Where do I find myself a trap. I tried Grindr but it’s mostly disgusting fat 40 year old men crossdressing

Where do I find myself a trap. I tried Grindr but it’s mostly disgusting fat 40 year old men crossdressing

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The trap you are lookin for is inside you

okcupid is a nice comunity for non hetero normative people of all sorts

Try doublelist. Lots of gross cds as well, but there can be diamonds in the rough. Just gotta be patient and careful.

I miss the craigslist days. Fucked so many hot traps back then.

those are traps homo

Isn’t doublelist for hookers?

Imagine thinking passing traps are a real thing.

Not really, its more like the old craiglist personals. There are hookers, but its not all hookers.

Only issue is that more people need to find out about it. That was the beauty of cl.


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the "trap" you posted only exist in your dreams, the best anyone can find is a effeminate man that likes makeup, that's it

I use doublelist. Better than nothing, but still hot garbage. Atlanta is so fuckin dead oml this place is a ghost town for cute traps and cds

she's qt

i know

not in the states but I tried immersing myself in the culture. In the end I regretted it because lgbt culture pisses me off, but I got to date a cute trap for a while.

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passable traps are a thing. extremely rare, but they exist.

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you either have to be rich or good looking and being really good at fucking if you want a passabe trap cause they basically look and act like bio women with a dick

Used to have a sexy trap fwb that would suck my cock like a pro. Really tight ass and alot of fun too. I moved though, so things didnt work out.

Passable traps are definitely a thing.

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Someone knows where i can find traps un France ?

The traps were the friends we made along the way.

OkCuckid is filled with degenerate liberals too. Good luck with all that.

get a young twink (there are plenty) convince him he's a girl, provide shelter, hormones and clothes, voila

Atlanta is the goddamn trap capital of the south, are you fucking even trying?!?!? We got traps/trans galore, even in the suburbs.

Reddit if you ready to invest plenty of time looking and chatting. If looking for a quick hookup like craigslist used to provide, elsewhere is better


I met a nice qt trap on Yea Forums a while back and we still talk. Provides me with plenty of fap material.

i have so many tranny friends from Atlanta and many of them are singe

That's what I'm saying, you can't go five feet in Midtown or L5P, or fuck even Decatur without bumping into one.

that's the point, isn't it? I don't think you could be a conservative trap. that's like a nazi jew

i know a lot of them, i'm technically one but i'm somehow a moderate

Blaire White would disagree.

Stop thinking so two dimentionally moron.

what? why? I know a conservative trap.

traps aren't the same as trans.

A lot of traps are right leaning, a lot of trans are left leaning. You'll find ones which cross the border of each but for the most part, traps = boys who crossdress and are fem who lean right,
tranny = tranny

I would say most femboys and traps are still left leaning.

a trap that thinks faggots go to hell, abortions should be completely illegal, and pride parade should be conducted on a shooting range?

None of those things you listed are conservative values.

I know what the fuck a trap is, but thinking politics dictates something like that is absurd.

Blaire is my spirit animal

I guess half the senate would beg to differ

You can't go five feet in L5P and not find pretty much anything out of the norm though, place is crazy

lmao what a caricature of conservative values, must right win trannies (cause yeah they exist) just want to be women, fulfilling traditiomal female roles and raising a family

My parents are conservatives and think/vote against all abortion, gay marriage, and social welfare. They also think there should be straight pride month. So yeah, not far off.

are you asking, or affirming? as in "... most right wing trannies"?

I don’t think I’ve seen someone pull so much thin air out of their ass. Are you 16 years old?

most, sorry it was a typo

I agree, most probably have that 1950s housewife fantasy. but I think the tranny part takes precedence because most right wingers would focus on the tranny part, despite the "submissive housewife" wish

you would be surprised, a lot of neo.nazis love submissive trannies lmao

that's the same as those boomer redneck retards who believe that liberals hate babies, want to create an authoritarian state, and install gulags for public enemies. It's all hyperbolic nonsense.

who doesn't love submissive trannies? best fucks I've ever had were trannies

yes daddy

wait, there are traps that look like this? this isn't a shop? you gotta be kidding me

i don't traps with a bigger dick than mine

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I know that trap

dont share ur self doubts with these types, they really want a tranner > 50s housewife , but cant handle the reality of it

Oh yeah? Then post one.

You can literally see the photo editing dripping off it.

true. so you do the things you expect women to do. learn to suck dick well, learn to ride, learn to make them cum buckets

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does it for me

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Still waiting on that passing one to be posted.

Have you guys ever seen a trans girl just out in public normally? I might have before but I wouldn't know. It blows my mind to think that a girl I would see at the store or something might have a dick. I live in Northern VA by the way.

so if I understand correctly, in you own mind, you are sitting there, willingly looking at pictures of naked men, asking for more, and judging us for wanting seeing femininity in them?

you're a complicated dude

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Nice try, but I'm bi.

Either way giant fake tits can't fool me.

