Hey Englishfags. Americans don't know about your politics because why would we? Why is Boris Johnson your new president and is he a rootin tootin cowboy or just a lame ass?
Hey Englishfags. Americans don't know about your politics because why would we...
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the man is a legend.... watch him rugby tackle a small japanese boy - pure class
Please post the link
based boris
He's what you think brits are like, but more eccentric. He also smokes Japs at street rugby
I know this isn't even remotely close to being true but in my mind, every English person is either a timelord or a chav moron.
Tea drinking, london bus model making, muzzie hating, colonial flag waving...
What's a muzzie?
He sucks but you're based if you like him because the lefties are crying
so I like him
it's a small animal... sorta like a squirrel
basically the whole country voted on if we wanted to leave the European Union. We voted yes. The prime minster (president) said nope and resigned. someone else stepped in and did nothing. Boris said "i'll do it" so he got in to office and the people complained that they actually didn't want to leave, even though we voted yes.
Boris is half american, and sure is a rootin tootin cowboy
How can you be half American? He has dual citizenship?
Scotfag here. We didn't vote for him or his party. Fuck that guy and his stupid hair.
he had dual citizenship, but got rid of it to increase his chance of winning
Why would you care then? He's the president of England, not Scotland.
>We voted yes
52% of the country did, which is a figure that no country in their right mind would regard as a majority significant enough to move ahead with
realistically we didn't make up our mind at all, it was made for us
The election of boris proves that britfags are just as stupid as burgers.
>someone else stepped in and did nothing.
based spastic
>Why is Boris Johnson your new president
>your new president
We didn't elect him though. The conservatives are in power at the moment, Boris was elected as head of the party and consequently as prime minister by the rest of his party in order to fill the vacuum left by May's resignation.
when there are only two options, what would you regard as a significant figure. is more than half not enough.
proves that conservatives are stupid across the globe* :^ )
okay fine may did stuff, just not leave the EU. nothing is a bit harsh i suppose
But isn't he England's new president? I thought that was the whole thing I've been reading about on Twitter/Google news...
i'll take the bait.
England doesn't have a president. we have a prime minister which is basically the samething, just a bit less power because we also have the queen
no silly... he's the king now.
Mixed with a jiggaboo
He’s not president until he enters the queen, as is tradition.
She tried to leave but Boris literally hindered the process of leaving by voting against the deal secured (twice out of the three times it was put to vote, the third time however choosing to back the same deal despite no changes being made)
So he was mad at me simply for saying the same thing with a different word?
oh damn, the more you know i guess
>when there are only two options, what would you regard as a significant figure
considering that the referendum was built on the back of misinformation and lies on both sides and the eventual outcome was only ever so slightly off 50/50 remain/leave, I'd say at least 55% should have been established beforehand as a gauge of whether or not public interest was invested enough in moving ahead with it
this is saying nothing of the fact that brexit is an enormous economic uncertainty and it was dire political retardation to move forward on such a leap of faith on a near enough even split
The British Trump. Buckle up, UK fags!
Why on earth do you want to be part of the EU? What are the benefits? All I see are negatives. The unelected EU buttfags acts like they won’t trade with you but that’s a bluff. The second a break is forced, they will come around because the economy and the best interests of big businesses are more important than posturing. Seriously, what do you get from the EU?
i think he was mad because it looked so much like bait.
you know, typical dumb american not understanding any other country.
tbh, america is so big, i wouldn't expect you to know anything else.
The UK is tiny in comparison however, so we hear a lot about other countries
makes sense
unfortunately most elections come out super close anyway, so i don't know if anything would ever get done.
lets just agree that this whole thing was one big mess
The queen has no real authority that is exercised. Your PM is less powerful than a president because a president isn’t going anywhere for four years. Your PM can resign or have no confidence at any time and be basically forced out. I do enjoy British parliamentary debate. Much more enjoyable, but more chaotic, than over here.
you've erroneously assumed I'm pro-EU
I'm just anti-stupid fucking idea, which the entire debacle surrounding brexit has proved it to be
none of this should have gotten anywhere near this far without a solid roadmap of what our dismount from Europe's cock would entail, but instead we decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater for the sheer theatrics of it
can't the president be impeached or resign too, genuine question
I don’t put vote manipulation past the realm of possibility in any modern election. It has never been easier to rig elections. Electronic and absentee voting has made fraud easy to accomplish.
