Be me

Be me
>Grow up with huge father issues
>Be 7-11 years old
>Used to cry to my father (a typical 'norfener') and apologise that I'm not growing up to be the man he wants me to be.
>Developed a huge complex around it
>Never went to a male's barber's, only a hair salon. Was never comfortable to be around only a group of manly men.
>Picked up all of my mannerisms and most of my interests from my mother, instead of my father. I didn't plan, or choose this, it just happened naturally :/
>Other kids laugh at me sometimes because I act soft like a girl and say things that only a girl would say, and my dress sense was "weird"
>This makes me really shy and unsure how I should act around people because for some reason I act differently to the other males
>Lose my virginity on my 13th birthday to a girl

>Turn 16
>Decide to start experimenting with female hygiene products
>feels good, I love it, having soooo much fun with it all. Mixing them all up and comparing the smells, etc
>"Fuck, am I gay?"
>I start to experiment and I ended up growing feelings for a really sweet guy and we have a thing together. It's wholesome
>He wants to have sex with me
>He starts sucking my thing and stuff, but it doesn't become hard at all, and it makes me feel really uncomfortable, so we don't do anything except cuddle each other in bed and talk.
>Years later I fall for another guy and we kiss romantically a few times and go on walks together where he walks me home afterwards, but he betrays me to go back to his ex and leaves me alone.

>During these years I'm still having sex with girls inbetween these guys
>"Well, I didn't become hard, and it becomes hard for girls easily, so I'm not gay"
>"problem solved"
>"why am I still weird though?"


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>Be me
>Everybody around the world starts going "I'm transgender"
>I spend all day everyday on /pol/ so my natural reaction like everybody is to just hate them, and talk to all of my friends about how they are mentally ill
>The amount of threads and news articles/videos and everything cause me to out-of-interest watch some videos about it -not the disgusting "CALL MY MADAM" type, but real people struggling with transitioning.
>"oh, shit"
>hits me like a tonne of bricks, I actually fainted
>"that's me..."

>start reading more, and suddenly everything makes sense from my childhood until now, and I finally feel like I know myself
>It's a really great feeling
>literally euphoric
>buy outfits/a shit load of makeup things/wigs/accessories
>redecorate my room into a female's room, it's so comfortable and feels really good/"right"
>come out to all of my friends and family and we cry a lot together
>they're all supportive and incredible.
>we had a house party one night and I went as a female and it felt amazing


>I move country
>I decide to begin fully presenting once I moved abroad, start a new life. "New year, new me" and all of that
>Actually became scared shitless and didn't do it.
>Live a secret life on my own where I can look how I feel like I look on the inside. Don't tell anybody
>I keep forgetting I'm a man
>Go out and really try hard to pretend to be normal, it's difficult, but I do it and nobody suspects anything
>I get a girlfriend
>She notices stuff about me
>"Did you ever wanna be a girl instead of a boy?"
>I start crying and I come out to her
>We cry together, she tells me I'm beautiful and takes me clothes shopping
>Live our lives as a lesbian couple for a bit, it's really really nice

>move back home
>isolated myself
>begin to question myself.
>I go full-on denial mode about everything and swing completely in the opposite direction
>I buy a set of weights,
>want to join a boxing club
>"I'm a man" "grrrr"
>work out everyday trying to be a depressed, but better male, instead of a happy, but awful excuse for a female.
>i go so hard with it, I burn out of that in about a week
>I don't know what to do
>I'm too scared to be who I am naturally, and too uninterested in male things to have the determination for it all :(

I've done everything right, to "correct myself", or something, but I don't know what else to do. Is the answer unironically suicide? Is this why it happens a lot? Do you actually hate me for this? Do I deserve to die, even though I feel innocent? I know I can't ever have the body of a real woman, and if I do any kind of "kidding yourself" surgery, I won't be able to have children anymore - and I desperately need to have children of my own

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Dude what the fuck? Be whatever you are. Your dick doesn't define how you should live your life.

tits or gfto - rulz R rulz

TITS OR GTFO, you know the deal.

