A stray dog that I'm feeding bit me, what should I look out for as a sign I need to to the doctor?

A stray dog that I'm feeding bit me, what should I look out for as a sign I need to to the doctor?

I've washed the wounds with dish soap and put some aloe vera gel on it (Only antiseptic thing I had) then a bandage.The cuts were swollen when I put the bandage on.

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Always get antibiotics after a dog bite, and possible rabies shot.

Don't feed strays. Ever. Or you are part of the problem.

Nah your fine m8

You better go get a rabid shot. Rabies is asymptomatic until it kills you. You can be fine and look fine, next thing you know you're afraid of water ans then you die
I'm 100% serious OP. Go get the shot

Don't be a pussy, bite the fucker back, drink deep its blood. You will grow stronger from it and the dog will know better from then on out or just kill it with your bare hands.

You have no idea if he has rabies, better hope that bitch comes back and keep him up for 10 days to make sure he doesn’t have it. Or start rabies shots

draw an outline of the redness with a sharpie. then tomorrow (or in a couple hours) check if it's bigger or smaller. bigger and you go to the ER immediately, smaller/the same, you're fine.

>bite the fucker back
Just how Romanian are you on a scale of 1 to Romanian?

I punched the dog like 5 times in response, then it whimpered away.

Kill the dog and take it to the vet so they can test it for rabies

This. Also move out of the ghetto nigger and you won't have to worry about strays.

Did you get any powers?

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negative, not true.

i learned that trick from a doctor.

Well I clicked on a G/fur thread for the first time.

I live in central London.

Get a rabies shot ASAP. Symptoms of Rabies don't show up until its too late.

Hahahaha "first time" it's so summer in here.

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Get a rabies shot. Rabies infections have a long ramp up phase, a rabies shot will innoculate you before any infection ramps up to the terminal (lethal) stage.

If you're the sort of naive animal lover who feeds strays, you'll need it sooner or later anyway.

A back alley doctor in Tijuana?

Don’t crowd up the er with a fucking infection nigger


creepy shit

You should look out for a fucking stray dog bite, you stupid idiot.

I normally see him on the way back from work, so I usually just pick up a pie from greggs and chuck it to him.

affraid of water? hilarious, is this a part of the vampire myths?

Get some better shit to clean it with.

>If you're the sort of naive animal lover who feeds strays, you'll need it sooner or later anyway.

I'm a hardcore animal lover and I don't feed strays. Because it leads to far more suffering, aggression, dependency, and risk. Not to mention nesting in your house.

Keep the love to your housepets, not strays.


>Rabies is found throughout the world, particularly in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. It's not found in the UK except in a small number of wild bats.

Do I need to get a rabies shot considering I live in the UK.

Vampires often have rabies and so are afraid of water but vampires who don't just suck on every thot they find just sparkle instead.


T. Guy who hunts monsters for a living.

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There’s no way of knowing. Just get the shot. It’s not worth the risk. Normally when this kind of thing happens they put the animal down and test it for rabies.

Stupid post

Funny you say.
Rabies is the closest thing to the zombie virus (from movies it's a virus not a curse obviously) in reality.
Fear of water is a symptom.
The human brain is weird. Heck if you have hypothermia an old burrowing instinct from our ancestors activates. People who died outside are found having tried to dig into things and people found dead inside, shove themselves into the tiniest spaces.

Dog eats and stays alive for longer. Then it breeds and you get more strays.
As much as I love cats, it's exactly the same with them. If you like it, take it in and get it neutered etc and keep it indoors.

ALWAYS get a rabbies shot. rabbies is 90% lethal once symptoms have set in

You said cat!

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Did you read the comment properly?
I like cats more than I like dogs and I still wouldn't feed a stray cat because that will contribute to the issue. Even though cats are smaller/weaker.
Same with giving anything to gypsies and clearly pro-beggars.

Did you learn not to feed fuckin stray dogs or are you going to keep being retarded? I assume the latter because what kind of brainlet feeds stray dogs? But maybe you learned a valuable lesson.

While you're at it, start donating to Arab extremists and subscribe to PewDiePie.

I just wanted to post the picture.

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You need to get a shot straight away even if it’s a small wound
Better be safe then sorry

once you see symptoms, it's too late.

that's not a Yea Forums/reddit meme. that is a fact. there's been maybe a hand full of cases where a person has survived rabies.

As in EVER since the recorded word. Honestly I've only ever heard of one case of someone surviving rabies in my life time.

And again, by the time you see symptoms. It's too late.

The Proper Course of action is to:
1.) Call your local dog pound or animal control, give the location of the dog and that you were bitten.