It can but it’s happened once in our history. It’s happened many times in the UK and other parliamentary democracies. Our two party system sucks but it is easier to not rely on weak or tenuous coalitions.
Yes, but it's harder to do.
Why is it a stupid idea to leave the EU and be forced regulations and laws that might not benefit the UK? Why be a separate country?
the one power the queen has is to be able to fire the prime minister
Right, and to fire the US President requires a majority vote in the Congressional House and Senate, often ruled by a majority party that whips it's members in line on such matters.
Here we go
No, it requires a majority vote in the house and a 2/3 vote in the senate. That is nearly impossible.
Doesn't the royal family have a permanent seat in Parliament?
This would be like the Trumps or Kennedys having a permanent seat in Congress.
Are Brits still Subjects?
The queen has some political powers but they are largely left untouched.
>it should have been atleast 55% because I say so
Doesn’t count when Putin rugged the results.
He gonna send dem Moslems back to sandnigga land after brexit
I'm glad we Americans aren't the only countries voting like complete morons.
Even as terrible and retarded as Trump is, when he leaves, he still won't have fucked our country over as much as Brexit will fuck over Britain.
And now Britain has Brexit AND their own shaggy-haired moron in charge. What a time to be alive.
yes they do but the never ever use it. the queen stays very neutral in everything and never uses her power.
we are still subjects but it is more in spirit.
tbh, i think the only reason we have a queen is for the amount of money she brings into the country based on tourism and stuff like that
We agree, then.
Your a libtard fag bro EU want to give all our money and jobs to sandniggas and leave the people whom ancestors died for Brittan broke, all started cuz Germany felt guilty about ww2, straight up
>Germany, the best country the EU has to offer, is a shithole where their engineers are paid the same as American Costco workers.
>Canadian workers lose over half of their income. The excuse is insurance which shouldn't cost more than 10%
>Burgers are the idiots
And the queen won't say anything against the priminister it's English etiquette
This is great 2 major democratic countries are run by IDIOTS!!
Lol, as if the American Trump is really doing a thing that wild.
TRUE FACT: if you turn the "news" for a bit and tune out the biased rhetoric (on both sides) and look at your life, it's guaranteed you will see no actual impact of anything he's done, good or bad. This EuroTrump is going to be the same thing- just more of England trying to be like us. Oh, and scotland, Wales, and Norther Ireland, but, y'know, they're more like hype-niggs for England
I say 55% because it's far enough from the even split line to actually indicate something remotely approaching a significant majority in public opinion, and therefore a majority worth moving forward with
52/48 is a terrible indicator of public opinion and no revolutionary national economic decisions should be made on such close-cut numbers
>literally democracy
It's who the peope want. This is why Democracies don't last.
he called fags "bum boys", he's good in my books.
It doesn't matter what the people or the politicians want, no political structure lasts.
>look upon my works, ye mighty
>and despair
Well yes, ultimately that's true. Bit it was really just a point about the most successful and longest running cicilizations in history.
>the American democratic experiment
>believes in democracy meme
wasted trips
>What are the benefits? All I see are negatives.
>As a European Union member, the UK is part of about 40 trade agreements which the union has with more than 70 countries
>reinvestment of EU contributions into agricultural rural development, regional development and social development into England at roughly €10.6 billion, Wales €3 billion, Scotland €1.8 billion, Northern Ireland €741 million and Gibraltar €11 million.
>Ease of trade for companies and business spanning 28 countries governing over 500m people
>Seamless trade despite the land border between Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
>Greater pool of talent and personnel in research and collaborative development projects
>Basic safety in numbers and the peacetime meme
Did you not vote in the recent EU elections? Enjoying the new Prime Minister recently elected by conservative members (84% middle class), some of whom received double ballot while others received none, making up 0.24% of the population?
