Why does the left hate cops so much?
Why does the left hate cops so much?
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left what?
they're evil
Because lots of them are dickheads.
Those filthy pavement apes are lucky nypd is run by a bunch of cucked losers. If Giuliani was still mayor those worthless niggers would have been gicen a wooden shampoo. Start the race war already!!!
I honestly used to think cops were alright. Always "sir, this" "ma'm that." This was still after several bad interactions with them. I was illegally searched as a minor (They didn't aything.) Got treated like an asshole at the border. I watched some cops harass someone and find a small amount of weed and arrest them. I still thought man okay, not all cops. But honestly then I see all these videos of horrible interactions with police constantly. Then I realized I have never had a single positive interaction with police.
And then I realized ACAB.
I hope you realize your grandmother is dissapointed in you.
cops are overstepping their boundaries & lot of them just need to be killed
that bitch is dead as fuck
funny how people say police are all bad people, if I was one of these officers they get a taste of paper spray and put In jail for what they did.. there is no need to do stupid shit like this to police unless they draw first blood.. fucking shits getting out of control... very soon mark my words the government will step in and you will have us army troops occupying grounds along with police .. like in other countries if this stupid shit any stoped..
I say the same thing about your mother son
Because they keep killing people for no reason. Simple as that.
The bulk of their constituency are criminals. Illegal aliens, drug abusers, unemployed PoCs and sexual deviants. The 'victims' of the white man.
your insubordination will not go unpunished you little shit.
For no reason? Niggers!!
A nig is gonna nog!
That’s the reason 99.4% of the time
People? You spelled niggers wrong
Racism is not a justification for homicide, no matter how much you may wish it were.
Fuck off back to /pol/ with your racist bullshit
13% of the population commits over 50% of violent crimes
Black cops are more likely to shoot then white cops
More whites are killed from blacks each year then whites kill blacks
Just throwing this out there
Why do Trumptards think like OP?
racism is a natural thing. Not the user your replying to but prejudice is a survival mechanism. Racism is a survival mechanism. You dont pet a bear in the woods, why? You assume its dangerous even though it could be nice. Same with groups of people. When anecodtal things occur your mind automatically assigns prejudices to keep you alive. Retard. Racism is natural as are many other things.
they love their pet niggs, and the police round them up
this video explains most cops
it is truly uncanny how even though all these statements can be backed by fact, it will be rejected upon the basis of "hurtful words or huhrting feefees" once again a cold, decaying day in the modernity that is the United States.
no shit, its not the police' job to protect you. thats what the second amendment is for.
no ones looking out for the dirty cop whos gonna end up in a large bodie of water cemented
Halve that to exclude females, remove men under 12 and over 45, and you get the real number.
Its actually about 4%
They don't hate cops, they just hate racist murdering cops.
It's the right that wants to suck their cock, and that's because they assume cops will target groups who aren't conservative (like blacks, Hispanics, etc.).
That's why liberals say shit like, "Fucking arrest that cop for killing an unarmed man!" and conservatives say, "Ha ha, shoulda obeyed the police, got what he deserved".
Conservatives also love authority figures because too many are closet fascists. Of course, these same dickweeds are the ones threatening to sue the police for getting a parking ticket.
very true user, very true. Makes me even more racist desu
Show me one video of a person being killed for no reason Dumbass
Plebit is down the hall and to the left. I hear they have plenty of safe spaces and dislike buttons and even a report feature if someone (gasp!) hurts your feelings. You can even block people by username!
Damn, that's like everything you want. Why even be here?
Perfect summation of right vs left politics. My side is always just and noble and morally upstanding, while the other is a bunch of idiots hell-bent on ruining this nation.
I wonder how many comments I could reply to if I just copy paste this. Half of them probably.
Lol there are tons.
when you say "left' do you mean black people? innocent people? or left handed people?
No there’s not, you get shot when you don’t cooperate
My uber-right wing fundie evangelical nutjob cousin hates cops. A lot. So I don't know about all that. Where as my pretty right wing boss doesn't hate them, but he's very weary of them. Both are big into conspiracy shit too if that matters.
I've seen plenty of other of online right wing groups who hate cops too. And that makes sense, doesn't it? I mean if you hate big government... well cops are the enforcement arm for big government. They're the ones who will put their boot on your throat.
