Hey there faggots. I’m done with life. Anyone want to see what a AR-15 can do to a human skull from point blank?

Hey there faggots. I’m done with life. Anyone want to see what a AR-15 can do to a human skull from point blank?

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Ok. Whose skull

Do it, let's see

Time stamp or fuck off back to

not particularly no.. i mean its just going to pop a big hole on the other side.

Do it with an ak47. It's gonna leave a bigger mess.

Airsoft gun. He's holding a bullet to make himself feel more secure about it being airsoft

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Green tip? It's going to put a .224" diameter hole through your skull, and the wall behind.


It'll 100 % do nothing cool, it's like a bee sting powered by an explosion. Come back with a .44 or at least 7.62

You better make sure you hit something important or you are going to spend the rest of your life living as (more of a) retard

Why faggot op?

What if the other side is worse than this?

An upward trajectory through the brain pan will be fatal, but not necessarily instantly.

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God speed youngster

Wait who will post your death pic after you die? You can’t bamboozle me!

I got gender dysphoria, wife left me last year and nobody likes traps so fuck it I’m done

Don't do it OP I'm sure there are plenty of people that care about you

Permanent solution for temporary problems.

Don’t kill your self.

I don’t believe you’re op, due to the man hands.

M4 feed ramps. Nice.

Don't do it user.

Instead of shooting yourself go do something you've always wanted to do but never had the balls to do. If that goes wrong who cares you're already suicidal you got nothing to lose but I'd rather you didn't shoot yourself

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Never said I was a good trap

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Nigger what?

Been there done that. I went to a US public high school.

You can always practice instead of choosing the easy way out. That is if you like the idea of being a trap. Don’t off yourself yet

Don't do it OP or I'm gonna do it too

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Well you know. You’re always free to opt out if life gets too shitty.
Follow your heart.

Thanks for

>Permanent solution for temporary problems.
, This

Goddamn it, two suicides in one thread, fuck.

the real question is will there be a livestream if op actually does it and doesnt listen to the people who say not to do it

OP will not deliver.

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Op here, what’s got you down?

Wtf s with these airsoft gun pics with a single bullet like that will convince anything

Put down the gun, attention seeking human!

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Yes I’m just out of the loop and have to figure out how to do it from my phone

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Is that a SIG?



don't become an hero
at least pretend life is a video game and do what you would for fun just to see what happens like you would in a save file that you intend to reload
don't just be another number
do a proverbial flip

>green tip like a wannabe faggot, too.
Black hills>hornady TAP>all

At least get some decent ammo ffs if you wanna kys with it

I have that same revolver but its matte black


Im gonna go shoot some animals with this c02 gun, I'm not suicidal OP I just send that negative violent energy towards other things. I'm an edge lord and it takes the edge off being edgy,

wheres the livestream then lads?

Don't worry what those faggots are saying, 5.56 to the head will insta kill you whether you hit something important or not. The energy itself will liquidize your brain.

Do me a favor and go to a fast food restaurant or a grocery store and pop a few clerks...I'm trying to get a job

Let them do their thing solo, don't given then any ideas like this. OP, not a good idea

if either of you do it i'll do it

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Here’s most of the link I thing you can figure it out /w/cAc9hjFvTlFscGJETkRkUXd8MU1ZeE5kVm53V05Hd_TUL1c0KgQIuBlNXLi7n-lwGSWVhkeMTDyVjoQyI6mI

Seen worse, keep on living bruh

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I guess you can’t share links and tab out so you’ll have to add me on periscope @zebracakesarenasty

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Do you want a trophy? What the fuck?

556 of truth

I just want to die. Oldfag here from before the first summer of newfags. Oldfags have a pact if they ever anhero we do it live for the Yea Forumsrothers

556’s are mean af

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Why don't you just do a heroin overdose. i think that's the best way to do it dying in pleasure instead of shooting a bullet in your head which is pretty dumb tbh and at least do some fun before killing yourself like party drugs get totally in debt with your credit card.

i'm way to drunk to type atm but you understand what i mean

What time is it over there

I may or may not hav3 fucked a fat chick once because I was black out drunk. This being said should show you. Do not make any decisions while drunk. Make them sober or you'll regret it one way or another

what do you mean motherfucker i'm not the guy that's trying to kill himself i'm sane i'm the guy that wrote this and this was my respons to this because bad grammar in previous comment

why not just kill a bunch of people and te blow your brains out

I was in the can for 3 years. What the fuck happened to Yea Forums? Geez.