>The second a break is forced, they will come around
This is absurd; Canada has already ruled out the rolling over of the existing trade deal we have with them (one of the aforementioned 40 the UK is part of within the EU) because of the government's embrace of no-deal and the implications of trade on WTO terms. The EU has consistently refused renegotiation, and a no-deal disproportionately damages the UK, particularly NI. Discussion with the US over the privatisation of the NHS and Boris' support for chlorinated chicken should give further idea of the sort of compromises necessary when securing deals without the heft of the EU. For even further idea of the future of the UK's trade capability, see the recent resignation of Trade Envoy Andrew Percy, and his comments on the ineptitude of Liam Fox and similarly the CBI's verdict on the UK's disastrous announcement of axing tariffs on 87% of imports upon leaving the EU.
How long til Brexit is Borris fault? Dopey scapegoat bastard.
I read that the Queen's husband, "not the king, whatever his title is", is England's largest slumlord.
That that family still has immense wealth, survived modernization, and has permanent political power seems like they could just wait out this in the moment democracy thing.
That freaks me out as an American. Granted families like the Rothschild's have maintained seats in Congress for all of US history.
it's already his fault thanks to the cunt lies he told during the lead up to the referendum
You lost me at safety in numbers. EU countries literally had to borrow bombs to drop on Libya. The EU member states have forgone their militaries in exchange for social benefits, which is really sweet and thoughtful until something happens and you need to borrow more bombs. FYI, all those same trade deals can be made without being an EU member state.
The UK isn’t a net beneficiary of EU money. It’s a net payer.
It's time to start just hammering the left wing and kicking fuck out of crying students again.
Yeah that’s true, but the majority of what is paid comes from London and the majority of what is given back goes to the North, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the South West and basically anywhere else that those knuckle dragging Southern cunts don’t bother to effectively fund so they can have another train or nicer roads. I wouldn’t mind Brexit if we were going to spend the money saved on the places that need it but it’ll just go on fucking London while half the country uses shit leaky trains from the 80s that even Iran have phased out of use.
Internet tough guy hour I see.
hey england, if/when you guys leave the EU, are we going to have to argue about the north sea? And if so, are we going to do it the Hans island way or the unpleasant way?
That’s the job of the UK, not some Greek or French cunt in Brussels.
There's english cunts in brussels as well.
Countries are far less likely to declare war on essentially 28 countries at once than they are with 1. That's fairly inarguable. There's also the fact of peace between the EU itself after a history of almost constant warring. Also you'd have a tough time arguing that Libya had anything to do with safety.
>FYI, all those same trade deals can be made without being an EU member state.
Extremely unlikely off the back of a no-deal, and largely pointless off the back of a EU-aligned soft-brexit deal that the EU bargained for and most anti-brexit conservatives are gunning for.
Yes but firstly this is positive because deferral of funds from Parliament is a net positive to many regions in the UK that are otherwise neglected by Westminster, and secondly, payment into the EU nets in return between £62-78b/y, worth 4-5% of GDP. So payments into the EU are overwhelmingly positive, for a couple of distinct reasons.
They are almost all NATO members, which is actually a far more capable alliance than the rest of the EU combined.
It’s called lobby the government to do the same things, if it’s that beneficial. It would definitely cost less by cutting out at least one bureaucratic layer.
Weak bait there pal.
>smokes Japs at street rugby
>a well formulated opinion on Yea Forums
Good thread, chaps.
NATO is also a decent argument for the validity of safety in numbers yeah.
>It would definitely cost less by cutting out at least one bureaucratic layer.
If the benefits of EU membership total somewhere between the estimated £62b-£78b per year, while paying around £13b annually (not accounting for the UK gaining back somewhere around £4b annual reinvestment into underfunded areas), then those savings made by the removal of a layer of bureaucracy would have to be equivalent to some few dozen billion to justify gimping yourself so immensely. This seems especially silly since you'd be immediately losing funding, just to grant yourself the ability to lobby your government to replace the funds you've lost. It also implies that receiving funding from the EU and lobbying the government are mutually exclusive; they're not. However in the absence of response from the government, you still have access to development grants via the EU's reinvestment in the meantime (and considering there are over 400 councils in the UK, that meantime may be quite a while).
This is of course accepting at face value the idea that if you want something, you can lobby for it and you will get it "if it's that beneficial", which is of course a bit silly and idealistic.