Imagine thinking this hard about shit

Just go with the flow and enjoy your life

I'm getting very mixed signals from this lol

but I'm shy about that.

I really want to but the biggest problem is, I care so much about what people think about me. and my desire to have happy children is greater than my desire for myself to be happy

Keep your head up user keep living the life you want to

why its just your tits - show them...

Time to end it freak

thanks user, yeah you're right :(
i can't, i hate my body and I don't like showing it naked
what makes you say that?

see it this way... you may be shit - but you still can do something good - make me cum - so be a good girl and show your tits...

Hope you know your value because you do have some and ignore 3/4ths of this thread just Yea Forums being Yea Forums

Murder your retard daddy because he was an insecure fuck that projected things upon you that you couldn't fulfill. These type of parents are the fucking worst and deserve to be shot.

I wouldn't be happy if my son would do some faggotry but i would never want him to become a certain type that i think is best for him. Kid's that grow up like that usually realise at some point that they were forced into things and might start rejecting their reality.
Voila, you got some retard with a midlife crisis.
Or he becomes depressive and doesn't understand why, but his subconscious will tell him that his life feels wrong.
Never force your kid into a stupid role, he'll grow up another NPC. Just make sure kid doesn't do long term consequences dumb stuff, that is all.

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just be you.
no one really cares anyway.
do what you want and stop being so insecure.
you're doing fine you just care too much what other people think.

can you just dont seek out relationships? and dress like a man? find job, buy a PS4
Everything you wrote sounds like such a chore
I wouln't have bothered with it

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oh I also forgot.
tits or gtfo
dick pic wouldn't hurt.
I want a full frontal tbh.

You're going to get some really shit advice and suggestions to kill yourself and all that shit, what with this being Yea Forums and all. But remember when you were happiest? Go with that.

People really, really do not care. The ones you know personally might, but those that don't know you forget things after a few days.

Be whatever you want user, but personally I don’t think it’s ever going to be correct to turn your dick inside out because you felt like it at the time. Lots of gay bars have drag shows/nights I’d suggest experimenting with. Could also find some free counseling help but don’t let them make your mind up for you

You don't have to be trans if it's not "you". Don't put so much weight onto your gender or anything. Focus on the rest of your life.

How feminine do you look? I assume you're mostly passable with the context given. You could probably switch between the two whenever you want.
This user raises a good point, drag might be good, but imo it's way too over the top.

What's the rest of your life like? Because I repeat, you are not your gender, and putting a lot of value into that is only going to cause you more grief. I don't define myself as a dude, even though I am. It's background information and not at all important.

you are seeking out the manliest things you can do to correct yourself, but don't do that. Start small. Go inna woods. Start fires. Connect with the outdoors. Go alone. No phone. Just you and nature. The trees and shit wont judge you. Squirrels might, but they're ass holes anyhow.

making you cum isn't an objective moral good tho
user really, thank you. yeah sure I expected that
that's really interesting to read but he didn't project things on me or force me to do anything. infact, when I had those "breakdowns" to him and cried about being being man enough for him, he would always tell me "what? no! i dont expect anything like that, i love you regardless" -which is actually really sweet. what you said is completely right, but that's not what he did. I just didn't grow up learning behaviour from him
yeah, this is actually helping. i just want to be happy and do what I want to do :/
I do dress like a man 95% of the time and own a PS4 lol
thanks guys, it really does help.
I said I really never want to turn my dick inside out because it's not natural. I don't like gay bars because I'm not gay and I don't like drag because they're men who feel like men dressing as women
I'm saying it's the "man" who is really not me :/
As for looking feminine, I don't know about being passable or not. Here's another clipped photo >

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I do love that! I absolutely love nature, starting fires and being connected with the outdoors. It makes me feel at peace and relaxed and in my "natural environment", but it doesn't change that about me :(

If you are feminine but with a dick, that's the best of two worlds.
Also NO hormones, shit will fuck you up.
>Get skinny, the muscles you got will look amazing on a skinny frame.
>train legs and ass for feminine features
>keep chest flat
>git gud with makeup
>if face is still a bit too masculine, get feminine glasses

You can do wonders with makeup, hairstyle and glasses. Look a the pic, this is a slightly muscular but still very feminine looking body.

