S/fur thread because this girl needs more lewds

s/fur thread because this girl needs more lewds

Attached: 9081bfe.jpg (653x900, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 42ccbad.jpg (633x950, 81K)

Mistress Kate reporting for duty!

Attached: Di1FhmG.jpg (500x990, 87K)

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Attached: e1f72c35411ab0b561b64c8a39b59507.png (468x667, 220K)

Bumping as a need some material

Attached: 4cd7luq23ex21.png (640x719, 389K)

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Attached: 37130dacb1801237c019b9da9951296e.jpg (496x702, 73K)

God I wish I was that dolphin

Attached: 82f2b4828db8c63160e1adda1a6b8980a21dbce1.jpg (900x900, 234K)

Workanon likes this one most

sup fugs
new batch of new saves

Attached: 1443043184.bleaksteadtler_beach-sight2.png (727x1000, 1.32M)

Attached: D-gk20lWsAAPPs_.jpg (1779x2167, 289K)

Attached: 1560195704.bonifasko_nosivi_web_1.jpg (1280x833, 800K)

Attached: 1562608941.bonifasko_meeting_web.jpg (1280x743, 736K)

Attached: lizet derg.png (601x1400, 521K)

Attached: black kalak buri blue.jpg (575x766, 69K)

Attached: 1555531291382.jpg (986x769, 274K)

Attached: 1553986128707.png (3139x2103, 1.76M)

Attached: black kalak krool.jpg (1244x758, 93K)

Attached: 1561753551.firezone44_amara_kura_whip_time (1).jpg (1280x891, 224K)

Any dobie babes?

Attached: fafde49155e6005a9e214ce807900daa.png (1500x1500, 250K)

doesn't look like i got any 'dobie' coloring in the batch

Attached: black kalak buri fighter.jpg (1487x2048, 550K)

Fuck off furfag

I mean doberman canine females

Attached: 815460_lonbluewolf_dog-house.png (1500x1500, 907K)

no? no.
there was this dude that seems based off of GShep coloring, not that he's actually a GShep.
'Dobie' is a racial profile to me when it comes to furries.

Attached: 1443564151.delta141_captive.png (1500x1922, 1.67M)

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Attached: 23.jpg (707x1000, 158K)

Attached: black kalak buri gift.png (1463x2048, 1.53M)

nice meme

Attached: 1563505298711.png (1140x1171, 1.37M)

Not sure what you mean lol.

All I know is I need a doberman supermodel babe in my life. Soon.

Attached: 939132_lonbluewolf_oh-goddess.png (1500x1500, 1.29M)

Attached: worgen feet.png (700x906, 1.08M)

Attached: perfect feet 8.jpg (707x1000, 419K)

Attached: black kalak buri campin.jpg (845x773, 108K)


Attached: 0c4647f0676616b305ccd7b1b848b34d.jpg (600x1000, 528K)

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I think I’m improving.

Attached: 2D51D2F1-C91F-4C14-8BB3-4590712A7FE3.jpg (1577x1625, 409K)

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That seemed a bit canny, my man

i fucking love sex... and music


Attached: 236041e7e3f4ac3c9e1fcb214452a088.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

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Attached: a35c20654564551b8e1e6a84d4a2f5c9.gif (400x400, 113K)

i like it!
feet and gimbals for full digitgrade is tough
hands are tough
the arm feels off
forehead too big?
the tail feels weird?
getting out of the scrub club baby!

Attached: black kalak buri lace.jpg (549x759, 72K)

Attached: d3600adc971bac65dd13bf96311f6856.gif (1863x2500, 1.85M)


Attached: 1554045434219.png (1280x945, 1.32M)

its the quote and her expression for it that really sell it

Attached: nightshade sweettriplistener.jpg (692x1200, 64K)

These webms are the best


Attached: d2fc501484ab156eb90a65b4658a6652.gif (560x265, 152K)

Thanks, furbros. The arms are something I’m really struggling with. I’m trying to give them a more floofier look rather than just make them look like people arms. I can never quite seem to get it right, though. Any artists you’d recommend I look at?

Attached: 1549679849894.jpg (675x1129, 255K)

Good lord, do I love the sweater on the left combined with those glasses. Any more of the same, by chance?

Attached: 1545362258098.jpg (730x1095, 124K)

Attached: 1492995004264.jpg (2974x3847, 588K)

More like this?

Attached: 1545364000114.jpg (633x950, 418K)

Attached: 1547172504082.jpg (741x1023, 107K)

Attached: 1547537797965.jpg (1189x986, 673K)

i dunno any artist that you can specically look at for whatever style your going for.
you can always google arm studies.

Attached: ball nasusbot.jpg (894x894, 89K)

wat dude

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Attached: black kalak wip buri head.jpg (1500x749, 96K)

Attached: aff301d4757e35bb5dc7ae4a3b603d028.jpg (408x500, 79K)

Attached: 1561667298702.jpg (1280x894, 932K)

Attached: black kalak buri sand.jpg (1235x753, 90K)

Attached: 1558567324538.jpg (913x1280, 470K)

Attached: 1524362100702.jpg (1650x1100, 1.03M)

Compliments to all draw fags
This drawing shit is infinitely harder than it seems

You don't say

git gud faggot

Attached: 1515538072.black-kalak_buri_sketch2.jpg (956x1280, 125K)

Don’t be like those pricks at /ic.


no u

Attached: black kalak buri shrug.jpg (760x762, 77K)

Attached: 1.webm (852x480, 768K)

dumbo actually has a way longer nose

Attached: 2.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

Attached: 1453160_DangerDoberman_d2ba4d45-b62f-4af4-a291-9c85c42bfd19.png (720x1280, 678K)

Attached: 1493137391385.jpg (1024x724, 202K)

nice feet

Attached: tentcoyotka.jpg (730x999, 199K)

Attached: 1563893080.assovi_pergament_fa_da.png (776x1280, 1.55M)

Attached: 1313282831319.jpg (800x782, 119K)


Now I know why furry faggots are attracted to wolf girls

Attached: 1563892835.assovi_for_black.png (776x1280, 1.06M)

Attached: 1561254412101.png (1500x1456, 314K)

hey who tok my high quality gifs/?