Who do you think they'll send to grab your guns? Cops. Who is doing most the violations of our Constitutional rights in general? Cops. Who gives a fuck about The Constitution? Not the left... And at the end of the day, (((who))) do cops work for anyhow?
So OP you got shit twisted.
>no shit, its not the police' job to protect you. thats what the second amendment is for.
And their job soon enough is to grab your guns when (((their masters))) order it.
>Who gives a fuck about The Constitution? Not the left
Yeah, and neither does the right
Cops are like pitbulls and the government is the nigger owner.
They do a fine job
why does the right preach about being small goverment,but clap and cheer while donald trump expands the goverment and builds a police state?
Why does the right hate America so much?
they've been lied to and are gullible
it actually explains most of the shit they believe, lies that they bought
almost assure you he was being pulled over for a simple traffic violation (speeding) and had weed on him
nigger died because of weed
what did he trip on, user?
solid logic. Really.
This. Redditors need to go back to their heavily sensored Chinese government site
>Cop hater tells you cops are bad
>Watch cop body cam footage see other wise
I remember cop haters specifically demanding that cops wear body cams in order to be held accountable.
>Racist cops killing blacks for 'no reason'
Because cops notoriously getting away with making mistakes that cost people their lives.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate cops. I don't think all cops are racist or looking for a reason to hate blacks. But there is a serious issue with holding bad cops accountable for their actions. Too many cops, like the one in Mesa, Arizona, are exonerated for their actions and it is eroding the trust between citizens and police.
As someone who has been in firefights, I understand that sometimes you have to make a split second decision, and sometimes its the wrong one. I understand that sometimes cops are put in positions where there is no real "right" decision and they have to roll with the one that keeps them alive. But with that being said, when we have shootings like the Mesa Police shooting- when we have cops that have a situation completely under control with a compliant suspect, shoot and kill a man and walk from it- yeah people are going to be pissed off.
A lot of the population is pissed off because they are just arm chair quarterbacks that don't understand the gravity of the situations cops find themselves in. And at the same time a lot of cops overstep their boundaries and are not held accountable in the slightest. There are problems on both sides and its not as easy as "Black man bad"/"acab".
Shitty ass Jordans.
Wrong. There's two cop cars chasing him and a third at the end. They knew this nig was dangerous
His life expectancy
So many that you couldn't even name one specific example? Dumbass. And I want video evidence
That's one good thing about it. Show them more of the truth
Don't count on it. Too much resistance.
Yo homeboy dat kameruh racist and shiiieeeet
Wrong, he died because he fucking ran at the cops and tried to fucking shoot them.
Fuck cops
Or pigs, as i like to call them.
>over 700,000 police officers in the US
>over 1000 people are shot by police every year
>only hear about a handful of interactions about BLUE MAN BAD each year
Pic not related
Cops killing black people should be no big deal. Black lives really don't matter.
Bait, mentions Daniel shaver, who definitely was armed, and reached for his belt.
Cop haters unironically defend this.
Son, your argument has been debunked since the late 1800's. In fact, Francis Galton's theory of racism being justified due to scientific and biological reasons has been widely disregarded and proven false by many in the field of sociology. The facts remains that racism was created in order to prove that people outside of the Aryan race were not human thus, did not fit his term "eugenics". Finally, our ancestors did not create "racism as a survival mechanism" as you so falsely claimed. Nor any of the other nonsense you posted.
>Don't count on it. Too much resistance.
And how do you intend to resist? With your guns. In that case who do you plan to shoot if it comes to that?
C'mon now. You know the answer as well as I do.
>Or pigs, as i like to call them.
That's totally original, man.
I beg to differ, you know, since we have cameras telling the story.
seems reasonable.
>Why do cops pick on poor innocent minorities?
I dunno.
Because cops represent order. Leftist faggots are by nature disorganized, both in mind and action.
If its not cops it's gun owners. What now, still think you can win against good people? Eat lead.
Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources.
Why does the right glorify fascism so much?
>So many that you couldn't even name one specific example? Dumbass. And I want video evidence
You probably thought the bar was too high so no one can refute you. Guess what?
I thank God everyday for giving us the man who invented the camera.
do you have the one where the shooter shoots the fire extinguisher? that one looked like an action movie
Did you start sucking dick early cuz you REALLY suck big time you little faggot.
