Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As

As always tits not required but encouraged

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I think a girl at work likes me, how do I know for sure? I keep having coworkers tease me about it and even my boss has said to "try to stay away from her, because she gets distracted when I'm around".

I haven't had any experience with girls since I was 14 (32 now), plus I thought I was mostly gay for the longest time.

But this girl I find cute as fuck and I'm crushing a bit on her.

ask her out you insecure fuckwad

Oh, situation is complicated because she currently has a boyfriend she lives with (or lives with her since she pays the rent and bills). So it really isn't wise for me to do that...

Is gay to fuck my asshole with a hairbrush? I guess not because is not a dick

Send her a teddygram or flower gift, just write a little sweet note and put your name on it asking to do lunch sometime. If you can't approach her. Girls like cutesy shit sometimes, and it'll be an easier way to gauge her full interest in you if she likes you she'll be all giggles and approach you first. Pretty sure she does though. Take it easy and slow, a lunch date is safe. It can lead to more or not. Baby steps dude.

Dude ask her out already. She's gonna say yes. Get your dick out of other guys' asses and stick it up her pussy already.

Ok well nevermind my idea of sending her somethung. Just avoid her wtf? Are you a homewrecjer or into infidelity?? Avoid the bitch.


Just read this. Well then on second thought never mind lol.

It's very gay

How can I make my girlfriend into anal play?

this guy knows what's up

It's best not to make a girl do anal if she doesnt want to user.
That shit is no fun


thread theme


I'm planning not to date until I get career and only for marriage purposes. Am I gay incel in denial?

just accidentally slip it in one day, and then emphasize how good it felt for you


We should all agree to change "daily femanon thread" to just "Ask Dem Hoes"

do you like when your boyfriend is hitting it doggy style and then he wraps your hair around his hand, pulls it back and starts fucking you harder?

If you're asking then that probability is very high

Dont listen to
It's just a troll that will start signing with random names


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Not really.
He always ends up pulling hair out by accident or either itll be 1 or 2 strands just pulling too hard hitting a nerve. . Not cool.

who the fuck is you bitch

I dont have the emotional intelligence/responsibility to take care and worry for someone else let alone myself, so I am being less selfish by waiting. I see young clueless couples that end up ruining for futures for preggers and stagnating personal growth. Is this still inner beta speaking?

Anna here.

Do something sweet for her, send her flowers or something similar, if she reacts well ask her out!

Why are you doing it? I don’t think it’s gay per se to enjoy prostate massage, as I’ve heard it feels very good. But if you’re imagining a guy fucking you then yeah, that’s gay.

Ease it into your sex life, tell her it would really turn you on if she’d be willing to try. Start small and work your way up.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get your life sorted out before being in a serious relationship, just be open to meeting girls if one comes your way that you really like.

Yeah, I did.

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> (You)
>There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get your life sorted out before being in a serious relationship, just be open to meeting girls if one comes your way that you really like.

Problem is my feelings are pretty unreliable atm and I fall for ppl pretty easily. I can't find the line between chilling/passive/letting things happen and putting in steps to make things happen. So far actively pushing advances away has been life.

>hi vchan!
Hi vchan!
Also, does anyone know the psychological aspects of not having a partner? I keep seeing people at work who are together doing relationship things (it's a pretty loose place where supervisors generally don't care as longs as you're being safe) and it's starting to make me envious and sad. I prefer to be alone nine times out of ten but it's really got me craving something physical. What do I do? Do I give in to the idea that I should be with someone? Do I continue my life focusing on my career and money? Maybe a one night stand? Would love to get advice from someone. Sorry for the vague openness of the issue.

but do you want it to be a dick?

Is you the fuck who?

If you don’t feel comfortable with your judgement then focus more on your career for the time being, like you said. Only you will know when you’re ready to try to find someone.


do you like deep throating?


When did you last masturbate?
When were you last fucked?

* No vchan or Anna plz

I don’t have too strong of a gag reflex, so it didn’t bother me.


Are multiple orgasm a thing or just a meme? How does it work exactly?

Do women compete often? Is it typically subliminal? Is it just a youth thing?

1. ~2 weeks ago
2. also ~2 weeks ago

It can happen, but for me two times is the maximum because my clitoris will get extremely sensitive

What's the biggest turn off you can think of? Like at a first glance without saying anything to him.

Tits or gtfo

How long does it take you to reach the orgasm when the penetration starts?


Are the any femanons at all ITT? thread has been hella dead from the get-go.

Yes, women can have different varieties of orgasm, and you can have them over and over. Some women have them in short bursts and others is like an ebb and flow kind of thing.

Compete in what way user?

Depends. If there was a lot of foreplay it wouldn’t take very long.


I’m here.


