Let’s turn this template into a meme, Yea Forumsois. Write what you wanna write in the panels.
Let’s turn this template into a meme, Yea Forumsois. Write what you wanna write in the panels
Other urls found in this thread:
Why this?
Im sure ive seen this before... god damn it i recognise her. She from a movie?
Yes. No further questions.
1st panel is not want and second panel is want very original meme wow this is gold wow
is this salty milk ?
Uh yea my dude
>the saltiness is hype
This is one of them. Masha is the other. Haven't seen this in B for some time now
She looked like Ciara bravo for some reason. I thought OP’s two panel pics were fake nudes or something like that.
"Maybe if i post this image, it will look like i am an anti 'user' so that the mods won't ban or report me, but i will proceed to hope more 'stuff' will come to light while i proceed to stoke my cock on the desk chair, haha im so smart"
Hi Vicky. I want you to know that Ive fapped to your videos countless times.
Why thank you. I’ll be happy to cum again if you know what I mean.
I always liked Babko's where she was holding the milk carton
Me too.
I envy her dad so much.
Just as how much I envy op.
Too bad hes rotting in jail. His whore daughter couldnt keep her mouth shut.
newfag here can someone explain this to me? Isnt that the girl from Zombieland?
I always wished Sandra would have had some good stuff release. Fapped plenty of time to her and Trixie for that matter
Ik but she did the right thing, you know?
>Top kek
The things Woody Harrelson did to that poor girl
Does it happen in the same shot these stills are from?
No it's madeline mccans sister, jessy mccann. She's never really in the limelight.
There was an allegation that jessy mccann knew what happened to Maddy which is what this image is about.. apparently her dad paid her to keep quiet and wont spill the beans.
No she didnt. Daddy was treating her very well feeding her cummies and make her feel good every day. She didnt have to accuse him.
Lmao don’t stop guys
here we goe
Some has to have Babko on file
what the fuck is that?
havent fucked a horsae pussy yet, i see. fuckin virgin
You mean what is that. They a clearly from Alabama, where men are men, and the live stock is scared.
Welcome to Hello.jpg
Fortnite player
never, actually.
all this mtx stuff isn't just one game.
it's a serious problem all throughout the vidya industry
True that brother
at that time I met a girl like OP’s named Kylie
This is DEFINITELY the best meme of 2019.
i missed this Yea Forums
seems there is a few of us from the /ancientfags/ era, many weegies and mudkips to you all you old fucking bastards
Then do you know where THIS came from?
My thoughts exactly.
Moralfags should be gassed
Including normie and cancerfags...
Her and a clown?
I got banned for posting an adult pic of masha, so it's not surprising
Yeah, it is too bad that b has changed so much
I remember having threads like this constantly. Mods are faggots
Do you know when and who this girl was behind the shopped pic?
For fuck sake, you're kidding me!?!
who is this?
itt: newfags
One of Masha’s Friends.
Forget her name. I stopped looking at the stuff a while back. I started getting really paranoid, was pretty sure "they" were collecting info on me
Back in my day, I used to listen to smash mouth and Britney Spears all the time... that should be some cause or concern...
I know what you’re talking about.
I know people get banned posting candydoll stuff or however its called
I posted a pic of her and one of her boyfriends at a park.
I guess I deserved it for being dumb enough to buy a pass.
12 years old, perhaps.
No, fully developed milf my dude
She’s a cute little thot
But she was an adult?
Is she under the table if you catch my drift
I need a name. For research purposes.
there must be another place like Yea Forums was in the golden era. i just dont give enough of a fuck to find it. plus i dont TOR as much as i used to, all those sites now recycle too quickly, hard to find a good source. hard to find anything really. not that this was my cup of tea but fuck if variety in the horrible nooks and crannies of the web didn't tickle me in a way.
there was an old comic some Yea Forumsastard drew around the time i left last, that spoke about an old piece of shit grandpa explaining to his kids about what the internet was back in the old days, this was in comparison to some kind of future perfect super-censored era they lived in.
i always saw it as stupid and over played. but now looking back, the mods, the bans for pointless shit, no good threads and everything so fucking white washed, this place lost the spark that gave me a reason to rage about it not being good.
if you have people complaining like cunts that something can be better, then its good enough to save, but when those same cuntwaffles dont even complain anymore...
what is this other than just a corpse?
waiting for the FBI to greet me with a long walk down a short hall...
who is she? Kapp
Ciara Bravo. There.