That's it? 1, just 1 example? Here, I give you 2 reasons why cops are still better. For every 1 you post we have 10 against you.
daddy issues
Stop being a homosexual
>Racist cops killing blacks for 'no reason'
They go on about killing more blacks (as a percentage of blacks), but the net (total) numbers, cops kill more white men than anyone else. That's a fact.
Did I say 10 examples? I meant here's at least 30 examples.
Different poster. Looks like someone took a Psych 101 class at a liberal arts school. .The behavior of all social animals is based on perceived kin relations. Racism is an extension of this and is an ingrained behavior. Cows, fish and birds have all been shown to self segregate / congregate on the basis of color and color patterns ie perceived relatedness. What is nonsense is people who emphasize race while screaming at people to stop being racist.
>323 million people
>10 million arrests a year
>handful of dead fags and niggers
oh no the humanity
>looks at suicide rates
they don't even know
Chicago alone has 3 times more black people being shot with guns by other niggers a year.
>cops bad
BLM and those other niggers are just trying to destroy the establishment cause ya know... they are commies.
Leftists think criminal is a "protected class"
>Why does the right glorify fascism so much?
What's next you gonna call them racist?
>The numbers do not lie, police in America have killed 12.8 times more citizens than mass shooters in just the last 4 years.
>Looks at firearms related murder rates with black perpetrator
>That's it? 1, just 1 example?
Well if you want to move goal posts from believing it doesn't happen at all, I'll give you all you could watch.
And that example I gave... he got rehired so he could get his pension. That murderous piece of shit got rehired. Where is the fucking justice? Fuck your blue line - you're the fucking mafia with a badge. KYS.
You know who else protects their own no matter what?
Yeah most people want to have relaxing non stressful days and not look at the reality and deal with it.
>Cant blame them
If i could blue pill myself right now I would
You're boring dude.
They don't, generally. At least not more than the average person.
It's because the cops are real racist, and they ALL wanted to keep a brother down!
>americans think this is reasonable
Shut up you racist nazi, no one wants to hear your hate facts!
>You know who else protects their own no matter what?
>non-Americans dont understand why it is reasonable
why does the gorilla hate the zookeeper?
>I have no objective standards
and sh used to think blax were so cool!
Why does “The Left” do/think/say this one thing...
You’re a fucking retard. You don’t know the first thing about the people you’ve made your enemy.
Look a the picture. See that pope motherfucker? There is your clue. Your 3 major groups who behave that way -
The Catholic Church
At lease with the Mafias we know what we're getting. They aren't pretending to be the good guys here. Tell me ONE non-crooked reason for "the thin blue line" to exist? That's corrupt as fuck. The very concept is corrupt. Everyone who follows this code is corrupted WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Not one exception.
Anyone wanna guess what's going on with this loving family reunion?
I'll give you a hint, They are playing find the treasure.
it mainly stems from the fact that blacks hate white people
monkeys gone crazy
fucking animals should've been shot
>The Catholic Church
Take a look at this.
fuck you racist!
>implying this is the same as being noncompliant
1/10 for making me reply
(most) police are shitheads with ego complexes. some walk the straight and narrow because they hold others to high standards as well and some are dirty as fucking sin but at the end of the day "good" or "bad" they desire control and power over other people.
There is no other reason to take on this "profession" which has its roots in kings and emperors using the military to enforce his will on everybody else.
Fucking white people and their facts and logical arguments!
I don't know why anyone would unironically support the police when they routinely break the law, plant evidence, brutalize and murder the public, try to destroy evidence, and cover up their crimes when they get caught. 99% of them get away with their crimes, because they write the police reports, and they can say whatever they want about themselves.
They rarely prevent crime, they spend most of their time responding to crimes after the fact, but they don't investigate well, they don't provide medical care, they exist only to physically detain or destroy threats. The majority of their time is spent enforcing petty laws to generate revenue for their department.
3 cops in my city beat a undercover officer at a protest and they STILL tried to cover it up.
They kill unarmed people because they're afraid of getting shot, yet they think they are heroes. What kind of retard signs up for a job where you get shot at, and then is too much of a pussy to even do their job properly? They are cowards who care more about their own asses than the integrity of any law.
Nothing wrong with that white boi
Bitch be gone !!
I bet there are still cop haters who still think Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin are innocent.
>did not read on account of you being a faggot with his own reality
See ya later summerfag
>Steals your phone
Why do retards think niggers care about politics?
