Waifu neck kiss

waifu neck kiss

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I drink all my liquor at room temperature unless it's mixed with something. Pizza is always good the next day, perhaps even better.

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even beer at room temperature? i'm such a slow drinker that every now and again it feels like a race against time to finish my beer before it gets warm

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no such thing
i probably wont, honestly. i like it in concept but in execution its kind of a hiking kind of thing but maybe he'll talk to some people, i guess.
i see. well thats fine, as long as it works for you :)

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Mmh, it's only really worth it with some liquors, such as whiskeys, and some rums. Maybe some red wines, and Cognac/Brandy. Meanwhile neutral flavour drinks like vodka, or schnapps, I'd say are more worthwhile cold.
How so?
I'm a strong drinker myself. It was even my trade for a short while. But I can understand people not having the same vices as me. I'm not the kind to add a little bit, but lucky I'm not the kind to go ham at the first drop of alcohol like some, I have a decent tolerance and awareness, discovered such in my teens, lol.

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Beer isn't liquor, silly. I don't tend to drink much beer, but I prefer it cold. I typically drink it pretty fast though.

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People give me shit for drinking beer "so fast", if anything it's refreshing, I'll drink it like a glass of soda.
And yeah, beer is fermented, not distilled.

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I'm just used to drinking things warm. Even if I order with ice, I'll drink it faster than it'll get cold.

I'm not a huge beer drinker; I'm not very fond of the taste. I'd rather drink liquor alongside a glass of water.
Or mixed drinks, those are always fun.

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i never understood the appeal of beer
genuinely dumbfounded why anyone would bask in enjoyment of such said liquid

she can be a bit annoying

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i tried drinking when i was a teen too. i liked it at first until the first time i got seriously hung over. then it made me averse to even the smell of alcohol for many years. i started to try it again when i got older and can tolerate the taste and smell to an extent. but for the most part i dont really like to have more than a drink or two. numbs me too much. don't like being numb.
ah yeah, i'm not hip to the whole ethanol jive. i dont find it refreshing at all. for me its a laborious effort to choke down. beers kinda meant to be consumed quickly though. so you might as well gulp it down

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dropped my link

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I just drink it like I'd drink anything else. Typically, I'll only drink beer if I get food though. As I drink more, taste matters less.

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yeah for sure. it definitely becomes easier to pound more back the more you have in you. thats why i try not to have more than one drink when ive got some delicious food that i love. otherwise i can barely taste it

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Man, due to circumstances I learned not to be picky with most things, as long as I have a fun time it's game for me!
Also, drinking distilleds quickly is a fast way to a "fun-ish" time.
>no robo-pussy
Man, F for you.
You must be very young.
She also seems unable to eat by herself?
Being hungover sucks, so I simply don't. No matter how much I drink I always wake up fresh as a lettuce, only ever been hungover twice since I've began drinking for the first time, when I was 16.
The numb feeling is great imo, also I get handsy when drunk.

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yeah drunkenness can make me rather brash as well. as with anyone. handsiness is pretty fun too.

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she was injured at that moment

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Usually most bar food is just grease flavored, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I'm a little picky. The taste of some beer can make me puke, so my choices are limited.
I don't want to fuck the robot anyway.

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grease can be good. a hamburger and some french fries sounds nice just about now.

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One of my favourite pastimes is sexually harassing my friends while drunk, fun times.
Should we get an F in chat for her?
>just grease flavored
The grease is to help the shame slide down easier.
... robo bj's...

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im concerned about the way you view alcohol from your previous statement alone.
not everyone drinks alcohol rich beverages on the daily.
if you are an alcoholic please do seek help.

A nice juicy delicious burger is the fastest way to earn my heart, double so when I'm drunk or hungover.

I have no shame.
No, no bjs either.

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A person can enjoy drinking, but not be an alcoholic.

Your waifu still sucks.

youre making me hungry

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not at that time.
after, it varies from anime to manga

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work was boring and uneventful. good day/10

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I'm on vacation, I can afford drinking when I want for the meanwhile, without me being an addict.
Also, you dodged my statement, and it shows, lol.
No shame as it should be.
Robo handjobs.
So, could she eat or not?
Nap time?

