What have you been playing /b?
What have you been playing /b?
finish up the second season of hitmans 2
I know what people say about this game but I swear I'm genuinely enjoying this
gta v
smash ultimate but today i quit it for good. i'm selling my switch and quitting video games. tired of getting stressed out by that fucking game and bored by every other game. waste of time and money. fuck video games
I'm sorry I haven't played a modern video game in over a year what the fuck is that?
Online multiplayer has never been about fun its always been more about the need to crush another human being. Try some single player stuff dude
That game is fucking trash inferior to 4 in every way
i've tried a bunch of single player games and they're all too easy/boring. i can't find a game that has the right balance of challenging and easy. everyone said breath of the wild was amazing and it was boring to me. i would rather play ocarina of time again. i'm just done with video games. gonna read some books or something instead
Hitman and Hitman 2 were phenomenal.
Rainb6Siege and Civ Beyond Earth ( the only Civ game I ever liked)
shut the fuck up nigger
How does one get stressed out by a video game. The closest I’ve come to being stressed is Ludwig on Bloodborne The Old Hunters DLC. And even then I managed to get a grip and remember its a video game.
You need to learn to just relax when you play them enjoy the experience or if you can't try playing older games fifth or sixth gen games that haven't had the difficulty sucked out of them like modern games.
>pfft...I said the N word tee hee
Smt strange journey mostly. Trying to get through as much of Megaten as I can get my hands on.
lol stupid nigger
you arent gonna do shit nigger you &that fat fool watch what the fuck happens
the people online stress me out. the mindless spam and cheap tricks are annoying. i want to play a strategically but you can't really do that on smash. dark souls is the best game i've played in a while but after i beat that it got boring
i'm relaxed at first but it just gets old after a while. can't play for more than an hour without getting annoyed by idiots online
Battlefield V, The Division 2, Rust
don't starve
enter the gungeon
are the games I'm playing now.
Want to finish hollowknight before the new one.
also want to beat celeste
use to play stardew valley ~100 hours
always looking for suggestions
Borderlands 2.
i think terraria's fun with friends and sort of fits that category.
Have you played oxygen not included?
Boring, I know.
Cod bo2
I’ve been playing a lot of dead by daylight
Bloodstained: Ritual of the night but I just finished completely destroying it.
Might play Skyrim since I haven't played in a long time.
>oxygen not included
I haven't.
Is is a Don't Starve colon or is it fairly unique?
Worst taste in vidya isn't possible
I've looked at it and it's on my list. can you give me a rundown?
he likes fps
so what?
A game about chasing stat edited weapons. The worst grand theft auto ever made. and the worst first person shoot franchise ever. His taste is painfully pedestrian
Its basically Battlefield but in medieval times
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
RESI 0,1,4
Mario Maker 2
i've never played them.
maybe a kek?
I do know that they all have their niche followings.
Modern battlefield games or battlefield games prior to bad company
resident evil out break file 2 on my ps2 and elder scolls online on my xbox one with my room mate
stuff. The last game I thoroughly remember playing was Lexicopolis, it keeps bringing me back in.
Niche? Are you trying to bait me there the most popular franchises there is
borderIands 2, waiting for 3
just got subnautica. been loving it so far.
I truely don't play them.
I have no idea.
I haven't been into fps since halo2
I am currently playing a lot of Mordhau and CSGO
Trover saves the Universe. VR is fuckin ace.
subnautica is excellent!
Much different. You run a colony in some... unknown rock, presumably in space. You need to mine, farm and produce resources in order to survive, but there's never a time for complacency. You're constantly expanding and fixing broken equipment. Resources are scarce.
Same, man. Played a lot when the game came out, but only recently picked it back up. Fucking digistruct peak keeps kicking my ass
BF4 on PC
sounds fun.
try getting flakker shotgun and a good torgue launcher. shoot the flakker then switch to launcher for big damage
Dying light, the parkout mechanics even if sometimes tedious, are cool and the combate sisten focused on memes fights it's great, even tho human enemies can tank 3 times of a zombie.
not sure if lawful neutral or chaotic good
Who's ready for borderlands 3?
Not as long as it's epic exclusive.
The Witness
Enter the Gungeon: A Farewell to Arms
Isaac (perpetually it seems)
Thea the Awakening
Red Faction 2: Guerilla Remarstered
Overcooked 2
Kinda in even amounts I rarely binge and finish something start to finish without changing it up.
Nuck Figgers
Yeah I've watched a bunch of videos. Pimpernel seems to work the same. Mainly been trying on my gunzerker with Grognozzle + DPUH. Need to come up with new strategies
I played Rust when it first was released before they remade the engine. How is it now? Haven't touched it in seriously 2 years.
If you like Stardew Valley I highly recommend Graveyard Keeper!
Lol why, because you don't want to have ONE MORE account somewhere else?
Debating whether to preorder (the horror), or just wait til some reviews come out. But I'm pretty sure I'm picking up the game regardless because what I've seen so far looks good.
No, because it's a slippery slope.
