Fluffy Pony Thread: Dead Meme Edition
Kickoff topic: Hot knives cutting shit is a dead meme, name some others you're glad are dead or wish were still alive.
Fluffy Pony Thread: Dead Meme Edition
Kickoff topic: Hot knives cutting shit is a dead meme, name some others you're glad are dead or wish were still alive.
I love this autism
Onwy wittle babbeh is such a murder boner inducing phrase
It really is glorious. Does anyone have the pic with the guy jamming a finger up a foal's anus? That one always made my day
Closest I could find to it
Hit enter too soon
I was gonna say, not what I'm looking for but that's alright. I might have to go through some of the archives because I believe the picture was from someone who left the booru
Good luck finding it
Does this come in a non-ant size
Thanks, will do
Let's see if this works. If not I'll try resizing
wan pway?
Has 1000 Degree Knife channel gone too far?
1000 degree knife versus a live fluffy's head
what the fuck is wrong with you people
what happened to those? did daddeh made them eat his bad poopies?
Should we start a list?
This people just stupid people think they are badass for torture thing.But we all know he just fat kids need some attention and we kick him RL
I believe it was gas
can't wait for summer to end
Looks like the got sprayed with raid
Are you having a stroke?
A lot
I love this type of threads so much. Thank you for making my day
oh, i see, that makes more sense
No prob user
Read this reddit thread and prepare for a kek
>ponyfag is offensive to gays
i can only see 3 comments
Best i've got
Not quite, but thanks for trying
Your welcome
I don't think anyone's coming to save carrot...
Escalation, thy name is fluffies
Fuck yeah, more Eagor to add to the collection
What happened to these threads? They died off for like a year or two. Though I can assume its because of lack of content and recycled shit
Fluffybooru is still alive.
Yeah, its been going long enough that there is always a crest and trough to the fandom on here. After a week or two, the mods will get uppity and start deleting threads or the regular posters will get bored. It gets a bit of new blood into the fandom every time, gets some new artists and writers, then we migrate back to the booru and call it good for 6 mo to a year.
i know the artist that drew it... Ringoffire
have you tried looking it up on the booru under his name?
Fuckin' knew it. I have to check if there's an archive of their work still up. Thanks my man.
so, i showed this to my psichiatrist and she said this could be a good outlet for me, so thanks for keeping this alive
do you have the "baby raper" one from the same author? it always cracks me up
>so, i showed this to my psychiatrist
Tell us more. Please.
Thanks man
No prob, here's another one as a little bonus
ok, but its not very interesting
>got problems with anger and violent impulses
>never really hurted anyone, just had a couple of episodes when i was a kid
>also used to hurt animals for no reason
>seeing a psychiatrist for a couple of years now
>always looking for outlets
>outlets get boring fast but i have been lurking these threads for years now
>show psychiatrist, she is disgusted but says that if it works as an outlet i should go with it
>keep lurking fluffy threads
Thanks for being open and honest with me user. There'll be some people who are gonna give you shit for what you've said but I don't think you're a bad person and you shouldn't feel ashamed of yourself.
Since you were rather frank with me, got any requests? I have a very large abuse folder.
well thanks user, that's very nice of you
>got any requests? I have a very large abuse folder.
yes, i have been trying to find one from Mcgonagal in wich the guy puts a little fluffly inside a sock and smashes it agains the wall. that and anything from this guy he always cracks me up. And thank you
Your welcome. I've got the sock wall pic right here my man, I'm gona see if I can track down the other comic
Shoulda had one of the foals see its sibling get eaten.
Found this searching the old archives
Dude, glad it's helping and you're working through things.
I think sometimes it's difficult for people to understand that fluffies are a great outlet. I'd never hurt any animal IRL, but these threads still feel like such a release.
Fuckin' nice. That's some top notch shit.
babbeh fight?
>Babbeh fight
in the discord someone posted an imager archive a few days ago
Alright. Even if I can't find it there I've got the picture that lists all the links. Thanks user.
Your wish is my command
modern day problems
Need Fluffy solutions
hahahahah, the sorry stick xD
ohh, i thought sorry stick was penis
Nothing makes me wish I could draw like Egor's classics do.
Practice makes perfect user
This goes back to why you should just get ferals off of the street, preferably during the start of winter.
A feral fluff on the brink of starvation and frostbite would absolutely love this setup because it's such an improvement to their previous state.