Attached: 1.webm (852x480, 768K)

al furies are LITERAly closet zoos. In all ways.


Attached: 2.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

Attached: 3.webm (1920x1080, 1.81M)

Attached: 4.webm (1920x1080, 1.05M)

olk im going to bed now. Thanks for listening

Attached: 1493093633467.jpg (441x576, 175K)

Why do you guys always post the same images?

All Zoos are literally closet sadists

Attached: 1552859026626.jpg (656x656, 33K)

Attached: 1553528101567.gif (263x162, 1.94M)

Most can't be bothered to get new stuff

Attached: 1554600598669.gif (222x172, 948K)

>He meowed for your sins

Attached: 1555041979182.jpg (252x369, 21K)

literally nothing but new stuff out of me tonight

Attached: 1563736505.unknowhiter_cfqeep.jpg (1280x631, 107K)

OP here. Not all furs are zoophiles. I, however, am. As someone who has taken both dog and horse, all I can say that vanilla human dick just don't cut it anymore

Attached: ThighsocksAndKnots-527820-Mercy_3_Knots.png (1122x1600, 1.04M)

OP again. This right here. Two dudes could not ever hope to accomplish what these two dogs could, and I'll take dog knots over a guy's bullshit any day

Attached: nightglare-385260-Bat_Bitch.jpg (1000x748, 171K)

Attached: seal pride.gif (498x498, 1.68M)

Well yea, you literally stretched the fuck out of your ass. It'll never be normal again.

Attached: 1563658226.titusw_ready.jpg (900x1200, 1.55M)


good night loool but still others on. Laters

Attached: 1493141635353.jpg (950x867, 179K)

Mainly a vag but yeah I see your point

>inb4 women don't come on Yea Forums silly
tbh I'd rather be getting fucked by a horse right now rather than arguing about my sex life with you neets lmao

Attached: thumb.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)


Attached: 1401820167.delta141_locked_up.png (905x1280, 678K)

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Attached: 1543117089538.jpg (1024x768, 83K)

If you don't believe me user that's fine. I'm not going to prove to you that I'm a girl or a guy or a tranny. You believe what you want to believe and I'll go book another session with my favourite stud, okay?

Attached: Olivia_French_Maid_by_Kadath_u18chan.jpg (773x1000, 601K)

>don't believe

Attached: 1561253028161.jpg (1440x2560, 1.08M)


Attached: 1555793832.nataliedecorsair_6578_pub.png (903x1200, 1.07M)

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Attached: 1547059880.nataliedecorsair_54678675_pub.png (1300x805, 1.25M)

Attached: 1545328957.nataliedecorsair_5465_pub.jpg (708x1000, 659K)

Wow you are getting so much yiff

Attached: 6610127A-9F92-438F-94A7-3BF2CE1D40B5.gif (1400x1000, 800K)

How do you come out as a sadist?

Attached: 1539389854591.jpg (1200x751, 793K)

he very sad
be very sad

Attached: 1539108670.nataliedecorsair_у4565ен_pub.png (854x1000, 756K)

you get kiwifarmed

Who exactly is?

Attached: 1539382796347.jpg (1008x1300, 621K)

i dunno
im just being a random voice in this conversation for the sake of it because im bored tonight

Attached: 1529013312.nataliedecorsair_swaspub.png (1100x683, 612K)

Attached: 1520623789.nataliedecorsair_qwafsdpub.png (800x774, 609K)

Well, beggars can't be choosers; I'll gladly take any kind of human attention.

Attached: 1539382727136.jpg (2000x1664, 1.04M)

sounds dangerous
ill take human attention, but it has to be a good match, and right now im not too convinced im going to find that good match, anytime soon, at all, if ever.

Attached: 1489435555.whiteraven90_scan0008sm.jpg (1110x800, 576K)


I'm so far away from being dateable. I think having a relationship could really improve my sexual identity and straighten me out a bit, but the train has left the station as a sunken wreck. If you'd try to lift it from the floor of the sea, it would break.
craaaaawling iin my skiin

Attached: 1539382037032.jpg (1280x988, 72K)

Attached: 1465897056.whiteraven90_scan0001.jpg (740x1050, 422K)

How big her tits look here makes me hard as a rock.

Attached: MV5BZjU0MmIwZGYtYjllYy00OTA2LWFmZTAtZDQ0ZWE0YWVjZTAzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg3MDMxNzU@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x745, 87K)

Attached: 1437683032.whiteraven90_scan026fsfn.jpg (570x908, 272K)

im off to bed
night s/fur

Attached: 1532805743.bleaksteadtler_saidthingsssss.png (711x1000, 506K)

Attached: 180700f43ef310459c4d01b9df09cd60.jpg (604x900, 101K)