If that business model succeeds, other companies will start doing it.
I love it
The first one was very good, second was meh.
Might try 3rd soon.
Things should be DRM-free. But, you'd probably have no problem if it were offered on steam. What's the difference?
This is why I won't play games that monetize through microtransactions. That shit is cancer.
Althought Steam is my favorite, I wouldn't buy games if they went exclusives.
This is understandable.
This is silly.
Of I also take this to an extreme because I'm a Linuxfag
Black Ops 4 add me on Xbox: V0TE TRUMP 2020. That's vote with a zero
/pol/ is that way faggot.
Can i add you im trumpwins2016
Lets play sum roket leag m8
I recently got into xenoblade chronicles 2, and I've also got into emulation. I do occasionally play csgo but not as much as I used to
Oh yeah and I'm playing sm64
Stardew valley... Pretty good game tho I'm tryna wife up Emily anyone know how?
I get stressed but not to the point of disliking a game. I don't like smash ultimate online though cause I'm fucking garbage.
That game is fucking trash inferior to vice city in every way
>painfully pedestrian
Imagine being this elitist lol
Epics trying to ruin pc gaming.
I was playing Judgment and Samurai Shodown(Prob my favorite fighter this gen).
Recently started retro gaming again, mainly something to scratch the classic survival horror itch since(aside from the Resident Evil and TEW series)survival horror literally means walking simulator or “Walking Horror” now.
Silent Hill 1 - 4
Forbidden Siren 1 and 2
Aside from horror, Contra: Shattered Soldier for the PS2
Isshin: The Sword Saint gave me those Ludwig memories....
Resident Evil 4 Remastered on my PS4, cuh!
I need to a game to stream on ps4 bedsides bf1 call of duty fortnite and apex legends, help a brother out im out of work with sick pay and i dont know how to twitch
Pls tell me like im retarded
I don't think that's the main goal, just a by-product.
They are trying to create a monopoly to make as much $ as possible, which is never good for the customer in anything.
PC Building Simulator. Fuck you faggots I can't stop fucking playing fuck.
pokemon lets go and binding of Issac
prey is looking prety neat
Postal 2
I always play dead space or avp marine story on nightmare for that scare juice
Game on, my dude.
Never gets old.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
But it's modded and I play it on the CEMU emulator.
>waiting for 3
lol who isn't?
I aint
You should give Borderlands a shot. I haven't known anybody to hate it yet. That's actually how I first got into it. Because back when BL2 first came out my friends were playing the hell out of it and I told them it didn't look that great. So they told me the same thing, and I gave BL1 a shot. Ended up becoming a die-hard fan of the series.
I’m playing it now trying to solo 20 rounds in moxxies underdone.
Ark: Survival Evolved. Been playing for 3 years. Game gets a lot of hate but I love it.
I played them to death,im ok with what 3 will be but it took to long to come out
To manny side projects and story element's to remember when it was fresh
And on my mind constantly i would be over the fuckn moon and i know it but the game just isnt what my 15 year old brain thought it would/should be so i just don't care for 3 at all
Also one thing to add for the sake of typing when i meet rhys and he dosent sound like the guy from tell tail then whats the point of haveing him return other then to say go buy that game to pls
And it just realy ruins it for me emotionally cause the fuck did they hire him for if not to fucking be his voice
I don't give a fuck about claptrap the dumb voice actor had it comeimg signing a fricken dumbass deal to work and not get paid what reasonable person does this
Mira esas tetas tan grandes, wey!
Como las montanias!
Two words:
Tediore reloads.
>t 16y/o
Realm of the mad god
10/10 game.
Try dark souls nigger
Going through some of my backlog and firing up emulators so I can show my younger cousins what vidya was like before mobile cancer and microtransactions ruined everything
Dark Souls 2
It's pretty fucking overlooked. That's for sure.
Wut? Why on earth you show your cousins shitty games from the past with horrible graphics and a dumb story? Show em what vidya has evolved into and not some bullshit like donkey kong you utter idiot
Jetpack (from Adept Software)
CoD Modern Warfare 2
Parodius Collection (psp)
random games I've played this year
splinter cell blacklist
Some others you might give a shot:
Illusion of Gaia
7th Saga
Rocket League
Trash recommendations. Choose the rope
Are you fucken serious? Both games were absolute time waste and deserve to be forgotten for good.
What wrong? You suck at it?
Not trash at all, just not as widely known as Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana etc..
Been making mods for Fallout 4 for years
Got back into Garry’s Mod cuz I’m a faggot
Fallout shelter and soul knight
Alot of eve online lately.
Resident evil 5
Garrys mod
Team Fortress 2
Black mesa
NOTHING else has EVEN remotely caught my eye :/
Blazing Chrome, finally beat it on normal, going to begin practicing on a one credit run.
Currently on FFXIV, but I think I’ll be going back to Azeroth soon enough.
Buck bumble quest 64 and body harvest
AC Odyssey and recently, Need for Speed Underground 2 on PS2, so nostalgic
getting close to beating Pyre