But the problem is, the left has a way better track record? The left is built around the concept of abolishing hierarchy. Conservatives are just fascists or fascists who haven't read any books so they don't know what fascism actually is. Once you read some of their writers you realize that current conservatives are using the same ideology the fascists have used for decades.
Eh. When I was homeless I stopped in front of a church to charge my phone. A cop pulled up to make sure I wasn't trying to break in or anything. I told him what I was doing, he saw that it was the truth. In typical fashion of course he checked to see if I had any warrants (I didn't, because I was homeless, not a criminal) then gave me two bottles of water. He offered to take me down to jail basically under the condition I could be released of my own recognizance at any time (I could say to the guards at any time "I'm ready to leave" and all they can do is say "oh okay let me get your paperwork ready" basically) because it was like -8 outside, but I was appropriately dressed under like 9 layers of clothes and had a pretty thick blanket with me, so I was doing alright and declined. He went on his way, I finished charging my phone and then went on to burglarize over 9000 stores in eight cities in the span of six minutes.
All but that last sentence is true. "Not all cops are bad" is true, particularly if you aren't black; but there really are a lot of absolute cunts wearing badges that should not be wearing badges, and the ones who at least try to be good police officers inevitably get dragged down with the shitheads.
They routinely disregard the law, often don't even KNOW the laws they're supposed to enforce, make shit up to stop you and harass you, PROFILE you, run your tags to see if you have warrants, etc)
I hope the few of you who are good don't take offense if you read this but: fuck the police
Yes yes niggers. We know about niggers.
Cops kill more WHITE MEN than any other group. Therefore niggers are not a reason to side with cops.
You yourself as a white male are more likely to be killed by a cop than sandnigger terrorism. That's a fact.
do you have the video or know where I can find it
You're so smart.
I'd like to take your brain out and put it in a jar.
My jizz jar.
>Cops are in it for themselves
>Shoots at cop
Thank you video evidence.
thanks for playing butthurt babyboy
They is motherfucker!
If you tink they aint say it to my face you ugly white ass motherfucker!
There are some on /gif/ and in the /gif/ archive. Cops and Robbers is the thread name. Also check Rekt threads too. There is way more with sound.
There are plenty of good cops.
But they exist in a fucked system. Playing basketball with the local youth isn't gonna change the fact that several of them will be in jail over nothing by the time they're 18.
Oh God you are tedious and say the most pretentious things. You actually say anyone who doesn't agree with you is uneducated? We have real life experience you brain-dead imbecile. Fuck you.
Is there any cop lover who actually looked at all the evidence in the mike brown case? Or do you just swallow what the police tell you without question, because they're the only thing protecting us from these savage niggers?
Because they are the structure of law and order.
But mainly, it's because some cop somewhere some time gave them a hard time about smoking some pot, and most likely didn't even write it up in their incident book....
Worse, the bulk of them believe the bullshit narrative that "minorities are overrepresented in prison cuz black people are more likely to get arrested than white people, and that's cuz of systemic racism"...
I've never seen cop haters get this butthurt before.
Not who you replied to, but you obviously think you're much smarter than you actually are.
You're in for a very disappointing life. LOL
I love when cops beat and kill niggers
No, law is the structure of law and order. You’re too retarded to live, please do the society you love so much a favor and tie a plastic bag over your head.
He was a thief, and he charged a cop, so he wasn't very smart.
That's not even what he said, fuckface.
inb4 (You)
>[some retardation about conservatives and fascists]
Because they want to push an entire race of people (blacks) to be lawless. Because Lawless people turn to crime. Crime gets people records so its much harder to get a job. If you dont have a job you rely on the government handouts. If you rely on government handouts you vote democratic.
Also, it works to get crime statistics up, which makes gun control look rosy to the average idiot.
It's not a Left vs. Right issue, it's an Authoritarian vs. Libertarian issue. Cops are basically just revenue generators.
He wuz a guud boi he din do NUFFIN! He was out driving around telling peps about JESUS! When tha razzist ass WHITE MAN POLICE pulled him ova he got out da car like he should and starting sharing the love of JEASUS with the racist copps!
The only ting he wuz shooting dat day was the GOSPLE OF JEASUS CHRIST!
because the left hates the patriarchy, and they define the patriarchy as the established social hierarchy, which is enforced by the cops.
