Liberals are just jealous he's funny and isn't a slave to the Illuminati like them.
Liberals are just jealous he's funny and isn't a slave to the Illuminati like them
The Illuminati want healthcare for all?
The all seeing eye is watching you.
good goyem
>he's funny
funny because of how stupid he and his supporters are
Funny: I'll drain the swamp and work for the middle class. Just kidding, I'm a cuck to big corporate and massive tax breaks for the super rich. You're right, it was a good joke!
He's literally part of the same corrupt social circles. He was buddies with the Clintons (even donated to their foundation), known pedophiles, and all the other corrupt 1% you think he's fighting. He bamboozled you guys good.
less complaints means less questions
less questions means less research
less research more secrecy
I started to kinda like him. It's easier if you think about him as a troll.
I read something today about him wanting to make a full season of the Apprentice with 9 black people vs 9 white people... if that's not trolling I don't know what is. He knew which buttons to push to cause a shitstorm way before becoming a president.
he tells it like it is. he don't sugar coat it. got to fuck my sister now.
The results are what counts. He's constantly working. AND takes no salary.
"research" is not what you do on the internet in between lolicon nuts.
No new wall built. Only 35 illegals detained in his ICE raids. More days playing golf than any president in recent history. $100+ million of taxpayer dollars spent at Trump resorts...
You left out the 100's of millions from foreign countries spent at his hotels and resorts (and other emolument violations), the apartments in Trump Tower purchased by Russians for 3-4 times their value, the 'loans' from UAE, Qatar, Russia, and others, the special treatment his (and Ivanka's)products get from China despite the trade war.
Very true. I don't know how MAGApedos can continue to defend him.
the illuminati literally planted him to keep government-criticals quiet and establish a further layer to the illusion of freedom
OP is literally a jew, don't be sheep
nigger he IS the illuminati you retard
he is the 1%
he is the proverbial man trying to keep us down
he literally is the establishment, he BOUGHT the presidency
But you assholes are more worried about faggots chopping their dicks off and walls
hay bro did u hear what amazing intel Q dug up? it's totally real this time, i swear
>implying he isn't a puppet to the illuminati
wow what a fucking sheep
He's behaving like a bull in a china shop but at least he's more honest than Obama..
fuck trump
fuck mods
>more honest than obongo
>lies about shit he does
>lies about the lies
>lies about that just to really confuse people
>lies about the color of the sky because why not
You... you actually believe the Illuminati exists? I'm not sure whether to laugh or pray for humanities future knowing fools like you exist.
You don't believe in the Illuminati? Next you'll be telling me the Earth isn't flat.