Why do most countries, the U.S. included, treat their veterans like shit?

Why do most countries, the U.S. included, treat their veterans like shit?

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Vets are stupid entitled. The army sets you up so well after you get out and people still find a way to squander it. If you're a homeless vet you're probably some brain dead idiot who couldnt figure out tuition assistance or the VA housing loan system.

because liberals get more votes for treating non-citizens better.

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What about the vets that die in the VA healthcare system waiting to get treatment?

because they have already extracted their value and now the vets are just a net drain on resources

I got my JD and my MBA courtesy of the US taxpayer. You have to take the initiative to pursue it, but if you do, there are a whole lot of benefits available to you.

Don't be some 11 body bag loser who used his injuries as an excuse not to get a job after Iraq. Vets Also get preferential treatment when I comes to getting hired at places where you can get actual health benefits.

I always thought she was a liberal goon, but I still don't know her opinion on many other subjects.

One word


They did what they were programmed to do and like everything else that is expendable once it outlives its purpose its replaced with something newer and faster. In today's word, everyone is expendable. Hence why I hate the virus called the human race.

because most countries are run by politicians who are actually guys like

They knew what they were signing up for. Were special post-service entitlements in the contract?

>MFW PTSD, chronic health problems, opioid addiction, and permanent disabilities aren't real things that prevent veterans from securing civilian employment.

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i mean in Canada my wait times for services are like trough the fucking roof. 1 year to 2 years for most demands. But they set me up with 2 years of salary and paid school. With some specialist for C.V making and job hunting. They also pay the travel from my house to the school. If it wasn't for the stupid wait time or me having to argue a bit it would be pretty much perfect.

Because they're disposa-people?

Because the moronic cannon fodder keeps voting against its own self interest.

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Because it's a career choice. No one is going to congratulate me for becoming a trucker. I help drive the economy by owning my own logistics company. I literally risk my life every day by being an occupational driver. People choose the military, thats why.

Now Vietnam vets, that's a different story all together. They have severe mental illnesses due to no fault of their own.

You'd be surprised how much that isnt a thing. If you arent a 100% disabled and you site something non-existant like "anxiety" (no shit, so many women in the army pull that shit) there is no reason you cant find work. Unless limbs are gone, you shouldnt get sympathy. You can still work with PTSD, actual men have done it since the dawn of time.

Unless they were draftees...

who gives a fuck,i find no reason to be a republican after donald trump.he and his supporters have destroyed the party

It’s fair to say that modern day vets are taken care of. Vietnam era vets got shit on for decades.

Army vet here. Finished my B.S. last year and about to start my M.S. (tuition paid). Current job has excellent benefits, and I was targeted because I was a vet.

Lots of vets simply do not have a plan for after they separate, because the microcosm that is the military has been deeply ingrained.



they always are

>modern day vets are taken care of

spoken by somebody who doesnt remember the VA clinic disaster

that's why you are here
enjoy your stay
earthbound forever

Love when some FOBBIT responds.

Many got injured and the military wouldnt let them continue to serve. They have families and cant afford to pursue a degree instead of trying to find work. Many jobs don't translate to civilian careers, entry level in many others. Took me years to be able to go back to college. When I did I was told I was too old to get into the industry. Finally found a good paying gig.

You are the outlier not the norm.

Thing is the VA is terrible and the government doesnt care once you are out.

It's basically the law of predation. Money.

Soldiers are basically big bucks for massive jewish defence and pharma companies. They are free guinea pigs for medical prototype drugs with no legal risk, and every soldier is another $20k per year in a defense contractor's pocket in gear, food, equipment, etc.

Of course, veterans aren't known to be the smartest, so they're the ones who get taken advantage of by the very country they feel so loyal to. But the country and the jews that own it don't give a shit about them, or anyone else. Only themselves.

The assumption that successful vets were nothing but paper pushers is quite telling.

Interestingly, I think this rolls up with my statement perfectly. People join the military thinking it will be a long-term situation(a stupid assumption). They tie up kids, family, debt and other assets into this lifestyle recklessly. Then when they don't get D.A. selected for E7 (enlisted perspective) because they suck at their job, or their MOS is over-strength, or they're fat, life suddenly smacks them in the face because they weren't able to adapt, improvise and overcome due to piss poor prep. for a discharge shy of their 20.

I'm sure you heard the phrase "the Army is what you make it" plenty of times, but they also failed to include the life after, for which, the Army provides MANY of benefits.

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Is there any analysis on the value add a single veteran brings to the country? Like a rough estimate?

I'd imagine that the population is highly variable (in skillsets, abilities, etc.) such that a value that accurately represents them would be dubious. You could further specify the type of vet (selecting for line of military work, translatable certs, VA disability rating,) and designate multiple values.

I think the problem is that the current political conversation surrounding this issue gets a lot of the specifics wrong.

Absolutely you are a paper pusher.

I had the fortunate opportunity to make it through some very selective schools, had a small albeit elite MOS, and was well on my way to retirement. Then of course a severe injury occurs and what was a solid life I had got blown up (literally). The CIA and other similar orgs wouldn't take me due to injuries and my job didnt really translate anywhere else. I was stuck trying to make ends meet.

Now I have overcome all of that, but not because the military had anything to do with it. But because I left it all behind and decided to not use my career as it was essentially useless outside of the military.

That's just it though, isn't it?

It was the fact that you hung your hat on that lifestyle, knowing all of the risks involved, and not initially formulating a plan B for the "just in case I'm blown up" situation that led to your downfall into the paycheck to paycheck for a time.

It's great that you overcame that, but it probably required you to retrain in something that didn't involve combat-related skillsets, which as you've said, are only really applicable in military or police settings. This is something you'd have done better to ensure was in place BEFORE your injury, which was my entire point, and a point that does not get pushed hard enough to SMs that choose combat-related jobs.

>dont fix homeless people