2.) Get your rabies shot

3.) They will try to locate the dog and take it in for observation.

4.) In most cases they might simply kill the dog and run tests on it's brain juices.

It's brutal. but if you'd rather die, or even worse possibly expose other's to rabid dog, then by all means dont do anything.

Serves you right.

Nothing to worry about. Did you bleed? If not go on with ya life OP.

I've called the non emergency NHS number, I'm waiting for a call back from a nurse now and they'll probably call whatever the British equivalent is to animal control.

good lad. At the very get the shot. It sucks, but better safe then sorry.

Rabies is not a pleasant way to go. If you did come with it, you would literally be better off blowing your brains out, unless the British have Assisted Suicide.

The British don't have assisted suicide, but I'd tell my mate to beat me to death with a dumbbell or some shit.

This. The second you start showing symptoms....it’s over.

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I fucking hate naive animal lovers. The kinds of idiots who think rats and opossums are beautiful creatures. I once saw a nutcase animal lover comment on a vid of someone getting rats out of their house and said they would never in a million years get rid of them. They would welcome them and the poor things just want food and shelter.....

if you do get rabies and can't be cured, just jump into a plain for the middle east and try to bite as many isis members as possible

Must be some niggerlover then
Stfu i know everything about rabies and its course so stop repeating your pseudo knowledge. You dont educate me fucker. My knowledge is far superior than yours

Yea i saw a documentary on rabies a good few years ago and they showed someone with rabies dying slowly. Delirious, sweating, convulsions etc....looks like pretty excruciating death

ya. fortunately i'm in hamburger land and i'm never too far from a gun of one kind or another.

as this user points out, if it didn't bleed. you are likely going to be okay. If you dont have access to proper antiseptic getting it checked out by someone with medical knowledge would be best.

But still a good idea to call Animal Control and give notice of the dog. They would also likely be able to answer any concerns you'd have.

As for other "Getting out while it's good options":
>Tall Buildings or otherwise high up places
>Knife to wrists
This is pretty funny assuming you could arrange that before the madness set in.

But All Gloom and Doom aside, talk to a professional, and not some random anno's, get the shot if you are that worried, and you should be right as rain.

>pfft....wait till he sees(YOU) and my response underneath. He’s gonna be so mad pfft

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What's the madness like?

you must be American....

In Europe rabies has been fully eradicated by spreading vacccinated decoy, so foxes have no more rabies, and dogs are not infected any more
... in the US its still a problem because of their stupid ideology

>fully eraticated
Doubt it eurocuck

it can take like a month or two for the virus to reach your brain. after that is when the hydrophobia sets in (fear of water).

As this user mentions
>Delirous, seating, convulsions etc

It's a vary prolong experience, and the Virus it's self isn't what always kills you. It'd the Dehydration from not drinking water.
Your brain being burned up by your body trying to fight the virus.

So it's a crap shoot between which kills you first.

As for the Madness, it should be pretty straight forward. It's madness. Ranting, Raving, Foaming at the mouth. Being terrified of Water and Bright Light.

It's not a pretty way to go, and it takes a really long time for it be over, from hours to possibly days.

In the old days if you were bit by a rabid animal they'd often tie you to a tree and let you rave out until you died.

Thats cool if true. Although I kinda doubt that with all the shit skins they let move back and forth.

America is just too fucking big with way to many place to cover for that type of shit. We also dont have really good control over our borders, which along the Canadian side is rather fucking massive, those fucks coming up out of those 3rd world shit holes in the south, and then there's Mexican Border as well.

And ya, it's america, over course we're too stupid to try and solve issues that actually matter. It's just more cost efficient to force victims to pay for the shots than try and solve it for the long run.

I mean for fuck sake we got ride of measles and it's make a come back from the dumb fucks we got over here.

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go to the doctor, tell them what happened. you dont want to get rabies dude


a young girl survived rabies... If you cant OP you are a faggot

recommend calling animal control and having the tog tested for rabies... if the dogs run off your gonna have to go get rabies shots as the window short to ketch It before it becomes a major issue... also clean the would out with running soap and water using products with antibiotic can cause issues for puncture wounds... and go see a dr for antibiotics ...

Which ideology?

the ideology of solving problems with guns, like trying to eradicate rabies by shooting infected animals instead of the more practical, permanent solution

Rabies can incubate for days, weeks, months, even years, before it becomes a fulminant infection. Once it does and becomes apparent clinically, it's often too late to treat effectively.

You should go to the doctor and ask them if you need the rabies vaccine. Even though you've already been exposed, the vaccine can help build your immunity stronger, and head off any possible infection.