Today they are sentenced.
Today they are sentenced
what did they do ?
Good. i hope they all rot in prison for life. little fucking shits
Provide some context you fucker.
context: they threw rocks at cars, someone dies because of them.
Who is this and why should I care?
lOoKs LiKe tHeIr GoInG a RoCkY RoAd
fucking idiots
Hope they get hung off of that overpass
They were on an overpass throwing 30 pound rocks at cars, they did this over ten times, but eventually they killed someone
4 of them took manslaughter plea bargains
Threw a fucking boulder onto a freeway and owned some guy. The gay kid prob then ratted on his friends. Theyll all get life knowing this country.
Meanwhile oslo terrorist kills 77 and only got 21 years
Link to info saying they were sentenced today? all I can find is articles from 2017-18 stating they took manslaughter charges and had like 10 felonies dropped
I wonder who could be behind this.
The threw rocks off of an overpass
nah they just got manslaughter. 10 years max
Is sentencing over? What did they get?
The Oslo terrorist got 21 years but it can be extended IIRC
my sides are in orbit
Imagine them getting strip searched/cavity searched in jail/prison. Teenage dicks and asses everywhere, and probably an asshole inspection too.
The US has pretty punitive laws and judges. Doesn't look good for them.
Why'd it take so long for the case to go to trial?
They're all just stupid kids. I don't think they wanted to murder anyone, just fuck up people's cars.
They probably learned their lesson the second they heard that the guy was killed, so sending them to jail isn't going to help them learn anything.
They should be at least given the opportunity to finish school, get jobs, and then have a % of their paychecks taken away and given to the victims family every month. This would give them a chance to be productive members of society instead of instantly tossing them into a literal rape dungeon.
This sort of logic just doesn't fly with a lot of Americans, from what I've seen.
They should be made to fight a battle royale to the death and the last one standing goes free.
A lot of places check under the foreskin too.
These kids were old enough and had enough common sense to know wtf could happen if you dropped rocks from an overpass. Oh wait you didn't want to kill , just do some damage to some cars ? Sorry your stupidity just bought you a jail term GG. You all would have been better to try to get the high score !!!!
The court probably had a large backlog of bullshit cases like drug and immigration offenses.
You don’t understand how that works, do some research. The Oslo terrorist will never be a free man. That sentence can be extended if he is still deemed a threat to society.
but Saint Breivik did nothing wrong while the kids killed a innocent man with a family
A 30 pound rock doesn’t “fuck up sormone’s car”. That shit was murder. They weren’t fucking 8, they were teenagers. They knew what they were doing.
when he's deemed still a thread to society*
Yeah but it's not like they shot him point blank. They're reckless, not monsters.
Honestly we should do this for gang members. Would be so fucking awesome as a future generation to read the infamous story of someone at the bottom of the gang hierarchy surviving and recreating the whole empire and being at the top. And then getting shot by someone who was just like they were when they were younger.
I say gang members because there's always gonna be gangs, might as well let one go free and let the others die. With rapists and murderers it's a little different to me since they work alone and aren't part of a bigger picture.
Some people don't understand this.
You're making up lies. Where does it say they hit him with a 30lb rock? The source I read says it was a 6lb rock. I wouldn't be surprised if some stupid high schooler wasn't able to piece together the combined velocity of a falling rock and a speeding car.
Woops not you.
True true
The dickhead judge rejected their juvenile pleas:
This is no surprise. This happens all the time in the US because of our obsession with harsh punishment and ruining lives.
I hate America. Is there any way I can fix this?
I'm not sure exactly, but I think change has to come from the bottom up. People have to accept the importance of kindness, humanitarian values, and compassion.
At least they're not gonna grow up buying bricks from Tyrone when their adults just being booty raped by jamal
Thank you. I was interested in getting involved in the law so I could change how juveniles are sentenced.
That's a possibility.