An hero OP. Just Livestream it

I tried. I spent 4300 in Florida filling a penthouse with coke and hookers and all I got was a 1000$ bill from the hotel for cleanup and a hangover. Still depressed. Just need some motivation to pull the trigger



how much are you in debt now? and why did you want to kill yourself again?

how about you go suck your moms dick you stupid nigger

oh shit nvm just read this yeah if you're a trap just kill yourself honestly no motivation needed just kill some other people while wearing a wig and makeup so it gives traps/tannies a bad name.

I was here earlier when he first posted. Has this trap faggot killed him self yet?

I'd fuck you . Cock and ass pics before you go please

I agree with this man fucking do it already faggot

No debt I’ve always had a good job rebuilding Dells for the feds. My wife left me 365 days ago and I just haven’t recovered from the depression. I’ve lost 150lbs in the last year because I don’t eat anymore and I can’t remember when the last time I felt happy and I’ve spent the last 11 days sitting in my room listening to sad music and I have not received a single call or text so I figure it’s about time


You cant even kill yourself right,you need motivation not to kill oyurself,if you don't have motivation,thats when you kill yourself.
Sad,actually. That you are trying so hard to connect with someone,even if its a bunch of meth dealing whitetrash idiots on the internet,that you yell suicide. We all know you won't do it. People who do it,don't monologe and take pictures of their shitty plastic rifle,and the start crying about not being a pretty enough mangirl. Pathetic really. Do a flip.

get over it you fucking loser we all go through stupid shit you just have to stop being a faggot or keep being a faggot and go commit genocide and kill your self nigger

OP better not use an AR15, don't give commie steppers anymore reasons to step! Also some people do like traps. Also just declare bankruptcy, my friend did it and they're doing find now. Also they turned into a girl and found a guy to take care of them... literally not even joking. They had tons of debt and said fuck it I'm not paying and went bankrupt... it wasn't even a big deal.

don't listen to this faggot op just fucking kill yourself already


then do it motherfucker stop wasting my time and pull the trigger already if you're really sad. (on stream ofc and don't forget to say something like subscribe to pewiepie)

If you had a wife why do you sound like a 14 year old fat autistic gay guy. And look like one aswell.

MY suggestion. Go Supreme gentleman.
Down xanax and whiskey
then pull the trigger
so its au ultimate off statement. No one can stop you.
An hero.

this. Gives a reason to your life. OR death more like. We have the ultimate LULZ. OR say something like politically charged so it will hit the news aswell. Go out with a bang.

OP probably shouldnt do it. pretty much the most selfish thing you can do.

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Not if he streams it. Make sure you have a good camera.

seriously what the fuck happened to this website.

yeh. dont do it, but if u do it then at least stream it

That round doesn't fit into that firearm.


Fuck off. Turn on the livestream.


was wondering the same thing lmao

can i have your pc

The fuck are you screaming at me for. I'm not OP faggot.

I've put plenty of explosive objects in my mouth and now look at me.

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I'm sure that's not what hes sucking

stream on periscope, his username is @zebracakesarenasty

dont use a gun fuckface you'll hurt the non retarded gun owners

You should go for a run instead

didnt deliver lame

Does OP have a dildo?

I second this
I you really have to end your life then do it with drug OD instead

Fuck off, attention whore. No balls

Yeah definitely kill yourself.

yo op i know it's hard but can you just live stream it honestly we're all waiting for your livestream. i swear to god if you don't say anything funny before killing yourself i'll make sure i'll fucking kill you motherfucker from tenesees

if op doesn't deliver I'm gonna track his IP and do it myself

OP isn't going to deliver because OP is a giant pussy

he livestreamed for 4 minutes a bit a go on periscope. r u gonna do it or not op?

Do you think OP has already done it?