Then you have to be a bet payer to get that much back each year. The EU isn’t an investment bank that pays dividends each quarter.
Which makes the EU army both superseded and unnecessary. The EU is slowly cozying up to Russia and her natural gas/oil and the ME and China.
Imagine living somewhere where you get fined for expressing your opinion or jailed for covering a Muslim pedo trial. Freedom, my friend, you are lacking.
I fucked him by mistake one night.
Every country is lacking something another country has, and vice versa. We're just as confused by how Americans deal with having to live in America as you are by how we cope with living on this godforsaken island.
The beauty of 50 states combined to make a nation. They are all different, some more than others. You don’t even get to make many of your own laws.
>The beauty of 50 states combined to make a nation
sounds a lot like the endgame of the EU tbqhwy
Significant. Sig-ni-fi-cant. As in, a significant lead.
>Team A leads with a significant 1 points
You goddamned idiot.
>Americans don't know about your politics because why would we?
Top Gear, well at least we used to. I saw that guy do a hot lap.
Donald Trumps retarded British cousin.
About time ya'll returned to what made you great.
Except the idea of the EU is to have completely separate states. The US is less a federation and more a single Nation. Sure they have some different cultures, but they're steeped in a different branding of "inalienable rights" and shit. The "right to bare arms" is insane. Completely different region of the world, but the Japanese half of my family uses air-quotes when talking about "rights" that they didn't get in their own constitution that we made them adopt.
>The "right to bare arms" is insane
Okay, fag...
>The "right to bare arms" is insane
Only junkies wear sleeves in summer, I'm glad we've got that right.
I'm not saying it's an insane idea, just that the idea that God gave that right to man against their government is something that most people are hesitant to agree with outside of the US. I'm a huge proponent of the 2nd Amendment, but I understand how abnormal it is.
Trump saved me a bunch of money on my taxes. That's more than any other president has done for me.
You're going to love it when you have to pay it all back in the coming years.
The UK DOES get that back each year thanks to the EU being the UK's biggest trade partner accounting for almost 45% of all exported goods and services. This is definitely hugely in part to the frictionless trade ensured by EU membership. The only uncertainty in revenue generated falls at the feet of trading with the bloc on WTO terms as a result of a no-deal Brexit. The only certainly of such case is that it will not be so beneficial as it is now, especially given the UK Government's announcement to trade tariff-free on 87% of all imports upon no-deal Brexit, and given that the EU accounts for over 50% of UK imports.
To acknowledge the existence of safety in numbers but only so far as NATO is concerned is just a bizarre argument, especially given the prior acknowledgement that "almost all" members are also NATO members; I'd imagine those that aren't might be happy for the protection the EU extends.
And looking at the fairly pathetic response by the US to the Iranian seizing of a UK flagged tanker in the Gulf of Hormuz, as opposed to proposals by the UK to arrange a European-led maritime task-force to protect ships travelling through, it's clear that it can be a good thing to have two intergovernmental alliances to protect you. This is safety in numbers compounded; when the first didn't work out so useful, at least there's another that might.
You hear about these things generally because they're absurd not because they're the norm. If you build your view of a country based on sensationalist news reports you're probably an absolute spaz.
Like the next president wouldn't raise taxes anyway.
>You hear about these things generally because they're absurd not because they're the norm. If you build your view of a country based on sensationalist news reports you're probably an absolute spaz.
Doesn't mean they aren't true though. Odd you're okay with that type of shit.
The point is, it's not free money. Short term gains. No shit the next president will raise taxes- probably because giving out a tax cut all willy-nilly was really, really, really stupid.
Okay, Economics MBA holder.
>Odd you're okay with that type of shit
It's a bit of a leap to assume "You're acting like those things are the status quo instead of absurd outliers" means "I'm okay with these things happening".
I'm not okay with them, they just hardly define an entire country; I don't imagine that school shootings and all the whacky shit that happens in Florida are solid representations of the entire USA.
There are just so many things wrong with what you just said
You couldn't knock the skin off a fucking rice pudding, you soft cunt.
The tax cut was good, spending needs to be slashed too though.
Hey, I'm not the one who'll be crying after liquidating all that "free money".
Which is why the tax cut was not good.
