Tell me how to get asian girlfriend in college! :(

Tell me how to get asian girlfriend in college! :(

I have 500 k in my bank account (rich), but none of the asian girls at my school like me still
I want an asian girlfriend so bad Yea Forums
Theres been multiple days this summer break where i cry over not having an asian girlfriend.

i dont know what to do anymore. im 21. oh god, im crying again typing this

ive been rejected by so many.
im white and blonde

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Post a pic of yourself and ill answer

i posted a pic on /soc/ once. the answers were decent to ugly.
Im going to get plastic surgery done in september though, so i can fix my face. i want hollow cheeks and good chin, but the surgeon probably knows best what to do.


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bump, please help Yea Forums

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HELP, Yea Forums!

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shut up, i already attempted it this summer. but, i have hope now. there HAS to be an asian girl out there for me

Typical incel behavior.
>if I change my face they’ll like me then!

Sorry bud but if you’re still a social leper with nothing going for you but a bank account you’ll stay girlfriendless no matter the race.

Best advice: change yourself, not your looks. Ugly broke dudes get pussy regularly.

if you really think that girls only go for guys with money you should really kill yourself

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well, i have a hobby that i post on social media a lot. its my goal to one day get 100 k followers so i can flaunt my follower count to asian girls.
I cant do that by the time i return to college T_T

What do i do????
I know plastic surgery wont cure me, but its just one of the many things i coudl try

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lol, if you are so rich, why dont you move to asia?

i just want an asian girlfriend. i dont care what she finds in attractive me

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im not rich enough to live off stock dividends yet.
i dont know what to dooo T_____T

Jesus what a hopeless pathetic faggot

there's no helping u if girls dont like you even with tons of money

You didnt attempt shit, people that want to truly do it just do it. Stop being a faggot and end it. We dont need you here. Cunt.

why the fuck would you want an asian gf? they are literal cultural aliens, eating anything they can fit in their mouths, from yak cock to tiger bones.

they are socially awkward, they are highly critical of their partner, they think they deserve more than what they are worth and they never shave their pubes.

Asians are literally bottom of the shit barrel tier.

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OP is one of those guys once gets a kawaii asian girl and she leaves him for another dude he will probably kill her

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I bet your dad is ashamed of you.

shut up and just help me get an asian girlfriend in college!
im in fucking tears already.

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Stop being an incel

You're beyond help by the sound of it you useless fucken mouth breathing idiot. Fuck off.

Cry into your body pillow and use it as lube before you hang yourself incel

its a curse. i like hanging out and talking to white girls more and think the asians at my college are total cunts.
But, im still sexually attracted to them more. i dont know why.
i wish i had an asian girlfriend who would murder me in my sleep :(
he is. very ashamed actually. but thats besides the point.
come on, this is Yea Forums. Cant you helpa Yea Forumsrother out? Wheres our unity?

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Not sure who is trolling harder.op or the guys posting
Thank god there are more Asian girls than white men and women combined
Yandare gf

Most asian girls are beyond ugly and the ones who aren't either did plastic surgery or they did plastic surgery.

Ive been trying to get an asian girlfriend at college for 2 fucking years now. Every month, i would go on Yea Forums or /biz/ for help on how to get an asian girlfriend, but none of the advice worked.

ive fucking had it. Maybe plastic surgery is my only hope

everytime i make threads like these, i hope someone will tell me something that will finally click with me, and i can have my asian gf

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I’m in college and 21 as well. Have a really cute Korean gf atm and have dated and fucked many Asian girls over he last few years. Most of the asian girls at school aren’t being talked to by other asian guys because most of them are so timid and the girls are timid as well. If you just talk to them and set up times to hangout then they’ll be yours. It takes almost no effort as opposed to a white girl who you are competing with several other guys for. Most asian girls, especially the international students want the white guys I think. Go for Filipino and Korean girls. Both love whote guys

i love "ugly" asian girls too.
one of my asian friends, was saying
>come on user, you cant love every asian girl in the world
and i responded
>yes i do
and then he shows me a picture of this fat landwhale asian female classmate he had in highschool, and my first reaction was
>shes hot!