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i think op just dipped and disappeared after making us all hyped. that's pretty lame and anticlimactic op. not cool. very gay. and the only way to not be gay is to actually do it stream or you'll die a faggot.

If you all do it, then I'll do it too

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No, don't do it.

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You dumb fucks... use a real weapon

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Go shoot up a mosque!

Learn to ride a bike, so you can meet other emotionally needy and self important faggots like yourself

< this.

People who ride motorbikes are super fags.

I meant bicycles, but that works too

Pretty sure OP meant an actual bicycle. no motor. I mean he's probably 12 so...

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I was just being funny...

oh man

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are you barney fife with that one moldy old bullet?

this is only sweetening the pot. op and this mental invalid need to get on cam. I don't want to miss a second

seriously Yea Forumsro, nobody cares. I've thought of doing the same thing but do you know what? at the end of the day nobody is going to give a fuck and for everyone else, life will go on. that's the saddest part...nobody actually cares

here op

is this thread dead? the last three replies are mine. did op shoot himself already? did I miss it?

who cares
op is always a fag

Op is a fag, this time he really is. He is also a fag for this shitty thread

I bought some weed called critical kush. I hope it feels like buck shot to the brain

Which one to chose...

Honestly, he probably did do it and stopped giving a fuck on what you guys were saying.

Good job Yea Forums

It's probably the only one he has

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fuck him if he did. the selfish prick wouldn't let us watch? he ain't no Yea Forumsro

He's a trap.

Trap's a gay.

Gay = Faggot

Op is a faggot and therefore not a Yea Forumsto.

this op. go off a bunch of niggers and arabs

You wouldn't happen to live in AZ would you?

If he's still alive, and does it on livestream, he better say who he is and what not.

If he's killing himself, it usually leaves grief for the family. His ex-wife is probably a total piece of shit. So, very simply, we will spam photos of his body and tell him she's the reason he's dead.


Up to OP though, but if you're gonna do it, make sure you take others with you. Not physically: Psychologically.

Murder is wrong.

Dis from shooting, niec. Have moor?

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Cause yea.

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Critical defence... Homorady

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None of you faggots got the guts.

I'm gonna laugh when you kill your neighbour thru the wall as you blow your brains out

Because painting whole room is pain in the ass
Or... people with head ventilation in blood pudle are unable to post?

Sure, with .223

So no stream and no OP. I wish I didnt waste my time reading everything

Yo I got the cure, quit being a little bitch.

Pop your digits up here and we'll give your a call.

Everyone here is all lonely fuck ups

Well it is a green tip. A thin piece of dry wall and stopping that shit. Pretty unlikely he would hit a neighbor, they'd have to be extremely unlucky.

Thin jackets combined with high velocity wont allow 556 to exit most houses. 2 layers of drywall plus an exterior wall will stop 556 no sweat.

I got out in November, welcome back other prison user

I was assuming he was a fag that can't afford a house and lives in an apartment

Double Kek

You made this thread 3 hours ago hurry up and kill yourself

That S&B Buckshot is top notch

Cheap as hell, a bit dirty, but goes bang every damn time.

Oh it's only a .223?

Yeah it'll have a tiny bit of go but you're correct it'll do jack shit

you should go on an rampage or something,normal suicide is lame

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Mine keeps fucking jamming on me...

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Yup S&B 00 and other buckshots are OK level.
Cheap and decent performance. Magnum loads are prety hot ;3

Only one issue I had with S&B shells was 53g Magnum with 4mm balls. I catch some bad batch, it was awful to shoot all 25pcs from box. There was problem with brass head rim... rim puffed up so extractor was unable to catch it and slide down. I have to solve this issue +/- every 2 rounds from my M590A1

So I have last 3 one on my desk at office

Are you still alive OP?

Don't do it OP.. But if you do it, post results. But definitely don't do it man

What'd ya go and do to get 3 years?

We grew up, aren't we mature now?

Get out of your bubble and join a club perhaps? You're carrying the past with you and you need to cut ties with it and give yourself new reasons to live. What's the chances things will improve if you switch up your approach? Loads of survivors are a testament to the fact that things can get better OP

you should upgrade from that pussy round. get an ar10 or change your barrel out to support a .50 beowulf in it.

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