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That's good. Now you can have an uneventful day at home.

No. Aegis isn't like one of your weak nearly human robots, she's made of metal and has guns for hands.

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hi there
if you say its good then good it is
got any plans now that work is done?

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How are you doing Tsugu?

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nah, it's fun time

as it should be

waste my entire free-time on youtube, what else can I do

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know im shaking my head in disapproval at this very moment
if you have a problem just say so it's fine no human is perfect and if we all were the world would be a boring place

she gets eaten :o

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please don't make your friends uncomfortable!
that's all it takes, huh? it's the simple things in life
im making me hungry too

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Soppo is also made of metal, and has hands for guns.

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They like it.

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i hope.

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t. sono nigger faggot

I am a fairly simple man.

Yes, but she's only one gun.

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im good! another comfy day full of vidya
how about yourself?
hmmm you could spend it on twitch?
aaaa i didnt want to spend anything on food today :(
bye bye

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she has a ti foulaw

almost fell asleep at work too, it was that uneventful, got to spray a LAV in the afternoon though, I wasn't that useless

i wouldn't know what to watch, never been there.
at the moment I am watching art.

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gets her pussy eaten :o?

fair enough, although that's hard to believe
oh my, thats.... interesting. i probably wont watch it though, its too long

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yes :)
cuter in color too
completely eaten

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Maximum thot
Bet Yayoi slams nogs

I'm doing alright
Just trying to stay on task and knock out some of my paper before I have to go to work in 5.5 hours

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even her tight asshole :o?

Okay not actually, I'll go do that later.
Nap time!
You must be particularly bored kid..
Is this vore...?
Uh, okay?
Not quite, T-Dolls are androids refitted for combat, so a combat droid with guns, not a gun herself.
Hi hi.

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I'm a youtube guy, what can I say.
it's worth it only because it's GeneralSam tbh

I still prefer my low quality screencaps because they're mine

that doesn't fun at all, therefore watch link below


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Yayoi is cute and pure
Iori probably fucks nigs though

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very cute
i see, well i hope the paper and your work go smoothly, then
oh, welcome back, sort of.
thats fine, theres lots of good stuff on there
ive never heard of him until right now

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I would fuck Iori
Goddamn she gets me going
Don't even really know why

Thank you
Also I just found that image and I'm glad for it

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i can relate. my desires are relatively simple, too.
you don't HAVE to spend money. anything around your place you can eat?
what's LAV? what're you spraying it with?

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uh yeah i guess
well neither her or the big ass frog seemed to get off from it so i guess no
im going camping next weekend

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that is so kinky :o

youre welcome
its very nice, i always like alternate outfit stuff like that, gives a whole new feeling to a character
well, id be lying if i said there's nothing...
but its not half as tasty as going to buy a pizza...

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it is your freedom to think of me what you will i can in no way stop you from doing so
you should know however i have ascended from being human. you wouldn't even understand if i took the time to explain what i mean by spouting such bold statements

Cool and based.

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I would destroy her
I think it's because she's stuck-up

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But what if they did...

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have any recommendation?
well, here's one of my favourite videos from him

for how Diavolo was threatening, he sure turned threw a tantrum like a kid who didn't get a cookie from mom at the end. took al the [ m e n a c i n g ] out of him

canadian IFV, the american Stryker is basically a remodelled LAV III
spraying it with a pressure washer, just some routine maintenance

in the woods or in a campsite?

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then i guess it would be vore
its on an island, there are wooden platforms in the woods to put our tents but that's all

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Man, the whole last 2 or 3 eps make absolutely no fucking sense the plot is all over the fucking place, I just gave up trying to understand it.

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I want to smash the bitch out of her tbh

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you like pizza, huh? you should learn how to make your own at home, maybe youll come up with a recipe you like better than your usual restaurant's!
you saying you like vore?
oh alright. is your job very demanding?

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oh wow i never thought about that
you have convinced me!

to go buy a pizza ill be back in like 20 minutes

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will you get fucked outdoors?

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This Renge is so scuffed it's hilarious.

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uh oh, i've poked the pizza bear

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Meant this one, lol!