Poor girl. I hope she could grow past the abuse and traumas. Tho in all reality, most likely suicide by the age of 15 is my bet.
>[Post a Reply]
mudkip is a newfag meme, you asshat.
People love to claim bullshit, ya know?
Nice try faggot, I know that name
remember kids, the mudkip flies at night....
thank allah school is about to start and we'll rid of you most of the day
if it's after the habboo raid and the second wave of retarded idiots it is a newfag meme. You might think yourself an oldfag but I bet you didn't get a full year of cockmongler before you saw him dissapear.
Dark Web = No Sponsorship
>I guess I deserved it for being dumb enough to buy a pass.
haha that's why i'd never pay these stupid bastards. they permaban for nothing and keep your money. my last permaban was for posting a clip of a girl from youtube. youtube content is considered cp but brain fucked mods here but not youtube.
I miss jizzus
Honestly, I learned empathy some years ago and I can no longer enjoy this kinda shit. In retrospective I think I must have been borderline at some point, it was at 22-23 that I made a click and my perception of how deeply damaged people are and how that is a tragedy changed.
Any of you degenerates remember Sandra?
Yes. ‘‘Twas a good time. ;)
Jizzus was just some retard making ginger beer, a total fake. I have to admit I was devastated when I found out
WHAT? until now I thought it was semen, thanks for that.
God fucking damn it, user. I suppose you're gonna go ahead and tell me next that Santa Claus isn't real either, right?
i dont get it. is she famous?
Good man
I just want you to suffer the same as I am knowing about these secrets of the universe. Knowlege truly is a burden.
At least it takes care of the first half of every battle though.
Don’t stop writing them memes Yea Forums.
I guess the thread died after people found out about jizzus being fake lol. A sad sad truth to be honest
Feels bad man
>mfw it’s too soon
She's in her 30's now, and she works as a realtor.
She's also the face of the group of ex cp stars going after the 401k's of guys caught with cp.
Who cares? Bump for interest normies.
She was gorgeous when she was that age.
Thats kind of cunty. I mean, how do you justify the damages. That person didnt wrong you, just saw you being wronged.
We dont go after people who view crime scene photos in any other instance.
New Zealand does
Actually she admitted she liked it until her mom and other adults told her it was "wrong" what he did and then she changed her tune. Cat and Masha said they also liked it.
You sure? I thought it was just sharing the photos. And honestly, who cares about that shithole country.
OP youre such a huge faggot. and even having these screen caps should be enough to throw you in jail since you clearly have to have the film to take them from. You know people are still going to jail for downloading this shit, right? This was a huge deal at the time, not just your run of the mill CP. You should really kill yourself. You ever follow up on how fucked up her life has been since? You should really neck yourself for possessing and continuing to feed the demand for this shit. Faggot.
I was talking about the Christchurch video, possession is a crime
Bad copypasta bad
What's the story? Got a link?
don’t even answer that
I got banned from Yea Forums for posting pic related
Google Kenneth Freeman
The fuck that’s actual cp. don’t reverse image search, anons
He’s an old fuck... a meme.::
That's a nice looking lassie there
I just never got into the slant eyes
I'd play a game of dice with her
This thread stinks of summer
First: “How much Mr. Epstein?”
Second: “Ok!”
Where is cat at nowadays?
And you swallow salty milk
She died in a car accident around the year of 2012
It really doesnt you faggot
Wonder if her stepfather is out yet
She has a family with a kid
it was her uncle and they actually get along very well. he never paid a day in prison.
No she didn’t.
What's her real name?
She didnt die in a car accident in 2012. Lol wtf random lie.
I love doing stupid shit
When she said salty milk I giggled a bit. Is that bad, anons
The uncle part is a lie as well.
But seriously I'd love to know how much time he served.
no, it isn't, at all. it's an image of an album cover.
you're an idiot.
*Russian national anthem starts playing*
I miss ray’s gold bros
Holy shit I lol'd
user is right. A fucking banger of a baroque album too
I don't know if anyone has told you all this, but you are all fucking degenerates.
