NY 716 thread

NY 716 thread

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Make a kik group
Btw 716

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Not sure how, nake one and post here

Whos that?

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There's not enough from the 716 on Yea Forums

Theres some

you can kik me @wherethehellami

anon33kol add me
Idk how it works

name and city ?
christina l buffalo

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laura, buff

got any more trade?

Haley, derby

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Rachel d, nt
Haley, nf
Idk, nf

i havve oodles of noodles i just need someone too trade

Same, any nt or that area?

nt buff ken - ton

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what is post nut clarity like after you've smashed a girl way out of your league?

user no girl is out of your league if youre an alpha

this was a preemptive post my dude ;)

Kik or on here? Any marissa or syd?

got some from akron and buff

Who has Jen C Lakeview?

Maybe whats she look like?

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