How many times do you think he raped her?

How many times do you think he raped her?

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i dont think trump has ever touched her, but i'm sure he really wants and dates and fucks women that resembles her

Not enough.

he probably whored her out to epstein

He’s literally touching her in that picture you asshat

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This guy gets it

Tiffany trump is queen Yea Forums....

Who the fuck cares? He's still an ally to Israel. Anything he does is fucking stupid and a distraction from debt slavery. Fuck him.

i would say less times than america, currently

He is literally a jew

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Lost count.

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Get that fucking horse toothed cunt out of my thread!

Zero. This class of men have enough Money for direct Import of little pussys in little boxes :)

Ah yes, antisemitism. The oldest and stupidest conspiracy theory on the planet.

I'm sure it's frustrating that you finally got the rabidly racist president you wanted, only to discover that he DOESN'T hate the Jews.

can you at least pretend you're not a JIDF shill?

He's one eighth Ashkenazi jooooo thanks to Granny Kober. MAGA!

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I keep waiting on my check from Soros. That fucker owes me.

Jared is a tranny and Donald is Ivanka's baby daddy

Not a conspiracy.
Jews are a cancer.
They even consider themselves to be above the human race.

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Don't know if it's true or not, and I don't care. Obviously it's terribly important to you, but not to me.

Probably never. But he definitely touched her inappropriately and jerked off to her underwear.

I’m sure he snuck into her room and sniffed those panties more than a couple of times

wee wee wee i no leik eeem i tink he waped dat gwill

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Waarom zou je zo een lelijk varken verkrachten als je zo een geil mokkel hebt?

I'm not going to waste my time asking you for evidence, because I know you don't have any.

I've done a fair amount of research to see if there's any actual basis for all the Jew-hatred over the centuries, and I've found nothing. Only thing they've ever done to upset anyone, afaik, was refusing to worship the Roman gods.

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Fuck off, hasbarat.

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Many times.

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Figured you'd be telling me to fuck off next. Standard reply of alt-right morons when confronted with facts and common sense.

If you come up with anything that resembles an argument, I'll be right over here.

less than Bill fucked Chelsea

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It's not really "rape."

not. enough.


Sorry, not an argument. Play again?

Haha, two jews

Both shiksas are on Twitter. Why doesn't user ask them both?


AND>pic related

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yeah but she had an icky poo hole at that age

And not enough skin between them to make a decent lampshade.

He has "drumpft" in his family line? Holy shit

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That's why John Oliver triggers the red-caps so easily.

Rape implies she didn't want orange dick in her.

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you do tho

sure kid

I'm going to assume that the reason you presented your racist bullshit in a blurry, unreadable image file was because you know it won't stand up to scrutiny.

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u mean after grabbing by the pussy first