I have a half japanese and half european gf. One advice I can give you is be a strong and silent type of man. They are mostly not into sentimental men and they are looking for a secured life. You got the money going for you so next step is to be more confident and show some balls!
Wish you luck OP! I totally understand you

this has to be bait right?
no one is this pathetic and misguided in the wants of females?

ive been rejected by like 10 asian girls.
the first one, i went on a date with, and i tried holding hands and paying for dinner, but she rejected me

the second one just had no attraction to me at all. i went on a "date" with her, and all she did was did her homework. I told her i like her and shit and tried to be more serious, but she backed away and ghosted me

The next asian girl went on a date with me and took me to her house. but she never let me kiss her or fuck her or anything. she cooked fucking dinner for me too. but then the next day over text, she says shes getting back together with her asian boyfriend.

the next asian girl had an asian bf

the next asian girl had a white bf

the next asian girl i tried asking out, i tried asking her what the chinese characters in my asian guy friends name meant. she was tensed the whole time, and when i asked for her number, she flat out told me she was creeped out, so i walked away.

Im just fucking cursed. i dont know if its my location or anything. but i fucking tried and tried.
I went to a party with an asian girl with glasses. and i was so drunk, but was still too nervous to even say a word to her. i accidentally creepily stared at her the whole time

i blurted out "Hi" in my drunk fit, and she just said
>hi, nice shirt
and walked away

thats why i think its my looks. just, none of these asian girls even find me attractive i think. they view me as some type of foreign friend not fuckable at all.
well, thats my cursed life

im too scared to even approach asian girls now. i feel like some ugly unfuckable mess. and thats why im spending 30 k on plastic surgery. i feel i dont know


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how am i supposed to look strong when im only 5'11"...

You must be either ugly or the biggest incel to ever speak to these women. A lot of asian women love white dudes. It seems like every John Johnson white dude CS major at my University has an asian girlfriend.

well, im gettin plastic surgery to look good. i guess i am big incel.
i dont think an asian girl has every looked at me as boyfriend material.

Its fucking heartbreaking

believe it or not, i had japanese female friend who i was in an online relationship with when i was 16. I fucking ERP'd with her. She told me i was the most interesting guy shes met and cried when i dumped her (this was internet relationships, so it wouldnt last)

i dont know what im doing wrong. or right, i just have have horrible luck
and im too scared to even approach asian girls now, i feel ugly

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How tall is that in cm? Haha
I am 186cm tall and she is 165cm

And strength has nothing to do with height dude. Its about showing her that nothing in life can pull you down. Tell her something bad that happened to you and how you are dealing with it. Tell her how you help other people with their problems. Show her that people rely on you when they feel down. Be a knight without overdoing it.

I am in a relationship for 5 years with that hald japanese girl so i hope my advice is useful to you :)

come on, its obvious this dude is retarded(or baiting)

hell never get a woman with the high amount of autism and such an insufferable personaility. it doesnt matter if he looks like a brad pitt, and could buy 12 mansions. hed still be a virgin

OP.. You pay me and I'll be your wingman and consultant. As an Asian dude with an Asian gf, I can show you how. Super easy bro.

sigh. Physical strength is not what he was referring to. Also, height doesn't dictate how physically strong you can appear to be.

come to south east asia...for real dude, im living it

im 2 inches shorter.
well, i tried to changing my personality a lot. i try to be friendly or cold, but none of it seems to work.
i cant really show people rely on me, cause i dont have any friends. especially since im going to a new college this summer
i cant pay any money. i already had user offer me something similar, and i ended up giving him $100 for lessons. he was a good guy, but i just still couldnt get an asian gf. i wish i never removed him though.

im not rich enough to live off stock dividends yet

I'm Vietnamese American and here's at least my take on it. I've never seen an attractive asian girl date anyone that I have regarded as unreliable, cheap, or a bitch. You also have to take care of yourself, skinny white dude is the minimum I've seen them go for. But number one is that you have to be reliable and be a damn proper man.

