Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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They don't nigger. Stop making these threads.


They do nigger. This is the first time I've made this thread.

Because they take that whole "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" shit way too seriously

To replace whites with a more compliant brown consumer class of debt slaves and to secure it as a voting block.

They do tho

They act as if it's law too

Because they want reliable votes. People are going to come to this country for our very generous welfare, and then it's over


It's all about power. They know these migrants want free shit, they'll give them free healthcare, drivers licenses, welfare, etc. Of course these people aren't going to vote for Republicans who want to take away free stuff.

Democrats could probably give less of a shit about refugees and immigrants. They just see these people as a ways to get more power.

Why do you post this every day?


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Myopia, I suppose.

I don't?

>Democrats could probably give less of a shit about refugees and immigrants. They just see these people as a ways to get more power.

That is exactly how they feel. Same with the blacks.

Yes you do nigger.

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No I do not. Stop talking out of your ass.

To import cheap labor and democratic voters. It's not rocket science.

What is your motivation for posting it so much? Are you trying to redpill people about the border crisis or gaslight people into thinking dems aren't responsible for it?

furry scum, go eat a bullet faggot degenerate

Because the democratic party wants to manipulate who wins elections. Anyone who is sucking on the tit of welfare will vote democrat because it serves their self interest, keeping or increasing welfare for themselves so they don't have to work. Eventually when shit goes super south, they'll blame it on rich white republicans. "why won't you give people jobs!?" they will scream while knocking down their gated communities and lynching them. when every "undesirable" is taken care of and their wealth stripped they'll be executed "for justice". None of that wealth will find it's way into the lower classes, and the democratic oligarchy will live in their ivory towers, with their slave race below them, and no opposition to their rule.

Admittedly this sounds like a dystopian future sci-fi novel.

What are you talking about? This is the first time I've made this thread.

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They don't. They just want to get re-elected. And being nice and kind to people on superficial level gets idiots to vote for you in the short term. They don't give a shit about the long-term consequences of their actions.

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except for 2/3 of the candidates in the dem primary

Is that the only face she knows how to make?

They do want open borders tho

Yes they fucking do you kike. You leftist faggots overplayed your hand.

This. Period.


they do

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Are you triggered, friend? You seem triggered

Why do conservatives think a dumb expression invalidates someone's arguments?
Why do conservatives only argue with logical fallacies?
Why do conservatives keep making these threads?

Give us some evidence other than "LOL NO U", faggot.

For one thing they want to make it legal to cross the fucking border



Because they're globalists. And importing a new voter base is the only way they can stay in power.

Found the Shill.

found the tard

No U... Hu hu hu...

Exactly, they realize that these people are poor and uneducated. Appealing to these people win almost guarantee votes.

Why do all these fuckers want to come here?

The problem with that plan, is they are stuck in already blue states.

Live off the white man.


Exactly, they don't have the brain power or something to get more states to turn. People in battleground and red States do see through their ideas. I think more people are opening up to the fact that the Left has gone completely upside-down. I know a couple of my friends who were moderates in 2016 just go completely Republican because they can't stand the left.

Hillary lost 2016 because she and her team thought she was going to win regardless. She never campaign in the rust-belt leading factory workers vote Trump.

That's why they have the faggoty "whites" (reads: jews) from California move to other states like Texas and subvert politics there. Then they'll just move onto the next host and repeat the process.

Checked. And I used to like to think of myself as center left but I'm basically bordering on GTKRWN today.

Votes, dude.

The empathy of American women that allows them to vote for social programs no matter the cost is waning. The cost is too high.

An influx of immigrants who need those benefits will vote for them for another 20 years. And that's all Democrats have.

>Checked. And I used to like to think of myself as center left but I'm basically bordering on GTKRWN today.
That's the road to the blackpill. Classic liberal morals are still the most fair and balanced, even if it's considered far-right today.

I actually was center left not too long ago. But I took the political compass test just the other day and now I'm center right.

no all of us do. i want better regulated immigration and more accessible legalization so that migrants can also be taxed, along with the rest of us.

Because those brown/black people refused to go back to their "home" country to fixed it.

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not sure user
why do you ask?

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Because they are losing the black vote, so they want to encourage voter fraud and get the illegal immigrant vote

They see a pretty financially stable country and say "I'd rather be there than here". They pack their bags and leave their shithole country, that's why these countries haven't improved in the past 100 years.

This doesn't even make sense

Unless you are Native American you are immigrants faggot..