Some of them are, yes.
patriarchy? that is so 2008 Yea Forums
it looks like they are dancing
black is such a great culture
Well its time to pull back the curtain on this little play. So why are the cop haters repeating the same stuff over and over and not providing any evidence (lest 1 single case)? Well the truth is they are not here because they genuinely have grievance with law enforcement or feel they can do better without them, no. If they did have a solution or really felt like they could do it on their own then they would have said so and the thread would have been done. See people who respect the law will still find a way to enforce it, say a person who doesn't want police help so they go out and buy a gun. The gun owner saves money for the community and takes responsibility for the community, easy right? Well our cop haters provide NO/ZERO/NOTHING solutions for their claim. They just say they hate cops, why you ask? Demoralization, dehumanization, and division. Demoralize people on the integrity of the law, dehumanize cops AND the people who support them, then divide people in the community. Really this is all this thread is... EXCEPT for this one little thing we call, THE INTERNET! The internet has plenty of video evidence contrary to cop hater claims, and provides it fast. So think about this for a second before you post.
The are the definition of bootlicking beta males not lib fag though.
>another no substance post
jesus what a small brained take.
Most cops joined because they wanted to make a difference in their communities. They're only jaded by racism the longer they're on the force. in my experience its less desire for control and more sick of the shit than anything. not saying that makes it okay, but you're kinda off base.
granted, of course there will always be authority figures who were picked on in school and just want to exert control over others.
Quick questiong though.
Im on the side that most cops are good. But the cop in that video flat out murdered that man and he should spend the rest of his life in general population.
So why not hold the bad cops accountable for their actions and not give people a reason to hate the cops?
Your dad is probably a bootlicker my neighbor pigs wife just cheated on him with a rich guy
with mike brown people have cameras on there phone dunno why not a single person caught the video of the event. Then there's the travon martin event there's a sound of the guy screeming help. The whole area was fucked up and the place was being robbed one of the neighbour came oout and said they were home invaded and was scared
>The left is built around the concept of abolishing hierarchy.
LMAO. So intersectionality and the hierarchy of oppression isn't a leftist ideology?
The left hand of god, the DEMOcrats
>bootlicking this much
>small brained take
>most cops joined because they wanted to make a difference in their communities
top fucking kek the irony
>So why not hold the bad cops accountable for their actions and not give people a reason to hate the cops?
tbh i think it has to do with setting precedent. I don't think thats right, but there are things that officers have to do that the general public won't understand. Not justifying what the cop did in this particular situation, mind you.
i know its easy to make assumptions when you get all your opinions on cops from reddit, but if you've ever actually interacted with cops in a situation where you aren't breaking the law, you'd know im right.
>small brained take: the post
You keep posting all this surface level bullshit. It's zero substance ego stroking.
"you know I'm right" lmao you're either a cop, rich or an actual child, you know I'm right.
Are you really this new to the internet son?
or... you know... ive conducted studies and interviews instead of just reading anecdotal comments on reddit.
But whatever floats your boat.
No, you haven't. You haven't done anything except post zero substance shitposts on Yea Forums because you are lonely.
So do burger cops not know about stun guns?
>guy going to back of truck
>Sir keep your hands where i can see them or i will taze you!
>guy reaches into truck bed
>gets 1.21 gigawats
>gets cuffed
>everyone lives
>guys fighting
>cop approches with hand on stun gun
>one starts to move towards him
>cop backs away draws tazer and tell him to stop and put his hands up or he will get tazed
>He keeps rushing cop
>gets 9001 shockeroos
>gets cuffed
>everyone lives
Seems like standard procedure is
>I was like PEW PEW PEW PEW..... Murrica!
>i am the 1%.
yup you got me, good one user.
don't mention it and don't forget to finish your homework
Hey user. Your grandma is most definitely not upset with you! Fuck niggers they literally are the worst. Crackheads are a close 2nd
Want to see it
Truth and justice they hate it. They want no freedoms like speech, guns, to go where you want, any thing. They want to control where you work, how much you make and so on. Think about it. These are facts. Prep my brothers be ready for what is to come.
I'm curious to know what paper spray tastes liek
what a pretty betta
Tables 29 and 30 from the FBI give you a number on what kind of arrests were made and how many.
like highly refined pepper you dumb motherfucker.
Go buy a ghost pepper then put the shit in your mouth. That's it.