You literally have laws on the books banning "offensive speech" and you're saying that it doesn't define the country because it's not a common enough offense.
Perhaps I am making an assumption that you're okay with them, but it certainly seems like you are when you're handwaving it as an issue.
>darn we got a big deficit pardner
>lets cut taxes pardner
>wish we thought that through pardner
when did cowboys get so good at playing 12d chess
Spending needs to be curtailed. We don’t need to be taxed more, faggot.
Yes, you are making an assumption.
>You literally have laws on the books banning "offensive speech" and you're saying that it doesn't define the country because it's not a common enough offense
>it certainly seems like you are when you're handwaving it as an issue
How would you like us to react? Token anger? It's all fucked, mate.
The EU has no army, guy. NATO is literally 70% the US.
I never claimed those two things weren't the case.
I'm making an assumption, but you are hand waving the issue so it seems like you are dismissing it as an issue.
Perhaps don't reply acting like it's not an issue? I'm not saying you need to cry about it or throw a fit, but if you're going to downplay it I'm going to get the impression that you don't view it as a legit concern.
You and I both know that spending will never be curtailed in the way that it'd need to be for cutting taxes to make sense.
What, 0% taxes?
The leaders of the EU are calling for a military to be established though.
>Perhaps don't reply acting like it's not an issue?
Why do you care?
You're making an assumption and I'm handing waving it because I'm not sure why you made the point in the first place.
I think it's fucking crazy you guys have laws like that on the books.
I didn't make the point to begin with. You are assuming I'm the person that first brought it up, which is not the case.
>I think it's fucking crazy you guys have laws like that on the books.
So do we.
>He's what you think brits are like, but more eccentric
In fact he's what you think brit upper class are like.
It's half an act but it's been one he's been pulling since late high school so he's both pretty convincing and probably not really sure where it ends.
The guy is a total loon who doesn't give a shit about the consequences but he's way smarter than Trump or anyone like him.
Boris is legitimately a very, very smart guy who's barely lost a contest in his life despite being a gonzo journalist and the political equivalent of a loose-aggressive gambler. He might be a clown and a lunatic but he's extremely good at being those things.
The problem is that he really just wants prestige and power (he's already got sufficient wealth and he's not ostentatious enough to want private jets and gold plated toilets) and he doesn't give a shit about how much he fucks the country, the EU or the world up in the process.
He's kind of like a loud-mouthed Little Finger, if Baelish planned on being everyone's drinking buddy instead of everyone's confidante.
>jailed for covering a Muslim pedo trial
That's an odd way of saying "trying to get a Muslim pedo acquitted on the basis of an unfair trial, so that you can then scream about how unfair trials are".
The guy knew exactly what he was doing because he'd been told repeatedly and been charged for it before. He tried to fuck up a trial and make it impossible to prosecute the defendant, just so that there'd be controversy for him to scream about.
It's like if he was lighting a fire so that he could complain about fires and his defence to arson charges was that he's a fireman.
He’s a lying, conservative, fart monster, like Trump but Boris will at least will at least face an actual interview unlike Deficit Don. Boris will dissemble and lie but he has guts. Trump is the most effete of eastern cosmopolitans and wouldn’t last a month as a Brit politician.
Not a great way to run a country.
> Sure, I can't breathe the air,
> I haven't had a job in 2 years,
> the doctors are over prescribing Oxy,
> and my kids starve at school since I can't pay for their lunches,
> but it pisses off what Fox news calls "The Liberals", so I'm cool with it
>Trump is the most effete of eastern cosmopolitans and wouldn’t last a month as a Brit politician.
>mfw imagining the absolute seethe as he tries to survive the ruthless banter of a house of lords debate
While you're not wrong about most of it, only Boris's "refuge in audacity" and his disregard for consequences are really like Trump.
He speaks four languages, worked a real job (well, tabloid journalist) and is actually a very astute political observer and operative.
Scot here, I vote conservative and Boris is my hero.
Ah you sallowed all the Propaganda they have been feeding you. You should watch out for that mate.
>being skeptical about the chances of a predominantly beneficial outcome is swallowing propaganda
>blindly believing that this is a great thing that cannot possibly go wrong and will unequivocally lead britain into a new golden age is not
flawless logic there user