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oh okay
thats a good pic

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what the heck seems expensive and internet unfriendly. have fun

now imagine reading it in black and white with shitty fan translations that make no sense. those weren't good times


the training to get in? yes. the actual job? not even close (except on training in the field which happens very rarely)

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thats pretty good, doesnt sound very stressful then!

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im just going with friends, unfortunately
not my thing either :/
no it's not expensive
i dont think im gonna have phone signal there

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But she's named after a gun?

It's all about pleasures of food, booze, and flesh.

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more or less the same for me if you swap booze for ganja

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are you going to suck their filthy dicks when they get you drunk?

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I know!
What a beautiful duwang, chew.
It's more like, her assignation, some T-Dolls supposedly used to be domestic androids, refitted for combat, it's like calling a soldier by their weapon, like MG or SMAW.

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just a lot of boredom really, and the guys making jokes that would probably get them fired in any other job. there's some holocaust deniers, everyone being islamophobes, and people who hate trans. the boys are the only good thing about the job honestly

at least there's one positive, it'll be relaxing without the phone as they say, and they're all liars

I'm gonna 'fix' that spaghetti

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Can't say I've ever tried it.

That's strange, but I guess it makes sense. It'd be like if Aegis shared a name with her persona.
The name T-doll gives off a very different impression of their use though.

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no, im only gonna be wishing that someone else was there
are you a pro GF player?
it will be relaxing if i can get my mind off things

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YOU are the super retard!
As sex-dolls?

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No. Are you?

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so you could suck their dick while drunk?

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Next you'll tell me that's exactly what they are.

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there are days im not sure myself what i am
my mind tends to simulate different outcomes for encounters and interactions with each individual i come upon
frankly speaking my head hurts whenever im near humans
i need to reach a certain degree of solace for me to be at peace with myself
outsiders won't understand

raunchy jokes are fun! i used to talk to somebody who was in the military. they sold a lot of islamophobic type patches/tchotchke in whatever store he said he went to. also there are a lot of transphobes wherever you go. they just arent vocal about it like when they're in an environment/workplace that's just "the boys". i don't think i'd like to work in an environment like that, but i get why it could possibly be enjoyable, or make working more tolerable.
worth a shot. definitely not for everyone, though. honestly i probably would have ended up a drinker if i never discovered it. glad i did.

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no but i think there was someone here that was.
probably not -_

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I mean, I don't see how they would be unable to be used that way if it's for domestic use.
But T-Dolls stands for Tacticall dolls, it'd be the equivalent of sending an inteligent drone into a mission, without having to risk staff.
Pro gacha player.

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fair enough

Who in FACE are you?

gotta keep morale up somehow. I was filmed sleeping in the back of the LAV once, they never told me why but it probably was for a practical joke. anyway, it just so happened to be filming me at the perfect moment because the driver sent the LAV into a ditch, sending me between the turret and the hull.
luckily the gunner didn't turn the turret or I might've came out with an actual injury

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why wish they were there if you wouldn't suck them off

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is this arisu poster
I miss them

I've never really had an interest in it, but now I really can't. I face too many drug tests and failing one would be the end of my career.

Advanced humanoid drones. That begs the question of if they deserve rights though.
Too bad they aren't tacticool. Rails, scopes, flashlights, and bayonets everywhere.

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that sounds scary. do injuries on the job happen often? i imagine there are a lot of potentially dangerous situations with all of that equipment and machinery around
go figure, definitely not worth fucking your shit up over

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i also play one of those games to waste time
i hope there wont be too many maringouins :/
because it would be the other way around :o

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Who says they can't be tacticool? Sopmod's arms are not her own, her left arm is made from parts taken from enemy dolls, and overall heavy into modification and destruction.
Which one?

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get a feeling so complicated.

no this is Amatsu poster, sorry to disappoint

no injuries from accidents from what I personally saw, it's mostly injuries due to wear. bad knees and back are very common

you'll on a land surrounded by water, you'll hate the maringouins

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are you going to suck their butt :o

That's what retirement is for. Smoke and drink until I die, which would hopefully be quickly.

That's pretty metal.
All Aegis has is depression. Oh, and a lot of extra guns, but mostly the first thing.

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Do you play league?

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that would also make sense, specially if youre in a physically demanding position. you plan on doing this for a while? i feel like you should one day move on to something that pays a bit better so you don't have to make sacrifices for your cat
hey now! i hope you live a very long, happy, and fulfilling life!

