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I’m watching them now. What did happen user? The fuck are you talking about?

Are you familiar with Jessi? She stopped appearing in videos several years back. She was dating Mike. Never acknowledged by either of them but they were for sure dating. Then she stopped appearing in vids. Everyone says it's because they broke up but I found an old archived thread stating they actually have a son together named Ethan Andrew Stoklasa....but there was no screen shot proof of this. I found Mikes current address and that's as far as my digging got.

Oh, that you mean. I’m binging on BOTW so she has been appearing frequently so far. Looking through the comment sections might give one explanation perhaps. How often do they have females on their show and how likely is it that the women receive weird comments or even orbiters in their social media accounts after the fact?

Surely someone can find public evidence of a birth right?

I mean I found Mike's address pretty quickly, it was some Oak Creek property spreadsheet that came up. Real nice 300k brand new house. But I can't find any public birth records pertaining to Jessica.

whats her last name again?

Supposedly she stopped appearing because of a stalking incident.

I don't buy that. The videos of her still exist, if she wanted to prevent new stalking issues they'd' have to be wiped clean too. I'm more inclined to believe the baby conspiracy.

This baby?

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That was what they had said way back when. It's also why they've stopped having women in the panels.

No this picture has circulated a while and was determined to be his older sister Amy's kid. Besides that's young, pre Jessi Mike. Google harder.

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Stalkers ruin everything man. Jessie is great in the show and I enjoy hearing Rich Evans and her laughing their lungs out.

How about fuck off and leave them alone, sage

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Creepy stalking usually ends people's desire to be filmed for a web show.

Yeah I'm really pissed about it too. I don't typically enjoy female reviewers but Jessi and Rich laugh combo was hilarious

What's wrong with your FACE?

She was pregnant and Mike aborted the baby by himself.

Answer me thing in the mask

What a bummer, but I can understand why they’d rather stay out of the public’s eye if that really is the case. I recently started watching them after giving in because I’ve heard so much about them. And whenever I scroll to the comments, I spot the occasional creepy comment and many other comments about Jessi that have nothing to do with the video.

Oh yeah you're in for ALOT of fun. Have you seen the plinkett reviews

I miss her perspective too. She wasn't super funny but it was nice to break up the sausage party

Not yet, I started watching Best of the Worst because the first one immediately hooked me. I’ve also watched a bunch of Half in the Bag and those Podcast episodes where they are making fun of that other channel. I really love these guys and their content. I’ve also had many realizations that I’ve had prior exposure to them in the past without knowing who they were like a bunch of old films of when Mike was young or the cursed image

I think we creeped her out too much


Ok botw is my favorite that they do but I would recommend plinkett. He's hilariously dark

I think I found it too you're right that was kind of scary easy. 3273 E Kender Lane?

she seems unsure

Believe me dude, I’m already hooked on the channel. I guarantee that I will inevitably watch every single video on their channel several times because they are a great watch.

What's wrong with your RACE?

Haha enjoy man

Yes but I'm not sure why you think it's "scary easy". Property records are public records. Mike bought property. It's public record now. Shrug. Good for him it's a nice place and he deserves it.

Well if it’s that easy, then i can imagine the stalkers thing to be valid. What’s to stop others from doing the same and sending odd gifts to her.

She's not in the vids anymore because shes a woman and unentertaining its not rocket science you retard spergs

I just can't understand why though. She's pretty but not gorgeous. She isn't bubbly and putting herself out there for attention. She sat next to her boyfriend and watched movies. She's not even worth the effort of stalking. Why does every fanbase have to be full of toxic lovelorn tards waiting to rub their dick on whatever female had the audacity to exist?

No idea, I don’t share their mentality so I cannot fathom why and I am absolutely fond of redheads. It was enough to just have her in the videos for me. Never once did I think, “I should look her info up, see what she likes and then send her a bunch of gifts”. And now thanks to those spergs, we will no longer get new videos with her and Rich losing their shit at the same time. Again, I’m fairly new to their channel , so it’s a bummer. But entirely understandable.

This post embodies why she isn't in the videos anymore.The core audience isn't Yea Forums virgins that just like to stare at readheads.

Their main demographic are people that enjoy comedy and valuable input towards film, the things that she never really presented even from day 1. She would be an idiot not to realize that herself, which is why she probably got bored of only contributing annoying laughter every single episode and decided to take herself off the show.

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It’s unfair to say she didn’t have any input when they critique the films that they watched. She certainly does but not in the sense that she is a movie reviewer , but rather as someone who was watching a film with friends. At least in BOTW. I haven’t seen her in other stuff yet.

and RLM isn't high level critique and has always been more appealing to me as "friends who watch then bitch about movies" then anything. Isn't that why we all tune in? Is anyone really watching for an in depth assessment?Jessi fit fine in that context.

I'm a friend of Mike, not affilated with RML, and just want to set the record straight: Mike is not a a paedophile. He has not ONCE harmed or touched a child inappropriately. Never. He's not like that. Mike is nice to everyone, which of course includes kids. So? Who isn't nice to kids? But he's not Michael Jackson. Stop with the accusations.

They drink beers in the vids, they live in Milwaukee, they dress like blue collar schmucks and joke about suicide. If someone tunes in for high level critiques, then they’re fucking retards.

I get your point, but I still don't think their main audience is interested in the opinions of the average woman who knows nothing about movies. Like if I'm watching a channel about cars, I don't need the main characters wife sitting in on the discussion. RLM are infinitely more experienced in film than any average guy sitting around "bitching about movies".

True enough, but that doesn’t make her a detriment. Her presence is not offensive. Either way the channel goes on and is still great. I just find the online stalker thing to be extremely odd.

Complete side note but does anyone hate the bunny ears shit they do now? God I'm tired of Mack sitting in on movies. He's not funny at all. Neither is bunny ears for that matter. We've got clickhole and the onion and they do the job 1000x better.

There was that one episode where she said some dumb shit and got made fun of then stayed quiet for the rest of the episode.
I thought it was because of that.

What episode would that be?

I can't remember, it was one of the BOTW episodes before they had that backdrop. Might have been a holiday themed episode. Been awhile but I remember her saying something stupid, Jay and Rich gave her some shit for it, and she spent the rest of the time being a house plant. She also looked drunker than everyone else.

Jessi ballooned up, the internet fags went ape shit about a fat woman existing on their movie talky show and raged until she felt bad enough to leave. The end

So were people just fucking around when they said they had a baby together? Because it didn't sound like it and with how private they insist on being it would not surprise me.

It's funny, creators that are open with their fans about their personal life end up with way less stalking and conspiracy theories. I mean look at game grumps. They never addressed why Jon left and it's still a whole thing. Like just tell the truth or your fans will obsessively dig until they find out for themselves. If Mike and Jessi do have a son I can't imagine the fans thinking any different of them.