Can we get a reaction thread going here

Can we get a reaction thread going here

Attached: 1563594261271m.jpg (1024x650, 48K)

Shiiiiit negro, I'll dump most of what I have

Attached: 1DE09A4464F64ACDBB78B83BCA7A05DF.png (640x1136, 813K)

Attached: 5HC4d10_d.jpg (564x564, 27K)

Attached: 8B439D7BD62842F68413352FCFB5C633.png (374x376, 178K)

Attached: 148.jpg (396x366, 24K)

Attached: 0345_-_Iar1lDe.jpg (330x357, 16K)

Attached: 0858_-_4nYvt0R.png (675x694, 34K)

Attached: 6280397.jpg (500x416, 160K)

Attached: 183048576503.jpg (330x319, 48K)

Attached: supreme_victory.jpg (640x499, 46K)

Attached: 61481344_2335153066811274_1604446825115287552_n.jpg (304x318, 7K)

Attached: 1521146784702.jpg (324x291, 28K)

Attached: 1563839772016.gif (200x200, 948K)

Attached: 1560201228232.jpg (845x845, 44K)

Attached: 66864921_639977553147695_1222538513543593984_n.jpg (480x468, 25K)

Attached: 1557561121109s.jpg (112x112, 1K)

Attached: aahh.jpg (564x395, 24K)

Attached: 1521302526090.png (252x221, 59K)

Attached: presents.png (1024x736, 287K)

Attached: 1222361901351.jpg (563x633, 198K)

Attached: 1552905691308.jpg (600x600, 31K)

Attached: 1436329264430.jpg (517x768, 180K)

Attached: 1490399399835.png (295x341, 66K)

Attached: 1493844017477.jpg (236x236, 8K)

Attached: 1515280004101.png (300x188, 11K)

Attached: 1533613340493.jpg (500x540, 32K)

Attached: 1518419237200.jpg (781x750, 175K)

Attached: 1563904782984.jpg (640x694, 268K)

Attached: 1563866439986.gif (480x362, 798K)

Attached: 1520475772691.png (432x494, 10K)

Attached: 1563840128649.jpg (499x811, 58K)

Attached: Well_shit.png (600x695, 9K)

Attached: 1563548939829.jpg (950x534, 63K)

Attached: 1563838738250.gif (1000x1124, 1.76M)

Attached: 1556084142055.gif (250x250, 106K)

Attached: 1563762661139.png (600x541, 94K)

Attached: screaming-volcano-orgasm-massage-board-image-480x~2.jpg (171x200, 9K)

Attached: IMG_20190723_134837.jpg (750x742, 55K)

Attached: 1521621354451.jpg (320x283, 29K)

Attached: 1563678454095.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

Attached: images (4).jpg (262x193, 10K)

Attached: tenor (1).gif (480x270, 1.78M)

Attached: 1563924963684.png (443x541, 314K)

Attached: thumb_believing-intensifies-10473115.png (200x200, 26K)

Attached: 1552880314288.jpg (612x490, 25K)

Attached: 1526704524977.png (800x769, 126K)

Attached: giphy (2).gif (480x402, 1.18M)

Attached: tumblr_oyv8bvpllN1waueeyo1_540.gif (540x305, 1.94M)

Attached: 9ki7eaicoo631.jpg (640x943, 95K)

Attached: 1553336443516.gif (320x240, 1.94M)

Attached: I7xAPLx.gif (464x352, 276K)

Attached: 1563675032180.jpg (643x820, 80K)

Attached: 931.png (270x260, 135K)

Attached: 1563674627996.gif (384x216, 499K)

Attached: Will-Ferrell-LOL.gif (346x260, 1.86M)

Attached: 1534232476251.png (400x400, 46K)

Attached: images (2).jpg (269x187, 6K)

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x225, 5K)

My personal favorite

Attached: Schadenfreude.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

Attached: pinhead.jpg (864x568, 128K)

Attached: keksimusmaximus.jpg (640x672, 87K)

Attached: over39biglaffs.png (706x669, 43K)

Attached: kekler.gif (400x224, 1.47M)

Attached: forty keks.jpg (600x528, 39K)

Attached: CD4F89C0-584F-4165-B29C-DB92935CB769.png (263x278, 78K)

Attached: 1559787774130.jpg (236x197, 11K)

Attached: 1562092975352.jpg (155x199, 28K)

change your environment, stop masturbating, quit drugs

Attached: nice.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

Attached: hesright.jpg (640x484, 53K)

Attached: w1.jpg (665x598, 219K)

Attached: heartychuckle.png (493x402, 8K)

Attached: fuckery.webm (400x224, 105K)

Attached: images.jpg (254x199, 5K)

Attached: dyingtrollpepsanimated.gif (360x346, 218K)

Attached: giphy (1).gif (304x250, 715K)

Attached: ConcernedVictoriousDeinonychus-mobile.jpg (246x180, 7K)

Attached: dyingtrollpeps.jpg (399x385, 29K)

Attached: giphy.gif (220x220, 1000K)

Attached: 617.gif (391x365, 890K)


Attached: heatresistant.jpg (426x432, 27K)

Attached: 1479351799331.jpg (480x321, 32K)

Attached: image0 (4).jpg (612x524, 45K)

Attached: 1559010852754.gif (500x346, 455K)

Attached: 1559439168397.jpg (541x498, 42K)

Attached: intears.jpg (390x470, 41K)

Attached: HURRR.png (445x431, 11K)

Attached: slack-imgscomjpeg.jpg (1300x650, 47K)

Cane to the codpiece, brother!