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This is a pathetic argument. It's paper thin and has no bearing on reality.

This is what I'm saying, the left continues to push people further and further to the right. At this pace we're going to have the next Hitler in 2024.

If they do, could you please link to the Dems arguing for an open border?

And just in case you're confused, "open border" is not the same as reforming immigration or shutting down internment camps. Please link to Dems saying anyone can cross the border and live here if that's what they want.

We don't, we want reasonable immigration laws and a path to citizenship for those already here illegally.

The open borders thing is bullshit. It's like asking why Republicans want a white, christian ethnostate when only a handful of extremists support something that insane.

>shutting down internment camps
Would you prefer we put them all in prisons? That is where they belong after all.

Really? Then why are your heroes in the DNC complaining over what Trump told those subhumans last week?

>Anyone who is sucking on the tit of welfare will vote democrat
Except for all those poor conservatives sucking down disability and welfare checks. It's red states like Mississippi and Kentucky that get more welfare money.

Oh, and 43% of all recipients are white. Just in case you were going to pull out the tired, racist bullshit about blacks taking all the money.

Lastly, welfare problems helped reduce the nation's poverty rate from 25% to 14%. The only way that sounds like a dystopian future sci-fi novel is if you're a selfish asshole.

how about now?

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"The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people"

Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

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The ones that want to come are mainly lazy scumbags. Once here, they would continue to fight (or even vote) for democrats in order to get more rights and get even more money for doing nothing.

Democrats are just securing their future voter base.

>path to citizenship for those already here illegally
Of course you want that, so they can more states into spic infested, socialist shit holes, like you did with California. Then in 20 years you'll demand this AGAIN when millions of your slaves show up.


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If they broke the law by coming here illegally, then they need to face the penalty. IIRC, illegal immigration is a misdemeanor. So fine them and kick them back to wherever they came from.

Also, couldn't help but notice you ignored the part asking for proof. Telling.


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Except we can't fucking do that because when they get caught, they say "oh plz me applying 4 aslymm holms". But if Americans try to do the same thing in those shitty countries they would be shot or imprisoned. So fuck them, and you.

You must really hate that liberal cuck Ronald Reagan

I hope he's in hell if that's what you mean

It's amazing just how far to the authoritarian right the Republican mainstream has moved since Reagan was president.

I guess a lifelong diet of jingoism and xenophobia will do that to you. I'd have more respect for Republicans if they still sounded like Eisenhower and Reagan rather than Limbaugh and Alex Jones.

>It's amazing just how far to the authoritarian right the Republican mainstream has moved since Reagan was president

It really is, boy I sure do miss the days when we had republicans who constantly bend the knee to your slave masters in the DNC yet they never get anything back in return. MAN this sucks.

>Why do the democrats want open borders?

Source: your own ass.

might be on to something.

this is why only net tax payers should be allowed to vote.

Cooperation and compromise are not "bending the knee". Our current all or nothing political game is a relatively recent aberration.

And guess when that started? When your hero Bill Clinton was president.

I wasn't a fan of Clinton or his "third way" but to a limited extent you are correct, that's when the Republican party adopted their current no compromise policy.

What's that you people say about Trump? Something about rent free?

They adopted it because your slave masters NEVER compromise

1) There's a system in place for asylum seekers. Maybe that needs to be changed or reformed, but the law is the law. I thought conservative faggots like you believed in upholding the law. Or is it just laws you like?

2) Got any proof that Americans seeking asylum get shot or imprisoned? Not that it matters because we're talking about the USA, but I get it. You have to create some moral equivalence so you don't sound like an asshole. (Hint: You failed.)

I live in one of the most liberal cities in the country. Organizations advertise for donations of money, clothes and shoes for the illegals kept in temporary housing. Nobody is donating. The high and might liberals are full of shit and don't care about immigrants, it's all about fighting back at Trump.

76% of the population represents only 43% of welfare recipients. While 13% of the population makes up 25% of welfare recipients and commits 50% of the crime. Meaning blacks are about twice as likely to be on welfare and 5 times as likely to rape and murder someone. By straight numbers yes there are more whites but the percentage isn't even close.

So 43% of whites collect welfare, in a country where niggers and spics only make up 30% or so of the population, and you consider that normal? You must be a nigger yourself.

holy shit these russian bots are getting annoying

Your mother is annoying for giving birth to your worthless ass

Hitler loves trumptards

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im voting for trump again

You fucking do...down to the same lame photo

No I do not, now fuck off