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You're male, and that will never change - you should accept that much, at least. That doesn't mean you can't be extremely feminine.
I have really long hair myself and my clothing would be much closer to androgynous than male/female if I had the money to spend on it.
What I'm saying is do whatever feels comfortable. You might genuinely be transgender, you might not - talk to many, many doctors about it, but I wouldn't go for surgery. For all intents and purposes, you'll be an exceedingly feminine male. That's fine.

Just... focus on everything that isn't your gender, friend. It's not important in the grand scheme of things. Have a job/career, hobbies, etc. Try to lower the amount of value you place on the gender you present as.

>i just want to be happy and do what I want to do :/
that's what it's all about.

Okay, then i was totally wrong about your dad. He is a nice dude. So you just made yourself a huge complex of insecurities. The best thing would be to consider a psychologist. But the best advice is
>everytime you feel down and don't know what to do or who to be, think hard about what would make you happy.

And then you do what makes you happy. You don't need to fit into this NPC society, do what you love and don't try to please random people that dislike you, they are not your friends.

Also, you look totally feminine, even without makeup. Say, do you happen to live in germany, maybe around the cologne area, because that would be interesting.

Here's another example, face is a bit masculine but with a cute hairstyle and glasses and a bit of lipstic and voila, my dick = hard.

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>my dick = hard
op likes chicks.
maybe a 3 person relationship?
guy to cuddle with chick to fuck.
but yeah just be happy op and ignor the haters.
just be kind and happy.

Could work for OP but he needs to love herself first. People will not agree to such a specific triangle if OP is insecure.
Also, most guys that would cuddle a OP would probably want to fuck her too, so it's kinda difficult to find one only for cuddling.
Would be easier to find a tomboyish girl that wants to be with a femboy.

yeah, op you need to worry about yourself more.
like do things that make you happy.
meditate on your insecurities and find solutions.
I'm not really a believer in the psycologist thing but whatever helps.
personally I don't think you are mentally ill, just insecure.

>I don't think you are mentally ill, just insecure.

Totally this. It's just NPC think from former times. Everybody that didn't fit into the normie slave worldview was seen as sick. Fuck society, do what you want, life is too short to impress the robots.

I already accept that, that's why I can't have surgery, I never will. But I just don't feel like a male at all, I literally forget it everyday until I see a part of my body I don't like. I need to know how I can train myself to feel and think like a male :/
But I really want hormones. I've been out for over a year now so I think I could get a referral :( Glasses are a good tip, thanks!! I just want you all to know that this is a completely non-sexual thing. I've never masturbated while presenting because I can't get an erection because it makes me sad that I have a dick.

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stay stronk bby girl

>I need to know how I can train myself to feel and think like a male :/
Quite simply, you don't. You might be biologically male but that does not mean you have to 'act' male. Most people don't give a fuck, and anyone that does has nothing better to do with their time.
You don't look overly feminine in the face, if I'm honest. I'd assume you were male most likely. But at the same time, I've seen a lot of women that don't look feminine either. So it's a moot point. Not everyone looks great, so you just have to work with what you got, and it seems to be going decently well for you.
More important than looks is confidence. Take care of yourself, do what makes you comfortable (don't let yourself get stuck in a rut, though - do new things too) and focus on your life.

Nigga you gay

Those calling you mentally ill are just trying to insult you or troll around. They are just annoyed by all the tranny porn recenlty here on b. Don't mind them.
>want hormones
Estrogen will defenetely lead to mental instability. Look how crazy regular girls get sometimes and they lived their whole life with hormones. Now imagine what it will do to you.
Also it will shrink your dick. Yes, now you like the idea, but imagine you learn to love yourself how you are and suddenly get aroused when in girls clothes ore discover lingerie. But hormones will stop you from good erections.
Also, if you want to keep banging chicks, you need a dick.
Don't make yourself unlucky with the hormone shit!
Your face is already feminine as it is.
You don't even need much makeup. just a bit of eyeliner and lipstic and you look even cuter.
Thanks that you consider my idea to go to a psychologist, he can help you overcome insecurities. Don't let him get you hooked on antidepressants, you want to untangle your problems slowly and naturally, not be some druggie that is addicted to antideps.

