her work
And they're under valued in the current economic period.

That’s because we haven’t tried yet ... USA! USA!

this strawman thread just makes you a bigger pussy every time you post it

Socialism works in the US right now. Anything publicly owned? Socialism.
That includes social services.
That means shut up OP.
Shut up.

If only. The reason capital markets function well is because price acts as a rationing mechanism. If it’s not price rationing it, something else will.

Reminder: Democrats and all the American Left in general are really far from real socialism, stop with your 40's communist fantasies and get a job.

they also devalue themselves stooping for it.

People have to eat, user.


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What about Cuba

Pick one

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A shit-hole country if ever there was one.

Public transportation
Public road ways
Public education
Public parks
Social security
I could keep going tell me how you dont take part in any socialist activities ....ill fucking wait

Russian Empire circa 1915: backwater full of illiterate peasants ruled over by an inbred emperor.

Soviet Union 1957: World superpower puts the first satellite in space.

"if I define socialism in a very specific self-serving way, it doesn't work!"

And capitalism has brought us extinction. Gotta get those profits!

"If I define it by the way it's defined there are zero cases of success in history"
Fixed that for ya mate

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>Firefighters, roads and schools aren't socialism :)

>I want everything without doing anything

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There is no official minimum salary in Norway, in a trend typical of Nordic economies like Sweden. However, minimum wages are determined by collective agreements in most economic sectors. Most economic sectors in Norway in fact do have an agreement.

As an example, the minimum salary in Norway is as of 2019: 167 NOK (roughly 19.50 USD) for hospitality workers per hour. Cleaning staff gets 187.66 NOK or 21.80 USD per hour.

Socialism is workers owning the means if production. It's never happened because the ruling class (the ones who have owned the means of production) have never been completely defeated. There, responded to your argument.

You didn't refute my comment, better strawman some shit. Have fun watching the biosphere collapse, incel.

posting cringe to the timeline, my friend

Still can't name one successful country? Or are you straw manning OP?



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I know I'm right. I don't need a faggot explaining that.

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