How the fuck do you put 17 year olds in adult prison (They were 15-17 at the time of the crime)?
In the US they can be "tried as adults." That means they can be treated like adults by the courts.
I hope so. In my state (Wisconsin) they automatically treat 17 year olds as adults when accused of a crime.
Europe does this too but they don't do it in groups, and IIRC they can't do it with guards of the opposite sex.
I know, I just think it is fucked up. Like, they can't even drink or smoke. Like, this kids are going to get out eventually. Do you want to go to prison with killers and rapists that teach them?
The people that support such treatment don't think about that. They just want to punish as harshly as possible.
Idk man. How old are you? I’m only 19. These kids aren’t much younger than me, they knew better and didn’t care, and now someone is dead. it’s hard to have any sympathy if they spend the rest of their lives in prison.
Peer pressure.
I think that's part of how the USSR developed corruption issues in the last few decades it existed. In the 50s they had to release a ton of prisoners from their hellhole labor camps because Stalin had locked up so many people, and a lot of them had learned from thieves and frauds while locked up.
One of the kids was barely 14 at the time of the crime. The trial is just happening now but the crime occurred a few years ago.
Damn, look at how much older he looks now!
The reasoning for their bad decision doesn’t justify it or absolve them of guilt. I don’t care how many of them there were.
What'd he look like at the time of the crime?
This is just white kids being mischievous people just love to make comments like this so they can feel better about themselves its not like their a pack of rabid feral niggers doing the knock out game.
Like this.
They killed someone you dumb faggot. You’re stupider than the most retarded feral dindu in all of Atlanta.
Oh wow
Yeah, crazy.
Some of it is natural I'm sure, but I think stress did some of it
I agree. He looks unkempt now.
Yeah, it was nuts.
It can't absolve them, but it doesn't take an idiot or ideologue to see that they're not monsters.
It was completely unintended do you really believe they had the desire to kill someone? This is lame pranky white kid culture personified I'm sorry you were such a faggot neet virgin in high school that you can't understand the behaviour behind this.
Some of that might be because he's growing facial hair, but he looks like he's missed out on some sleep
I'm embarrassed for you /b. Teens heaving rocks from an overpass in attempt to hit cars and there are multiple fuckers here defending them? Its just a prank, they didn't mean to kill anyone. Manslaughter is exceedingly generous. If it was a nigger doing this /b would be calling for the rope but because it a group of /b tard looking faggots you all turn into a bunch of whiny liberals crying "they're only children"
>Yea Forums is one person
30 pound rock on someone’s head ain’t a prank. I did lots of dumb shit in highschool, parties, all sorts of shit. I put myself in danger many times but I never did anything that could’ve killed somebody. They didn’t intend to kill anyone but what they were doing was obviously dangerous and they didn’t give a shit because they’re morally bankrupt trash with terrible parents.
But they are niggers tho
Wasn't the rock 6 lbs? Some other user in the thread said it.
Niggers would never do something like this they'd be polishing of their home invasion plans and playing the knock out game
I don’t actually know, I’m quoting an user from earlier in this thread, he was probably exaggerating. But when you’re going 70 down the freeway I’m pretty sure a marble could fuck your shit up.
Why are you retards defending them? I would understand if they were white, but look at these disgusting mutts. I guess they look like typical Yea Forums users.
None of them have Spanish surnames so I highly doubt it
30 pound rock, 6 pound rock, 1/2 pound rock Like it matters. Hitting into your windshield at 70 mph its a bullet. Besides even if it didn't directly harm someone just the surprise of something slamming into your windshield can easy make some people loose control of their car.
Yeah but I doubt a 14-15 year old would know that
Can you fuck off with your weak bait? I don't know why anybody replies to your posts.
Unless you're a mega nigger monkey, nobody thinks like you do. Nobody would ever defend these little subhumans.