Girls way prefer trans dick smoother and cum doesn't taste like shit plus girls love tranny dick since it's new

Yes, but they prefer it also hard. And hormones will fuck that up. It's easier to get skinny and train ones legs and ass. Feminine, muscular legs, flat chest and skinny, with a working dick, that's hot.

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Thanks everyone. It's so confusing :(
>You don't look overly feminine in the face
>Your face is already feminine as it is.

I think maybe I love myself now, but I'm scared to really be myself. I won't take antidepressants, definitely. Anti-anxiety, maaaaybe, but I still don't think so. It's too hot, it's too hot, it's too hot aaaaaa!

This isn't a trap thread :(

Got any more?

You are so lucky to have been in an era that accepts transgender people, or even "nonbinary" people who don't identify as male or female. Society has come a long way in the past 15 years.

Transgender people used to commit suicide fairly often because they couldn't find a place to fit and they didn't feel they could reveal themselves.

But this just isn't true any longer. I know three transgender people, one in high school where it is not at all a big deal.

Suicide would be a tragedy because you can find your place in this new world. You might start by moving to a community that is supportive of alternative sexualities. San Francisco comes to mind, but there are many other options.

Good advice, except about the squirrels.

>makes me sad that I have a dick

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Everybody has a different perspective. I say your face is feminine and will be even more with good but not too much makeup. Consider asing a makeup artist to show you some style that fits your face well. You will be amazed how feminine you can look.
Just look at this pic, even this dude looks now hot to me while the left pic doesn't do anything for me.

Of course you are scared, because you always assumed that you yourself were a problem. Once you get to learn to accept and love yourself it won't be scary. Besides, mayor changes always scare us humans.
Good decision with the anti deps, don't let him lure you into this drug business. If it's a doc that want's to just sell you pills then he does not want you to be healthy. Get out asap and search for a good doc, even if it takes several attemps.
You sound very rational and that is very good already. You can easily be changed only by words, no need for pills.

I wish i could therapy you for free, only payment would be you in lingery so i could beat off infront of you, since you don't want a guy to suck you off, but you are not in germany ;_;

Forgot pic.

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maybe you are a sensitive guy or even feminine but that doesn't make you gay, try to get a relationship with a girl

Don't have kids. Seriously if you feel like this and have kids you'll just fuck them up. Figure yourself out first. Talking from personal experience.


Maybe your bisexual. Maybe your not even gay, liking feminine products doesn't automatically make you gay

Nevermind just read the rest

You're kinda cute as a girl. You ever try getting fucked by a guy, not blown? Like take the cock equation out of it. Just get fucked, a lot of trans cum from anal.

You're a man and never will be a woman
I over think shit too
I know this complex I need to get out of but I can't just shoot that part of my brain without shooting the whole

I know I'll never be a woman but I don't want to act like the faggot I do

It all concludes that OP is a faggot

just do whatever makes YOU happy the people who matter won't care and the people who do care don't matter as long as you're happy

Don't use his logic
I'm an asshole
He wouldn't want me to use his logic to fuck his life up

If I'm lucky to be born in a society that accepts transgender people, how come I'm so scared to show or tell anybody? :( It doesn't feels lucky, I'm as hidden as people were 15 years ago.
I'm sorry it's just how I feel :(
A makeup artist, that's a really great idea! I will look into that, I saved this suggestion so I won't forget it ><
>Of course you are scared, because you always assumed that you yourself were a problem
Damn, this really hit me hard. I really wish I could thank you more sincerely for your post than just "thank you". you're really helpful and sweet, thank you thank you thank you! Thank you, also, for saying that I sound very rational -maybe it's always been hard to understand myself too because all I've heard online are how people such as me are just "mentally ill and depressed", but it's just not true. Ah, fuck it. I'll post the unblurred photo from the OP ><
I know I'm not gay already
Having anything go up "there" just sounds scary and painful, I don't know if I would like it :( I'm really timid about such things aaaaa, but thank you for the compliment! :o
You sure don't sound like you know about me, and what you described doesn't sound similar at all :/
Each time I read this it hits me really hard. Thanks, user. Really :/

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You are mentally ill.
Eat a shotgun shot

You're just a man in a wig
I don't know you you homo
You'll never be a woman
At all

Why are you being mean to me for no reason?

