Stereogram thread
Stereogram thread
they can't see stereograms
Hey op, cool thread but what the fuck's a stereogram???
Cool stuff.
The only way I can see these is by crossing my eyes. Some people say they relax and let their focus drift into the distance instead. I don't get how they do it (if they really do so), and I wonder if the effect is largely the same.
The effect is the opposite. I can see them either way. If you cross your eyes in ops pic the text goes into the screen. If you look past the screen, the text will stand out.
I can't see it. Take a screen shot of how it looks to you and post that
Lol nigger
Thanks for clarifying.
heres a screenshot of both eyes
OP, please don't use racist language in your opening post! The word "nigger" is racist and offends black people!
Thank you!
Also known as "Magic Eye". You have to cross or unfocus your eyes to see the 3D picture.
>the balls are touching
Get this gay shit out of here