I just saw my mom's pussy and asshole from behind, AMA
I just saw my mom's pussy and asshole from behind, AMA
how do you feel? erection?
Cuntlicking Motherfucker?
She was doing some yoga bullshits in her room, the so called "cat position".
No panties, her vest was up revealing everything.
I went there to ask her some stuff and she apparently didn't notice it, keep doing the exercise going up and down basically in a doggy style position.
Yeah, got an erection.
Show us a pic of her
Did you do the reasonable thing and rape her?
Is she attractive?
Ive also seen my moms pussy and asshole, Ive fucked my moms pussy and asshole to be clear.
pics please
>Yeah, got an erection.
And you didn't mount her?
Are you a fag or something?
She looks like this soap opera actress.
Definitely attractive.
Did you smell them too?
Do you know about Global Rule 2?
Can I see them?
>Global Rule 2
I'm not underage, fag.
does she know you saw her? what was her reaction after realizing that you're standing there with a boner
Could I see your moms
ass and pussy from behind?
Not OP. It would be cool if she decided to "take care" of OP's newfound sexual desires in a motherly sort of way. Being jerked off while being called cute and told to relax and that it's normal seems nice. Fuck I'm diamonds after writing that.
your moms ugly as fuck spic fuck outta here
get the the fuck off to /d/ or /r9k/ then
please jerk me and call me cute user
post pics you fat fuck