I don't think I am mentally ill. Pretty sound, actually, except for this...

>I really wish I could thank you more sincerely for your post than just "thank you".

Awww, you already did, and i just want to hug you, you are super sweet yourself. I just like giving advice and the best thing is when people actually listen and consider it.

Wish you good luck and always think what's best for yourself, not for others.

You're a man in a wig
That isn't mean
That's a fact
I was born to illegals in the United States
You aren't supposed to be a fucking illegal and that's a fucking fact
That isn't mean
You aren't a woman
The same way I'm not a firefighter even if I wore whatever the fucj they wear, talk the way they talk, act the way they act, when It gets down to the business, I'm in no way shape or form a firefighter

This is Yea Forums faggot

"So why did you rape 50 women over the course of your life?"
"Because it made me happy"

but if you go out in all of that gear, and put out fires, you're still a firefighter :( you still fight fires :(

But people already stated that they want to bang OP because she looks so feminine, so calm down, mate.

I wouldn't even reply to these kind of comments. Like i said, either troll or somebody who is fed up with the wave of shemale/trap/gay/etc. threads on Yea Forums.
In reality he does not care either, just want's some (you's).
Change your perspective, it often helps with mean people to think: "maybe they had a really bad experience and are like that out of bitternes" or similar.
Put them in the role of the victim and yourself out of the victims role and you won't feel personally attacked anymore.
>I was born to illegals in the United States

LMAO, meximutt tries to enforce his backwards retarded ideas upon people that are truly american. Go back to your hellhole if you hate freedom so much. Freedom means to do whatever OP wants.

"Having anything go up "there" just sounds scary and painful, I don't know if I would like it :( I'm really timid about such things aaaaa, but thank you for the compliment! :o"

It can be scary, but you might be surprised at how good it can feel. Start expiramenting with female partner. Have them slip a small finger up your ass with lots of lube while blowing you. Slowly move up to a little larger, eventually you'll have no issue taking a normal penis sized object. Eventually you'll cum buckets from prostate stimulation. Next thing you know you'll be taking cock like a pretty little champ.

>compares harmless and legal things with illegal and very painfull/deadly things for the victims

Lmaoing @t this retardboii.

you'll join the 40% soon you pathetic demented fuck

You're not a woman
You aren't
That's a fact
It looks like a woman therefore it is
I guess you're the type to believe movies are real and that people are really dying in 'em

"Haha, he's a Mexican so therefore he's dismissed"
Backwards ideas? Why? Because I'm saying you aren't a woman the same way a person isn't supposed to be illegal? Two facts? Are you suggesting that being illegal is somehow okay? I don't understand you
I don't hate freedom
Op can do whatever he wants to do and I have no problem with it but he isn't a female
That's all
He can suck as much dick as he wants Idc, but he isn't a woman
Freedom=I'm wrong
>Calls me retarded when his logic would fail him if used to justify atrocities
You're a Christian aren't you?

Yeah man I fell for the clothes meme, and then started having second thoughts, but like you wished I could've lived a full life as a grill. I know I can't ever have the body of a woman so I abandoned my pursuit and now fully embrace my hetero side. (secretly unhappy I did this)

The only thing that keeps me from being mega depressed is that I have lived full time as a grill online for a decade. I loved giving that side of me a voice. I'm not at all attracted to men, but my female persona is "straight." It's an abstract kind of acceptance that I have going on right now.

I don't have any advice for you other than to follow your heart and continue to live your secret life. You won't be happy if you fully abandon it, and you won't be satisfied if you fully commit either. Good luck to you!