Pretty much in any situation, ferals or previously abused fluffy ponies will make better pets because they will appreciate the little things much more and not be as likely to complain.
Others are trying, so why don't you
>implying we care about their feelings
>implying that the complaining isn't music to our ears
You might be missing the point, user.
thanks, saved i love this one
i guess that's why most come to these threads
Gr1m_1 is pretty much the only artist I won't read. His stuff is all psychopath edgelords being cruel for no reason. I just can't find anything to like in that.
RQ is another artist I don't care for much. Her art is fine, but her comments just come across as enjoying the suffering a little too much.
You clearly haven't read skippy then by gr1m, its really good
Suit yourself
I feel like such an outlier right now. I think I'm more likely to hurt animals because I compare them to fluffies or think of fucked up stuff. On the bright side, I'm also more find of them than I already was because of hugbox. But anyway, it's great to see it's an outlet for the majority. For me I enjoy it but sometimes I either wish I could abuse them irl or desperately want to rescue abused ones and give them huggies and love.
does your eye even work when it's yanked out like that? kind of curious
I sorta feel ya on that. Generally I like abuse, I like the violence, the power, control, but a part of me thinks fluffies are cute and would be good to own as a pet.
I have actually, but Gr1m_1 didn't write it.
Also he changed the end so that the guy who spent all that time on one fluffy ended up as the edgelord loser in Great_White_Nope's story The Loft.
It's kind of a shame the community died out before the Boring Company flamethrower came out. Would've liked to see some of those jokes.
>having pity on jews
Also, what would happen if you trepanned a fluffy?
You'd have a nice hole to pour the acid in. Or boiling water, if you prefer.
Fuck cannibals
Same. Anyone?
Ask gookhat
Real talk, I wish he would've been a (legal) scientist or some shit, like wtf there's no way to lose
Worse possible scenario is he creates the zombie apocalypse and he profits by making Soylent Green when all the food runs out
Ugh he'd be rich if I'd known him then
Sounds familiar...
I believe it does. There is some loose connective tissue holding the eye in place, but the actual nerve bundle can be manipulated to a degree. Old surgeries used to remove the eye to do work, but there is almost certainly some long term vision loss, not to mention that you o ly have about an Inc to two inches of slack to give.
I read his experiments and didn't see a zombie one so I'm confused
meat balls anyone?
Awww hell yeah I was just looking for one! Gettin the popcorn brb!
smarty land now
that would be hilarous
Neutering your fluffies is just common sense. Prevents any problems if they should ever escape, and makes them unlikely to develop smarty syndrome.
Responsible owners have their cats and dogs neutered, why not fluffy ponies?
Ah, so you rip the balls off your cats and dogs personally too then? Great, I was starting to think I was in bad company.
No, I have them taken to the vet and done under anaesthesia.
What I mean is, everyone seems to treat neutering fluffies like it's a bad thing (like the "No Nuts week"), when really there should be very few intact ones around (males definitely, neutering females is probably more difficult). It isn't even in the same ballpark of cruelty that pillowing is.
even tho they're already retarded, i wonder if you can lobotomize a fluffy, and what i'd be like after?
You can get "derped" fluffies. They tend to talk even weirder and stare lots.
I love this kind, it’s just a story being told about some fun cruelty. It isn’t gore, porn, or stupid. It’s just satisfying.
What the fuck is this nigger shit?
Get off my Yea Forums faggots
Make us, Jew
So they're forcing fluffies to fail so that they can justify punishment?
Wow, what assholes.
There was a nice green where a guy took in a bunch of ferals and set up a sanctuary for them of sorts, but this was a stipulation for the fluffies to live there.
Because he was getting ferals off the streets and not putting them in the pound, and also doing so many, the thankful workers of the pound gave him a discount on neutering.
Eventually, the fluffies died of old age without reproducing, and his town was feral free.
these are my favorite threads please dont stop
Yep, they're the ones we're supposed to be cheering on.
We're only four images to image limit (three after this), but I hear ya.
You better have this moved when I get back fagboi
/mlp/ is that way
I'm shakin' in my boots Mr. tough guy
Good. Be glad that you are.
A common symptom of autism is not understanding humor or sarcasm
What should the last image be guys
enfie babees
Love you sick friend
No prob
So who's making the next thread?