Looking for a place to buy a hidden cam for my bathroom...

Looking for a place to buy a hidden cam for my bathroom, for security purposes and entirely not because im getting a female roommate.

Attached: CAMERA-CLOTHES-HOOK.jpg (1001x1001, 21K)

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jesus fucking christ you creepy ass faggot.

just dont what the fuck

Wow thanks your words completely changed my outlook on life. I'll go back to browsing vomit, loli, and pics you shouldnt post threads. Thanks user!

Amazon, ebay, wish. I bought one worked well for a bit then it broke. Cant complain when it was cheap and did what i needed

Nice virtue signal, bud.


Detective store is what you're looking for


Good shit in there

Attached: tumblr_og51w2JSt81vk43luo3_250.png (250x250, 81K)

>it did what i needed
So you caught the burglar?

Attached: 110-081-275.gif (245x245, 1.16M)

Wish. Com they have a bunch

Kop cam works good

Wish and detective it is, thanks mates. If I get one and get anything good, I'll post here.

Does your bathroom have an exhaust fan? Put one in there, bitches never look up there, and in case you get caught you can just blame it on your landlord if you’re renting.

Hidden in plain sight is the best

I had gotten a charger spy cam, but the lens isnt wide angle and doesnt really catch anything from where the outlet is so was hoping for something I can stick in the shower. Saw a shampoo bottle one but it was one a sketchy ass site that has a bunch of poor reviews.

Incredibly stupid: Why risk going to jail and sex offender registry, when pussy and even perverted sex acts are available for free on the internet?

>when pussy and even perverted sex acts are available for free on the internet?
because his mom stopped posting on the 'net.

I put a cell phone to record a friend showering it worked but only got her undressing and not in the shower so bump for better options in the shower


Y you need Security in your bathroom
What's do you thinks going to happen in thare that's so bad


crime is for niggers, bud.

Idk, some titties might get loose

Get a waterproff one and put it in the shower/tub drain. The vent is two obvious.

Why put in the drain it would be a horrible angle

maybe according to your drain you ugly fuck