I'm a tranny and have trans friends one of them actually works in model railway shop and some customers actually come in just to see her..go figure!


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Fucking a trap is the same as fucking a retarded guy

I have seen many. But I've interacted with 2. One was this cute VERY, SUPER passable trap working as a receptionist at my optometrist's office. The other does volunteer work with me. This one isn't really passable, she's more androgynous. you really can't tell if she's a male, or female. She's either a super cute tomboy, or a very pretty femboy

i Cant imagine talking to a girl like this in public omg

You just choose to ignore that there are passing trans girls

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Grow up, kid

No traps pass because they all have XY chromosomes and a penis

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You in MI, by chance? I may know this model shop haha

she is so cute

What if you went trap and were like the best at it but you arent gay and you arent trans. You could get a job as a model and make easy money. Girls would love you because they dont actually love men. You could literally have it all living as a straight trap.

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jesus this one is adorable, i will hump the screen

lol, no UK.

My friend: Passing traps only exist in porn and on the internet.

Please stop falling for the meme, and thinking they exist IRL. Because if they do, I guarantee you 100% they are nowhere even remotely near you.

who is she? would cuddle and marry

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A right leaning trap is like being a nigger skinhead. They may exist but they are a minuscule minority and know they're in for a rough time.

If they can't wake up in the morning and pass, they ain't passing.

> "A lot of traps are right leaning"

Who the fuck is this nigga? Who even makes shit up like this outta nowhere?

That one looks like she just woke up
The one in panties

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There’s a place like that in MI?

Sheeba Starr

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I'm UK and would love to get to know more weirdos, sex or otherwise. Interested in making friends?

This thread is full of newfags.

"right leaning" in 2019 means "hangs out on imageboards and blames the jews for all their failures in life".

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I ask myself this as well: why don't you just fuck a female instead you fucking homo?

>hangs out

>on imageboards
...the very definition of a trap.

how could you not want to fuck this

Ive been on grindr for a year and this is the closest ive gotten. She wants me to come over tonight.

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who dis?

that't pretty damn good!

You bout to get aids

How do you know this is real and not a tra- OK we need a new word for this. How do you know that's a real trap and not a trap trap?

10/10 would sword fight!

Im more worried its someone looking to mug me

what subreddits might that include?

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No. I'm a stealth trans girland I would never let a man suck me or ride me, that's disgusting. Most straight trans girls wouldn't let you anywhere near their dick.

>Im more worried its someone looking to mug me

See, the language is confusing. That's exactly what I meant about it being the other kind of trap.

>She died on April 17, 2013 in Austell, Georgia, USA.
well, thanks anyway.. rip

I had a few legit trans i got in touch with, but i was hesitant for similar reasons.

There were other conversations that ended up with them trying to direct me to a website about dating securely or something by giving personal info to prove i wasn't gonna mug THEM, and it asked for credit card info, so an obvious scam. Too good to be true hot trans i realized was scraped from the internet (pic related)

Also plenty of hookers asking for pay once you start flirting.

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Protip: Everyone becomes old. Still, if you looked half decent you would find a trap easier. If you're just going to do gay shit you're better off with a twink. They crave cock and don't need to be pampered.


>When the trap has a bigger dick
Man.. life sucks.

If life sucks, suck it back harder, and swallow. In this case I know I would.

Bruna Pinheiro, btw.

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Join this tranny discord


I'm not the OP but I know I couldn't find the sort of trap that gets jerked off to on this board no matter what I did, unless it involved boarding a plane and going somewhere else.

The trap had a bigger and thicker one than I
Life didn't suck
I had to fuck for an hour and a half straight

My sex game is trash
I came in less than a minute
I came about like idk 5-7-9 times?????
The last time I came in it's mouth and my cum smelt like salt
Oh was it nasty
I haven't been drinking water so it smelt putrid
I took poppers
I still got a headache

I still question why I fuck trannies when I know this shit is retarded and when women exist

You're fucking pathetic. How does anybody want to fuck you at all?

Lower your standards. Smh so many guys think we're their fetish and then act surprised when they find leg hair or deep-rooted self esteem issues that hinder our ability to be sexually welcoming.

ugh sauce?

I don't want to fuck me despite my narcissism
Nigga idk I guess I look alright
Or because some people are REAL when they say no games, fuck right now, RIGHT NOW

Some say bs like that but wouldn't want to fuck right now
For whatever reason

Idk how to initiate sex tbh

I don't know man
I know I'm worthless

This all applies to guys who want to fuck assigned at birth females as well though, especially the sort who crank it to hentai and photoshopped porn like the people here.


>40 year old crossdressing men
you men what all traps will be in 20 years from now

I'd fuck him either way

Look, your point of view is valid but for a quick fuck (which is already an indicator of daddy issues/issues in general)
We don't care

Sexually welcoming? Wtf are you talking about?