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If you really want to do what you want to do op why don't you shut the fuck up and go do you instead? Instead of complaining on Yea Forums? You already got your mind made up so stop being a fag

Op is a faggot

You still seem to hate freedom of the mind. Well, i can't help you with that. OP is on the best path to achieve such freedom, wish you were as brave as her.

The only real solution is this: Seduce your father OP.

And then post the vid here so i can fap to it.

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You aren't free from freedom if you need to be free
Excuse me but try again
Op is so free that she is struggling mentally (from what it seems like) with "her" existence
Shut the fuck up its a he

She's free= she's a woman
She's brave= she's a woman
You're a fucking idiot

Calling me retarded and using Mexican to dismiss me when you can't even wrap your head around a man never being able to be a woman

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself"

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Just go an hero you tranny

Lol, mexitard goes ballistic over some internet convo.
I bet she can shout "fuck the cartels" in mexican from her porch and not get murdered.
Can you?

If you are a slave to your mind do you really own yourself? If you have an inherent need to own your own self that, it is an instinct and thus you are not the owner of your own self

He went ballistic when in reality all he did was reply and give his thoughts

Wow, and I'm pretty sure a lesson in class is a rape or a murder huh?

"He can't say anything he wants in the country he isn't from!!!! Op is a woman"

I guess you believe you're so right huh?

A man≠ woman
A woman ≠ man
What's so fucking hard to understand?
Please tell me

YOURE TRANS. AND YOURE VALID AS FUCK. t. closeted trans woman

I have a social security card and a birth certificate
You will never see me as an American (blue eyed, white, good credit, white, intelligent, white, Aryan, white) and I'll never see you as a woman

Op, when was your first period?

Caps locks+emotion= correctness

I guess the loudest speaker in the world+ the loudest orator in the world = god

i noticed that you didnt refute anything i said lmfao

It is sarcasm you can't tell over the screen
I don't wish death upon you
But I don't believe that a man can be a woman the same way you might not believe in God
I'm not obligated to the same way you aren't
And that is freedom though that dude over there said I hate freedom

Hey baby girl. You are a girl. No matter what you do, you can't change that. If you kill yourself, people will just miss you. Be thankful you had a family who was willing to accept you. Go get on hormones and be happy, get your sperm saved and find a girl to be with. Not that hard once you're being yourself. If I come out as trans to my family my uncle will literally find me and kill me. No matter what anyone says you'll never be a man and you'll always be a woman, so why be a dead woman when you can be an alive one?

Why do you have an asshole uncle?

Why am I demented, exactly? I don't do anything wrong to anybody, you sound like you really want me to kill myself, even though it wouldn't affect you :/ I just want to understand why

I wasn't born with a woman's body, but I feel like a woman. I want to live as close as I can to that because it makes me feel "normal" and comfortable. Not because of attraction, passing, I just want to look this way and act the way I really want to -without being beaten up or death threats or anything else scary like that :( anxiety is literally the biggest issue, no mental-illness :/ Is there anything wrong with this?

>yeah man
The only persona I hold is pretending to be "one of the guys", I hate it so much. I have to think twice when people say "he/him" and are talking about me :/
> You won't be happy if you fully abandon it, and you won't be satisfied if you fully commit either.
Ain't that the truth? Damn... Thank you :)
Because I don't normally have my mind made up like this, I have no other emotional support for it
I laughed at this lmao
Such a great post. Also screenshotted >< I feel like I could quote this to anybody who says anything to me.
I'm not a "tranny" :(, but why do you want me to end my life?

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damn I support trump now build the wall and kick fuckers like you out

I say hey man to girls all the time, didn't mean anything by it. I was being serious though so I hope you heard the message I'm trying to get across anyways. Fuck, I even call girls "dude" so it's all good.