Why do bootlicker conservatards love cops so much?
Oh man! Fuck black people. Kek
>there are things that officers have to do that the general public won't understand
True. But in many cases such as that video the officer is clearly in the wrong. The judge in that case would not let the body cam footage be shown in court because it was THAT damming of the officer.
I understand a jury letting him go without seeing that video and just going on what his side of the story was.
But that judge needs to be disbared and that cop needs to be spending the rest of his days behind bars for murder.
But instead they choose to protect him and give the country something to point at about how bad cops are rather then hold him accountable.
>They are playing find the treasure.
I don't get it, is the kid a drug mule?
>Im on the side that most cops are good. But the cop in that video flat out murdered that man and he should spend the rest of his life in general population.
>So why not hold the bad cops accountable for their actions and not give people a reason to hate the cops?
Because cops intend to be above the very law they claim to uphold. That's what "the thin blue line" is all about. That's cop culture. 100% corrupt.
Not only was that cop in that video not brought to justice, but he got REHIRED to protect his pension. There is your "justice."
You might thing most cops are relatively good. But they aren't arresting the bad cops. They cover up for them, or at the very least look the other way. So are those really "good cops" after all? Of course there are SOME good cops. They'll get fired in some cases, harassed, death threats made and sometimes made good on.
25% of cops are domestic abusers - far higher than the general population.
And in the rare cases they do get charged (to keep up appearances) the DA will intentionally fumble the case, and juries never want to convict cops.
>I feared for my life.
That's the magic phrase that cops use to get away with murder every single fucking time. Our own soldiers in fucking war zones have stricter rules of engagement than cops do patrolling our own citizens.
nevermind, found it and it's pretty lame
Sounds like you're making a statement saying you will samefag us if you could just copy and paste this? Half of them probably?
Can any of the "anti-racists" explain their silence regarding Jews, especially with respect to the extent of their tribalism and power that they command (more than whites, blacks, etc in both cases)? Read this. This is not some fringe activist group. They are one of the largest advocacy organizations on the planet. They co-ordinate with governments all across the western world, writing laws, "advising" policy, etc. Read this, and while doing so, imagine that every instance of "Jew" were replaced with "European", "White", "African", etc. Fuck, even imagine it being replaced with something as innocuous and inclusive as "Canadian". Imagine the reaction from the (almost exclusively Jewish btw) corporate media elite.
Here you go
Ba dun tnse
go old dude. take em out. this dude is a fukken hero
So scary that people are fed so much propaganda that they believe this new speak bullshit.
you angry the south won. northern loser
user provides stats and cop haters are silent. Is the math too hard for you? I guess you aren't as smart as you thought.
because idiots hate them and they hope to pander to the stupid they made to keep power. this is why they want open borders. it will be like when the irish came in boats
look how resistant chicago and new york were
look who still has guns in those places.
if you do something at once it causes backlash.
its like cooking a frog
you toss it in a hot pot of water it will jump out
but if you slowly raise the temp over time it will never know
Leftist using new speak BS to claim something is new speak BS. Agree or don't with the message but its the standard reason for the civil war given for the last century and a half. Just because you've been brainwashed into believing the Civil war was just about slavery, doesn't mean that people who admit to the complex mix of political, economic & cultural factors that led to the War of Southern Independence (it technically wasn't a civil war) have fallen to propaganda
Sauce of claim?
gun is pulled on you. get the fuck down and listen
dont grab anywhere quickly, especially waste.
kid was dumb as shit and cop had less than a second to react and reacted good.
Dumbass cops are the real niggers.
The unions protect them while ensuring that they get payed well.
/r/equesting evidence of cops shooting animals
Most cops suck and are bad at their jobs while wielding a lot of power and authority over the common man. It's normal to at least be wary of them unless you know them personally to be trustworthy.
not good enough. post pics and webms
I don't think much people hate cops in general. Alot of people just see through this child like fantasy some people have, that cops are honorable people and that there is no way some of them are bad. You just dont trust people in real life, so why would you trust them because they have a badge? I think we should be extremly critical of everything police does, and they should have strict rules. In return, they should get paid more, and have much more training.
California is the fifth largest economy; go back to living in a flood plain.
he was drunk
he was drunk.
If this happened anywhere but New York or San Francisco, everyone involved would have gotten the absolute shit kicked out of them.