And I love you.
Not that I'm complaining but where are the usual MODS fags? Are they fapping cause now its ACTUAL cp that's being discussed?
Mods are asleep
Just exercising our first amendment internet rights fam
Love you more faggot
I ain't judging you, pedo, just saying
you wouldn't be on this site if you did
I legit wonder what life is like in prison for those people like karate kyle and bart.
Its supposedly a top tier offense that marks an inmate for death but i havent heard anything about it.
eternal wryyyy to you sir
Do NOT reverse image search this
At least bart's got plenty in the ol spank bank to tide him over
Whatd you find?
Are you not paying attention to the thread?
Uh now i feel i have to. Wtf user.
Thats the point faggot
Jesus. Ok that was a mistake. Dont need that in my search results.
I did it and nothing but the exact same image template (white boxes and everything) showed up, so I'm wondering what he meant.
What did it bring up?
my boner
He's a faggot and doesn't know shit about the stuff in this thread.
Big Babby is bretending again, whooraaay, guys i'm in da kewl klub neow
might as well be walking on the sun
This shit ain't secret, fucknuts
You can keep your secret club, faggot
Yeah. Look at all you faggots investigating on OP’s one blah meme.
I guess you are about as old as the sea-man swallowing octopus in the picture. Sooo... spread your legs :DDD
A search result for pthc vicky, which is not something i actually want to have searched for. My unofficial social credit score just took a fucking nosedive, comrades.
Jesus i need a shower.
I wasnt investigating, I knew exactly what would pop up
And? What is so horrible about the shit popping up? Is it making you UnCoMfoRtabLe?
Nope, just warning the others
Well maybe they shouldn't be here anyway then...
read the comments
just how far did this spread?
If this was 2007 Yea Forums this thread would be already full of CP.
You're probably right
In 2007 we still had a mostly free and open internet.
In 2007 half of Yea Forums's current userbase wasn't even born
I miss those times when you could type anything into google and actually fucking find it!
remember when you could find a picture without a bad take on a meme written under it?
The fuck is a gentoo?
Sounds barbaric
Ew fucking Zoomers
Google searching "siberian mouse" brings up a pic of masha on a couch when she was 15 with her pussy hanging out the bottom of her dress, Google hasn't sanitized everything yet.
Certain cp terms will also prompt Google to give a link to some pedo help websites
I should know, I was conducting...research
Based Little Vicky, making memes great again.
Someone photoshoop a USB Line into this template.
Yea thanks. Im gonna just take your word on that one, chief.
The Wall comes for them all.
Damn shame, she was a QT.
I'm amazed this thread is still alive
Also another example why does google stop autofilling when I type a pornstar name or some cursewords. Fucking pussy company
Darn, so I can't do research on mice from Siberia without getting CP?
Bumping till this gets to page 10. Op will be tired for the next two more hours obviously.
OP bumps and samefags his shitty cp reddit meme thread since hours.
It's not illegal to stumble onto cp
What is siberian mouse and who is masha?
Google it :^))))
Gay. read the phuccin thread and you’ll understand
>Posters: 60
Youre one of dem noofags, aintcha?
But I don't wanna see cp, I wanna research the mice population of siberia
Have you seen anything from the thread?
Why yes I am! And your face looks rekt.
>changin the IP is rocket science
It takes me 15 seconds. Gb2school, kid.
These fags
me too
>someome is mad because his sneaky samefagging isn't working.
Go back to the steam room
He was being nice and giving her a computer to use for homework and the bitch did a forensic search on it.
I envy a dad who's girl can keep her mouth shut.
t.the hacker named Yea Forums
This thread is an embarrassment. If your life really consist of creating and bumping such reddit tier threads for hours than you really should consider killing yourself.
Way ahead of ya sport
I’m not even op so fuck off solipfag
You dare imitate the og
not Vicky dude........
Like what.
That is a journey you must take on your own
I'll tell you guys, I'm impressed no one has tried to slide some cp into this thread.
Very mature of you all
Good luck with that buddy.
Just use Pirate Bay, safe and secure
Nah, Google incognito mode... He'll be fine
her name was Roberta Paulson.
Pirate bay is still a thing?
Think she ever did anal again?
Search Roy gold I think it was