Post your political compass faggots

post your political compass faggots

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (550x495, 20K)

You fucking Nazi

you fucking anarchist

Im centrist af. Like literally right in the middle.

eh im a centrist leaning a bit on libertarian

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Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Do the test, just Google political compass and post results

Fact: If you can have fully developed and defensible political opinions and standpoints, and end up somewhere close to the middle of that compass, you're on the right tracks.

Centrists are just people who are afraid to have an opinion.

SJW's are a bit more authoritarian

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Attached: compass.jpg (485x542, 28K)

Please tell me you are not a commtard

My opinion is that you’re a fag

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>before /pol/

>after /pol/

This is american right-wing mainstream. Actual Nazis were more authoritarian and economically far more left

I know you will all say that I am a fucking commie, etc. Nope, I am not a commie, I am a "corporatist" such as the Francisco Franco's regime. I am a hardcore christian and a proud american.

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I did, Im centrist af. Like literally right in the middle.

Political compass is trash. Everyone post your 8values.

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The questions are so confuse this is more like a random generator


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I need some critical analysis...

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Too scared to make a decision.

this test is a burning bag of shit. the questions are so fucking stupid and loaded, they're not even funny. i answered them to the best of my ability to keep going.

questions about whether art that represents nothing? everything represents the expression of the person that did it. if the question was "if a painting was made by a person not even looking and randomly swiping random colors, is it still art?" i would answer that it's not art, but it would STILL be something a person created, in their life, at some time, that was meant to be appreciated, so it IS still "art".

i won't even bother with the other bullshit questions. they're so fucking dumb they're not worth arguing how fucking dumb they are. here is my result.

for you retards, you don't even need to right click and "save" the picture. what if i told you... you can click on a picture and DRAG it off the browser onto your desktop? isn't that amazing? maybe it doesn't work on faggot OSes like mac or linux. if you did that, it would be called "chart.png" like mine. OP's is "Screenshot_2.png". what the fuck is that... off of a phone?

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Grow balls

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

Mine is op's with the x axis inverted.
Didn't your parents ever tell you to mind you own business?

Not exactly what I expected but not bad.

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Turns out I'm actually an intelligent person

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nice joke

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Charge your phone

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this isnt even a ylyl thread and i still lost

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OP has the gay

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Needs more nationalism.

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Your PolitScales folks need to learn how to spell.

Well, were pretty close huh.

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tfw trump is further left than hillary

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these are all different.

Radical centrists unite!

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fuck I'm a liberal

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kek true

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Attached: compass.png (500x512, 16K)

Down 3, left 1.5, opposite of you, you fucking retard