Hey guys I have an ipad that some stupid nigger left at my house after a party my sister had but theres an activation...

hey guys I have an ipad that some stupid nigger left at my house after a party my sister had but theres an activation lock on it, like i wiped the ipad on accident and now it wants me to enter his email and stuff before its activated

what can i do?

Attached: ef338e34_27172a.jpg (200x285, 16K)


It's simple.

step 1. find his name and address.
step 2 . go to his house and say "he stupid nigger, I stole your I-pad and would like your email and password so I can use said I-pad"
step 3, profit?

buy an iPad of the same make/model
photoshop the one found ones serial number onto the receipt
send to apple as proof of ownership to bypass lock
return bought iPad

are we just gonna ignore the CP

>what can i do?
Nothing. He's already activated "Find My iPad" - LEO will be with you shortly

no this happened 6 months ago and ive been waiting, findmyiphone isnt on

more of that op pic

There is nothing you can do. Apple products are theft proof because of this feature. Even the FBI wouldn’t be able to open that iPad bro. You bricked it.

How sure are you that’s its CP? Looks questionable though.

Yes we are

if its cp then i found it on xhamster lol

i cant even format it on widnows somehow and put a different os on it? just the guts thats all i want

That's a doll mate.

Fuck off aussiefag

Find my iPad doesn’t make it so LEOs go to your house. I’ve done that and was told “sorry, we can’t do that.”

Also, niggers aren’t smart enough to activate “find my iPad”

my ex is 18 now and still looks like a 14 year old and is 5'1" so its easy for this girl to be legal

Nope. It's locked forever. I can't believe you live in this world and you're not aware that you can't remove the activation lock from an iPad. Boy you must be some dumbass.


lets see the pics or nudes


lol ok thanks chief ive gone elsewhere and found better resources

I don't have her nudes anymore but she looks her age with makeup on but a baby without it

Attached: 4cb102e937dcf505d573db4176d133ce.png (155x587, 142K)

>findmyiphone isnt on
How do you know? It's locked, isn't it?

ok i agree. i see what you mean. definitely cute and small

So did you do it then? Wondering if it's possible