Sure? I mean, I get that people have standards, but you can't expect traps to be like cis women but with dicks. That';s just totally unrealistic. And I mean, ppl act shocked when they discover I'm actually really shy and not very receptive to sexual intimacy in person

Not untrue. I'm just p tired of ppl wishing they could fuck a trap and then instantly rejecting most traps because they're not cis women with dicks

Look, I'm an asshole and I got "deep rooted issues" and whatnot but at the end of the day, I have to at least try to present myself a certain type of way even if I had problems
Nobody gives a shit, nobody cares etc.
I understand some standards are ridiculous
Some traps expect 6'5 Chad blue eyed 10 Inch thundercock gym boy that showers them with gifts, is a sexual lion of a gentleman etc. Etc. Etc. And maybe they find that but sometimes it's ridiculous

I don't use Tumblr pronouns

Depends on the crowd you hang with and the glass ceiling (the types you'd never be like)
I doubt I'd be shocked that you are "really shy" and unreceptive
That's you
Idk what you want and I can't read minds so smd

Doing an image search on Yandex proves this is actually a girl with a photo shopped dick lol.


Are the tits photoshopped or real live silicones?

did you really need to do a reverse image search?

The penis is photo shopped on, the girl is some model with fake tits.

ru. adultlook.com/p/2936850/picture/8029599#picture-container
found this

The picture isn't "him" though. This is another cd using this girls photophopped pic to look more appealing.

I'm a trap and this thread makes me cringe hard. So much beta incel up in here.

post cock

well, you are in the minority then, there was only one trans girl I dated that didn't like it and it was a pretty crazy one so completely in denial that she consider herself hetero

>I'm a trap
No you aren't.

>and this thread makes me cringe hard.
You may be in the wrong place.

>So much beta incel up in here.
Can't really debate this one though.

Sad tbh. Hope you work that out.

Hopefully you win at life too user

Sounds like working it IN is what he needs to accomplish but I wish him luck too.

Nody Nadia

Thanks. I'm doing pretty well tbh. I'm a trans girl but mostly done transition and loving life so yeah :)

a girl is good, with a dick is even better

who is this trap at the image?

I have both prejudice and non prejudice
I'd accept you as you are but at the same time I'd be realistic and never accept you as an actual female
Maybe I'd fuck you if you let me
Cuddle, it doesn't always have to be fucking
Maybe kiss you slowly
Ah damn

Just fantasizing and I don't even know what you look like haha

I fuck traps but deny me being a homosexual so I guess the prejudice is from in on outwards

Either way, best of luck to you
Hopefully you make that money, live that life, and things go good for you

Were everywhere, just try to talk to that slightly deep voiced girl at the cafe you were just at

Talk to that shy genderless alien infront of you in line at every store

Or just try dating apps...and perhaps youll find me! :)

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why not just go find some feminazi willing to peg you?

you're all such fucking retards

If I could find a female nazi I’d be set for life my guy

Not sure if these are traps... need to see nudes to confirm.


Don't worry I have no interest in you at all. I have faith in your ability to pull your life together but I also think your current self is a little detestable, but all things you can change. I make a lot of money doing things I enjoy and have a lot of fun in my life these days, hope you can do that too user. And meet someone you like, you need it.

Do you play ff

The only trap worth having is the trap with a bigger fatter dick than you. God that would be hot...

What if the real trap is the friends we made along the way?

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It is
I have no backbone/nuts/confidence
Doesn't help that I do and don't want to act like a woman
I want to be direct and honest you know?
I view things black and white
Act like a man or act like a woman
I'm a man so why would I act like a woman? Until I see that some things aren't female exclusive then I'm like whatttt?????

I don't want to meet anybody
They'd never be true the same way I never would

Thank you though
Hopefully all goes well for you x 100000000000000

Nyet comrade

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Try fetlife if you're serious about it. Plenty of mtf/cd on there and some are passing. Almost all of them are raging horny: case and point: myself.

Ive actually seen you on dating apps before but you never responded

Fuck, beat me to it and I didn't even see

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Pick up a job at a truck stop or a truck gate I see at lest ten a week

Are you sure you look exactly like someone that joined my fc

Always forget to go back to the app after awhile xD

Craigslist was more handy

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I feel it. I usually get bored on them and delete after a while anyways. U have discord?

Ok you def joined us and left lol

Nyet comrade, the only discord i have is the one on my pirated episodes of MLP

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I know I'm not a trap or anything, but where do I find some cute guys to bully me and cuddle with? I've tried a lot of dating websites and I constantly get 50 year old dudes wanting to poop on me.

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Kik or any way to talk?

Sure Yea Forums! :)

use Grindr again to find a young cute femboi this time. Dominate and feminize him. Trap aquired.

There goes the dream of a qt trap gf to go to the range with

dude i wish i was gay so bad the idea of fucking a little femboy is amazing i even jerk it to femboys but i could never ever do it in realy life man why am i like this?? :/

Is there a way for women to find traps?