Attached: 1559531135860.gif (400x233, 900K)

Attached: 4d8.png (563x843, 658K)

Attached: hrmm.jpg (500x414, 25K)

Attached: 2016-10-03-luke-cage07.jpg (950x534, 60K)

Attached: 1559533405436.jpg (736x984, 144K)

Attached: 1563220898244.jpg (159x132, 18K)

Attached: Peanut.gif (498x330, 271K)

Attached: 1562476495043.jpg (499x460, 70K)

Attached: tenor(1).gif (220x123, 586K)

Attached: 1562713606700.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Attached: 4440E91B-BEA2-4170-B1C9-38AD3719D6FB.jpg (750x729, 97K)

Attached: 1562581719182.jpg (498x374, 50K)

Attached: 1562461280612.jpg (600x533, 50K)

Attached: AinsleyHarriott.gif (480x368, 1.56M)

Attached: 1559608758723.jpg (209x200, 8K)

Attached: 1473815825635.gif (499x460, 203K)

Attached: 1559611495213.jpg (536x479, 54K)

Attached: 1560993233403.jpg (440x660, 31K)

Attached: 1563103846590.jpg (639x480, 36K)

Attached: scum such as you.jpg (459x531, 53K)

Attached: aV3QpyP_460s.jpg (460x504, 46K)

Attached: jymIEOO.gif (500x225, 1.32M)

Attached: 1495756511154.gif (200x150, 1.39M)

Attached: 1563325285282.jpg (271x186, 11K)

Attached: 1550708577935.gif (400x206, 1.35M)

Attached: REEEEEE.gif (400x204, 44K)

Attached: 1563488895353.gif (219x186, 1.76M)

Attached: 1554185744206.gif (350x266, 312K)

Attached: feelthebern.jpg (250x183, 37K)

Attached: 1fNJtQZ_d.jpg (640x425, 16K)

Attached: _.png (553x759, 27K)

Attached: WaCRPH5_d.jpg (274x184, 11K)

Attached: 1555032576603.gif (450x258, 1.81M)

Attached: 1486733913894.gif (269x270, 387K)

Attached: xNOKm3z_d.jpg (640x456, 29K)

Attached: wtfgiffers.gif (280x202, 1.95M)

I like this one

Attached: image.jpg (490x766, 329K)

Attached: James_Kirk's_evil_counterpart.jpg (1200x963, 703K)

Attached: x15 (2)~3.jpg (524x339, 70K)

Attached: youreallyexpectmetotakethis.png (680x680, 302K)

Saved and cropped.

Attached: Screenshot_20190502-043337__01.jpg (716x716, 116K)

Attached: DCF45376-870C-4530-A8C2-96B76BBA4CBA.gif (234x203, 629K)

Attached: 1475104524962.jpg (799x600, 68K)


Attached: D3F23F9B-8021-4AC4-ACB5-8B0DFAECA5D0.gif (293x236, 1.05M)

What context can I even use that one in?

Attached: 1563814493451.jpg (400x416, 55K)

Big Time Queer

Attached: 26101B85-84F5-4D0C-BD73-35B02973FA9F.gif (264x264, 1.19M)

Mind sharing?

Attached: 666C62DA-8183-43A2-B992-35B97FB188C6.gif (500x264, 996K)

Attached: 1561726895142s.jpg (250x187, 5K)

Attached: 1485689237844.gif (400x400, 557K)

Attached: 1523976587908.jpg (700x734, 107K)

Attached: aces.jpg (363x310, 35K)

When someone posts a singer and you are both laughing and saying "Oh, I didn't even think of that!". It happens.


Attached: hahaha! oh wow.jpg (562x437, 42K)

Attached: 1549802584101.jpg (604x453, 75K)

Attached: brutal.png (400x400, 272K)

Attached: 1563926210569~3.jpg (332x295, 30K)

Attached: 20190427_205517.png (468x569, 409K)

God damn it! I said when someone posts a ZINGER! A ZINGER!

Attached: 1546557595002.jpg (600x523, 63K)

Attached: 1558270293520.jpg (500x375, 19K)

Attached: 1506494180293.gif (500x368, 998K)

Attached: 1548770709838.jpg (280x280, 11K)

Thanks adding to the collection

Attached: f129647c5e7ed22e98159b816d6c62fa_preview_featured.jpg (628x472, 13K)

Attached: 1544400499606.jpg (750x993, 55K)

Attached: WilsOHGOD.png (1366x768, 665K)

Attached: dafukdidIread.jpg (640x1438, 323K)

Tasty egg-olive eyeballs

there ya go