You're beautiful holy shit! Why are you wasting time on Yea Forums? Go right now, call a sperm bank, take care of that shit. If you get on hormones you'll feel waaaaay better about yourself. I had a friend who was sooooo bad off even worse than I am, and as soon as she got hormones she was just better. You can see the happiness in her smile for once. Hormones do have an effect on the way you think and your mood, and having the right ones going through your body will make you feel a lot better.

shut the fuck up beaner your opinions aren't relevant here

Every normie is laughing at you. Stop being weird. You are a dude. Instead of all your faggot shit, maybe talk to a shrink about how you are wanting to be a female to cope with the fact your dad didn’t give you enough love. I never took a psychology class and that is obviously what is wrong with you.

>faggots actually believe this

Yeah, of course! :') I really did hear the message you got across! Thanks man ;)
Thank you! :o thank you thank you thank you :o
I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow!! :o :o That's nice to hear about your friend!
:( My dad did give me enough love. You've got it wrong about my dad. He didn't do anything wrong

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Don't get me wrong, you do have a mental illness. But I would never be a dick to you for that. Until there is a cure for your illness I think you should be treated with respect. Go on and live you're life and if your lucky a cure will be found in your life time. Until then, just try to be as happy as you can be Yea Forumsister.
>dubs and this supporting comment isn't cringy as fuck

>>Lose my virginity on my 13th birthday to a girl
Fucking normalfag

It was really good for her, I wish I could transition also. I don't even take care of myself any more though.. don't fall into the fight with depression, because if you start teaching your brain those thought patterns you'll never be able to get over them. You're beautiful and I would marry the fuck out of you if I could :3

But that means I was born with a mental illness? :/ A cure? Am I really a bad human because of this? Thanks for saying I should try to be happy tho

You're really cute op

kill yourself lmao

10/10 would bang

Literally the first few lines you posted were “grew up with huge father issues”

You are in denial and come to the perfect echo chamber for degenerate scum. Fix yourself or kill yourself in a few years. Nobody here actually gives a fuck about you. Anyone giving you support is either hoping you will jerk off for them on cam or they are also enjoying the echo chamber.

you just gotta do what makes you comfy dude, thats all that matters

stfu, you can be anything you want. OP, quit being a faggot and man up a bit. Don't have to be a stereotype or anything of a manly man, but be yourself but not a woman either. Get some help too. You have serious mental issues that need to be addressed. Being a trap won't help that.

fucking kys fag. transgenders have mental issues and we need to help them instead of feeding into it. I hate fags like you and everyone in this society.

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"Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

That game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skin
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger, watch it grin

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please"

KYSF (kill your self fag)

Solution : end yourself fggt

Super cute, fuck closed minded people. :)

Jesus, that's so sweet :/ I hope you're okay user :/ thanks a lot, more than you know :/
thanks guys :o
father issues that aren't his fault! I'm not here to beg anybody to give a fuck about me!
>I've done everything right, to "correct myself", or something, but I don't know what else to do. Is the answer unironically suicide? Is this why it happens a lot? Do you actually hate me for this? Do I deserve to die, even though I feel innocent? I know I can't ever have the body of a real woman, and if I do any kind of "kidding yourself" surgery, I won't be able to have children anymore - and I desperately need to have children of my own
Come on, did you read anything? I tired to "man up", it isn't working :/ "Be myself but not a woman either" seems contradictory to everything I said/feel too >< "Serious mental issues" is hardly what I'd call it, other than being completely terrified to run into somebody like you in the street -that stuff's literally the only cause of any mental pain right now :/

Sooooo many people actually want me to kill myself right now :/

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>happy when you're being yourself
>miserable as fuck when you stifle it
hmmm I wonder what you should do

The answer is either kill myself or be myself, right? :') Actually a good post ty

Imagine being this person. Calls someone a normal fag for getting laid. Your life must be dull as fuck. Along with majority of the people in this thread. Op is cute asf.

I'm okay babe, I'm just going to die stuck here. Maybe I'll run away in a few years. But you're beautiful, you don't have to be stuck in this. That whole "man up" thing is a bunch of shit and doesn't do anything. It's not something you can do. Nobody can do that. You can do it and succeed but not get anything out of it. Happened to me so many times. The people here are lonely and most likely have the same feelings but have learned to suppress it throughout the years. Please don't kill yourself

Having sex objectively makes you a normalfag, there's no argument there