Definite b8

have you tried talking to the girls?

2 words.... english teaching

dude listen to me, your fucking retarded

nothing is going to help you except realizing your personality is insufferable. learn to be a better less dumb person

im serious, the first step with this is to get off Yea Forums. being surrounded by its propaganda and incel culture really does hurt those susceptible to its ideas

see ive been rejected and insulted by so many asian girls at this point. i dont even have the courage to talk to them anymore. i feel like an ugly, unfuckable piece of shit, and that whenever i look at them its like im sexuall assaulting them :(
how to be proper man?

Than make friends man
You are bathing yourself in self pitty. Whats the sense of that. Stop talking about doing something. Just do it.

Trust me in the first years of my relationship i was just like you. Till i got older and realised i gotta change that crap talking.
I dont want to be rude towards you but you gotta stop that man. Everyone is alpha if they really want it.

Like you i would have never survived 5 years.

i dont think i have the balls to give up my business major to go teach english in vietnam
so many people on Yea Forums have asian girlsfriends. why arnt they off then?
ive gone months without browsing Yea Forums.

i dont know what to do.
it all feels so bleak.
i tried hanging myself just 3 weeks ago. im so sad, depressed, and feel hopeless. it literally feels physically impossible for an asian girl to view me as sexually attractive.

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Anyways Vietanon back again, reading back on a couple responses. No wonder, no self respecting asian woman finds you attractive at least by my cultural standards. No amount of plastic surgery will wash the big bitch energy that you emit. Fix that, gain some damn self respect, grow a back bone, and mean what you say and do.

how did you make me hate you so easily user?

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Yeah he is good at it.

everytime i try to make friends, i purposely lose them cause they are always white nerdy guys. None of them have asian girlfriends. So i fear by making friends with them, i will have no asian girlfriend just like them
>make friends with guys who do
ive tried making friends with asian guys on campus. they lie to me, treat me like their white bitch, and the asian girls can tell im just some weird white dude trying to hang with asians
its just
I tried joining an asian fraternity. and i was obviously rejected

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Bragging about [his parents] having lots of money did it for me.

its my fucking money. my parents lent me 5 k. i was an early crypto currency adopter and earn it all myself. my dad told me not to invest in crypto too.

Oh you're one of those guys huh. All the white English teachers in Vietnam suck dick and 2/3 of the Viet Kieu english teachers can't teach to save their lives. There are so many that simply come to asia, make just enough to live, and be away from family just to be with these asian girls. I find it pretty damn gross, and it's always gonna be weird to me. It's especially weird to me when I see a white dude pay to bring back a 4/10 Vietnamese girl for him to marry and give him his second divorce.

You purposely drop friends cause they are nerds? Dude I TOLD YOU TO BE A KNIGHT. Letting friends drop is no way to do that.
You will die alone if you keep this shit going.

if anyone ITT want to help me through chat, i have discord here:


ill stop shitting up thread.
i dont know what teh fuck to do. at all these clubs i have friends, there are no asian girls at all

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the term asian encompasses india/srilanka/thailand as well you know

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i feel upset and embarassed right now Yea Forumsrother. and my parents are in a huge fight and screaming.

what do i do? :(

tell them that you want to make sex with all the pretty ladies of the world to make them proud, put a cereal bowl on your head and walk off naked into the night shouting 'come and get it girls'

I'm Asian myself, if you think with this attitude you're going to get asian girls let alone any other girls then good luck.

movie reference?
thanks man

My brother-in-law went to Thailand and met an ethnic Chinese Muslim woman. She was actually a widow, so he asked her adult son if he could marry her. The son said "sure", but he should beat her if she misbehaves. He brought her back to the US and she was perfect until she died from cancer after about 20 years. Very loyal. Never said no, etc. Excellent waifu.


yea no, thanks, i'll pass