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So do some of the dolls from GFL, little balls of depression. Some of their stories are incredibly tragic....

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its called kamihime project
i was never too bad the previous years
im not gonna keep talking about that :o

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Ketamine project? Uh.

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why :o are you sucking it now?

I hope I do too, but I'd rather die before I become unable to do anything for myself.

You'd think they'd pull a Detroit: Become Human by now.

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i am!
very cute moustache

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nice trips

this thread gives me an erection

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Uuuuuuuh... about that...
Thanks fam.

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uh no not exactly

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i'm glad i'm not alone in that feeling! always felt like i would prefer to end my life as i become unable to live and fulfill my needs without help
welcome back!

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my contract is coming to an end soon and I have no intention of re-enlisting. I want to be a heavy machinery operator instead.

aand I ran out of quotes

well, best of luck then

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that's awesome, im glad that you'll be able to get outta there in the near future!

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youre very welcome
thank you, i brought pizza back with me

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Oh, so they're fighting for human rights?

The way I see it, you aren't really living if you need somebody to do everything for you. Though, I can see why people would disagree.

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still erection

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Did you encourage sono to abuse dogs?

Old meme.
Thank (:
Well not quite, they are fighting a group of dolls that went rogue and formed their own militia, roughly speaking.

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it's a lie. he just wants an edgy internet persona. sad really.

what kind of pizza do you like? in terms of crust, ingredients, whatever
yeah, though i've also considered the possibility of going blind, losing limbs, paralysis etc at a young age. and i'm not sure how i would handle that. part of me would want to die, but the other part of me would want to keep on going in order to pursue fulfillment.
a meme for the history books, one that trascends time and signals a universal message

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only a few months left. I guess the getting back on my feet plan is going to have to wait a while

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Okay glowposter

So they're killing the ones that want to be free. That's pretty messed up.

I think t depends on the severity, I'd say. Granted, most injuries like that would also cost me my career, so that may play a huge part.

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Same. Uuuh.. "make everybody happy".

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Not so innocent if they become a terrorist organisation.

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welcome :)
if i can be choosy, rising crust with as many meats as you can fit, stuffed crust is a cherry on top
but the place i get it from only has one type of crust, a pretty regular kind, and i get their meat lovers, which is pretty good.
they go too light on the sauce imo, but this one in particular (its not the same person making it every day) absolutely loaded it with toppings so i cant complain
what about you? whats your favorite kind of pizza?

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take things one day at a time. by the time you reach your destination, it'll feel like the past was a distant dream
yeah. i imagine they would for most. that's a tricky situation, too. i feel bad for those who are unalbe to support themselves by nearly any means. at least retirees have a little bit of money to get them through
yeah, kinda. so what, FAG

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That's all perspective though. Who's more evil? The ones sending them to die against their will, or them fighting to be free?

It is most certainly a question I don't want to have to answer.

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Thank you (:

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in the past, i preferred it to be thick, well done, and full of meat as well. i used to think everyone skimped on the sauce too. but nowadays it just grosses me out.
you and me both!

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Is idiot-chan here yet?

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Who says it's against their own will? Same as our modern age wars, people go awol. Not everyone fights against their own will.
I see it in the perspective of, whoever's side I'm fighting for, is the right one.

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how could i forget this classic

can I just abuse illicit substances in the meantime

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yes! certainly gets me through the day

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That doesn't seem like a very good way of looking at things at all.

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Hail the almighty Lord Satan

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Sponsored by: Hoes mad

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And thus the 'tism storm rages on

Hoes mad
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Sponsored by: Hoes mad

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Hoes mad
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y-youre welcome :)
...this is starting to feel very familiar
this place really does skimp on the sauce, it gets very hard once it cools down because the only thing keeping it flexible is the grease.
also yeah i can see why
...wait was that a double entendre?

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am I about to be added in the list

heck yes

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Hoes mad
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Hoes mad
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Hoes mad
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yeah you showed up

Sponsored by: Hoes mad

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Are you okay reatard? I am wood, stupid.
Why thank you! (:

Hoes mad
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Sponsored by: Hoes mad