The biggest turn off is when someone doesn't care about his looks. Getting a shower, a nice haircut and fashionable clothes isn't that hard and yet a lot of men are too lazy for that


I can't reach an orgasm just by penetration (like most women). The guy has to go down on me and then it takes ~10 minutes

And with a bit of foreplay first and then penetration?

My clitoris has to be stimulated or else I won't come. The vagina doesn't have many nerve endings so penetration basically feels like rubbing your finger against your numb cheeks after a dentist appointment.

Go away Anna you attention whore,did summer school just let out???

I’m not OP though, just here.


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So It's just about clit stimulation for around 10min, then the penetration does nothing?

???? Why do you always call OP anna? Theres anna and theres Vchan you moron

Possibly because anna always hijacks the shit out of these threads all the time. Not the same guy but this is my assumption.

so fucking what, i've met more girls like that than anything else. of she's flirting she's looking for something better. girls are moochers, they'll use a guy for whatever they can get. just because she's living w him doesn't mean she loves him, doesn't even mean she likes him. grow some balls and ratchet this thing up!

What do you mean? The penetration itself isn't enough to come. It's arousing, but the kick comes from thinking about getting pounded and how his dick moves in and out.

must suck to be a woman. pretty easy to understand why guys chase chicks, we get the benefit of it feeling incredible every time. i've probably had a dozen or more chicks over the yrs ask me what it's like to have a dick, i've never once wondered what it would be like to have a pussy lol

No this retard always calls OP anna and not only that Anna doesnt hijack anything. It's a thread for femanons. Not just 1

I was just wondering if the penetration helps at something or I can make her cum with it after a lot of foreplay. Sorry If I'm sounding too autistic, I don't know how women work sometimes.

I would love to experience having sex with a dick. Since a penis is just an enlarged clit it must feel incredible thrusting it in a warm and moist pussy.

So i told my very close friend that i had feelings for her, her response was "Idk how i feel things are complicated right now, so for now just friends." I took that as a nice no or at least a not now. So I got over my feelings and enjoyed being friends with her. Start talking to a new girl and every time i hang out with her the friend is angry or extremely sad/ in tears when i talk to them later. I ask her what is wrong and she just says she's a bad person, and not a good friend. Says that she wants me to be happy and should be happy for me talking to another girl, but she just isn't, says she's jealous of me just spending time with someone not her. A few nights ago we were talking because it happened all over again, talk to new girl, talk to friend after and she's mad/sad. She says that she doesn't want to tell me why she gets so upset when i hang out with the other girl because it will make things confusing for me and for her. My guess is that she now has feelings for me and kind of wants to be with me, but she is kind of with another guy. They have told each other "I love you" but the guy doesnt do long distance or relationships at all after a personal thing that happened. The friend has also said that she knows she has to make a decision to make whether she wants to be with the guy she is currently kind of seeing, or to give up on it because he doesn't do relationships or long distance. She also invited me to go visit her, and im planning to just need a passport and stuff. If things move forward with the new girl, but then the friend decides to leave the current guy then idk what i would do. I'm already emotionally attached to the friend because we are such close friends, but i dont want to wait around to see if she decides to leave the current guy. idk can i just get some opinions on this mess of a situation?

It feels great, the thrusting just keeps feeling progressively better until everything explodes. And don't even let me started on how a raw pussy feels like, literal heaven.

For me that doesn't work. I like getting licked after I've been fucked rather than before

women are gay and stupid. Also this thread exists on /adv/ you uncreative tard.

hello. not a girl here, but i don't have to be.
i was once in a situation much like yours because i was once also a sophomore in high school.
you're gonna want to fuck as many bitches as you can and ignore your friend's petty emotional manipulation.
i don't have to be a cooze to tell you that

Oh I see, so if the guy cums and he doesn't lick you you don't get an orgasm? That sucks.

ok well what if im a beta loser who is 23 and hasnt had a single relationship in my life and im working towards one with the new girl, but my friend who im already close to basically said theres a chance and if that happens while im seeing the other girl idk what i would do. Choosing to stay with the new girl or switching to her are both have major negatives to them.

Is taking a girl for a swimming lesson on a date (would be like our 6th or 7th one) a good idea? She's fat so she never had the confidence to learn, but there's a quiet lake nearby that we've been to before so there would be no one to see her.

And right there is how you get laid. Bathing suits, wetness, outside, touching. Congrats man, you may lose your virginity.

We've had sex before.

Sure cowboy. Yet you want to know dating advise of fucking Yea Forums, the sewer of the interwebs.

100% legit.

I actually taught my girlfriend how to swim, not a bad idea for having intimacy. But we already knew each other for a long time (three years, two in relationship). So i can't help you that much I guess.