I think my co worker is a foot slut

i think my co worker is a foot slut

Attached: heos.gif (483x901, 167K)

more of her?

Fuck yes she is.

didnt have the chance to snatch another pic, maybe tomorrow

Just because she's wearing footwear that she finds cute/sexy doesn't mean she's into all that shit.
My dude stuff like this is my shit, but jesus christ you sad virgins gotta stop making assumptions when you don't even know the damn person

One pic? Wyd u use a Polaroid? Use that rapid shot feature takes like 50 pics in 1 sec, tells us about her atleast? She wear shoes like that every day

Attached: Screenshot_20190723-151925_Instagram.jpg (1080x1452, 787K)

well due to the bad quality of the pic you cant see the pitch perfect fresh french pedicure she has on

Just because someone likes treating themselves to something nice and looking good doesn't make them a "foot slut"

so you would consider this perfectly normal high level office footwear for women

since when has Yea Forums become a feminist cesspool

any stories of her to share? like dangling flats from her seat or something?

You’re actually autistic. Jerk off to feet like a freak if you want, but not every girl that wears shoes like that is a “foot slut” (which by the way is the cringiest term I’ve ever heard). Actually leave your room and interact with a woman.

since summer started she wears heels like this every day combined with very short skirts, quite frequently strolling around the office in perfect view of everyone, especially mine

I'm by no means a feminist, i'm very much against that shit actually.
I'm just saying that just because your retarded Yea Forumsrain tells you someone wants it doesn't mean they want it. That's a proper rapist mindset and you should chill out brother

who exactly was talking about rape

calm the fuck down man

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Calling someone a white knight just because they possess something called common sense
i'm not saying rapist exactly. i'm just saying you show of a typical "rapist" mindset thinking stuff like "she dresses like that so she must want it"

Being a decent human being will get you further than being a creep at your office

are you a woman by chance

No, brother, i'm a man.

Suck a nigga dick or sumthin

You should compliment her on her shoes and feet

she cross her legs while sitting and have her foot out for display?

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