Nothing to see here but two obsolete urban centers in the throes of decay and eventual death.
>Muh Jewscore
Why is it always the same people who claim GDP is meaningless without equality who use GDP to defend California, while software engineers are living in their cars and everyone else is living on the street?
Are you lost?
What happens when someone decides the same about you?
Mad props to the two cops who got knife kills lmfao.
California's problem is the insane property valuation inflation putting even cupboards behind multiple jobs in even the slummiest parts of California
The problem could be solved by temporarily devaluing the state's land and thereby lowering rent to reasonable levels again.
It won't happen of course, because devaluing the land means getting rid of a lot of high profile attractions, cutting off access to landmarks, etc.
What's the story here?
>devaluing the land means getting rid of a lot of high profile attractions, cutting off access to landmarks, etc.
What the what? It would mean greedy fucks can't charge more for rent and/or get more commission for selling and/or launder money through property.
Just found this in another thread. Really puts things in perspective here.
The left hates the idea of personal responsibility and consequences of one's actions
tons he says, no examples given.
Thank god for bodycams
I love watching videos of cops killing niggers
this ^
Because right wing white trash rednecks love cops
Yeah no shit there’s a bunch of videos of shitty ones from an entire nation. You think someone is gonna want to record and post good interactions? The types of people that are usually shitheads act like a turd and then start filming when the cop gets sick of it.
You’re right. Can’t wait till the cops are gone so I can slit the throat of people like you.
Wait...more crimes happen where more people are?
That is fucking insane!
He tripped on .9mm of instant justice.
They don't. They run a very hypocritical game of calling cops racist whenever a person of color has an encounter with the police, but then they'll run screaming to the uniformed government agents to do their bidding against people they don't like.
>they're not bad people, there's just more of them...
If you don't trust the police or your government, yet you think they should be the only ones with guns, you might be a liberal.
Like a meth head calling the cops when someone steals his meth?
>how do rates work?
Most of white America is in bumfuck egypt so of course nothing happens there
This. Remember that crime got so bad in NYC that they elected Giuliani twice. It will happen again
Most of leftist America is in overcrowded cities, full of criminals.
You say "my side is always just and noble" but then you dont say what side you're on. I guess you dont dare?
fucking fuck i just laughed so hard. i hope you made that up.
So are you saying that left wingers dont hate cops?
It's genuinely impossible to tell if this sentiment is real or just a troll anymore.
im just gonna stop you right there pumpkin because your premise lacks foundation ...
The left doesnt hate cops, we hate "bad" cops. So does the right.
This isnt a partisan issue you rat demagogue lol
Republican campaign ad.
Waste of dubs Poindexter
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
It's small moments like video related, that makes me appreciate police for doing what they do daily.
Almost lost his left slide...
Looked like he was exercising his 2nd Amendment rights against the guy who grabbed him. He wasn't even pointing at the cop.
That took me a second.
That was a tough one. He should have seen the cop car and not fired at the 'assailant', that could have saved him. After he fired, if he immediately dropped that chrome cannon and stuck his hands up, maybe. Changing direction, towards the cruiser was not going to and did not go well.
Yeah, that was what I was thinking. That is a tough one to figure out. He was heading in the general direction of the cop car, but was heading to the side of the road.
So are muslims but the left whole heartedly accepts them and their flaws.
Then why was he approaching police after he fired off several rounds literally right in front of them?
So do muslims.
Answer the question, faggot.
That entire scene was grade A, hoodrat shit. Which is the prime reason they get fucked with and fucked up, by cops.
What the fuck does "devaluing the land" mean?
No one group or institution (governmental or otherwise) just "decides" that a thing is valuable or it isn't. Things are valuable because people are willing to pay for them.
Oh look an idiot that doesnt understand economics. Next time you buy something I want you to buy the most expensive one. If you're not willing to do that then stfu
Why hasn't this gotten recognition.. fucking gold
+it's any big dog; was nearly killed last week protecting my gf... it was fucking chaos.
Dog came up once and I shoved my shoe down it's throat. Dude proceeds to walk away but takes dog off leash. Can't run and let my girl get mauled; so I tell him to just do it so I can end his dog, then him.
(I really didn't wanna kill ruppyboi, not his fault... poor little guy... and we also somehow ran into one of his friends of a friend and he said the guy stole the dog from someone's backyard)
which government exactly? you got local city, state, federal, judiciary