A 15 year old isn't going to know that the harder you hit something the more damage it does? That the faster something is moving the harder it hits something? Besides elementary school science, real life teaches must people this by the time they're 8. Even videogames teach you this. If you claiming this level of stupidity as an excuse they don't belong in public for that fact alone.
these white niggers should hang
A lot of that is high school physics, you half-tard.
>If you claiming this level of stupidity as an excuse they don't belong in public for that fact alone.
Omg you are such a fucking neo Maxie zoomer dweeb what is this act where someone does something dumb and people in the comments to these videos become like this school special safety first instructor your not actually this safe or self aware in your actions in real life. Did you fucking wear a helmet when you rode a bike when you were a kid to?
They are not white you fucking retard.
Hello nigger. This website is not for you. You need to be white (human) to post here.
Most of them have English surnames and I think theres one polack there they do look very androgynous that might have something to do with there mushy looking faces
Get the fuck out you faggot
t. Glumpf
Holy fucking shit learn some punctuation retard
Millennial demonstrating the fall of American public school system. At one time concept was established in elementary school and interacting with the world. In late middle school/early high school you learned to fully describe this concept mathematically. Of course in my time most 12 year olds were conceptually versed in ballistics from hunting so they would realize what a rock off an overpass could do.
> y- your a nigger...
lol 18 year old conservative LARPing as a boomer
Can't differentiate between stupidity that can get them self killed and stupidity that gets someone else killed.
>asks how to fix a problem
>gets legit answer
>nah I'm gonna stay in a country I hate
Typical murrica hater is an idiot. Shocker.
Yes, hang them. No more life to be ruined.
t. Ahmed al-Saladin Muhammad
This entire fucking thread is people larping as something their not. there just using this story as a way to compare themselves to retards so they can feel marginally better about themselves via comparison
If you abandon something because you hate it, why didn't you fuck off when Obama was president?
That's what I fucking thought, you stupid piece of shit.
Damn I wish I was 18. What are you LARPING as? The president of the Moron Defense League? Let me guess 300 lbs, sagging shit & cum stained office chair in front of a 3 monitor set-up. Only joy in life is to be a contrarian troll who smiles to himself over his superior wit in getting people to respond. Did I miss anything?
ft. Tossed Salad
I'm not a contrarian troll lol
I'm 21 and 180 lbs.
>if you hated this singular thing why didnt you say fuck the whole.
You said you hated america. You are completely retarded and it shows.
....and you don't see the fucking irony...
of telling people to leave this country...
if they hate a singular issue, which is immigration policy?
this is why college should be mandatory. you are this fucking retarded.
No one was talking about immigration you absolute mong.
Is this the same faggot bitching about how he wishes people who don't agree with him would just "LEAVE ME ALONE WAHHHH"?
The faggot that only just graduated high school, and just barely old enough to drink his first beer?
Do you even know the context in which Trump told the congresswomen to "leave if they don't like it"?
Or did you just skip that bit and take Alex Jones' word for it? Stupid cunt. Grow the fuck up.
No I'm just a 27 year old union electrician
Now you're going on about trump for no reason. Holy shit retard stay on topic. If you "hate america" then the solution is to get the fuck out.
#2 is gona give great head.
wish I was in that prison.
Imagine throatfucking that with those eyes looking up at you.
lucky SOB who gets him as a cell partner.
What do you think of the first one on the left?
#2 could pass without hormones.
the rest need work.
Physics teaches you the math behind what is happening in our everyday lives.
You don't just wander into a physics classroom not knowing what gravity is.
It just give you the formula for knowing exactly how much faster that rock is going after 10 meters of free fall.
Without doing any math.
"Too fast"
lol no you don't
A lot of US prisons are hell on earth
>US prisons are hell on earth
ok bro
some are.
Yeah. Leave.
More fuckable then, still kinda fuckable now. Is he the second one in the photo lineup at the top of the thread?
Same thought man. I would love to see my cum all over his face and feel his delicate pretty lips on my cock
What do you think of this guy?