Stereogram thread

Stereogram thread

Attached: 1561503239131.png (1000x476, 41K)

Attached: maxresdefault.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

Attached: 8589130523921-stereogram-3d-for-computer-wallpaper-hd.png (1200x854, 1.79M)

they can't see stereograms


Hey op, cool thread but what the fuck's a stereogram???

Cool stuff.

The only way I can see these is by crossing my eyes. Some people say they relax and let their focus drift into the distance instead. I don't get how they do it (if they really do so), and I wonder if the effect is largely the same.

The effect is the opposite. I can see them either way. If you cross your eyes in ops pic the text goes into the screen. If you look past the screen, the text will stand out.

I can't see it. Take a screen shot of how it looks to you and post that


Attached: 3d_what_is_this.jpg (556x450, 133K)

Attached: 3dstereo_3.jpg (1024x768, 260K)

Attached: 3dstereo_4.jpg (1024x768, 251K)

Lol nigger

Thanks for clarifying.

heres a screenshot of both eyes

Attached: screenshot.jpg (910x474, 358K)

Attached: REACTION_ACTION.gif (200x220, 1.09M)

OP, please don't use racist language in your opening post! The word "nigger" is racist and offends black people!
Thank you!

Attached: 1563833509669.png (559x468, 172K)


Also known as "Magic Eye". You have to cross or unfocus your eyes to see the 3D picture.

>the balls are touching
Get this gay shit out of here