Should I lose some weight or is it still okay? I'm 19

Should I lose some weight or is it still okay? I'm 19

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If you're uncomfortable with your weight, lose weight. If not, don't.

You probably should for your own sake.


jesus christ user

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You're a disgusting fatbody! Get yourself in shape. Exercise and lose weight. Get some muscle tone.

Surely you're not okay with having those titties.

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OP, you gotta lose some, become the new generation Chad

I'm a man I don't have tits

Please post body on fit and ask for advice

lose weight

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youre hot as fuck user i love you

lose wieght you fat pig

When you get fatter you won't be able to come back, either live fat or go all in to get fit. Halfassing shit wont get you anywhere

Euuuuh really?

Dude you are fine as hell.

Are you sure because I see some supple titties in that pic.

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So it's okay?

Easier to just kill yourself

Lose some fucking weight. I'll do it with you.

Get to it while you still have time, it looks urgent to me

Just a thin layer of fat

Take it from a 31 year old dude, you are far too fat for your age.

If you don't change your lifestyle like right now, you are going to keep getting exponentially fatter.

Seriously, you think it's bad now? Wait until you get a desk job, and stop having time to do things other than go home and sit on the couch, and critically start earning money to eat and drink whenever you want.

Sort your shit out OP. You will be obese by my age if you don't change your life.

yes really

But I mean I'm 85 which is not that much

Don't try to lose weight just try to be healthy and the weight will come off naturally. Better yet you'll start feeling better right away.
Start by jogging or walking twice a week. Then cut out processed and fried foods. Eat fruits with breakfast and vegetables with lunch and dinner. Switch to a glass of red wine at night instead of desserts or beer if you live in a country in which 19 is old enough to drink. If not don't worry about that.

How are you?

Fuck off Randy, why don't you go eat a dozen cheeseburgers.

I'd dream to

Yes. I was your size at that age. I never got fatter either, so dont listen to the lying anons. Just make healthy choices and you may or may not lose weight. Either way, you are sexy as hell.

You don't need to lose weight, you need to put on muscle.

How old are you now?

Get to the gym you fat titted manbitch

I looked similar 2-3 months ago. I don't overdo things, but I've started to walk home from work and cutting back a lot on carbohydrate intake. Now I look much slimmer, also started working out a week ago. I feel a lot better already in my skin. You don't need to be radical, cutting back on intake a just little (eliminating useless stuff like soda with a lot of unnecessary sugar for example) and moving your body a little more weekly will have effect on you in the long run, trust me. It's totally worth it, and not any serious drawbacks on your life.

28. I grew to be happy with my body. May consider putting on muscle, but not sure.

you have better boobs than most of the trannys here

Do you enjoy women who look like you currently do?

You should be sexy

Don't really enjoy women

Boy or girl?

I think so. Dont really care what the edgy ingels say about it. Yes, these are mens briefs lmao.

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Yes you are!

Did accepting your body help in women finding you more attractive?

you look like me and Im hitting 50 having a desk job..
Start moving user

body positivity isnt going to help you once you have a heart attack user, because looking at you tells me you have a fairly sedentary lifestyle but lift weights on and off, get some cardio in your life, it'll save you later on

you’re fine. now post more

you looked good before.

I dont like women, but they do seem to find me attractive. I noticed it more with men, but that's probably because women dont approach me.

I have a very fast paced on my feet job and doctors tell me at my stats are fine. You're just telling this impressionable young man sizist BS. That's why I know so many dudes with eating disorders to gym obsessions.



i actually prefer the guy on the left. looks soft

That’s the body of a 56 year old. How badly do you want a stroke?

You okay?

Jesus OP, men should not have titties... the fact that you have to ask means you need to fix it.

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Fuck, I didn't hit this stage till 27 and I was a chronic alcohol by 25.

I guess it's time to load in my DVDs of YYH again...

You're disgusting. Lose 40 pounds at least


Yeah why?

Just the ellipses. Ignore me then, cutie.

I don't understand hahahaha! But you are really sexy hahaha

If you want, feel free to email me at [email protected]

It doesn't work...
You have kik?

Yeah, do it you'll feel way better. Just count your calories.

I dont, but I gave the wrong address. [email protected] sorry dude. Well talk about where else to chat later


i have a penis

Yea dude, you probably should. You're just big enough that girls at parties just looking for any guy to hook up, will instantly take one look and disqualify you. I'm not saying you're obese or anything, just that at your age it's not hard for girls to find some other guy whose in shape.

I'd say hit the gym, stop eating like you're going through puberty, and put on some muscle. You're a not an unsalvageable case yet.

And you like penis

yes i do friend, yes i do


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how much you run a week?